Sunday Open Thread: July 8 is fer Decatur

and it is also Prickle-Prickle, Confusion 43, 3184 YOLD
(for you Discordians out there)

Racing Eight.jpg

World History this day

1497 – Vasco da Gama headed off for India, the first direct sea voyage thereto from Europe
1709 – Russia's Peter I beat Charles XII at Poltava, knocking Sweden out of the big leagues
1716 – Norway turned back the Swedish invasion at the Battle of Dynekilen
1960 – Francis Gary Powers was charged with espionage for engaging in espionage
1994 – Kim Jong-il took over for his dad

US History this day

1776 – The first public reading of the Declaration of Independence of the United States.
1898 – Enterpreneur Soapy Smith was killed in a shootout in Juneau
1947 – Reports of a UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico were broadcast
1948 – The USAF accepted its first female recruits into the WAF
1970 – Tricky Dick gave a congressional speech claiming that Native American self-determination was US policy

Science & Technology this day

2011 – Space Shuttle Atlantis was launched on the final mission of the U.S. Space Shuttle

The Arts this day


Misc. this day

Birthdays of Note this day

1621 - Jean de La Fontaine, author and poet
1831 - John Pemberton, the pharmacist who invented Coca-Cola *
1857 - Alfred Binet, psychologist and graphologist, invented the first practical IQ test **
1882 - Percy Grainger, pianist and composer
1890 - Stanton Macdonald-Wright, painter
1894 - Pyotr Kapitsa, physicist
1895 - Igor Tamm, physicist
1900 - George Antheil, pianist, composer, and inventor***
1904 - Henri Cartan, mathematician
1908 - Louis Jordan, singer, songwriter, saxophonist, and actor
1914 - Billy Eckstine, American singer and trumpet player
1924 - Johnnie Johnson, pianist and songwriter
1930 - Jerry Vale, singer
1935 - Steve Lawrence, actor and singer, lesser half of Steve and Eydie
1940 - Joe B. Mauldin, bass player, songwriter and cricket
1944 - Jaimoe, drummer
1948 - Ruby Sales, civil-rights activist
1952 - Larry Garner, singer, songwriter and guitarist
1961 - Andrew Fletcher, keyboardist
1962 - Joan Osborne, singer, songwriter and guitarist
1965 - Dan Levinson, clarinet player, saxophonist, and bandleader
1970 - Beck, singer, songwriter and producer one of several hyndred "next Dylan"s

* Clear proof that the profession is selflessly dedicated tohelping folks get and stay healthy
** A graphologist? Zo, a woo-meister devised the IQ test. 'Splains a lot.
*** teamed up with Hedy Lamarr on frequency hopping guidance systems for WWII torpedoes

Deaths of Note this day

1695 - Christiaan Huygens, mathematician, astronomer, physicist, and inventor
1822 - Percy Bysshe Shelley, poet and playwright
1939 - Havelock Ellis, psychologist and author
1943 - Jean Moulin, real resistance member
1994 - Kim Il-sung, ruler
2015 - Ken Stabler, the snake



So now some music


Francis Gary Powers



John Pemberton

Louis Jordan

Billy Eckstine

Johnnie Johnson

Jerry Vale

Joe B. Mauldin



Kenny Stabler



It's an open thread, so do your thing

I might not be here when this posts, so play nicely if I'm absent

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Citizen Of Earth's picture

Did not realize the Germans has such a great sense of humor. Hahaha.

and in honor of Joan Osborne's birthday...

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

enhydra lutris's picture

@Citizen Of Earth Great video clip, too.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

snoopydawg's picture

@Citizen Of Earth

It's homophobic in my opinion and don't understand people putting this type of slant on Russia Gate, but I guess that's just me.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lookout's picture

I hope your travels are going well el. We went to an annual gathering yesterday and I ran into an old high school chum and a friend I haven't seen since college days. Blast from the past. They never escaped the city life. I find my escape to be my good fortune.

My Grandfather had the idea that when people get away from growing living things they lose their sense of humanity. Later in life I wondered if that wasn't a phenomena of population density. New research suggest my grand was the perceptive one.


I hope you all have an opportunity to get outside and enjoy the natural world. All the best to all of you.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

enhydra lutris's picture

@Lookout and clean-up starts today.

Agree about nature. Years ago I decided that cities immerse us in "environmental pollution". Not just air and water pollution, but all encompassing sensory, mental, aesthetic, psychological and spiritual pollution. Visual, auditory, olfactory, you name it. Constant cacaphony, mostly loud and ugly; a 360 degree jumble of harsh, glaring, dullness mixed with over-amped promotional crap woven into a totally unpleasing mosaic that both assaults and numbs the brain, all pervasive malodorousness that one becomes inured to and only notices when it it briefly muted immediately after a rain, and on,and on, and on.

Having a back-yard full of quasi-nature helps a lot, as do our frequent outings to parks, open spaces and such.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

detroitmechworks's picture

Had a fun meetup yesterday, thanks to the folks who attended!

Got a little bit of a sunburn, because I don't usually spend that much time out of doors, but it was good for me, I think.

I will say that it's been a great couple of days writing wise, as the Muse has been whacking me over the head with a crowbar until I sit down and actually write out these Logos.

The thought process involved is incredibly freeing, and it's fun to step outside of the Christian spin on ancient myths and examine how someone with a different set of values might view the same situation.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

enhydra lutris's picture

@detroitmechworks a glance at the front page, and one of your logos, which I have to find time to read, along with, I suspect, the priors. All the creative and intelligent stuff one misses is a big downside to being unplugged for an extended period.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

detroitmechworks's picture

@enhydra lutris They are a bit dense as far as metaphor and references to things that would have been common knowledge to a Greek, but are usually excluded from the pop culture depictions.

Welcome back, and I totally understand about burn out. Course, when I came back I definitely decided to stick more to the metaphysical and metaphorical side of things, because otherwise it's easy to stray close to heat which can once again set you aflame. Smile

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

enhydra lutris's picture

@detroitmechworks baths in those portions of the outdoors where there is not only no wifi, but not even cell reception. "In case of emergency, go umpteen miles thataway and see if you can call 911." Heh.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

earthling1's picture

myself yesterday, DMW. You chose a good venue, Cartlandia, to have it too.
If a body could'nd find something to eat there they should go back to babyfood.
Enjoying your work on Greek lit. Thanks for putting that all together.
Thanks to EL for your OT From the Field. Glad you dodged the wildfires ok.
So you're home and catching up, take time to relax in your LazyBoy and unwind.

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

enhydra lutris's picture

@earthling1 in advance of my absence. That's my normal process, in order to ensure that they do get done and posted.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

enhydra lutris's picture

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --