Undue Influence
From Slate magazine*: Paul Ryan, soon to be ex-speaker of the house, gave a policy speech Oct 14, 2016 to a group of college Republicans at which he did not mention Trump by name.“If given control of Washington, if given control of Congress, it is the kind of America (read the article to find out what kind, not) she (sic) will stop at 'nothing' to have.” italics mine.
3 weeks + 3 days with a 10% possibility that a madman might become king america. If somehow that happened it would follow that the senate stays Red and there's an open court seat to fill - they will stop at nothing to have it and 'they've' done it before. It scares the sane world that it's a possibility; three plutocratic pillars with nukes pointed at 'other's'.
Who are these definers of otherness, the 30+% base undaunted by despicability, half of whom (more than ten million of our neighbors) rejoice at the prospect? Radicalized evangelical ammosexuals, an unhinged militia that yearns for the rapture and in the last 300 days have been emboldened to take it. Ten plus million tools at the disposal of rapacious money-changers. Sad.
So what's to stop them in the short-term? The status quo?: with a complicit corporate media reveling in Citizen's United enabled advertising profits, who have (by law, don't you know) to place shareholder value above all else. Some have found that there is profit to be made in countering the false-equivalency, fact-free faux news and their wannabes but not many.
The status quo, who look the other way or intentionally hide that another dirty fuel project is green lighted, that militarized bill collector's with badges will terrorize neighborhoods for the incarceration costs of penal profiteers. A status quo that provides cover for the opioid peddlers that you will use, or else, or else you will be jailed for your schedule One alternative.
Vote green and if the 'billionaire' with Red rigs it - the Murdoch-Kochocalypse was destined.
I will happily vote green . . .
. . . will do it in early voting if possible.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo