Today's double feature: phony FISA application and Rosenstein's attempted blackmail

First some "old news": the genesis of the phony FISA warrant / Trump surveillance. For those unfamiliar with the whole sordid history of the Piss Dossier, here is an excellent timeline compiled by former federal prosecutor Joseph DeGenova. The video is 31 minutes long and most of us are aware of this. But for those unaware or those who may wish to attempt enlightenment of Independents, this report is an excellent summation.

In concert with this video, Tracy Beanz published a video in which she takes excerpts from Lame Stream Media sources which back up every single point in the GOP FISA memo. This video, 28 minutes long, should be force fed down Mad Adam Schiff's and Daffy Nancy's throats.

FBI Blackmail?

In this video appearing on Fox news, attorney/commentator Greg Jarrett reveals Rod Rosenstein's threat to subpoena records, emails, etc of House Intelligence Committee members records (at 21:30 in the video). Much of the video concerns reiteration of the FISA memo's poisoned birth.

Sara Carter, Fox investigative reporter states in the video that (paraphrasing)

the Nunes menu contains only 10% of information yet to be revealed" by Republicans.

The Demonrats are now tunneling into bedrock in a futile attempt the day of reckoning (mid-terms 2018).

Yes, Mad Adam, Nunes's memo did reflect on national security revealing names and methods of how brazenly the Demonrats's attempt to subvert the constitution. As much as I dislike the Yellow Bezoar's policies, attempted undermining of the entire election is just too much for the vast majority of the population.

Personal message to Adam, Nancy, Chuckles, Aunty Maxine, and of course Medusa:


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snoopydawg's picture

The most current article on this Russian propaganda crap.

The DNC computer hack setup to crowdstrikes involvement and who the players were, Obama's role in why she wasn't charged for obviously breaking the espionage act to so many other delightful conspiracy too many to name..

This one takes us through the beginning of everything starting with Hillary's loss to Obama and what happened after that. I was able to get around the paywall by refreshing my browser.

Who knows if we'll see anyone charged for what they've done, but this whole damn thing is much bigger than watergate because of how many government agencies were involved in it.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Alligator Ed's picture

@snoopydawg From the first one, several observations are appropriate from my standpoint, in that most of them were already known to me, as I believe they were known to you and communitarians.

All who signed off on this application, and/or the subsequent applications to renew the FISA warrant on Page, may face indictment — and that includes Comey, McCabe, Yates, and Rosenstein. Perhaps some of those signing off on the renewals just assumed that the original application had been properly vetted, and hence have somewhat lesser culpability — but nonetheless, their endorsement was improper.

This is too lenient by far in my opinion. This FISA sham is treason, an attempt to knowingly undermine the legitimately elected President through lies of commission and commission. Further more ALL of those who signed off on the FISA applications in the Carter Page surveillance warrant, which leads directly to the Müller investigation, are guilty of at least dereliction of duty by failing to pursue their due diligence in ascertaining the authenticity of the information to which they affixed their signatures. But, given the fetid, totally putrescent nature of the upper DOJ and FBI echelons, my surmise is that they are all guilty of treason. They are guilty no less than HRC and Hussein.

This country finds itself in a dire state:
Collapsing empire.
Soon-to-be collapsing economy.
Deliberate systematic destruction of social progress by Trump et. al.
Loss of faith in almost every governmental pronouncement by perhaps the majority of citizen's who bother to heed such fictions.
Total loss of faith in the mockery of the Mockingbirds of the servile Blame Stream Press.

Paradoxically, in the words of the great humanitarian (s/) Rahm Emmanuel "never let a good crisis go to waste". The Democratic Party perfidy and the Republic Party inhumanity will so weaken each party that in 2018 and 2020, expect to see major changes--in an anti-establishment re-orientation of the public, more widely than in 2016.

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k9disc's picture

Amazon Healthcare.
EFM Laws.
Militarized Police.
New Cold War.

Corporate is drooling to step right in and make the trains run on time. They want to deliver their benevolent leadership to us all; the ultimate disruption.

There will be no revolution. It already happened.

This is what government drowning in a bathtub looks like.
@Alligator Ed

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

k9disc's picture

mercenary security forces.

I bet mercenary stocks went up.


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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

gulfgal98's picture

@k9disc and the one below it for the truth.

There will be no revolution. It already happened.

This is what government drowning in a bathtub looks like.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

@Alligator Ed Paul Thorn with SF? I'm pretty sure I recognize the voice, I've seen him play a few times.
The Whole System is whack(for us plebes, anyway) and needs to be overturned.
But then, I'm radical(or something)!
Thanks for the cliff notes.

Stop These Fucking Wars


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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

Alligator Ed's picture

@Tall Bald and Ugly Simply said:
We're fucked
It is the voice of Paul Thorn (good ears, TBU!)

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mimi's picture


I think the intertubes are as radio-active and damaging as the new tactical nuclear weapons.

Have had it. Can live without it. I think we have to put the technology into jail.

Good Morning.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@mimi Don't expect me to celebrate these criminals with a lullaby. If there were a "march to the gallows" melody, I would gladly have included that. But I can not stomach the corruption, the filth, the lies, the criminality, the perversion without such an expression as this song. If one does not let off steam, then one explodes. I am not about to do that.

Maybe I should have played "Marche funebre" from Beethoven's Eroica--but that could just as well be a march to our own funerals. @snoopydawg @snoopydawg

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TheOtherMaven's picture

@Alligator Ed
Berlioz' "Symphonie Fantastique", 4th movement.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Alligator Ed's picture


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gulfgal98's picture

@Alligator Ed I liked that music.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

mimi's picture

@Alligator Ed
anything right. I was upset about this Hannity video and then let my frust out on you for the music. So, I apologize for attacking you for your song choices. It was inappropriate.

I couldn't stand Hannity representing as hero for standing up and talking 'truth' to power and all the Mullergate stuff.

How should I believe in Hannity's honesty and integrity to point out all the corruption. He has been a vomite inducing guy to me for years and now I should be impressed? Why?

Ok, this is just an apology. I had no time and nerves to find out what I didn't understand correctly.

Sean Hannity and David Brock - favorite hypocrites on each side of the aisle.

Unless you can explain me for dummies, why Hannity is a good guy in that reporting.

Again, you know I like you a lot for your funny and sarcastic style. But now I am confused. And it's me not your writing, just your links getting on my nerves.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@mimi Whom to trust? Sean Hannity--sometimes. David Brock--never. It is difficult if not impossible to find a wholly reliable source. In these days of universally disseminated lies, how does one discern the truth? Ain't easy.

When a song or video bothers you, such as the none-too-charitable Samantha Fish video, change the channel. The song so happens to match my feeling of rage. You are entitled to feel as much rage or not as you see fit.

Thanks for your comment about my writing. I appreciate it.


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mimi's picture

@Alligator Ed
Cray 2
Sorry 2

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@Alligator Ed @Alligator Ed

... If there were a "march to the gallows" melody, I would gladly have included that. ...

Close as I can think of of ATM - no idea how close the pronunciation of the Latin bits are, though.

(Not terribly appropriate, especially since we're thinking of the soulless here, but I tried, lol.)

The Pretty Reckless - Hangman (iHeartRadio Theater live ) 2016 HD

Edit to add:

Siouxsie & the Banshees - Hang Me High

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

gulfgal98's picture

you have to go outside what were once our comfortable sources. In most cases, that means sites that come from a conservative political spectrum. This means we must not prejudge them but come to them with an open mind. I had already visited the links you provided, Alligator Ed and find the information credible, particularly in the absence of other contradictory data.

Tracy Beanz is extremely methodical in verifying the facts to support her conclusions and I highly recommend her for that reason alone. I have heard some people say that they do not like her way of speaking (very soft spoken and modulated), but I find her very easy to listen to.

For those who have never watched Tracy Beanz, she is one of the best researchers I have ever seen. I watch all of her videos even though she is on the other end of the political spectrum (right libertarian). Until relatively recently, she did lump all of us on the left in the the same ugly hand basket as the neoliberals. I posted a couple of comments protesting that characterization of the real left, citing that many are allies with her in debunking this fake Russia narrative. This past week in a recent video, she was very careful to state that she was not opposed to those of us in the real left. I posted a thank you in that regard in her comments section, which she acknowledged positively.

In the end, it is all about getting to the truth. This does not mean I support either Trump or the Republicans on other issues which I definitely do not.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Alligator Ed's picture

@gulfgal98 What almost no one to the right of the Dims recognizes that the so-called Left is not homogeneous. They do not understand that those who are truly progressive (a word now so distorted as to be practically meaningless) are not part of the monolithic left they recognize. Monolithic is precisely the term for the establishment Demonrats who haven't had room enough in their craniums (or is it cranii?) to host new ideas outside of collecting more bribes. Their brains have petrified (turned to stone).

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gulfgal98's picture

@Alligator Ed are starting to recognize that we (the real left) are different from the neoliberal Congress creeps and their sycophants. I am a firm believer that we can make alliances with those whom we normally might disagree on certain specific issues. The more alliances we make, the greater chance we have to find further areas of agreement. This is how the 99% can coalesce. At least that is what I hope for in my dreams.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

@Alligator Ed

... Monolithic is precisely the term for the establishment Demonrats who haven't had room enough in their craniums (or is it cranii?) to host new ideas outside of collecting more bribes. Their brains have petrified (turned to stone).

So, properly speaking, their skulls would form a sort of petri-dish?

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Lookout's picture

I wouldn't subject any human to the horrors to which we subjected the first nation peoples...not even the bankers and traders.

(2 min)

Dakota Hymn - Wakantanka / "Many and Great". Words & Music: Joseph R. Renville (1779-1846); first appeared in the "Dakota Odawan", also known as "Dakota Dowanpi Kin" (1842). Wakantanka taku nitawa tankaya qaota; mahpiya kin eyahnake ca, makakin he duowanca. Mniowanca sbeya wanke cin, hena ovakihi....

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

mimi's picture

watching a video like that, is when and who filmed parts of the szenes, what are original clips and what are restaged clips to make a point to the viewers about the intent of the producer to cross over to the audience the brutality of what happened.

So, the last scene of the hanging, are these original clips and if yes, from what kind of archives were they pulled and who was responsible for filming the atrocities? The Youtube paragraph explained that the group hanging took place December 1862 in Mankato, Minnesota. Was the film material, we can see in the above video, and original clip from those times? Did they use that material already at that time as "threat" to the Native Americans so that would be more 'docile' to their white oppressors? There should be laws that make clear what clips are originals and it needs to be embedded in the film material, so that it can't modified by video editing and prevent mix-up of original raw film material from material that originates from a restage of the events.

Just saying, I am going nuts not to know what images I see and where they are coming from. I don't doubt the history of it, I criticize the lack of clarity of original film material vis a vis restaged material.

Just saying my things.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@mimi in these days of computer animation. As for laws to indicate the true origins of published material, written, auditory, visual, how could we expect the truth since our benevolent government about 20 years ago passed a law no longer requiring journalists to tell the truth? Of course, all of us know that lying is the politician's stock in trade (for campaign donations of course).

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mimi's picture

@Alligator Ed
trusting that visual material used in documentaries were not manipulated and could be used a proof for revealing the truthiness of an event. Then in the mid nineties people got so hyped up in exitement that the transparency of open source code on the www platform would provide the most and best tool for spreading "truthtelling" via visuals expecting that any form of "hacks, manipulation of code" etc could be easily found, because of its open source code transparency to all.

Meanwhile I think the technology allowed for the opposite to occur. Visuals can not be trusted anymore to present proof of truthiness of the events they show. What can then be considered as a "proof" in the courts?

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TheOtherMaven's picture

since the ability to make pictures move in any practical sense was rather later than 1862. Edweard Muybridge didn't even begin his classic stop-motion work (which led TO motion pictures rather than being moving pictures) didn't even begin until 1872.

Still pictures, maybe - but only if anyone thought the event was worth recording.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.