Tuesday news dump: Trump's October Surprise edition
There's been a lot of speculation about what sort of underhanded surprise Trump would pull out this October. Would it be war? Would it be money? Turns out it's peace.
Public support for Trump administration-backed peace talks to end the 19-year U.S. war in Afghanistan is surging, according to a report provided to Foreign Policy, as Afghan and Taliban negotiators began talks in Qatar this weekend.Though the talks remain mostly shrouded in secrecy from the U.S. Congress and the American public, the Eurasia Group Foundation, a New York-based nonprofit, found strong public support among both Republicans and Democrats for the planned withdrawal of all remaining U.S. troops over the next 14 months. Meanwhile, the portion of those calling for U.S. forces to stay in Afghanistan to ensure the defeat of the Taliban and al Qaeda has halved since last year, to just 15 percent of respondents.
The survey found that fatigue with the Afghan war is dovetailing with a broader public desire to see the U.S. Defense Department reduce its footprint overseas and for Congress to slash military spending while reasserting its authority over U.S. war-making authority.
Combine this with withdrawing thousands of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, and the collapse of the Russian bounties story, and you have a worst-case scenario for all the neocon warmongers in the Democratic Party.
What will they do? Will they try to sell us that trump needs to be more militaristic? We need more war?
Speaking of war crimes, it seems that our leaders are afraid of being arrested if they travel overseas.
A report from The New York Times revealed that some US officials are concerned that their role in facilitating arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, while ignoring the harm to civilians each country has caused in Yemen, could lead to their arrest overseas for war crimes. A Congressional hearing over these arms sales is set to take place on Wednesday.The report said that officials from both the Obama administration and the Trump administration have considered hiring lawyers to discuss the possibility of being arrested while vacationing overseas.
Last week, the UN issued a report on atrocities in Yemen and asked the Security Council to bring actions by all parties in the conflict to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for possible war crimes prosecution. The Times said that legal scholars believe the ICC could charge US officials based on their knowledge of the pattern of indiscriminate killing by the parties the US supports in the conflict.
And this is even before we consider the criminal investigation by the international criminal Court for our war crimes in Afghanistan, that we are currently sanctioning.
Finally we should note Trump's latest pathetic attempt at undermining the Venezuelan government.
Venezuela's chief prosecutor on Monday accused a recently arrested US citizen of spying and planning to sabotage oil refineries and electrical service in order to stir unrest and kill innocent people.The man, alleged to have CIA ties, had help from three Venezuelan conspirators, who were arrested last week near a pair of oil refineries on the north Caribbean coast, Venezuela's Chief Prosecutor Tarek William Saab said on state television.

One last chance to say screw you to the Democratic establishment
Delaware is the last Democratic primary of the year. Progressives are challenging Biden's hand picked replacement Sen. Coons. Who is just like Biden.
It's a long shot but there's a chance
Nope, challenge failed
The Delaware Machine rolls on.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
it wasn't all bad
Right on time
Well, yes. That's exactly what they'll do.
If there's a doomsday clock for false-flag events, it will have only a couple of seconds left to tick should Trump attempt something as low-down and dirty as make peace.
It's amazing how easy it is for Trump to outflank the Democrats to the left. He's done it once and he'll probably do it again. I mean, why not? Even Goering knew: "Naturally the common people don't want war..."
A rightwing Norwegian MP
has already nominated The Donald for the Nobel Peace Prize....
Good Times. The insanitary continues.
from a reasonably stable genius.
You know who deserves the Nobel Prize?
Cuban doctors.
Just do a Google Search for "cuban doctors nobel prize".
They are almost universally loved by anyone outside of the United States.
While the rest of the world pulled back because of covid, Cuba sent out thousands of doctors, and they saved countless lives.
Not to diss Cuban doctors
nor to defend the US healthcare system, but I have to take issue with this:
Trump, clueless federal agencies, big pharma, irresponsible blue state governors, not to mention Chinese bioweapons research, social media suppression of information about therapeutics *and* the US health care system have all contributed to the high US death toll - but a big, if not the biggest factor - one that rarely seems to get mentioned - may well be simply the poor state of Americans' health.
Japan has never gone to severe lockdowns, kids are back in school (about half of universities are still doing remote classes only) and total COVID-19 deaths (about 1500) are less than 1% of US deaths - in a country with 1/3 the US population.
The numbers may change and there are no doubt multiple factors involved - but I'm convinced that a major one is that Japanese are, overall, much healthier than Americans.
Not unlike debt - keeping people in ill health is profitable for some, and enforces dependency. Still, if people acquiesce in letting corporations and bureaucrats make their healthcare decisions and fail to take personal responsibility - or demand it of their leaders - the situation is not going to improve.
The 'less war' or 'end the war' candidate
generally has the advantage. The often cited exception is 1972, but that overlooks that 1) Feb 1972 Nixon went to China b) October 1972 Kissinger announced that peace was at hand c) the McGovern campaign fell apart right after the convention and conservative Dems did their best to undermine his campaign.
Talk is cheap...
He's had 4 years to pull out of these absurd wars.
Biden has already declared he will increase the military budget and keep troops in the ME. Whatta disaster.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Tulsi forever
I can't think of any other candidate this season who is not a bloodthirsty warmonger, including Bernie. Trump talks like he wants to get out of wars and not start new ones. His actions are inconsistent. He's obviously ready to pull the trigger on the flimsiest of evidence, with really nasty, aggressive taunts. On the other hand, he has not started any new wars, and he has tried to reduce troop count. The push-back becomes horrendous and he gives in not wanting to seem soft on defense, offense, maiming and killing children, etc.
Trump and the Republicans are diametrically opposite to my views on politics, on the other hand so are the Democrats. On social issues the Dems sound slightly better but do nothing so they are worse than nothing. I would not vote for a Republican, but I can't vote for a Democrat. Still, I hope that Trump can pull off an October Peace surprise. If that causes him to win, fine, as it sends a strong message to the Democrats.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
Turns out that it was peace-
that is, for proper definitions of the word "peace", of course.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.