Support Berniecrats Sanders-endorsing US-House-&-Senate-Candidates - donate on 1 ActBlue page


We asked them to run! now please help them

118! Sanders-Endorsing US-House and US-Senate Candidates.
We set up an ActBlue page for the growing list of US House & US Senate candidates-supporting Bernie Sanders on ActBlue. Since the New Hampshire Primary 575+ People have made/pledged over 18,000+ small ($2.50+ average for each candidate) donations to the now 118 Sanders-supporting candidates. It has been magic to see small actions brought together for a larger effect, or... simply….we are….so much more powerful together ….click below to read more

Link to all 294 confirmed Berniecrats running for Local, State, and Federal offices with multiple links for each candidate.
THANK YOU! Only active Candidates are listed with ActBlue pages
The Candidates and Incumbent Candidates are (note: some of these Candidates may be building their base for 2018): For links for each Candidate please see: The Berniecrats Network — Candidates for public office who support Bernie (note those listed here are US House and Senate Candidates that have ActBlue pages)

Please consider a donation today. PS: 20 people giving $80 each would be 1600 small, and important, donations. One person giving $105,300 would be on their way to maxing out their donation to many of the candidates.

Any donation works!

Resources: Wikepedia: List of Bernie Sanders presidential campaign endorsements, 2016

Please remember to SHARE this story to Facebook, Reddit and Twitter links above the story.

Goal Thermometer

We might have started out as a footnote- and yet…...slowly, steadily, we, together, make a difference - dKos readers have already made or pledged over 18,000+ small ($2.50+ average for each candidate) donations !

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Alligator Ed's picture

Berniecrats, and only Berniecrats, will get my money. For you Central Coast Californians--please support Bill Ostrander for Representative--CA 24.

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