U.S. literally needed two tries to shoot down a balloon with a $400K missile
When I posted this snark I was simply mocking the stupidity of going through all of this trouble to shoot down balloons.
But it turns out that my sarcasm was just early.
The U.S. military jet that downed an unknown object in the Michigan sky on Sunday missed on its first attempt over Lake Huron, officials told Fox News.The Air Force F-16 jet was using Sidewinder missiles to attack the target.
"The first Sidewinder heat-seeking missile missed the target," one official said.
How does a sidewinder missile miss a balloon?https://t.co/mGcl2iAqyb
— Bill Mitchell (@mitchellvii) February 14, 2023
Good Lawd! What if the Chinese include kite technology next time? With roman candles!
Congress should give the Pentagon another $800 billion to deal with this balloon/kite/fireworks threat.
Nevertheless, it's important to note that our military has got this under control, and is not making it an even bigger mess.
Citing U.S. officials, Tomlinson wrote on Twitter that a second Sidewinder air-to-air missile was required, and it is "not clear where the first missile landed."
...The cost of each Sidewinder missile is listed as "variable" by the Air Force, but a Newsweek estimate based on the defense budget for the 2021 fiscal year suggests that AIM-9x Sidewinders range between $430,818 and $472,000. The AIM-9X is the newest variant of the missile.
Jodi Vittori, a professor of practice and co-chair of the Global Politics and Security program at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service said that the Sidewinder is "relatively cheap, as far as air-to-air missiles go."
You would think that even a "relatively cheap" missile of $450K would have the same or equal GPS tracking technology that my $150 Android phone has.

I'm not certain this is the diabolical intent,
but if you take this balloon bullshit seriously, you will go nuts. Life in post-rational America is simply insane. I suspect that the game plan is to drive us all to insanity. We should change the name of our country to Funny Farm.
The hip term for this is gaslighting, but that movie example is far less crackers than what we absorb on a daily basis from our primary sources of information and our government. I sincerely did not believe that they could cook up any story that is more coo-koo bananas than the Ukraine fable starring Nazis as victims.
But spy balloons and balloon dogfights in the sky are right there on the screen in front of us.
Good fucking luck to all who live in Funny Farm Nation.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
Over a million dollars just to remind someone
how stupid it is to try to shoot a helium balloon with a heat seeking missile.
On to Biden since 1973
How many missiles would it take to get rid of these spy
My instincts tell me that this Weather Balloon stupidity
...is going to be a lasting part of US history. The muted, defensive Monday-morning new stories from the government-compliant media-monopolies suggest that the Pentagon is probably pretty embarrassed.
If they are smart, they'll come clean and identify the owners of, and the instruments found in all FOUR research balloons that were shot down by the US military, using advanced air-to-air missiles.
The downed balloons represent just four of the approximately 12,000 unmanned research balloons that were launched into the earths upper atmosphere during the past week.
If they try to bury it in classified bullshit, it is quite likely that the incident will be burned prominently into the US Historical narrative.
I hope you are right
But I have seen absolutely nothing for the last several years to support an affirmative response to the the question posed by your opening passage: If they are smart But I still do not believe they are as stupid as their perverse policies. So I still manage to find room to hope for sanity in high places.
We'll see if this shit gets walked back.
If not, we'll also find out if there is such a thing as a US historical narrative beyond propaganda.
Hope springs eternal.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
Nothing I love better
than the eternal optimist.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Support for your take from Caitlin
It looks like the spooks are trying to walk this back, but the mainstream media won't cooperate. check out the rest of it:
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
my best response to all this
Channeling my best Tamarian from Star Trek, would be
Caligula, sending a Legion to Brittania, to collect seashells.
should have used a safety pin
that would have cost a lot less.
It's amazing how unhinged our society is. People I thought were smart turn out to be willing victims of the propaganda.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!