Wednesday Nov 9 2016 Previews
There will be some surprises from yesterday's (Tuesday Nov 8 2016) elections. Perhaps you have some predictions of your own; so please join in.
10 PM Eastern Time - 9 PM Central - ABC - Designated Survivor episode 6: "The Interrogation" - If Hillary Clinton wins, expect lots and lots of soap on future episodes of Designated Survivor. If Donald Trump wins, expect lots and lots of soap on future episodes of Designated Survivor. Soap sells. And let's face it: 'inside baseball' and back-stage gossip can only go so far. Emotion is needed to fill the rest of the slot.
Backstage Gossip Hot Tip: A little bird told me there were two versions of Designated Survivor episode 6: "The Interrogation". True or Not-So-True? We can't say. But we can say that the writers of Designated Survivor will be busy over the next couple of months.
24 Hours 7 Days a Week - - The people of McMansion Hell seem to have voted already. And it's not Donald Trump. Look at past 'issues' of McMansion Hell and compare those with the current issue. It actually has some good and important examples of the past. Fortunately, there is a 'second chapter' that gets back to tacky. It includies some pictures (there) and quotes, including the following quoted paragraph (here).
Backstage Gossip Hot Tip: An unnamed reader (of McMansion Hell) inspired this:
One of my Twitter followers informed me recently that many people who do home staging for a living do in fact buy a lot of their furniture from hotel liquidation sales. This explains a great deal about this bedroom.
24 Hours 7 Days a Week - some orange-themed http thingy - You can fill-in the rest of it. Just make sure to leave some room for gloating.
Backstage Gossip Hot Tip: Not everything is as clear as it might seem. And Windex doesn't always work.
Comments? Issues?
The Question of the Day (inspired by the above): "Brutalism is Back"
Uh oh

I love McMansion Hell!
I discovered it a while ago, I don't remember where and enjoyed sending the link around to friends. The author is quite amusing and well-versed in architecture so you learn quite a bit.
There is one neighborhood in my area that served as the site for an annual builder showcase but no effort was made to have some sort of overarching vision or a unified architectural style, so it looks like a McMansion jumble sale - you have the Miami Vice stucco Mediterranean manse next door to the fake Tudor half-timber with mullioned windows next to a Norman Mansard. It's really pretty hilarious.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
It teaches you a lot
You will never forget the tacky that you learn at McMansion Hell. And while I admire a person that invents a vocabulary, it's too bad that innocence has to die also. Sort of like Santa Claus or the tooth fairy.
best, john
Strange that a harp of thousand strings should keep in tune so long