Thank you, Hillary
Thank you, esteemed Rodent, for the good which you have bestowed upon this world (and we yet have no other). Short. To the point.
Hillary, thank you from Moloch. Thank you from Beezlebub. Thank you from Lucifer.
The law of the land, which behooves me to obey, lest a an involuntary stay at a graybar hotel, prevented you naught. I'm still with her. Yeah. Yes, indeed, you bitch.
Today I had the pleasure of meeting two recent émigrés from Syria...from what remains of Homs, actually.
"80% is destroyed...and our culture too"
Thank you Hillary. Thank you for the slaughter. Thank you for the misery. How can one ever thank you adequately?
A bonfire, perhaps, with you the centerpiece.
Here's a thought, your Rodentness, one you've never seriously entertained.
Live in peace

Homs City in October 2019
Gee AE
don't hold back, tell us how you really feel!
(love it!)
Here's a little 17+ minute doc about the Syrian chemical weapons attack, the 1st alleged one...
[video: ]
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
The Yinon Plan and 'Clean Break' in action.
Edit: added last paragraph.
Nice to see you back