Victory for LePen
How do I know? Well, let's just say that Macron is running a brilliant campaign, just like fellow globalist Killary Klinton. The Press in the US and in France ingenuously calls him a "centrist". He is as much of a centrist as Donald Trump.
M. Macron has learned quite well from Medusa, referring to LePen voters as the French equivalent of "deplorables", an endearing way to garner undecided votes.
Of course the French mainstream media is covering him like flies on shit. Look for instance at this picture journalistic neutrality:
An email dump occurring just one day before the election, as reported by Mimi, has netted 9 gigabytes of data.
The Inquisitr website is skeptical, as befitting a neoliberal blog. They label the allegations of overseas use of tax havens by M. Macron as "conspiracy theory".
Yet Zero Hedge managed to get documentation of M. Macron's devotion to economic equality for the down-trodden French 99%.
Further enlightenment on Macron's political allegiance can be derived from the following video, where the fun starts at about 45 seconds and gets really good at about 3:22 and 3:50:
I think the winning remark came from the LePen - Macron debate, when LePen said, to paraphrase: "After this election a woman will be President of France. It will be either me or Angela Merkel"
Angie's lapdog
LePen will win.

One of those 'covers'.
And yes. The mag has already admitted they photo shopped the pic.
The desperation is palpable.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Either way, like with Trump vs. Clinton,
the French people lose. Perhaps we need to recognize the pattern in all national elections.
Yes, very much the same situation as 2016 here.
That's how German TV tries to explain the French monarchy...
The way German TV tries to explain the French "presidential monarch". (with my own slight editorial changes of the google translation for clarity - and my own highlights)
If le Pen wins, there will be pitchforks on the street. Old French and old Germans will not accept a right-wing nationalist Le Pen to behave like a 'presidential monarch" and nobody that resembles the neo-nazi new chic.. Where do you think we are going with that? Straight to the next French revolution. No co-operation with Vichy right-winger types, no way the left will work together with the right. No weasel words in the elderly German minds. It's a disaster to see how Germany's military is already undermined with neo-nazis, especially at their border bases to France.
No matter how much they try to undermine and overfeed us with their fucks. I already see how the US right-wing nationalist weasel-worders will play again the good guys, who will come to rescue against the influence of right-wing nationalists destroying democracy in Europe.
No, fuck that shit. Le Pen will not win. Geez, reading c99p makes me gamble. Horror.
mimi, as always, thanks for the European perspective
First, from the article:
Are we going to see a modern equivalent of the Reichstag fire? What is the venerated (ha) Angela Merkel thinking about this Bundeswehr neo-Nazism? Is she speaking out about it?
Also, now in Germany, at least from what I gather in my quoted snippet, is telling the truth becoming grounds for ostracism, to be followed by imprisonment? We have Deutschland following Uncle Sam, which is in turn following the precepts of the Third Reich in punishing dissemination of facts or opinions.
Please explain to me some of the following:
As far as pitchforks in the street, the same thing may happen if Macron gets elected. France, like the US a year ago, is in a lose-lose election. But I do not understand why old French and old Germans will not accept a right-wing nationalist. You also refer to Macron, indirectly, as a Leftist. Clearly, he is a neoliberal fuck-the-people stooge just like Obama.
hello, what can I say...Old Europe sending signals ...
ok, I say this:
Van der Leyen is under criticism and that is, imo, normal. She is not criticized because she spoke too sharply against the possibility of extremist attacks from within the military, but because she spoke way too smoothly about it. At least that is my opinion. For me that is like a "New Europe (Rumsfeldian style) shock doctrine" to learn.
She can't describe what has been discovered about right-wing neo-nazi extremism within the German Bundeswehr as an "attitude problem". That is more than an "attitude problem". But of course that's the weasel words with which people try to save their skin. Lately she said she takes full responsibility for lack of oversight for what has been obviously going on since several years in the German Bundeswehr. I don't think the general German population was aware about it that much, may be the younger generation, who has no clue. I was not, but I was out of the country for forty years. So, I like to excuse myself here. Yet I always fear something like it happening.
If there is a lack of leadership than it's her lack of leadership first. Leadership in the military goes from top to bottom. So, I haven't read more than you, probably, the latest being here.
Merkel said she gives her support to van der Leyen. If the things reveal more and more of this stuff, it's probable that van der Leyen will resign. That's usually what happens. I don't understand your comparison to a Reichstagsfeuer. I am a German from what Rumsfeld called "Old Europe" and for me 'Old European" it is not acceptable to have the German Bundeswehr undercut by Neo-Nazis.
And I gather that it is for any sane French civilian neither. Do you know how difficult it was to achieve something resembling a willingness to co-habitate by French civilians with German ones? Very hard. And it has been destroyed on purpose starting with Rumsfeld and all those strange libertarian and super US patriots, who seem not to "get" that some things work differently in Europe than in the US.
It is the Defense Secretary's responsibility to prevent such underground movements inside the German Bundeswehr. Who talks here about sending her to prison? She needs to draw the consequences for such
obvious lack of oversight and leadership and eventually step down. We had bigger men than her, who had to do it (Willy Brandt).
So far the media tries to not dramatize or sensationalize the situation, but what has been revealed already is enough for me.
As for the pitchforks, Macron being a leftist, and Old Europeans leftist and right-wing neo-nazis not wanting to cooperate with each other, you just don't understand.
First I didn't say Macron is a leftist, nowhere. He is a middle of the road weaseling "Real Politiker" as probably many Germans would see him. How do you come to the idea I think he is a leftist? And why do you think elderly descendents of French and German citizens who killed each other fiercly in wwII would like to see frigging neo-nazis back again in power or military ranks? Can't you understand that it would be an insult on our own intelligence and value system after the two ww we initiated, to allow right-wingers power? I may be an idiot, but not that much of an idiot. Sorry.
I only speak for myself. I don't know what other French or German civilians think. May be I have been to long too far away from Germany and France. Our TV coverage of the "vox populi" in France and Germany is very poor.
Sigh. I have to calm down. It angers me if an Americans ask a German, who is a left oriented Social Democrat, to accept a co-operation or coalition with neo-Nazis or ask for a naive Russia-phonism either.
And for the lovely image with the subtext "Angie's lapdog", may I suggest that though Merkel is member of the Christian Democratic Party (and thus one of our conservatives), she doesn't need a lapdog. And Macron may be just a "charming, elegant and gentile" Frenchman, who knows how to treat an elderly German woman. Yeah, a bit like Trudeau, they younger, who is even sexy. Not that we need that in "Old Europe" know?
Oh well, I need to follow the news now. Le Pen will not win! My bet. If he wins, JtC gets a check. Bye.
Thank you for your extended reply
To quote the famous movie title "Is Paris burning?"
I listened to a discussion about Macron in German TV
and I understood out of it that Macron is a pro-European, free market liberal. And he has no party behind him. Within a year he managed to gather so many followers that he got over 64 percent of the vote. That is a success that you can't just ignore. There is a discussion in how far he and the Germans think about reforms of the EU from within. That such a reform of the EU is a thing that many Southern European countries need and may demand, stands against the folks who think the EU and Germany's power within the EU is something so dispicable that they prefer the destruction of the EU by any sort of -exit.
I do not believe that the fact that many French voted for Macron to avoid Le Pen getting power, is something that would concern me. Contrary I am relieved they did. You have a left in France. You can vote for a third party and it can make a lot of sense, even if the third party will never get the majority, but they are important to build coalitions and have their voices in parliament that way. This is not the case in the US. The left in France apparently was so demanding that people feared they would never accept a coalition with any of the center liberals or other parties beyond Le Pen's. So, for most it was more important to "save the EU free market" structure as a whole, but advocated for a EU reform from within that would benefit the Southern EU member states.
A third party never can win nor have a voice in parliament in the US. I don't think it's comparable to the 2016 elections with the duopoly status quo, that forced people, who have no choices, to make a choice that's meaningless or dangerous. If I am wrong about that, tell me.
From what I gather, people are relieved for now that Macron won. But all think that it's very difficult for him to manage the divided and desperate country for the long run. German Sec. of Defense Van der Leyen said this evening that Germany must help Macron to succeed and that the discussions to reform the EU from within will be an important part of the discussions for the German elections. Apparently German conservatives (Schaeuble, Merkel) have different opinions than Macron about what kind of reforms they would support, but both sides, Germany's conservatives and French's centrist liberals support strongly loyalty to the EU.
Once again, your comment is appreciated.
Here, in the U.S., we do not have a parliament. But if we did, the number of electoral districts should be increased, so that MP's would be more directly answerable to the voters. Plus multiple parties would be one outcome to be desired. There is something desirable in coalition governments: compromise. In Congress we have gridlock. Under Obama, Republicans "just said no". Now under Trump, Democrats are also just saying no. This is no way to govern a country by paralyzing its decision-making.
correct, I have still to learn about
the unions in France and why so many didn't vote for Melanchon. You guys here are always much better informed and therefore I try to read here, because I know I miss a lot of things or don't understand them.
@mimi Well, at least
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Then who is the orangutang in the white house?
I must have missed something. I thought we voted for Putin.
@Alligator Ed Editing...
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Le Pen did not win.
Le Pen did not win.
Angela MerkelEmmanuel Macron will be the next President of France.All other French lose.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
LePen will rebalance France between the US and Russia
The world is moving rapidly becoming multipolar. The question remains as to how much damage a wounded US will do on the way to attempting to retain hegemony. Most likely a lot if not total global thermonuclear war. A multipolar world is a much more stable world, this is a basic principle of physics, biology and mathematics in any complex system. If France pulls out of the EU, along with the UK then that leaves one leg of the three legged stool, GB, Germany and France. The EU will disintegrate quickly as a monolithic structure and be replaced with regional agreements on trade, a really good idea. NATO disintegration will follow quickly. NATOs purpose is to bring about military stability and it now provides the exact opposite. By being extremely belligerent towards Russia, as encouraged by the US, it risks total destruction. A military alliance like this also places all nations at risk from the irrational behavior of a single member. I certainly can't predict that any of this will happen, or that LePen will get elected, but I do see a potential upside to her election.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
I see two related but distinct political conflicts in play:
One is the newer conflict between an established globalist, neoliberal elite, opposing a resurgent, nativist nationalism. The other conflict is the older, more traditional one -- that of the Left vs the Right, or socialists vs capitalists.
The more recent dualism has to a significant degree usurped the older one in order of importance, for a growing proportion of the public.
Neoliberalism, as a system or paradigm attempting to universalize both socially liberal policy and global financial and military hegemony, is falling apart at the seams. Its two goals appear increasingly to be mutually incompatible -- from the viewpoint of both the Right and the Left.
Although I am unsure of the physics of multipolarity
I do like the rest of what you wrote, particularly:
What will the Neocons do to preserve the US Empire? They are provably insane, content to provoke a thermonuclear war from which there will be winners--including them. Whoever coined the phrase "political science" was clearly delusional.
The above comment is addressed to Wizard
Low early turnout in France
That's a positive trend for Marine.
Exit polls show Macron
with 60-63% of the vote.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
You see, this is all impossible, sorry
At this point in time, Macron is killing it.
Which proves that a 39 year old with no political experience can create a political party out of whole cloth and then beat 2 established Parties and the Populist.
There is just no way a 3rd Party could arise in the good ole USA.
The secret I guess is to marry your alternative mother. Which I guess the French think is really really cool.
Perhaps Chelsea can marry Hugh Rodam and it's a win for the home team?
Nothing says victory like incest...
Viva La France!
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
I was spectacularly wrong!
Macron 63%
LePen 34%
Of those who did vote: 9% voted blank or purposefully marred their ballots--a typical French protest.
Abstention rate 25%--this is the highest in the 5th Republic; twice the size of abstentions in Hollande's election 5 years ago.
Guess Macron didn't have 40 years of baggage
to make most people despise him on sight. "Little" things like that do matter.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
But...but...but...Hillary only had 30 years of baggage
@TheOtherMaven Either that or the
Le Pen, on the other hand, rightly or wrongly is associated with actual neo-Nazism. I only know a little about her, from a French friend, but it seems she has actual family associations with Nazism (her father, I believe?)
One thing I really hate about American politics is how easily we throw around the terms "Nazi" and "neo-Nazi." Perhaps it's because the Nazis never got here, except after the war, when we let them into our intelligence services. That was smart.
That's why I use the term "fascist" fairly broadly, using it to apply to pretty much all corporatists, while I use the term "Nazi" extremely carefully.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
@Alligator Ed
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I think this fellow might be one of my cousins who got mutated
Tried to edit out a double post and suddenly there was
only one!
What I said originally was, at least the French wanted the shitty neoliberal they got. Good luck to them.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Ha, even sending people into space won't help
to get rid of people you don't like for their vote.
Astronaut does something amazing on the International Space Station
Well done, mon ami.
Truly a space case!