Tulsi on Bill Maher (video)

Strong to the hoop Tulsi! And this will reach a whole lot of people.

Tulsi Gabbard | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

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Deja's picture

He tried to steer her into Trump/R Party Always Bad, Russia Putin Flag Lapel Pin bullshit and she got back on message. She said no matter the party, elections should be secure and neither party supported her proposed legislation to help make them secure.

He did, however, speak truth when he said had Obama refrained from attacking Iran after drone was shot down, we'd have approved. Kinda made the point that 21st century Ds are bloodthirsty, warmongers despite expecting people to believe that it's the evil Putin-loving Rs who crave war.

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snoopydawg's picture


is because she talked to Trump right after he was elected. Apparently no democrats should ever talk to the R president about anything. They ignore how many times democrats have voted with republicans on Trump's legislation, confirmed his cabinet picks and votes to confirm his right wing judges and just say that it's the republicans that have brought the country to where it is. The democrats are wearing halos in their eyes.

The other thing that she did that bothers them is she talked to Assad and said that he is not this country's enemy. Can't have diplomacy either. Nope. Why? Because their BFFs Barack and Herheinous said that Assad is a bad man.

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If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

on message & never gets sucked into IDPol or even D vs. R. Great cross-over appeal but the D's are fixated on the same-old junk. Kamal/ByeDone, Russia-Russia... etc. sigh.

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chuck utzman

TULSI 2020

The best was the huge applause when she walked out on stage--I think it took Maher back a bit. That was cool.

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Alligator Ed's picture

Tulsi was superb as always--straight to the point without the usual weasel bafflegab. Good on Maher to showcase her. More people now interested in her and her candidacy.

But Maher is still sucking on the phantasy of Russiagate and that Trump is Putin's pet. What an effing idiot.

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Between admitting we have rigged voting machines and then saying no to impeachment because she thinks the American people have to resoundingly reject Trump in 2020.

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Centaurea's picture

@Battle of Blair Mountain If Trump is thrown out of office via impeachment, it won't fix what gave us Trump.

If we don't recognize and change the circumstances that gave us Trump, we will just get more "leaders" like Trump, or worse.

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"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."

"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone

@Centaurea but first it's imperative Trump be removed, including impeachment. He's that dangerous to our democracy.

The rest of the systemic issues, long-term and deep-seated, ingrained for many decades, will take years to uproot.

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Jen's picture

@wokkamile Just, no. I would rather suffer through another year and a half of Trump than be subjected to Dense Pence for even a week. How can anyone see Pence as an improvement?! Does that mean I like the orange turd? No. I just think the alternative is way worse.

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@Jen easier to defeat in 2020. No charisma. Just an ice-cold moral scold from the Indiana RW.

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@Battle of Blair Mountain on the contradiction. I also thought I heard her remark or imply impeachment wouldn't happen because of the R senate. She wasn't around for W-gate, but at the beginning, there weren't enough on board to win in the House let alone the senate.

Let the evidence be shown in public and let the people see it and decide.

Otherwise, as a Tulsi backer I am usually in agreement.

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While running as a Democrat, she pointedly criticizes both parties, and the system for its disfunction and inability unwillingness to address the people’s best interest in their legislative efforts. Fish and fowl both stink mightily as they decompose. Tulsi is, in spirit at least, not of either rotting party.

I would expect that at some point, perhaps not for the 2020 election cycle, she will stand as an independent or third party candidate. That day can not come too soon.

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“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

Pluto's Republic's picture


...and loyal Party Members are clinically delusional. None of them seem to be aware that they are victims of deliberate IC/MIC propaganda. (Party Leaders receive enormous sums of money to continue to believe in this junk):

The Duopoly is controlled by America’s 585 billionaires, who effectively steer America’s foreign policies. While both Parties are determined to engage in highly profitable wars on behalf of the billionaires, the billionaires, themselves, disagree on whether America’s top enemy is (if the billionaire is a Republican) Iran, or (if the billionaire is a Democrat) Russia.


I think Tulsi would have to transcend both Parties, and/or form one of her own, if she wants to continue to speak truthfully and logically to the American people. She knows from her Assad experience, that she must do her own foreign policy research. The media and the government have been gaslighting the American People since World War I.

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but I can't stand the sight or sound of that Islamaphobic, 'Israel is always righteous' Bill Maher, so I wouldn't watch him even if he had a resurrected Einstein on his show.

I'm glad some truth got aired to so many victims of his propaganda shilling agenda, too bad they are drinking toxins at the same time and will return for more.

Bill Maher is the epitome of everything wrong about the faux Progressive groups and politicians that appear regularly on his show alongside other warmongering right wingers like Bill Kristol, Max Boot,Thomas Friedman, Bari Weiss, and damn near everyone that pushed the Iraqi invasion, Libyan bombing, Ukraine coup, Honduran coup,Russia-gate, smears of Assange,... the list is long.

I don't even like to think about him and while writing this comment the image of his smug face bothers me to no end.

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@aliasalias Maher is the epitome of a Hollywood ass who thinks he is the smartest person on the planet. And I am surprised Bibi has not asked him to be his successor. But there is so much competition for Bibi bootlicking, maybe Maher doesn't have the inside track he deserves.

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mimi's picture

at least my brain tells me so.

Don't know if my brain works properly and politically correct though.

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Centaurea's picture


that one's brain can work both properly and politically correctly at the same time.


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"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."

"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone

mimi's picture


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