Tulsi, warrior princess
This message is brought to you thanks to the efforts of the combined staffs of the History and Sociology Departments of Alligator University.
This year of our Lord, the holy Flying Spaghetti Monster 2019, we have discovered a legend--a living, fire-breathing legend at that. Not since the days of Boudica, a warrior Queen, has the earth seen such a warrior. Not surpassed by Jean d Árc nor Katherine the Great. This warrior of the wireless age has not only exhibited compassion on the battlefield, as befits a person of high honor, but has the uncanny ability to perform as the best of Generals (not just Majors) throughout recorded history have done. Know wherein lies the enemy. Know your own strengths. Know your own weaknesses. When engaging the enemy, do not hold back. Fight to win! Win as big as you can, while sparing needless damage.
Tulsi, our subject (and [bias apparent here] champion), has arisen, almost from the sea. Far to the West across the Great Water, from islands spewed from the mouths of living volcanoes, emerged, almost as an eruption, our Warrior Princess Tulsi. She fought to defend her tribe by joining a council of the advisers, then abandoning such sedentary life and chosing battle instead. Fighting with distinction, Tulsi saved the lives of many fellow soldiers. Her counsel proved both wise and humane. Troops and others recognized Tulsi's emerging greatness, coupled with compassion.
To the delight of her cadre, Tulsi sallied forth to the land known today as The Great Swamp. Chauvinistically however, I believe my south Florida estuary is the true Great Swamp. But we shall leave that debate to a later time.
She joined a regiment called the DNC. At first it seemed to Tulsi this to be a desirable posting, surrounded by fields and rivers with pleasing structures in which to live. Continuing her steady progress up the ranks, our Warrior Princess, as yet untested by actual combat, joined others to high councils of War and of Foreign trysts.
But only a few years had yet to pass during her service, Tulsi sensed some problems in the command chain. Plans seemed to favor neither Nation nor Military, but instead the commanders themselves. Upon thus learning, Tulsi resigned her position, abandoning the ill-disposed regiment, seeking mission achievement over promotion.
A loosely knit Brigade, called the Democratic Party, united by the power of money and of power itself, was to become the default posting of TWP. Unfortunately the chain of command was rent asunder by internal factions, an unholy tug of war resulting. This war is still actively contested--we are in a state of war.
[Injection of unpaid political endorsement, not approved by TWP] Folks, we need this brave general to lead.
Contesting amongst others for the ultimate Brigade command was Tulsi and 21 22 (23?) others. The concept grew either too tiresome or expensive for many contestants, who either became sick or perished from fatigue and/or loneliness. The field of battle was becoming clarified, gaining Tulsi progressively improving evaluation and appropriate planning for future campaigns.
The First Slain Enemy, Olaf the Oaf
From the gentle hills and scattered forests of Ohionia came Olaf. Initially he was known as Olaf the Ogre; until he was slain by sword blows from Warrior Tulsi. Description of her foe is warranted. Her foe was a giant, tall and strong. But Olaf was neither quick of wit nor of foot. Large he was, as said. The ground would rumble beneath his foot steps. Trees were bent aside as he strode unstoppably through the woods. Local dwellers both feared and respected Olaf, the mighty.
The battle: the setting is on a level plain under illumination of many cell phones torches soon after sunset. Other contestants on the field have agreed that only two contestants combat each other. Female referees would enforce rules of combat.
Tulsi and Olaf faced each other. In his ponderous way, Olaf declared his desire to engage. With that, Warrior Tulsi swiftly smote his pate with a mighty broadsword blow. Owing to the thickness of Olaf's cranium, the sound of the resultant impact was heard for miles. Yea, more than a thousand miles some say. Rending Olaf's pulsating brain irreversibly damaged, the Oaf staggered from battleground, only to succumbing to his wounds months later.
Not being particularly fond of Olaf, I did not check the source of the following: it is estimated that 30 people attended his internment, including undertakers.
Yet the Campaign had only just begun. More foes to conquer.
Second Casualty: Klammer the Camel
Venturing forth from the Kingdom of Kalifornication comes (but not for very long) the former Lord High Executioner, Klammer the Camel. Since Klammer is of mixed parentage, it is unsure whether Klammer is a Dromedary (one hump camel) or a two hump Bactrian camel. It is recorded that an expert on Klammer's humping is retired statesman Willie Brown.
It is said said that Klammer's exhalations could kill enemies at 10 paces. Yet Klammer's best weapon was heaving heavy Criminal Code books at her victims. Strangely, Klammer looked reasonably fit in her drab clothing. Foes who faced her in battle have noted how white Klammer's teeth are as she gnashes at them. She had a strange reaction to cannabis. When others utilized the substance, she raged and destroyed them, if she could reach them. Yet when she herself inhaled the aroma of such burning vegetation, she became as if in a trance.
The battlefield: very much like the field upon which brave Tulsi slew the Oaf, at night with many candles burning held by acolytes of various contestants. Once again, only two were allowed combat at a time. Supremely self-confident of victory, flush with self-satisfaction after inflicting a minor wound on former vice-king JoJo the Far Gone. Klammer first engaged other contestants, smirking from her presumed victories. Now brimming with confidence bordering on hubris, Klammer stood her ground. Then, in a well-planned straight ahead frontal attack, delivered with swiftness and ferocity, Tulsi struck her foe. And struck her. While Klammer lay quivering on the ground, TWP demanded an apology of her for her past sins. When none was evinced, Tulsi stuck the tip of her blade into Klammer's seeming impenetrable armor. This wound, though not immediately fatal, nevertheless is proving fatal to the now debilitated Klammer. Klammer attempted a counter-attack at another field before falling slack-jawed after a mere glare from Tulsi. Not yet dead, but soon.
Third Casualty: Boots the Jiggler
Wandering from a land not far from the home of Olaf, proceeds the Stolid Boots. He sets his sights on new lands to conquer. The city he leaves is burning and being plundered by wandering Mnuchkins from the neighboring fiefdom of Illinois. Unconcerned with the plight of the subjects of the Boots' prior management, Boots bravely strides forth, still not battle-tested. He gathers with him followers, some of whom are loyal, while others need financial encouragement to participate in his campaign.
Boots has been gifted with the ability to speak so eloquently and at such length that those auditioners of his monologues are both amazed and yet unable to understand the essence of Boots' message.
The battlefield: interestingly quite similar to those upon which Tulsi administered the blows dispatching the Oaf and crippling the Camel. Once again, remaining combatants aligned to watch two of their number engage upon combat.
Boots, buoyed by the support of his entourage, summoned forth 400 of his Southern Army to aid in his battle. There Boots turned upon Tulsi, promising to not only to vanquish her by his superior generalship but send troops across the Southern border. But, becoming anxious of TWP, he turned to assay his retinue of 400. But lo, none remained, most not having left the barracks.
In face-to-face combat Boots met Tulsi. Mutually acknowledging their military experience, Tulsi struck blows into the Jiggler. This assault froze Boots into place, unable to respond. The above picture of Boots was made immediately after a biting blow from Tulsi's broadsword. He was heard to mumble something like "Et tu, Tulsi?".
. . . . .
Campaigns against larger enemies are soon to come. One looming conflict may be likened to a civil war against Brooklyn Bernie which hopefully be short. A battle against the Hokey Okie is inevitable.
Our AU colleagues assure me that the Feared Medusa will enter the fray after more rivals have fallen. The Snake-head leads a mighty army, most of whom are oddly cyborg-like. Bots I think they call them. Hilbots actually.
A musical coda is appropriate here. A good choice is a warning, an admonition to those contemplating with the Warrior Princess.
If you don't want to, you don't have to get in trouble
You better leave my woman alone.
If you don't want to, you don't have to get in trouble
You better leave Tulsi alone.

Lucy Lawless is ok but Lynda Carter still holds my heart.
Great essay. You have a way with words that few inside or outside the swamp can equal.
Thanks edg
Yummy with a ...
side of fava beans and a nice bottle of Chianti?
Warrior Tulsi
has massive cojones.
She's tough, smart, and amazingly strong psychologically. That's exactly the kind of person you want on point.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
I was wondering if the Alligator ED warrior kissed (updated)
the princess and the warrior woman awoke, or if the princess had kissed Alligator ED and woke up the prince of word-warriors in him.
I just had a short feeling of pity for my non-exisiting grandkids, those history lessons by prince Alligator are 'some hard to digest delicious golden nuggets.
I measure now the greatness of a writer by how often he forces me to consult the Urban Dictionary.
Sigh, Alligator Ed, I think I love you, which means I am totally confused and can't get over my highs.
I think it's the inner PELE coming out of Tulsi...
which leads me to believe that PELE kissed Alligator ED. /s
Vielen Dank, meine Liebste (edited)
A comPELEing story, masterfully told by those who know history. But, alas such a tragic yet romantic story such as PELE must be told. But in the here and now, which is where we are (and shall always be), I do not mind rendered meat at all. If I could find some present day Peleiads, indeed, they will be invited to my own home to participate, shall we say, in dinner.
