One of the turds floated to the bottom.

Usually I try and document everything, verify my source... but today I am feeling like fuck this shit. Lucky me, no downvotes and negative mojos and such hyena breathing exercises:
TOP, or KOS or whatever it is is just a bunch of Clinton campaign people and has been since my first essay a year ago. I get lots of likes when I do snarkasms that seem to support the maggot filled swamp of feckterated tuchusleckers. Who needs the mattress mambo emails to see the Clinton bootychatta fackos talking like the Goldman Sachs big brand of cookie puss sausage.

But to get past this mierda I want to talk about these "rioters". Does anyone remember Keith Lamont Scott shot down like a dog in Charlotte, NC about a month ago? Does anyone know that Bruce Morris and about ten other people have every single night demonstrated in front of the police station?
What I want to know is where were all these Clinton monkey spunks when we were demonstrating against police brutality? For defunding the police in favor of real community policing? Supporting our indigenous brothers and sisters in Standing Rock? Where was the rage against perpetual war? Where, outside of Standing Rock, are the millions of rioters trying to save themselves from the corporate sponsored melt down of the planet, the sixth great extinction?
Fuck these people, I am completely disgusted with "Americans". "American" Hershey Squirts who have spent the past hundred years destroying any and all social revolutions by everyone else in the planet. Slave labor wages, thank you, USA, USA, USA! Swimming in turds!! USA USA USA.

I am disgusted with the plain fact that Black and Brown people in the USA are treated like excess humans and drink lead laden water, forced to eat food bank fatso poison and send their kids to pre-prison camp schools.
I am disgusted that "American" culeros are rioting in the streets for people (Clinton) who ripped off kind hearted donations to the Haitian people while the American UN occupation forces brought cholera that has killed and sickened hundreds of thousands of my brothers and sisters. Still living in tents and zinc tin shacks.
My friends in Palestine are still being shot down in cold blood every day as they resist ethnic cleansing. Where are these coprocephalic "American" rioters standing against apartheid?
Oh yes I can make a long list of the suffering and death the USA has caused us Hispanics, and our Black brothers and sisters and our Arab friends. What I want to know is why why are the "rioters" in the streets supporting fecalphilia?

