The Weekly Watch

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Today I want to look at all the concurrent cons we're being asked to swallow. I can't ignore the plandemic's role in what seems to me a major turning, so I'm combining columns today. This is an open thread. Any and all comments on any topic are always welcome.


So many actions all at once, like a magician's distraction, have people misdirected, divided, and confused.
The power of today's media with AI precision to target you for marketing and propaganda.
The corporate control of the media megaphone, and disappearance of anyone who speaks against the narrative...even the president.
I often write about health, because the standard American diet (SAD) is making people obese, and crippled with chronic disease....driven mainly by seed oils and processed food.
The US push toward global war as the economy teeters on the brink of collapse.
The literal torture of journalists as we claim to support press freedom.
Recognizing an unelected self-appointed US puppet as president of Venezuela at the so-called US democracy summit.
...and the list goes on.

All this in the midst of mask and vaccination mandates, lockdowns of the healthy rather than quarantines for the ill, the silencing of anyone who disputes the narrative, ignoring treatments for a vaccination only policy, the vilification of the unvaxed, and all the rest. TPTB have used the Sars-CoV-2 virus to their benefit by promoting mind numbing fear to control the people... without preventative measures nor treatments.


John Campbell speaks with Dr Michael Cohen about the importance of Vitamin D and zinc for the optimization of the immune system. Vitamin K2 is also used to distribute calcium to the correct tissues. Other preventatives to consider include Quercetin (250 mg/day), Vitamin C, melatonin (6 mg/day), and a simple gargle after being with others (especially indoors)
You know why people are not being informed of these simple inexpensive preventatives... profits

The spread of COVID has proven convenient for our neofeudal masters. For one thing the wealth of the oligarchs has become even more obscene.

This increase was exacerbated during the Covid pandemic. In fact, 2020 marked the steepest increase in global billionaires' share of wealth on record," the document said.

The club of the richest 1% has taken more than a third of all additional wealth accumulated since 1995, while the bottom 50% captured just 2%.

"After more than 18 months of Covid-19, the world is even more polarised," Lucas Chancel, co-director of the World Inequality Lab at the Paris School of Economics, told AFP.

"While the wealth of billionaires rose by more than $4 trillion, 100 million more people joined the ranks of extreme poverty," said Chancel, noting that extreme poverty had been previously falling for 25 years.

The tool of fear allowed for lockdowns and mask mandates with almost no push back from citizens concerned they would catch COVID and die. How well did those strategies actually work? Well take the COVID quiz comparing states and countries with different approaches. It might surprise you.
Flattening the curve or flattening the global poor?
How Covid lockdowns obliterate human rights and crush the most vulnerable.
Max and Jimmy discuss lockdowns and jabs (1.25 hours)

At least in the states we've not resorted to COVID containment camps like they have in Australia. Russell Brand discusses the internment camps in Australia and increasingly strict covid laws. He asks, how has the pandemic affected the public’s relationship with Human Rights? (12 min)

We are being told that the unvaxed are the primary cause of spread but we know people who are vaxed are as capable of spreading COVID as the unvaxed. Which means a vaccination mandate is senseless. Fortunately in the US the courts seem to be striking down these 'moronic' measures.

So many of today's contradictions and chaos revolve around COVID and the pandemic approach. I'm at the point where I think this disease was a "plandemic" I watched episodes 3-9 of CB's recommended series vrevealed. The evidence presented makes it clear that TPTB have been planning this pandemic for quite awhile. From the CDC illegally patenting the Sars-CoV-1 DNA sequence (which is ironic since it is an RNA virus) to the miraculous arrival of novel vaccines in record time. YMMV.

The media has generated so much confusion and fear that people are begging for salvation in a syringe. Billionaire patent owners are pushing for globally mandated vaccines. Anyone who refuses to be injected with experimental poisons will be prohibited from travel, education and work. No, this is not a synopsis for a new horror movie. This is our current reality.

(27 min)

They named it COVID19. Our leaders of world health predicted millions would die. The National Guard was deployed. Makeshift hospitals were erected to care for a massive overflow of patients. Mass graves were dug. Terrifying news reports had people everywhere seeking shelter to avoid connect. The plan is unfolding with precision. But the masters of the Pandemic underestimated one thing... the people. Medical professionals and every-day citizens are sharing critical information online. The overlords of big tech have ordered all dissenting voices to be silenced and banned, but they are too late. The slumbering masses are awake and aware that something is not right. Quarantine has provided the missing element: time. Suddenly, our overworked citizenry has ample time to research and investigate for themselves. Once you see, you can’t unsee.

Yes COVID has been a useful tool, and TPTB have been preparing for it. Here's just a bit of the 2010 Rockefeller Lockstep proposal...

  • After a rather long Phase 2 lockdown of 6 months plus, roll out the vaccination program and the vaccine certification and make it mandatory for everyone, giving priority access to those that submitted from the start and have those that are for it attack those that are against it, saying ‘they are a threat and the cause of all the problems’ by using words like “We can’t go back to normal until everyone takes the vaccine.” And people defying them are “hurting our way of life and therefore are the enemy.” [In other words they are going to turn the people against each other.]
  • If the majority of people go along with the agenda, then let those people enter the new system, the new normal, while limiting the minority that defied the agenda’s ability to work, travel and live.
  • If the majority of people go against the agenda, then release the Weaponized SARS/HIV/MERS Tribit Strain as a Phase 3 operation. A virus with a 30+% mortality rate as a final scare to punish the minority to quickly become the majority and give a final “We told you so” to those that didn’t listen.
  • Enact the new economy model. Microsoft patent 060606 crypto currency system using body activity data which is based on human behavior and willingness to submit. It is a tweaked version of the black mirrors 15 million merits program using food, water, shelter, and other essentials as a weapon of enforcement of the new economic system. Basically, do what we want and get rewarded. Gain credits score and gain more access to things you need to survive. Or go against what we want and get penalized. Lose credits score and lose access to things you need to survive.

Sounds scary, but there are ways to avoid that scenario.

This (Lockstep 2010) wasn't the first time Rockefeller waded into medicine and drugs.
(from the show notes under the Plandemic clip)

In the early 1900s, America’s first Billionaire, John D. Rockefeller bought a German pharmaceutical company that would later assist Hitler to implement his eugenics-based vision by manufacturing chemicals and poisons for war. Rockefeller wanted to eliminate the competitors of Western medicine, so he submitted a report to Congress declaring that there were too many doctors and medical schools in America, and that all natural healing modalities were unscientific quackery. Rockefeller called for the standardization of medical education, whereby only his organization be allowed to grant medical school licenses in the US. And so began the practice of immune suppressive, synthetic and toxic drugs. Once people had become dependent on this new system and the addictive drugs it provided, the system switched to a paid program, creating lifelong customers for the Rockefellers. Currently, medical error is the third leading cause of death in the US. Rockefeller’s secret weapon to success was the strategy known as, “problem-reaction-solution.” Create a problem, escalate fear, then offer a pre-planned solution. Sound familiar?

[Edit to add] More here at a link snoopydawg posted...

Perhaps nature is providing an escape hatch to the diabolical plan.

The accepted narrative about COVID is beginning to crumble...

I was thrilled to hear this on the Senate floor.

Sen Johnson is correct, Falsies actions have been disastrous...

Dr Kory explains how big pharma is conducting a war on inexpensive repurposed effective drugs, and why there is no focus on prevention nor early treatments.

Profits before Patients?

Another proponent of early treatments...

Dr. Peter McCullough is an academic internist, cardiologist, and a trained epidemiologist located in Dallas, Texas. He speaks with Bret regarding what a wise response to Covid would look like.

More good news IMO...

The CDC confirmed today that the Omicron variant of COVID-19 has killed precisely zero people in the U.S., with only one case requiring hospital treatment... In addition, only one of the 43 cases detected “with initial follow-up” needed hospital care...
Out of the 43 cases, eight people had not been vaccinated while 14 had been double vaccinated, meaning the total of people who had received either a single or double dose and caught the variant was 35 out of 43.
The CDC’s announcement once again underscores how global panic over the new variant is completely inconsistent with its mild severity.

Like Jimmy and Max I think this new highly transmissible variant with mild symptoms may act like a "live" vaccine bestowing a strong natural immunity among the population at large.
Is Omicron the End of the Pandemic? (27 min)

More from Max and Jimmy
Record-Breaking $778 Billion Defense Budget Passes House (21 min)
Biden Pushing for War with China & Russia? (7 min)

Dr John discusses the good fortune with our new 'moronic' variant. (21 min)

All is not good news. The vaccines may not be safe....and likely are damaging. (47 min)

Within that first 90- day window, over 1,200 deaths were reported, with a significant number appearing to happen within the first 24 hours after vaccination. We can’t say for sure because the report lacks critical details that would allow us to align the specific deaths with the reported observation that the median elapsed time between vaccination and the adverse event was “less than 24 hours” for many types of AEs.

This report is a ‘second go’ by Pfizer after the first report was deemed wholly insufficient and lacking detail. This one isn’t actually all that much better, as it is entirely passive (no active data collection undertaken – it relies entirely on “spontaneously” reported events, and no inquiry into the adverse events is part of this version of the report), there’s no attempt made to define the incidence of events, and there is no visible effort made to compare the levels of events to an expected baseline of such events.

It is also impossible to determine first vs second vaccination injections (not reported) and the age brackets are not even age brackets (“child, adult and elderly”).

Besides the 1,223 spontaneously reported deaths, there is an overwhelming tilt towards women reporting AE’s often on the order of 4x or more. None of these were deemed to be worthy of modifying either the administration of the vaccines or the collection of new data in more useful detail.
Further, I track down the actual state of knowledge of what is and is not known about pregnancy and the vaccines to uncover the fact that no providers can say, one way or the other, if the vaccines are safe.

In the most current language available to vaccine and health care providers, Pfizer says “Available data on COMIRNATY administered to pregnant women are insufficient to inform vaccine-associated risks in pregnancy.”

Naturally, without being able to articulate the actual risk, true informed consent is not possible for pregnant women seeking to understand what the risks might be to their unborn child. All that can truthfully be said is “we don’t know.”

If more robust data does exist, it is not yet been made public. We may have to wait up to 55 years for that.

Hat tip to ovals49 for this interview.

Dr. Malone discovered in-vitro and in-vivo RNA transfection while he was at the Salk Institute in 1988. His research was continued at Vical in 1989, where the first in-vivo mammalian experiments were designed by him. The mRNA, constructs, reagents were developed at the Salk institute and Vical by Dr. Malone. The initial patent disclosures were written by Dr. Malone in 1988-1989. Dr. Malone was also an inventor of DNA vaccines in 1988 and 1989. This work results in over 10 patents and numerous publications, yielding about 7000 citations for this work.

Dr. Aditi Bhargava, the director of laboratory research at UCSF develops mRNA technology, the same technology used in covid vaccines.

SOE posted this excellent conversation with Dr Malone yesterday...
Dr. Malone - “This is the largest experiment performed on human beings in the history of the world (go to the 58 minute mark and listen for 15 min to hear the real conspiracy)

This viral project has been part of a bioweapons development program from the get go.


So what's the point? I guess my thoughts today center on the fascist corporate cabal of Big Media (MSM and social platforms), big pharma, and government (both our so called reps and the regulators) misleading us about this pandemic. But it is more. Its also the impact of the CIA/NSA/MIC owning government and driving these endless wars. Its big Ag and food companies owning the regulatory agencies and recommending diets causing all the chronic disease in the US. Every example is using the same play book. Dr Kory suggests it is a page out of big tobacco's approach. Purchase the government reps and regulatory agencies and promote policies to insure more profit. I often suggest the corporate capture is complete. Look! We are victims of this sick for profit system. And it is global. Poor Australia with draconian COVID camps, lockdowns, and mandates. Europe in protest over mandates and passports. All around the world the grab for our civil liberties seem obvious. When we can't control what goes into our own bodies, we've gone over the edge IMO.

Now I want to make it clear. I'm not antivax. I've had two doses, but won't take a third... and might not have gotten the first two if I had my current understanding. Because that's been the thing hasn't ever changing understanding.

However I think we may have an out. If the new variant spreads quickly immunizing the world population there will be no need for mandates and passports. But, I'm willing to bet that information will be suppressed for control is the goal not our health. Help spread the word. Here's wishing us all good health and rapid end of this disease with the new "moronic" variant!

23 users have voted.


QMS's picture

Thanks for hosting LO.
Had a bit of a snafu this weekend.
One of my boats was docked right in front of this major fire.
We were able to tow her away to a safer location. Going down
to the marina today and hopefully hose down the decks from the ash, foam
salt water and burnt fiberglass debris.

The rig was not involved, and my other boats are in storage already.
What a mess! The 2 boats completely destroyed were a combined value of about $20 million.

Long video, about 1 hour of drone footage.

10 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Lookout's picture


Glad it wasn't destroyed and hopefully just needs cleaning.

Good luck with your project!

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@QMS , hope it worked out all right for you.

3 users have voted.
Dawn's Meta's picture

and how hard the incoming Europeans used so many methods of extermination of First Peoples already on the continent.

At first accidental, but lessons learned about the purposeful spread of Smallpox and other diseases not tolerated. Then the extraordinary extermination of Bison a major food, clothing, shelter and tool source.

Like now the play book is if it can be done, double down. If there is resistance, double down.

Nothing new under the sun, moon and stars.
ETA: I remember. It was in the context of Julian. I repeat myself. Who would trust us to keep our word? Just as most if not all of the treaties with Native Americans were worthless.

Thanks LO, especially for all the links to good resources.

13 users have voted.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.

Lookout's picture

@Dawn's Meta

You're right same playbook. In my area DeSoto purposely left a slave with small pox in Chief Coosa's village. A decade or so later when Tristan De Luna returned what was once a town with houses and gardens as far as the eye could see was a decimated hollowed out village.

De Soto made contact with the cacique (chief) that controlled over 400 miles of land (known as a chiefdom) that ranged from northeast Tennessee to central Alabama. This chief, known as Coosa, ruled over nearly 50,000 inhabitants. Soto and his expedition party lived among the Coosa Indians for several weeks, devouring their food stores. Upon leaving the principle city of the chiefdom, Soto took Coosa hostage in order to gain safe passage through the remaining villages and towns. Once he reached the chiefdom of the Mabilas, ruled by Chief Tuskasoosa, Coosa was awarded his freedom.

Another item I omitted is the Fossl Fuel government media cabal driving climate chaos. We are being done unto for sure.

Well, have a lovely evening and enjoy your homestead!

13 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Lookout's picture

a replay of yesterday's webinar from vrevealed.

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Azazello's picture

Scott Ritter has been speaking out lately.
Here he is on RT's CrossTalk.
Democracy As Circus
[video: width:600 height:360]
And here with the boys at the Grayzone.

Is Russia really planning a war in Ukraine - or is Washington?

[video: width:600 height:360]

13 users have voted.

We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

Lookout's picture


I saw the grayzone piece is up but have not watched it yet. Thanks for the heads up and for the crosstalk.

I'm glad Scott is speaking up about this war of choice created by NATO and the US. He also spoke up about WMD in Iraq as an they outed his wife as CIA in retaliation. That's also in the playbook...suppress truthtellers, Julian's case being a prime example.

Hope you're having nice weather in the SW. It is a bit cool here, but at least it is sunny after a day of rain and gray skies.

Be well and take care!

EDIT to add Medea's article about the US war machine if any of y'all missed it.

11 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Lookout's picture

The Christmas Song - Raveonettes (Reina del Cid cover)
Bandmates Toni Lindgren, Andrew Foreman, and Nate Babbs join me in covering one of my favorite lesser known holiday songs: The Christmas Song by The Raveonettes.

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

ggersh's picture

@Lookout I think you'll enjoy it

6 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Lookout's picture


I think Gene Autry wrote the original version, but I like the spoof.

Wrong, I looked it up...
Rudolph's story was made into a song when May's brother-in-law, the songwriter Johnny Marks, developed the lyrics and melody for it. Marks' musical version was first recorded by Gene Autry in 1949, selling 2 million copies that year and going to #1 on Billboard's singles chart the first week of 1950.

Thanks for the viral cheer!

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

zed2's picture

Trevor Noah simply said what South African physicians have said that Omicron may be more contagious but the actual disease of this particular strain appears to be milder, perhaps much milder. Covid cases that turn out to be Omicron resemble the other coronaviruses such as the common cold viruses in the reduced severity of the illness, and so they are relatively mild. This is something our corporate state seems to not want to hear. (It should be good news, if people are not dying as much!) If they get this newer, milder covid that may even "compete with" the drug company cartel's products, saving the lives of poor people by a means that doesnt create profits for the stockholders. Drug company dividends are big money, the so called "one bright spot" for an otherwise "dismal economy",

Unlike the Delta variant which was killing huge numbers of poor people in places like South America and is still quite dangerous. Especially Brazil. A great many were dying in Brazil. They dont want legislators to refuse to pass new repressive laws. Thats what it seemed the neoliberal state wanted out of the covid epidemic. To shamelessly exploit iot to clamp down on freedom of speech, using their usual dramatis personae.

We can thank mismanagement by Trump-like idiot Bolsinaro who passed up the opportunity to buy vaccines for Brazillians early in the epidemic, guess they just didnt see it as important? Poor people in Brazil have never mattered, that is unless they became rich.

South Africa which we all hoped would do better after the end of apartheid in the 1990s still is an alarmingly poor country due in no small part to the forcing of much of the apartheid legacy to continue permanently due to, you guessed it, the GATS trap which prevented them from making the regulatory changes they need such as public healthcare which they voted overwhelmingly for a decade or so ago, But trade rules we the US pushed two decade ago locked them into the for profit system with a noose like ratchet. TRade rules prohibit anything like that, unless healthcare has been completely noncommercial and free since then in an entire country, like Canada, and remains so. Because of GATS lock-in as well as pervasive corruption and cronyism they still dont have the changes.

Even the very mild changes that the US made in 2010 appears to have violated the limits and are seen as changes and so are likely to be verboten. Because they were not existing on Feb 26, 1998, the important date. That is the ceiling of the standstill, I think. For us. When the world supposedly decided to make for profit everything permanent, they didnt intend there to be wiggle room. Policy space became the corporations property. Rigid and immutable.

8 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


that omicron may be our ticket to wide spread natural immunity. Natural immunity is MORE protective than a vaccine. So I'm hoping this is good news.

As to Brazil, the US helped elect Bolsonaro to get rid of the Lula legacy. If the US allows an honest election, Lula will probably be re-elected president. That's also a good thing.

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture

for Assange not to be thrown into a dark hole if extradited here by Richard Medhurst

The US will break its assurances on Assange. Here’s why

All this is very reminiscent of the assurances for Assange. The wording is equally ambiguous; even if you take these assurances at face value you simply can’t trust them. They allow the United States to subject the WikiLeaks co-founder to so-called special administrative measures (SAMs) or imprison him at ADX Florence supermax prison, a maximum-security facility in Colorado, if “after entry of this assurance, he was to commit any future act that met the test for the imposition of a SAM”. I spoke to Mendoza, who was imprisoned at Englewood, near ADX Florence, where Assange is likely to be sent. He said that any innocent, random conversation Assange has with his partner or lawyers could be interpreted by the US authorities as some sort of “code”, and used as a pretext to lock him up immediately under SAMs in some other hellhole – that’s if they don’t do it the moment he sets foot in the US.

Alternatively, they could also place Assange in a communications management unit (CMU) or special housing unit (SHU) and then say, “See? We didn’t break any assurances, because we didn’t place Assange under SAMs.” The thing is, the reason Baraitser blocked the extradition is because the isolation and psychological torment is what could drive Assange to suicide. Whether it’s SAMs or a CMU or an SHU isn’t the issue here.

The High Court has also accepted an assurance from Washington that Assange could serve any potential sentence in his home country, Australia. As I heard Lewis put it in court, Assange could “look forward” to being jailed Down Under.

Prison transfers don’t work that way. The United States can’t just say Assange can serve his sentence in Australia, in Tanzania or on the Moon and then make it so. The administering state, meaning Australia, must also accept the transfer ahead of time. This is very clearly spelled out under Article 3(f) of the Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons.

We already made a planned to kill him so I think that is a damn good reason not to trust a thing we say. Plus there’s all that history of us making promises through treaties and agreements that we chucked away whenever we wanted to. Finally there is already a previous case where we made promises that have not been upheld. The judge is an idiot for believing that we will keep our word for Assange.

And for those who say that Assange can prove his innocence in court there is no self defense allowed in an espionage act trial. It’s a trial where the decision has already been made and it’s just for show.

14 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lookout's picture

is along litany of items. The primary witness has admitting lying, the CIA spied on Julian and his lawyers (that should throw it out of court right there IMO), the CIA had a murder scheme arranged, and on and on.

Caught a couple of good pieces.
7 min support ad

And Chris had Joe Lauria on this week (27 min)

Thanks for the Medhurst piece. I heard him reveal Julian had a stroke in Oct.

And you're so right....don't believe a damn thing the US promises.

13 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


People who went to his trial in October mentioned how unwell he looked. It’s when he had a TIA or transient ischemic attack which is often a sign that a massive stroke could happen. And it’s taken too Damn long for the news to get out.

He is on anti stroke meds in addition to all the other ones he’s on. Willingly or not. I hope karma visits every person involved in this persecution very soon.

9 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Azazello's picture

I watched it live, it's good.
[video: width:600 height:360]

9 users have voted.

We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

Lookout's picture


Bet it is good. I'll save it for later.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture



5 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lookout's picture

34 min

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture


is "Star Chamber."

4 users have voted.

"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

snoopydawg's picture

US threatening 6-figure fines for contributing to ‘banned’ sites, journalist tells RT

American journalists are being threatened with large fines by the US Treasury for writing for the ‘wrong’ websites, writer Daniel Lazare told RT, concerned his country’s reputation as a defender of press freedom might be over.

Lazare and other US journalists who’ve written for the Strategic Culture Foundation, a website that describes itself as a “research platform on Eurasian global affairs,” recently received threatening letters from the Treasury Department warning they could be on the hook for at least $300,000 in sanctions penalties, he told RT on Sunday.

“It’s impossible to battle the US Treasury in this kind of case,” Lazare said, pointing out that the Treasury’s power was “enormous,” while “that of an individual freelance journalist is microscopic.” Citing the “chilling effect” of merely receiving such a document, he pointed out that few journalists would even acknowledge being thus targeted, never mind coming forward to do an interview about it, as he had.

Lazare was most concerned about the precedent such heavy-handed tactics set for the US’ once-staunch defense of the right to a free press, which is enshrined in the First Amendment to the Constitution and had previously been upheld in the courts.

Guess Lazare didn’t pay attention to what Obiden did to journalists during their tenure just 5 short years ago when they tried them under the espionage act and threw their buttocks in prison without a peep from dem congress critters. They were only concerned about whistleblowers that brought false charges against Trump. Not a peep in angst from the biggest liberal website either.

12 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lookout's picture


Did you hear that worm Blinken say the US supported press freedom and the protection of journalists? What hypocrites!

11 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


I thought Pompeo was bad but he’s been replaced by Blinken. I utterly despise that man. A walking talking psychopath. He has lots of company though. Starting with Biden.

9 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

zed2's picture

If doing so reduces profits. Do you get that?

Truth may not matter. The powers that be don't want truth to be a loophole in their web of control.

5 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


if you will use the blue reply button at the bottom of the comment you are responding to, your comments will be addressed to the person to which you are speaking.

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

zed2's picture

At least 40 people have survived.

Five people have died. Lots of people are missing. The Amazon home page is silent on the tragedy. Business as usual.

4 users have voted.
zed2's picture

Often the blue button doesn't appear to me.

Evanston, Illinois needs storm relief. The tornado that hit them appears to be very very bad. Very few buildings are left standing, from what I can see. They need your prayers and warm clothing.

And shelter, water, warm anything.
People in that area could probably use a warm, welcoming place to stay, too.

Please help them!

5 users have voted.

@zed2 look beneath it, lower left, hit the blue reply button before you compose your reply.

4 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

The geographies of the Pharma genocide

I’ve been searching for the perfect metaphor or analogy to describe what’s going on. But then I realized that while there are some similarities to prior historical periods, in many ways what’s happening now is unprecedented. So the task before us is to identify the features of this genocide, how it works, and how it’s similar to or different from the past — so that we can look for points of leverage to overthrow the system. First, some orienting principles to guide the conversation: The best available evidence suggests that SARS-CoV-2 is a man-made gain-of-function chimera virus that escaped from a bioweapons lab. Both U.S. and Chinese bioweapons researchers are involved.

Coronavirus vaccines do not stop infection, transmission, or bad health outcomes including death. After nearly 500 million doses in the U.S., all-cause mortality and COVID-19 deaths have increased. Doubling down on vaccination, with three, four, or infinite doses or even reformulated doses will not stop the pandemic. This virus was always a bad candidate for a vaccine and mRNA and adenovirus vectors are no great breakthrough and no panacea. Pharma knows all of the above. The CIA, NSA, NIH, and senior Pentagon leadership do too. Useful idiots in government do not necessarily understand the above even though they are the ones carrying out the orders. Only a handful of elected officials understand this.

If vaccines cause net harms, are being deployed worldwide, and every vaccine failure just leads to more vaccination, then this situation is best understood as a genocide. Fauci, the FDA, CDC, NIH, and AMA are all blocking access to safe and effective treatments. This is a crime against humanity and clear evidence of genocidal intent. Pharma has taken over the media and political system and is implementing the most draconian anti-science policies since the Third Reich. Totalitarianism is Pharma’s preferred form of government and they are working extremely hard to create a global totalitarian system of governance under their control.

12 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lookout's picture

@snoopydawg three paragraphs! Excellent.

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


This is the first self-inflicted genocide in human history.

The genocide this time is slow. The fascists learned their lesson after World War II and will never fight a two front war again. Instead it seems that Pharma is happy to increase all cause mortality by 5% to 15% every year and keep it going for decades until they reach their goal of total control over a much smaller population.

The genocide this time is silent. There will be no military parades, no soldiers in the streets, and no visible war if they can help it. Life will look normal and underneath the placid surface people will die at an accelerated rate (this is already happening).

9 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture


Dr. Desmet argues that “mass formation is a specific phenomenon that emerges if certain conditions are met”:

The conditions are:

1. A lack of social connectedness;

2. A lack of meaning;

3. Free-floating anxiety (that is unconnected to any mental representation); and

4. Free-floating frustration and aggression.

(Obviously our modern society met all of these conditions prior to COVID.)

And then he argues that “a narrative is distributed via mass media that focuses anxiety and aggression on a certain object” (in this case a virus).

“When people start to participate in the strategy to deal with the object of anxiety a new kind of social bond and a new kind of meaning-making emerges.” Desmet calls it a “new kind of solidarity.”

This new narrative creates a heroic battle with the object of anxiety which leads to a “mental intoxication of connectedness” and (calming) feelings of order and control.

The more absurd the narrative the better it functions as a ritual because it shows that the participants belong to a group.

And through this process, people come to participate in, support, and identify with totalitarian systems.

I think Dr. Desmet’s analysis is brilliant and it explains so much of what we are experiencing right now.

Can anyone deny that democrats and their media sycophants ramped up anxiety about Trump and Russia Russia and got people to a point where they would believe almost anything? Even though I knew that Russia Gate was a farce and that Trump was doing many of the same things that Obama and other presidents had done I still felt the tension that it wouldn’t take much to ignite the country. Enter Covid and here we are. Fauci said that when we got 70% of the people vaccinated we’d beat Covid and return to normal. Get jabbed and you are protected. Now all that is gone and it’s continue to take boosters and then we can return to normal. Any talk of side effects from the vaccines is met with laughter and ridicule even though the information is right there on VAERS for all to see. And now we even have Pfizer’s information from the trials and that they immediately saw adverse effects being reported to them. Nope it’s not happening. Trust us.

7 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg , it is a good article.

4 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

because it ties in the Covid plandemic with Julian Assange.

What it means to be human

What’s the difference between Julian Assange being robbed of his freedom for 12 years and you being robbed of yours for two? From a legal point of view, very little. Because both are based on, “justified by”, no existing laws. They are based on people who happen to have grabbed power, interpreting existing law in their own favor, aided and abetted by their respective judicial branches.

Assange being told he can have no life, or freedom, today, despite never having been formally accused, let alone convicted, of a crime, is no different than someone in Austria threatened with being imprisoned because they don’t want to be vaxxed with an experimental substance. Neither will have broken an existing and valid law, still both will end up behind bars.

The vast majority of people who are coerced into being jabbed, are undoubtedly the same ones who pay no attention to what is happening to Julian Assange. They just read and watch the media they always have, and their media tells them only what the owners and sponsors of the channels and papers want to let them know.

Nothing to do with what is important to their lives, or their freedoms, just a narrow passage way in which their lives are “allowed” to take place. And nothing to do with what that may mean to the lives and freedoms of their children, or to Assange, whose “crime” is he tried to warn them about all this coming.

You cannot talk about what government agencies, like the army or secret services, do behind the curtains, that is against “the law”. And if you do, they will say that itself is against the law. It isn’t, but who cares if they find some judge who says it is anyway?

By the same token, you cannot refuse to be jabbed with some untested thing, and then again and again, because some judge will declare that refusing it is against the law. Even if there’s no such law, but there are plenty laws -including weighty international ones- that say it is not.

It’s just that the essence of a human being is to not be a sheep or a lemming. The essence of a human being is not a house or a car, it is courage, and empathy, and love, and independent thought, independent living.

If we fail to defend the best and brightest and bravest amongst us – that would be Julian – how can we hope to defend the less bright and brave, our very children, and what would it even be worth if we do?

8 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lookout's picture


and it is good! Thanks for reposting.

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

mimi's picture


Joe Lauria at Consortium News, I remember knowing him, I think. He was in our office in DC of ARD German TV and he even helped me with something, I think he got me and set up the server/computer they used in the studio and got me the right software on it. I am so ashamed that I don't remember more. He was a very kind and helpful man. But I am sure about his name. It was a Joe Lauria.

I remember he was headed to New York. This was in 2011.

So do I understand it correctly that he is a lawyer defending or helping Assange?

Wow, may be CB or other physicians could write about how memory loss is caused and what one can do against it. I take my zink, Vitamin D and Calcium. It is not enough, I guess. Ma brain is falling apart. It's killing me emotionally. I do not want to forget.

If I sound weirdo, then because memory loss is a weird thing to experience. Forgive me. I don't want to be whiney.

8 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


I have so many times where I don’t remember things I’ve said and done, but I understand why I have this problem. Because I do I can laugh at it. But I still understand that it can be scary for others. And I worry about how my brain feels when I try to read numbers or statistics or poems. It’s uncomfortable for me. Have you been checked out to see why you do?

I’ve seen suggestions of keeping a journal to help you remember certain things or things important to you. You can probably find lots of information on advice on the web. Just know that no one here will laugh at you for anything you forget. Especially me. It happens.

8 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

mimi's picture

I think a part of it is to be overwhelmed with conflicting interests in my family environment and me not knowing how to solve those and get awar from them.

7 users have voted.

@mimi "Hell is other people."

6 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture


I’d have a meeting with people at work and ask them to get back to me on solutions. One day someone did just that but I had no idea what he was talking about. It wasn’t for 20 more years that I found out why my memory took off at times. I had asked a friend a simple question and was surprised by how vehemently she said yes! She said it was the 4th time in 5 minutes I’d asked it. I asked if she had answered me..blush. I called my doctor asking what the hell the meds I was on were doing to me. He said it was my head injury and hadn’t anyone explained what a post traumatic brain injury could do? Would have saved me lots of embarrassment. I always asked my friend if I was there when she was reminiscing about the past and we’d both laugh. But I didn’t know why I was forgetting so many things. Something said yes, but things we did?

I tried keeping a journal, but would forget to write in it. Smile I gave up. I’m alive and that’s what counts.

8 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

mimi's picture

but then instead of keeping one, I read other people's journals. I had no idea he had a good memory. But then if you have a good memory you remember all the bad stuff and become an unhappy person. So, there is always the good with the bad. sigh.

Good Night from here.

5 users have voted.
mimi's picture

send me a pm if this question is too personal to answer in public.

Because you hinted at something that I did not consider to be a reason for my failing memory.

3 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


Crashed my motorcycle which landed on my face and the kickstand fractured my skull. The bike fractured my jaw In 5 places and the orbit around my left eye. Like I said, I’m lucky to be alive.

6 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

mimi's picture

I am sorry I asked, I shouldn't have. Please foregive me.

2 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


"What did I come in here after?"

I have a notebook here at the house to collect all sorts of random ideas, sources, and various lists.

We enjoy laughing at ourselves and each other.

11 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


I planned on going to the store for more treats for Sam and spent all day yesterday trying to remember why I needed to go there. I found some with peanut butter in them and it’s why she keeps bringing me socks. Or toys. Or did you want this? My chair is surrounded by the things she keeps bringing me. It’s entertaining.

10 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lookout's picture


fills in the blanks on the Rockefeller story.
I'm going to edit and add it to the column. Thanks.

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture



It talks about how the supply chain breaks down..well look at that. It has.

A new influenza strain — originating from wild geese — was extremely virulent and deadly. Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the global population and killing 8 million in just seven months, the majority of them healthy young adults. The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. Even locally, normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers.

I use the duck for searching so you can find others on it. And never forget that Gates, Fauci and John Hopkins did a trial run on a pandemic in October 2019. Trump also did one earlier that year to see if we were ready for an epidemic. It found us wanting. But he did nothing about getting us ready if you believe that we weren’t. I believe that they wanted cases and deaths so that people would be more afraid. I don’t like being this cynical..

8 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lookout's picture


sadly it is realism. I hate it too.

I like using the garden to absorb it ...
Beds of cabbage ...
and broccoli

And beautiful lettuce as winter begins...

Amazing how growing things takes away the stress of our crazy situation.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


It’s better written too. Here’s the link to the original article.

I agree being outside helps with mood. It’s why I rarely miss a day of walking. I did take today off because of the wind. It hurts my face too much. Cold I’m okay with but not with wind too.

3 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lookout's picture


I'll make use of it. The wind can hurt my ears, but I got some earmuffs at trade day that help. Take care and pet sam for us.

3 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


I wear them over my winter hat along with a nice warm scarf and a nice new coat. But still if any of my face is exposed it’s not comfortable. All my dawgs knew that rule and dealt with it. I love walking in snowstorms tho. Best time for it I think.

If Sam gets anymore scritches her hair will come off.. kidding.

2 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Pluto's Republic's picture


2 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@Pluto's Republic

I know that he was who created the WHO and it’s when natural cures were abandoned for pharmaceutical products. Americans health started falling from then on.

4 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Pluto's Republic's picture


There are many ways to tell the story, but I see that the brilliant Larry Romanoff wrote a new version, as the Covid-19 was raging across the world.

Here's how it begins:

The 1918 Rockefeller-US Army Worldwide Pandemic

One new historical development that has been evolving over a few years and now brought into focus because of COVID-19, is the so-called “Spanish Flu” of 1918. Recurring reports and documentation are emerging to tell us that this ‘Greatest Pandemic in History’ was [1]not “Spanish”, [2] not “the flu” and, [3] not a natural occurrence but the result of human tinkering with vaccines. There surely is much more to emerge, but the accumulating evidence to date is too compelling to dismiss.

In simple terms, the emerging evidence supports postulations that the 1918 pandemic was caused by a misguided – and very experimental – Rockefeller Institute meningitis vaccination program which was initiated at Fort Riley by the US military, and spread to the world from there. This essay will attempt to briefly document the evidence that is available so far. There will of course be many objections to the content of this essay, not only from the ideologues and trolls, but from those in high places with vital body organs requiring protection.

First, there was never any justification for associating the 1918 pandemic with Spain. The pathogen did not originate in Spain, nor was Spain the hardest hit. The most commonly-accepted “official story” as related by our MSM is that all countries but Spain had initiated severe censorship (due to the war) and thus the facts of the pandemic freely circulated only in the Spanish media, and so it was “natural” to refer to this as the Spanish Flu. From this reasoning, since we all know the US has at least 125% freedom of speech and minus the same degree of censorship, we should rename COVID-19 “The American curse”. (This may yet happen, for other more valid reasons).

In any case, the documented evidence is increasingly voluminous – and increasingly solid – that this outbreak originated at Fort Riley, Kansas, in the US. Conspiracy theorists and historical revisionists cannot change this now.

The 1918 pandemic was quite possibly the worst the world had seen, certainly for centuries. It infected about 500 million people and killed at least 50 million worldwide. The current “official narrative” (again) is that it was caused by “an H1N1 virus that originated in birds” (which is not a ‘flu’ in any case), and its only tenuous connection with the US was that it was “first identified in the US in military personnel” in the spring of 1918. These claims appear to be false. In a 2008 report, the US NIH admitted that most of the deaths were not from ‘the flu’ nor from any bird virus but from a bacterial pneumonia.[1]

The details of the studies corroborate this extensively, in which even Dr. Anthony Fauci says, “We agree completely that bacterial pneumonia played a major role in the mortality of the 1918 pandemic.”[2][3][4][5]

. In fact, it is now stated that the reason modern medical technology was never able to identify the “killer influenza strain” from this pandemic was because influenza was not the killer. It might be obvious to us today because we know that influenza attacks the young, old and immunocompromised, while the “Spanish Flu” attacked healthy people in their prime – which is what a bacterial pneumonia does.

Again, the official narrative tells us that, due to troop movements because of the war, the pathogen was spread worldwide. But the current emerging thesis is that troop movements might have been irrelevant because Rockefeller, in their combined haste and hubris, “sent their experimental anti-meningococcal serum to England, France, Belgium, Italy and many other countries, helping spread the epidemic worldwide.” It certainly appears to be the prime suspect, and we can understand the reluctance of today’s WHO and CDC to reveal this to the popular press. As Dr. Kevin Barry wrote:

It would be much more difficult to maintain the marketing mantra of “vaccines save lives” if a vaccine experiment originating in the United States . . . caused the deaths of 50-100 million people. (and) “The American Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research and its experimental bacterial meningococcal vaccine may have killed 50-100 million people in 1918-19” is a far less effective sales slogan.[6]


This appears to be where the story begins:

Following an outbreak of epidemic meningitis at Camp Funston, Kansas, in October and November, 1917, a series of antimeningitis vaccinations was undertaken on volunteer subjects from the camp.[8]

At that time, vaccinations (and perhaps much of medical science generally) were in their infancy, with very much unknown. In particular, Dr. Gates himself (see Note 8) notes that prior to this time, “meningococcus vaccines have not been extensively employed for prophylactic immunization, and only a few references are to be found in the literature that relate vaccination experiences.” He further relates that the few referenced cases experienced “very severe” reactions to the vaccines – which were entirely experimental.

In this case, the Rockefeller Institute, which seems to be where the experiments in opening this special compartment of Pandora’s Box originated, contrived an experimental vaccine and were understandably anxious to “see what happens”. It was apparently a rather crude anti-bacterial vaccine that was made in horses. I haven’t the medical competence to comment on the equine portion but others more knowledgeable have suggested this might not have been the best method. One enormous advantage of the war to Rockefeller was that the US Army ballooned from little more than 250,000 to 6,000,000 men, with the “Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research” now having an enormous pool of human guinea pigs to conduct vaccine experiments.

In a 26-page paper published in July of 1918 by Dr. Fredrick L. Gates, M. D., First Lieutenant, Medical Corps, U. S. Army, writing from the Base Hospital, Fort Riley, Kansas, and The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York, Dr. Gates outlines the procedure.[8]

You'll want to read the rest of the fascinating expose here:

And find out more about Dr. Gates and his role in the experimental vaccine. Author Larry Romanoff has uncovered all the secrets that have been buried for the pass 100 years, exactly. And how the US military attempted to blame the Spanish Flu pandemic on the Chinese.

Says Romanoff:

My reading of the aftermath is that both the Rockefeller Institute and the US military (after conducting their thousands of autopsies) fully realised what had happened and, in humanly-understandable terms in the face of the calamity they had inadvertently unleashed, decided the most prudent course was to bury the truth rather than face the recriminations of an already war-weary world.

There is so much effort today to attribute the ‘Spanish flu’ to the Chinese – by Jewish historians – as there also is to attribute Europe’s Bubonic Plague to the Chinese – by the same Jewish historians. This really needs to end, and the best method is to name and identify all those responsible. Perhaps the time has finally arrived for the world to know the truth of a great many things.

4 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@Pluto's Republic

Thanks. I’ll read it tomorrow and get back to you. Did you see the info on him creating the WHO and the results from that.

4 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lookout's picture

@Pluto's Republic

Thanks so much for that story. I feel like I'm finally beginning to tie the narrative together, and I appreciate your help...and all the others who are investigating and reporting here at C99.

2 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Lookout's picture

@mimi Dale Bredesen. He's cured people with Alzheimer’s. First step, no sugar, no seed oil.
more here:

Joe Lauria took over as editor of Consortium News when Robert Perry passed.

All the best. Hear things are odd in Germany these days. Take care!

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

mimi's picture

It is all one misch-masch of memories like spaghetti bolognese with pieces of beef in it, just that somehow all the spaghetti got cut in pieces and the pieces can't relate to each other anymore.

Thanks for your generoisity and patience with me.

I envy your veggie beds. As I am on the lookout for some purpose in doing soemthing, I think I will work on my garden. Right now it is not the time.

Germany is odd and weird? Hmm, we shall see. It is not over until it's over.

2 users have voted.
CB's picture

(plus 18-6/16-8 fasting for the most part). I completely changed my diet for good last spring after my ischemic stroke. The improvement was so gradual that I didn't really notice it. But eventually the benefits - loss of weight with improved mental/physical ability became apparent.

We should do a diary about this for us old codgers and gray white beards. What do we call the elderly ladies in our group?

1 user has voted.
Lookout's picture


2 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

enhydra lutris's picture

be well and have a good one

2 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Lookout's picture

@enhydra lutris

...and I haven't even read the RFK book yet. Sounds like it confirms lots of today's hypotheses.
SD posted this article elsewhere..

3 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

zed2's picture

I have a firewall that sometimes blocks content, sometimes it's because of restrictive filter settings. I use the reply button when its available.

0 users have voted.
zed2's picture


A few years ago it was discovered that people who consume a lot of turmeric rarely if ever come down with Alzheimers and related diseases. In short it prevents Alzheimers. But they arent interested in it, as it belongs to the whole world, not corporations, and so they cant monopolize it and make billions of dollars selling a patented drug for astronomical prices so high that sick people cant afford it. Like they did with HIV for so long that 30 million died. Its impossible to corner the market in it. Or so said Jusef Hamied, billionaire CEO of CIPLA whose company was tasked making medicines for India's poor by Mahatma Gandhi. In the 1990s he was interviewed, in the New York Times. His and CIPLA's story is worth reading.

So to return to Alzheimer, there is a fair amount of data that points to turmeric helping prevent Alzheimer disease, but if it does it doesn't do it like a drug would. Nor would it be commercially viable because it cannot be monopolized, the way patent laws work today. So they want to hide it of they cant monopolize it, or so says billioare Phama company CEO Yusef Hamied, talking about HIV drugs in the 1990s.
He was one of the people on my list of real heroes, people whom I admire greatly. people who have done a great deal for this planet in an exceptional way. But he did not do it by following criminal WTO rules, he did it by breaking them.

See the award winning story here ,
And he was put in jail, for saving thousands of lives of poor people with HIV who could not pay thousands of dollars a year, most of them were children. Imagine that. He manufactured the new ARV drugs which literally brought sick people back from the grave, and selling them for the cost to him to manufacture them, which was well under $1 a day to the people with HIV in the worlds officially poorest countries, so every few years, all a country has to do is prove its one of the very poorest countries in the world, and that its people have not been paid more, and as long as they remain the poorest they can get cut rate life saving drugs.

If people in the US made that little we might get help too. and then for a few more years countries can get for this global epidemic that kills millions of chiuldren, for about its cost. Otherwise people have to pay retail price. Because they are rich.

If we were one of the poorest countries, we could buy back.. To save a life. Yes, Hamied embarassed countries like the US and EU mega corporations, into doing what they should have done irregardless and by doing that saved their huge profits because nobody asked them to give them up for their curtomers in the rich world. Just the poorest countries where people make only a dollar or two a day. hose countries sometimes get a special exemptions to allow them to be exempt from WTO hat demand the commercial profits to be obeyed. A noose like ever more restrictive noose of rules demanding one way privatization and deregulation. big drug companies to sign a paper agreeing to sell low cost drugs to governments and later private neoliberal foundations so they would not be selfimplicated in crimes against humanity. These ARV drugs were called the Lazarus drugs because they would bring people back to the land of the living, literally from death's door. For less than one dollar a day - If only we could go back in time and ring back the approximately 30 million mostly the children who died in large numbers during that period when the drug companies wanted #12,000 to 30,000 a year for the rest of peoples lives after the drugs were being made and sold so dearly. WHich really should have been a capital crime. Drug profiteering. .YOu can watch the story, as they made an award winning film in 2013 about it. Fire in the Blood. so cheap as to effectively be free. Despite a quarter of modern medicines originating with plants, US doctors are very effectively brainwashed to only use drugs that are hyped by the drug industry. Ignoring many of the best and safest medicines out there. Instead they load people up with Rx drugs causing a dangerous situation for many people with whats called polypharmacy. Many of which have dangerous side effects. Then they took away the time doctors used to have to see patients. Insurers want doctors to avoid diagnosing and treating patients by differential diagnosis, (how doctors have traditionally diagnosed disease by a scientific process of elimination) Now the insurance amnd drug industry want doctors to prolong illness not cure it. To proritize 'patient retention', meaning just treat the symptoms of disease, not the disease itself. By giving pts overpriced and overly expensive complex drugs. Some drugs cost hundreds of dollars a pill to buy when they often cost only pennies to make. This is a real crime because its draining Americans of money they need to live. Safe and inexpensive drugs are being taken off the market to replace cheap old and well understod drugs with new patented ones that are often dangerous. And many have so many side effects that doctors can really screw up in the very short time they are given to ask questions and figure out what illness a patient has

One mistake that can be particularly dangerous is prescribing the wrong drug when faced by an invasive fungal illness, which are becoming more and more common s ambient temperatures rise. If temperatures keep going up fungo's optimum growth temperature will evolve to be closer to our body temperatures.

This in short is quite possibly why the dinosaurs became extinct, because their boy temperatres were cooler than ours. If ambient temps creep getting warmer and fungi catch up because of evolution, which is likely, they could becoe so much better at invading our bodies that millions could end up drying of invasive illnesses like mucormycosis. (also called black fungus in India-In fact it seems like that was starting to happen in India during the worst of the Covid epidemic. Not directly because of covid, it was because of overuse of immune suppressing drugs (steroids) AND covid. Just as I explained.
Don't know when they would change enough to make a curcuminoid if there was even the smallest chance of it reducing their profits in any way. They actually hide life saving discoveries ive repeatedly heard from drug discovery chemists. And its a sore point for them.

If a version of a polyphenolic phytomedicine, say an Alzheirmer specific efficatious they can sell it to sick people for thousands, making it profitable enough for them, though. They will be very unlikely to suddenly become altruistic. Its not their way, Anything but that.

Until then, which may never happen in this world, eat lots of curry, consume curcuminoids, or turmeric tea (which is really delicious, it tastes like ginger. And lots of other healthy fioods, if you can grow them or get them in some other way.. Community gardens. Look that up.

Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect the brain from stress-associated neurotoxicity. Its also one of a long list of molecules that are quite likely to be of use in preventing Covid 19 neurotoxicity to some extent. There are a great many plants that protect the immune system. There are so many that its fairly safe to say that a great many healthy foods or the absence of them in ones diet could be a major factor in Covid mortality.Lots of cutting edge drug discovery software tells us this. Plant medicines are actually one of the most promising, cutting edge kinds of medicine going on right now and its not anything other thn science. Its the leading edge of medicine, in research. Its not anything flaky or questionable like they try to tell us. They know it, they are lying. Its just that the average politician is easy for lobbyists to fool, and probably even easier for them to buy, so watch out.

So much so its actually a smart move to tell your friends and family to, all else being equal to eat colorful foods. Real, world famous experts have repeatedly told me things to that effect -this.

5 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


and Curcumin. Homeopathic, herbal medicine was killed by Rockefeller back in the early 1900's. From the column today...

In the early 1900s, America’s first Billionaire, John D. Rockefeller bought a German pharmaceutical company that would later assist Hitler to implement his eugenics-based vision by manufacturing chemicals and poisons for war. Rockefeller wanted to eliminate the competitors of Western medicine, so he submitted a report to Congress declaring that there were too many doctors and medical schools in America, and that all natural healing modalities were unscientific quackery. Rockefeller called for the standardization of medical education, whereby only his organization be allowed to grant medical school licenses in the US. And so began the practice of immune suppressive, synthetic and toxic drugs. Once people had become dependent on this new system and the addictive drugs it provided, the system switched to a paid program, creating lifelong customers for the Rockefellers. Currently, medical error is the third leading cause of death in the US. Rockefeller’s secret weapon to success was the strategy known as, “problem-reaction-solution.” Create a problem, escalate fear, then offer a pre-planned solution. Sound familiar?

more here:

I was lucky to know an old man who's aunt was a Cherokee herbalist. I can gather medicines in the woods...and grow others.

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

mimi's picture

and Calcium and Vitamin D in my drawer. Just have to remember to take it and how much. I will prepare myself little stickers to remind me to take it and how much. Smile

3 users have voted.
Dawn's Meta's picture

@mimi bulbs of Curcuma and Ginger. Rinse fresh ginger about the size of your hand (no fingers);
rinse six or seven roots of curcuma;
slice the tips off but leave the skin on; thinly slice all the bulbs;
place in filtered water in a large pot with tablespoon of black peppercorns and a heaping teaspoon of cloves. Bring to a simmer. Keep just below simmer for three or four hours.
Cool and strain into a glass jar or container for your fridge.
Drink with a small teaspoon of local honey at least once a day a full mug or more.

For reduction of inflammation; arthritic pain and gentle detox. We make enough for a week. Not peeling the bulbs adds Vit C and other good antioxidants. Also much easier to prepare. Bonne chance; bon courage.

4 users have voted.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.

CB's picture

@Dawn's Meta
with the member's input for improved mental and physical aging?

4 users have voted.
mimi's picture


3 users have voted.
mimi's picture

@Dawn's Meta

2 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


This is at least the 2nd time you have edited this comment without noting what you edited. Can you please explain what you do to either add info or whatever you do? It’s common curtesy to do especially when you do it so frequently.


4 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Pluto's Republic's picture


Viagra reduces Alzheimer’s disease risk by nearly 70%, study shows

Posted: Dec 12, 2021

CLEVELAND ( – Viagra, a drug well-known for its ability to treat erectile dysfunction, may soon have a surprising new purpose — preventing Alzheimer’s disease. A study of existing FDA-approved medications has revealed that taking the drug lowered the chances of developing the disease over the next six years by a stunning 69 percent.

Sildenafil — which drug manufacturers label as Viagra for erectile dysfunction and as Revatio for pulmonary hypertension — emerged from a field of over 1,600 FDA-approved drugs as the most promising candidate to battle Alzheimer’s. Researchers from the Cleveland Clinic’s Genomic Medicine Institute examined a database of more than seven million patients, finding that the ED medication performed significantly better than high blood pressure and diabetes drugs like losartan and metformin.

Estimates predict that cases of Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia, will rise to just under 14 million in the United States by 2050. With no cure at the moment, scientists are turning to existing medications which may have dual benefits and save both time and money designing a new drug.


They didn't even need to do a clinical study.

5 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

@Pluto's Republic

...cause the little head is doing all the thinking.

Viagra reduces Alzheimer’s disease risk by nearly 70%, study shows

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

janis b's picture

@Pluto's Republic

we've found the fountain of youth in viagra?

I’m rolling my eyes and smiling at the same time.

9 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture

@janis b

Check out my Rockefeller story posted above, and see if that's not general the case.

This must be a sign of the end times.

5 users have voted.
janis b's picture

@Pluto's Republic

The first paragraph from the The Rockefeller Foundation Economic Council on Planetary Health sounds contradictory.

From this article ...

The authors ask whether the foundations are now sidelining governments and shifting influencing the work of international bodies. “Through the sheer size of their grant-making, personal networking and active advocacy, large global foundations have played an increasingly active role in shaping the agenda-setting and funding priorities of international organisations and governments.

And then there’s this ...

4 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture

@janis b

I don't know much about the Mexico connection. Interesting stuff.

1 user has voted.
mimi's picture

@janis b
Who knew?

3 users have voted.

5 users have voted.

“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

Lookout's picture


take a 3rd jab but don't recommend D or Zn. Blatant these days...

Thanks for the clip. Always like John's honest and polite reports.

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

janis b's picture


"Always like John's honest and polite reports."

Even though I have only listened to some, I appreciate his knowledge and means of delivery.

5 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

@janis b

We like laughing at his pronunciations cause we speak hillbonics. I appreciate his kindness and caring.

We went through Carlisle (his home town) once and visited Hadrian's wall.
2 Hadrians wall hike (30).jpg
Took the settle-carlisle train and caught some nice shots...
3 trip back to Settle (21).jpg
of the train on the archway...
3 trip back to Settle (14).jpg

All the best as you enter summer!

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

janis b's picture


of the shadow of arches on the sunlit ground is wonderful. Thank you.

4 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

@janis b

and the path of the Pennine Way.. One of my favorite shots of our trip.


4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

zed2's picture

Killed by the WTO TRIPS agreement and Big Pharma profiteering. See the ip-health mailing list. At keionline org.

It should be a crime what they are doing to try to hide the phytonutrient connections to covid 19 mortality.

Jennifer Zhang got it. Had they listened her more millions of people might be alive today who arent.

Zennifer Zhang got it. God bless her. ? Who is that? A young woman who has a brain. Who votes. Somebody who saw the likelihood or a SARS-causing beta coronavirus was high, and how it might be stopped in its tracks before it even got going. Thats all you need to know. She won a Science Fair prize. She needs privacy. .

Food science is science.

Trevor Noah was right too! They hate comedians because they tell us the unvarnished TRUTH.

Watch Fire in the Blood, its an exceptional eye opener. It won a prize at the Sundance Film Festivalk in 2013. Its a true story. Unfortunately it only tells half of the story. The other part remains to be told and its even more of a tale that needs to be told. A tale for our times.

1 user has voted.
Lookout's picture


They want us sick like they want more war....for more profits. Sad but true.

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

zed2's picture


Lets say "spelling/grammar"

0 users have voted.

What a great summary.

From the essay link that snoopydawg posted above, this may be a good antidote to the dose.

1. More social connectedness;

2. More meaning-making (through spirituality, honest work, time with family & friends, and experiencing nature);

3. Properly identifying the source of our anxiety as our hurry up culture and helping people take the off-ramp to a parallel economy; and

4. Properly identifying the source of our frustration and aggression as the predatory system of monopoly capitalism and helping people take the off-ramp into a parallel economy based on mutual respect.

the author is uTobian

Thanks again Lookout and all, I have a hard time keeping up with you all, but it is worth the effort.

edited to correct spelling of uTobian

6 users have voted.