According to geologists too!
Interesting how these legends have a basis in fact, isn't it?
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Warrior Princess
Comes to kick Deep State bureau-corporate butt and take names...
As a Youtube commenter put it:
"(Gabbard) has the potential to become the greatest US president since JFK."
Having seen them come and go since JFK, I'm inclined to agree.
I hope she doesn't wind up like JFK!
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
TLA “have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you” —Schumer
TLA = “Three Letter Agencies” = shorthand for the so-called “intelligence community”
Schumer = Senator Charles “Chuck” Schumer (D–NY), Senate Minority Leader
Not out of line to presume the JFK way is one of those six . . .
OT, toothpaste and the 'here and now'
not to say that I don't understand you at all, I think this is part of the 'Here and Now'.
Students from Hawaii speak out on conflict at Mauna Kea too. Peleiads marching on.
So sorry, PELE, Hawaiians and lost souls are on my mind, can't help it. Thanks for bearing with my comments. Can't put my head together.
Good dental hygiene is important to gators
Secondly, about the here and now. Consider this, wherever you go, there you will be. And when you are where you will be, you will doing so in the present. The wise swamper always lives in the present because yesterday's meal is only a memory.
Ever heard of the Irish Queen Maeve?
We once climbed Knocknarea Mountain which overlooks Sligo town between it and the sea to visit the stone cairn and Maeve’s tomb. It is said if you take a good sized stone to leave on top of the cairn you will receive good luck. If you take a stone away from the cairn back down the hill, you will experience bad luck.
for more... https://celticlife.com/irelands-queen-maeve/
Legend has it that she was buried standing up looking toward the north ready to return to fight the vikings if they returned. One older Irishman told us the reason you take a stone up to put on her cairn is to make sure she doesn't return.
Not to say Tulsi is Maeve, but there may be a grain of truth in Maeve's story.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The Brit show Horrible Histories made a catchy song about her.
Gonna cause a stink
Won't be the first to blink
I'm not who you think
Don't mess with me, I'm Boudicca
[Verse 1]
My husband Prasutagus died, he was a Celtic king
I was his queen, so due to me was half of everything
Roman law gave half to me, so half was what they got
'Til their nasty soldiers came and took the blessed lot
Hey mister, I say you got the wrong end of the stick
His answer turned this sister into one angry chick
No man, Roman'll push around this woman
You won't get far with Boudicca
Bowmen, yeomen, smash the Roman foemen
All say yah (yah!)
[Verse 2]
I built a massive army, headed straight for the city
Beat 'em all with ease, unlike me, it wasn't pretty
Chopped 'em and hacked, but what made their red blood curl
(Bad enough being beaten, but beaten by a girl?)
Whacked 'em, smacked 'em, boy, how we attacked 'em
Near and far, ha ha ha!
Flayed 'em, slayed 'em, up and down parade 'em
Toughest by far
Colchester, London, St. Albans
Everybody talk about dead Romans!
[Verse 3]
We marched on up the Roman road that's known as Watling Street
They trapped us in the forest, then thrashed us to our defeat
By now, you'd guessed I'm not the kind of girl to sit and cry
Be sold a slave to Romans? You know I'd rather die!
They tried to take me prisoner, so I led the Roman boys on
Instead of giving in to them, I swallowed special poison
Martyr, smarter, capturer, non-starter
This was our last hurrah
Slaughtered, dismembered, our tribe always remembered
Boudicca! Superstar!
Boudicca! Superstar!
Don't diss this miss
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
So fine!
The video and lyrics are hysterical. Thanks.
I would love to see
Tulsi debate Shillary.
I made a warrior princess costume for Halloween once.
Whom did you have in mind for the role of Ares?
Mary Bennett
a very fine tale you've wrought,
my Swampy friend.
Did Alligator U give you an A++ on it? sure do hope so... ; )
Thank you, dear butterfly, yes indeed an A++
good to know that
Alligator U isn't a den of nepotism, including sister Alice! and that you don't get cranky, you get even!
seriously, an epic fairytale that may just pass into a full-blown legend.
This was interesting
Tulsi was sick during the debate and faced a hostile crowd in Atlanta.
Kim Iverson reports (20 min)
EDIT to add another I just caught...
from Jimmy - Michael Moore Joins MSNBC’s McCarthy Smears Of Tulsi (16 min)
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Joy Reed - ein Brechmittel ... seufz /nt