I thought we were meant to
From the "Clinton bootychatta fackos"
to the way your photos lead to hard truths, thanks Alex.
All we can do
is stand together and fight the stupid.
This is a global thing. So, if you're a Bolivian in Dominica, an opinionated feminist in France, or buried in the belly of the beast we all must stand together.
Try to not make it personal. Stand on principal. Try to emulate my new sig line.
I want a Pony!
Somebody please flush! Now! It's still there until you flush!
Here you go
Who are those disgusting people?
What a great piece. I can't describe why I find it so completely compelling, yet short and to the point/spot-on. I only know that I do.
(don't mind me, I am just kind of thinking out loud)
So that's Kissinger and Clinton and who's the blond with her back to us, is that the grand Lady Rothschild of the DNC emails/Hillary-groveling storyline? Whoever they are, I hope Karma has plans for them that you and I might approve of. Because IMO, what they and their ilk are still participating in--in concert with their still captive "media"--is no less than dangerous social destabilization of this country, right now.
I see how the pictures of those people go together with the kid in the shit water (and that is so damned powerful, that image--I was horrified and I should be--so don't change a thing!). But I want to talk more about those "protesters" and less about those out-of-touch shitweasels hobnobbing at some Very Important Meeting.
I've been trying to put something together that captures my angst, to post here, but I'm still too damned mad. You can't believe how pissed off I am about the reporting of those "protests". I'm also willing to bet a lot of these "protesters" aren't even "rank and file" anything, let alone Democrats. What are the odds that a whole bunch of them are agents provocateur and this country is being deliberately and methodically provoked and driven to violence? Because as detestable as that concept is, it would benefit somebody.
At least in the moment, I am not buying that this "violent protests by Democrats" shit they're selling on the TV reflects most of this country's actual Left and any reality we're actually living, not one bit of it. I'm supposed to believe that all those people that told the GOP rank and file to fucking suck it up when Obama won are now going bananas on American streets over a former game-show host that's been shooting his mouth off for over 30 years now? Gee, I wonder why they're so upset? Which Trump are they protesting? The one the TV played nonstop clips of, during the primaries, When He Was King? Or was it the one the TV played after he accepted the GOP nomination--the one they keep telling us has morphed into his real identity, HitlerStalin?
Where the hell were these people when Hillary and Little Debbie were fucking over the Democratic primaries?
I'm calling bullshit on all of them.
These two "Parties" are playing chicken, and playing with fire at the same time. And they are going to get all of us burned.
I was flipping around the overseas links earlier, and the more I clicked the more pissed-off I got at the theatrics as seen from outside this country. One of my favorite rockers, Billy Joe Armstrong from Green Day, was quoted in The Guardian as saying the band supported this shit. This is the guy who largely wrote "American Idiot". What the actual fuck?
Thank the FSM for bud and alcohol. I usually don't indulge in the latter, but tonight, I think I need both....gaahhhh...thanks for the inspirational post!
Thank you Alex
you bring a much needed perspective to this.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Thank you for your perspective on this.
When you put it like that, it does seem odd that people are protesting the election on behalf of Hillary, while on the other hand, there are all these causes like racial and environmental justice at stake.
The primary motivating factor here seems to be fear and disgust of Trump. It's easier to direct your anger at flesh and blood individual rather than at things like pollution and racism. It does suck, and the prognosis for the future isn't good when people can't be bothered to rise up for the planet or for justice.
I felt exactly the same way!
WTF? You're protesting now? Have you not been paying attention? Where the hell have you been? It's seems so absurd that if there weren't so many of them protesting that they could be agent provocateurs trying to make the left look bad. Instead, the left is starting to look as crazy as the tea party. California is going secede, petitions to have the election results changed by rogue electors and now rioting in the streets and destroying property because their candidate didn't win. It's embarrassing.
They are really going to have conniption fits if this ever happens...
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
there's finally a reason to get into the streets
a rich white woman was denied her rightful place as The One Who Reigns Over Us.
This has been so predictable. Obama has done some awful things that would have outraged most Democrats if Bush had done them. As soon as a "Republican" wins the Presidency they're all motivated again. Well, we knew we'd see it. I'm angry about it though.
This election season has done some bad things to my friendships. I had no idea, prior to July, that so many of my friends are ignorant or just plain dumb.
Same here, but I feel pity for them
I'll guaran-damn-tee you that every last one of them in the "ignorant" or "dumb" group doesn't know how to give up the propaganda. It's hard. It took me years to give it up. It's an insidious pull, exacerbated by a "need to know" that all of us seem to have. This kind of propaganda seems to have become addictive, and that's the part of it I can't figure out.
years ago i realized that most of the opinions
most people had were taken, prete a porter, straight from the mass media narrative. it was a slow-growing realization, but i think maybe it was the "electability" meme that finally clarified it all for me, when the media destroyed Howard Dean's campaign simply by announcing that his Yarrggh rendered him unelectably unpresidential in the minds of the voters.
one of the more extraordinary elements in Trump's victory was that a sizeable fraction of the right-wingish populace rejected the mass media narrative -- the more the media talked about Trump's buffoonery and unelectability, the more the electorate said, "Fuck you."
if only the media had spent as much time mocking Sanders, and/or being dismayed by his Socialism; instead, they largely ignored him; and to the extent that they endorsed HRC's inevitability, far too many Democrats lapped it up, the benighted dumbfucks.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Agree 100%, Alex.
And to quote Ms. Sarah Silverman- with a little twist:
"To you *Clinton rioters,* you're being ridiculous!"
I like that as a hashtag pushback
#ClintonRioters #BeingRidiculous
Or some such.
This shit is so astro-turf. They want to de-stabilize this country and overwhelm the new POTUS, who has ZERO experience in government.
Keep an eye on Paul Ryan and Mike Pence. Those two fuckers are up to something--it wouldn't surprise me if "Tea Party" astroturf is behind all that shit. .
I'm not on Twitter, but
that looks like a great hashtag if you can get it going.
And I agree, you better watch Paul Ryan and Mike Pence... they're both no good x10 of Trump.
one of HRC's high school classmates had some thoughts
on the nature of American foreign relations.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
And yet ironically it's the
And yet ironically it's the Clinton supporters that keep calling racism at the notion that the D Party should do more to appeal to (white) working class voters (because, you know, economic support of the poor and middle class is so antithetical to what the D Party is supposed to be about).
They are as shallow as their candidate.
DFA calls electoral college "racist"
According to an email I just got from Democracy for America, the electoral college is "racist" because Hillary lost.
So amping-up the identity politics is the new plan eh?
I emailed them and explained that maybe they should take a look at the map of U.S. counties that went Trump, and ask themselves when the Dems are going to start listening to 'those people' in the 'flyover country'.
I may get some pushback for being so blunt, but it seems like the Democratic Party believes that you're never really poor as long as you're white.
Well, it was originally set up to balance the influence
of the urban northeast with that of the more rural south. The South feared that slavery would be abolished under "one man, one vote" they fought for a deal where slaves would count as 3/5 of a person for representation (and electors), and that was enough for them to roughly equalize the relative power of north and south.
If that ain't racist, I don't know what is. But to say it's racist because it happened to benefit, that's just ridiculous.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Well, it was originally set up to balance the influence
of the urban northeast with that of the more rural south. The South feared that slavery would be abolished under "one man, one vote" they fought for a deal where slaves would count as 3/5 of a person for representation (and electors), and that was enough for them to roughly equalize the relative power of north and south.
If that ain't racist, I don't know what is. But to say it's racist because it happened to benefit, that's just ridiculous.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
thank you, Alex /eom
There is no justice in America, but it is the fight for justice that sustains you.
--Amiri Baraka
Hank Kissinger
Hard to believe that a-hole is still around.