Trump, Russia and peace

Bill Gates might have compared Trump to JFK last Dec. 2016, but it's idealistic thinking.

May I remind Mr. Gates that JFK wanted space cooperation with the Soviets in 1963, that was the original idea of the Apollo moon mission, but the rightwing denounced it immediately. They made it impossible. These are historical facts, no fake news here. Don't bother debating me on this if you don't have the facts in front of you.

Yet fast-forward 9 years later, not too long after Kennedy was killed off, Nixon set up exactly the same thing that JFK proposed in 1963: Apollo-Soyuz. The rightwing had no problem with it now, but they had already previously denounced the exact same idea when they helped to sabotage the same proposal made in 1963 by a Democratic President. Where was the logic in that?

What I'm saying is that US-Russia relations have always been possible, and justifiably so. The problem is always the rethugs, it is not a problem between the people of the two nations as we would always be better off by peacefully co-existing.

Trump wants better relations with Russia? That's old news, we've been expecting it and wanting it for over 50 years and the rightwing in our country always finds a way to destroy the peace in the world and make another war.

Same thing with Cuba. Pres. Carter was normalizing those relations but Raygun killed that off. As he did with Rejkavik and Gorbachev. He ratcheted up the Cold War against the Soviet Union.

Pres. Obama has finally normalized things with Cuba, but will Trump kill that one off? I expect nothing good from this scam artist.

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If he paid his fair share of taxes, he wouldn't have all that money to buy influence into things he knows absolutely nothing about.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

U.S. policy change on Cuban migrants leaves many stranded

PANAMA CITY — It took three months for Gabriel Marin and his wife, Yansiel, to make it from their home in eastern Cuba to this migrant shelter in Panama’s capital. The goal was the United States and now the door that spurred their odyssey has slammed shut.
“This has left us frozen, in total limbo, and sad because it wasn’t worth risking everything, our lives,” Marin, a 24-year-old cook wearing a Venezuelan soccer jersey said Thursday shortly after the news broke. Police in Peru near the Brazilian border had stolen $200 from them and now they were stuck.
“We can just wait and see what Trump can do,” Marin said, holding out hope that President-elect Donald Trump could reverse the change as part of a desire to dismantle the recent detente between the U.S. and Cuba. “I have a bunch of cousins waiting for me in the United States.”

Real lives at stake. Putin! Edit to add: billionaire math
Gates Foundation and USAID Spread GMO Industry Control over Traditional African Crops
Russia Proposes Clear GMO Labeling for Eurasian Economic Union
Putin! Wink

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edg's picture

you're saying it's Republicans driving the "Russians hacked the DNC and elected Trump" meme and it's Republicans that are the obstacles to friendlier relations between the US and Russia, and it's Republicans that are calling anyone who disagrees with them "Ivan" or "Russian troll" or "Putin lover"? Interesting hypothesis.

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ngant17's picture

but they live far, far away from me, in Idaho , I think. I live in Florida.

If there is only one metric to exonerate Obama, then the Cuba normalization deal did it for me. BTW my Cuban-American wife Vilma, who naturally detests Trump and (ughh) voted for Hillary (I went Green), she compared Herr Trump's last press conference to the dictatorial habits of Fidel Castro in his news conferences in Cuba (BTW he's a man who I admire), exactly the same manner of bullying the journalists around. Accordingto her. Well, I don't know, I never saw a Castro press conference and I never witnessed Commander Fidel bullying around any of their journalists around. I guess it could have happened. I still admire him, he was a tough man who kept Cuba independent and free from foreign influence (as much as was politically possible during the Cold War).

I'm saying I have no trust or respect for any of the Republicans, although there may be some distant ones which exist in some isolated pockets of America.

I would admire Putin more if he could quit acting so macho. Russia is a big bad country if you wanna provoke it. This is a given. You don't have to remind me, Mr. Vladimir Putin. You beat the Nazi beast, with 20 million dead in that war. And came back even stronger than before.

But where do we go with the world peace and cooperation agenda? My favorite Russian President was and always will be Gorbachev. He's the closest thing to Jimmy Carter, I suppose. A humble peasant who worked his way up into leadership. But most Russians detest him for the collapse of USSR. Just like most Rethugs hate Carter for being a 'weak' President.

I really don't know what the game-plan for the Republicans are. They tend to be crooked as the establishment Dems. I'm sorry that Bernie couldn't go any further than he did. It's really hard for me to think of anyone except Green Party or some of the 'Our Revolution' folks these days.

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