Sunday Open Thread: July 1 is the Holy Feast of the Genocidal Imperialist SOB Junipero Serra

open thread.jpg

and it is also Boomtime, Confusion 36, 3184 YOLD
(for you Discordians out there)


World History this day

1690 - The Battle of the Boyne
1862 - The Russian State Library was founded
1867 - The British North America Act of 1867 more or less created Canada
1885 - Leopold II of Belgium created the Congo Free State
1898 - The Battle of San Juan Hill
1916 - The first day of the Battle of the Somme
1935 - Cops and Mounties ambushed strikers taking part in the On-to-Ottawa Trek.
1960 - Somaliabecame independent
1960 - Ghana became a republic
1962 - Rwanda and Burundi gined independence
1967 - The EU was formally created
1991 - The Warsaw Pact was officially dissolved *
1997 - China took overf Hong Kong
2002 - The ICC was established to prosecute genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression.**

* NATO, being unrelated to defence, not only wasn't, but continues to expand
** By non-US actors only

US History this day

1863 - The Battle of Gettysburg started
1870 - The United States Department of Justice came into being
1922 - The Great Railroad Strike of 1922
1968 - The CIA's criminal rape, torture, and war crimes "Phoenix Program" was established
1968 - The UAW broke off from the AFL-CIO

Science & Technology this day

1770 - Lexell's Comet passed closer to earth than any other ever has
1819 - The discovery of the Great Comet of 1819,
1858 - Joint reading of Darwin and Wallace's papers to the Linnean Society of London.
1874 - The Sholes and Glidden typewriter went on sale
1881 - The first international phone call was made, New Brunswick to Maine
1931 - Wiley Post and Harold Gatty circvumnavigated the globe in a fixed-ing aircraft
1958 - Flooding of the Saint Lawrence Seaway started
1979 - Sony introduced the Walkman.

The Arts this day


Misc. this day

1523 - Johann Esch and Heinrich Voes were burned at the stake by the Catholic church for wrong thinking
1766 - Francois-Jean de la Barre was tortured and beheaded for not saluting a Catholic procession
1879 - The first edition of The Watchtower was published

Birthdays of Note this day

1586 - Claudio Saracini, lute player and composer
1646 - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, philosopher and mathematician
1804 - George Sand, author and playwright
1850 - Florence Earle Coates, poet
1869 - William Strunk Jr., author and educator, also Strunk of Strunk & White
1872 - Louis Bleriot, pilot and engineer
1899 - Thomas A. Dorsey, pianist and composer
1906 - Jean Dieudonne, mathematician
1912 - David Brower, environmentalist, Sierra Club Foundation founder
1912 - Sally Kirkland, journalist and editor
1915 - Willie Dixon, singer, songwriter, bass player, guitarist, and producer
1921 - Michalina Wislocka, gynecologist and sexologist
1928 - Bobby Day, singer, songwriter, pianist, and producer
1935 - James Cotton, singer, songwriter and harmonica player
1939 - Delaney Bramlett, singer, songwriter, guitarist, and producer
1941 - Myron Scholes, economist and bullshitter *
1941 - Twyla Tharp, dancer and choreographer
1945 - Debbie Harry, singer, sonwriter, actress, Blondie
1951 - Anne Feeney, singer, songwriter and activist
1951 - Victor Willis, singer, songwriter, pianist, and actor. Village person
1952 - Dan Aykroyd, actor, numbah one Chips fan
1961 - Michelle Wright, singer, songwriter, and guitarist

* The first well known case of the application of the laws governing the behavior of molecules in a gas to econ, if we all agree to use that value, who cares how we got it

Deaths of Note this day

1884 - Allan Pinkerton, detective, spy, abolitionist*, mercenary and anti-labor thug
1896 - Harriet Beecher Stowe, author and abolitionist
1983 - Buckminster Fuller, architect, designer, inventor, futurist and systems analyst
1995 - Wolfman Jack, you know, Wolfman Jack, the DJ
2003 - Herbie Mann, flute and sax player
2005 - Renaldo Benson, singer and songwriter (Four Tops)
2005 - Luther Vandross, singer, songwriter and producer

* Acted in support of abolitionists in US but actively worked to suppress them in Spanish Cuba.



So now some music

Willie Dixon

Bobby Day

James Cotton

Delaney Bramlett

Debbie Harry

Victor Willis

Dan Aykroyd

Herbie Mann

Renaldo Benson


Photo: Mission San Luis Rey, no known copyright restrictions.

It's an open thread, so do your thing

I won't be here when this posts, so play nicely

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The Aspie Corner's picture

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

@The Aspie Corner @The Aspie Corner wow, Edited: for excessive grouchiness.sheesh No excuse, I overdosed watching too much video yesterday, it's not your fault.

Whoever linked to A Good American, the documentary about Bill Binney, thanks a lot. It made me even madder.
shakes fist at sky

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Lookout's picture


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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

I don't know what happened to it, but this is great:

Police are searching for vandals that decapitated a statue of Junipero Serra at the Monterey Presidio earlier this week, becoming the second in a string of incidents targeting structures memorializing the recently canonized — and controversial — religious figure.

On Thursday, one or more vandals cut the head off the granite sculpture overlooking the Pacific Ocean, which has been in the Presidio since 1891.

The head is still missing despite an expansive sweep of the park, according to Monterey Weekly.

LOL Simpson's episode meets real life: “I wish someone would cut his ugly old head off.” --Jimbo

Pointing to the genocide.
--- spectacular 108 on the deck yesterday
New wildfire erupts in Yolo County as week-old Lake County fire flares again

At the Cache Creek Casino on Highway 16 about 9 p.m., Skinner said he could see a “spectacular line of fire” in the hills to the west.

Winds eased considerably in the valley at night, but the aerial attack on the fire was grounded.

“We’re at the mercy of the weather at this point,” Skinner said.

The Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office said a red flag warning had been extended until 3 p.m. today for elevations above 1,000 feet in Napa County and far eastern Sonoma County. The warning means critical fire weather conditions are either present or will occur shortly.

When are we not "at the mercy of the weather"? never

Calls streamed into local fire stations and the Sonoma County emergency dispatch center from people worried that plumes visible from Santa Rosa to Sacramento marked a repeat of the devastating firestorms in October, the worst in California history.

The dispatch center summoned extra staff members as calls came in so rapidly “they couldn’t put the phone down without a couple more coming in,” a dispatcher said.

The call volume tailed off a bit after the Santa Rosa Police Department, Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office and the Windsor and Rincon Valley Fire Districts issued Nixle notices from about 6 to 7 p.m. saying there was no threat to Sonoma County.

I don't feel traumatized by the firestorms last year, I do feel traumatized by the public/private response. "We're capitalists" means people suffer and die, at the hands of the privatized crony state. It happened before and it will happen again. Only four generations since my ancestors emigrated to California, and it is destroyed beyond all recognition, we are burning the world not saving it. sry about that

Better off Fred

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Lookout's picture

@eyo @eyo

...while the empire burns? There's fire on the mountain run boys run

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

detroitmechworks's picture

@eyo Much like any Aristocracy, the young members like to pretend that they are part of the people and rail against social causes of the poor put upons...

Every couple years one of em splashed the thing with red paint or put up a sign that said "Murderer" on it. They'd get caught, do some community service and get it scrubbed as "Youthful Hijinks" on their record.

Sounds like they got ambitious this year.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

play this afternoon at Tanglewood in MA. She is the middle act on a triple bill show. Below see video of a performance she did in the EU this spring.

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@jbob thanks, what are you taking? Those are some groovy spreads, lobster a la candelabra. heh Awesome stage over there too. Have fun!

Happy Sunday

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Azazello's picture

I sense some resentment there, el. I know that millions of people who attended the fourth grade in California hate Father Serra with a white-hot passion but if they hadn't sent him they would have sent someone else who would have done the same thing. Russia and Spain are playing this morning in the World Cup but back then the two countries were playing for the west coast of North America. The Russians were creeping down the coast from the north and the King of Spain had to establish some sort of presence in Alta California in order to defend his "claim" to that territory. Hence the hated Missions.

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

thanatokephaloides's picture

@Azazello @Azazello

I know that millions of people who attended the fourth grade in California hate Father Serra with a white-hot passion but if they hadn't sent him they would have sent someone else who would have done the same thing.

I'm not certain about that. Serra violated Queen Isabella's dictates regarding slavery in both letter and spirit. The Missions were supposed to instruct the Indians in the Catholic Christian Religion so they understood it properly, would convert to it on their own, and thus become full-fledged subjects of the Spanish Crown with all rights appertaining to that status. Instead, Serra had them lectured once, in Spanish, and enslaved any who did not convert instantly.

Another Spanish Catholic cleric, Bartolomé de las Casas, Peace be upon him, "did it right", treating all Indians as fully human beings with full human rights as Queen Isabella decreed a generation before his time. Result: he converted more, more honestly; and today Las Casas is a much beloved figure among all the Indians in the former New Spain, Christian or not.

I want to know where his canonization is! Diablo

EDIT: I should have read all of the Wikipedia article. From the same:

He is commemorated by the Church of England in the Calendar of Saints on July 20, The Episcopal Church (USA) on July 18, and at the Evangelical Lutheran Church on July 17. In the Catholic Church, the Dominicans introduced his cause for canonization in 1976.[105] In 2002 the Church began the process for his beatification.


I should have known that "God's dawgs" (Domini canes, i.e., Dominicans, Father de las Casas' own order) would be on the case! Give rose

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

detroitmechworks's picture

Going up here in Portland and sighing. Cookie Cutter Corporate Architecture everywhere. No effort made to fit in to the setting, the area or anything. Hell, even the Wartime housing I live in at least fits with the feel of a working class neighborhood. Now, it's just the generic McMansions with attached Garage that makes me want to hurl.

I still love this place, but I'm seeing it change before my eyes, and I fear what is to come. I went to a hairdresser with my significant other in a extremely Orthodox Russian area, and felt more welcome than in any of the supposed progressive spaces, save the ones I help create. People remember the little things more than the propaganda. Yes, you can tell me that the reason is that I'm a white cis Hetero-privileged male, and their society teaches that I must be respected... but it doesn't change the fact that they treated me like a human, and progressives and liberals often treat me like a collection of prefixes.

Sorry, got maudlin there, here's some nice tunes.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Daenerys's picture

@detroitmechworks I love it! I'm going to have to listen to more of their stuff. Thank you!

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This shit is bananas.

Wink's picture

4th of July celebration at my brother's place, a 4.5 acre spread a mile or two outside of town. We hold it depending on when the 4th falls, and everyone's availability, usually a day or two before.
On this day (well, the 4th) in 1776, men with some wealth and a lot of balls signed their name to a piece of paper essentially daring the world's biggest and badest War Machine to come kick their ass. Ahh, to have been born in New England in 1750 and watch this drama unfold, be a part of it. wow!
Now? Today? We need them all back. Or those brave enough to do a decent reenactment, 21st century style. And, while we still can, we bbq a hotdog or two, a sausage sammitch, maybe a burger, and hoist a toast with many thanks to those brave bastids of 1776 - and those that came before them - with a bottle of Sam Adams Lager! Cheers!

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Daenerys's picture

Had a break-in at my work Friday night; they took money out of the registers and the extra change bag (not the whole days' sales thank goodness), so all morning yesterday we had practically no change. That was fun. The good news is they got blood on the glass, and the gas station next door's camera can see the back door so they should be able to catch who did it. This is the second place I've worked that got broken into now.

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This shit is bananas.

Wink's picture

Stop-n-Rob, as a bud
of mine calls convenience stores in rougher 'hoods.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.