Sunday News
I can no longer stand to watch "Meet the Press", "Face the Nation", or other corporate media voices. For others of you who feel the same, but would like watch (listen to) a reasonable discussion, here's about an hour of news I think is worth watching. I hope some of you might enjoy a selection or two. Have a nice Sunday!
Protests at the conventions with Chris Hedges 27 min Worth the watch
In this week’s episode of On Contact, Chris Hedges discusses the protests planned at the upcoming Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia with two local organizers. Cheri Honkala, director of the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign, and Galen Tyler, leader of the Kensington Welfare Rights Union, are leading the March for Lives, raising awareness of poverty and homelessness. RT Correspondent Anya Parampil looks at the cost of security at the upcoming national conventions.
Philly airport workers and Taxi driver strike during DNC 3min interesting
Time for comic relief? Jimmy Dore is a comedian turned commentator. I think he's funny, but mileage will vary.
Here he is satirizing a WaPo article 6 min
A piece in the Washington Post instructed readers not to panic about Hillary Clinton's sinking poll numbers. Despite assurances from her supporters and donors, Hillary Clinton isn't trusted by a growing percentage of the American people.
Both parties are to blame for corporatism 5.5 min excellent editorial by Paul Jay
The Real News – what it means 2.5 min Ad for the channel
HSBC scandal not prosecuted – too many government connections 14.5 min a little slow but revealing.
Bill Black says the Republicans could embarrass Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Loretta Lynch by demanding further investigation into the failure to prosecute HSBC for its world-historical money laundering operation
(FBI director Comey serves on the board of this bank)
NATO and Russia 11.5 min very good piece on US escalations of tensions.
Michael Hudson says that the US-led confrontational approach of NATO with Russia is driving European countries to consider disbanding or leaving the military alliance due to increased security risks
These are all great choices. Thank you.
I can't watch corporate media anymore, either. I stopped watching MSNBC and CNN a long time ago, but turned it on from time to time to get election results.
I also recorded four shows every Sunday morning to be able to watch Bernie. I no longer do that because I can't stand to hear him tell me how great Hillary is, so I don't listen to Bernie anymore.
I was recording Thom Hartmann's show, The Big Picture, on RT, and then started recording Ed Schultz on RT and a few others. Now when the TV is on in the background, I always have the channel on RT. I get some of my news and hear opinions from there, and of course read from many sources on the Internet.
It's hard for me to listen to Thom Hartmann's radio show anymore because he has a "Kos edict," he doesn't want callers who say they are voting for Jill Stein. I think that's a big mistake on his part, but it's his show and he can do whatever he wants.
I like RT
or Russia Today as I learned last week (independent Russia funded news).
I like segments of Thom show, but never liked the rumble with right wingers - always fast forward those. Watching on youtube let's you pick and choose. Other friends catch it on free speech tv (which I don't have here in the boonies).
I found the DNC protest piece interesting...I wonder how the fart in will go after they consume a "Hill of Beans"?
Thanks for the comment Shirley!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
You have Internet access or else you wouldn't be
participating here, so just wanted to let you know that you can watch/hear Thom Hartmann and Amy Goodman on the Internet either here:
Of if you're accessing the Internet on your phone, you can hear the live audio of Thom's show through the TuneIn app.
Thanks for these pointers
It's amazing how much real news is out there once you get past the corporate media. It's also scary how the corporate media is dominating the discussion. How is a democracy even possible under these circumstances?
The Real News Network is doing a great job. Also I'd like to make a shout-out to Russia for bringing RT to America. They have some great shows and news coverage. I hope that it continues.
The interview of Bill Black is particularly significant as it graphically brings out the fact that the corporations not only own the media, the politicians and the economy, but they have now taken over the Justice System in the US and the "free world". We've seen this twice now recently with the FBI and this piece on HSBC. The Founders warned us, "it's a Republic if you can keep it". Here's the news, we've lost it. Want it back?
I like Jimmy Dore's piece also. I think that underestimation of Trump, right from the beginning, is what has allowed him to be the most successful Republican candidate in their primary, ever. I think that he becomes President and sets the stage for our next move, which is a third party starting with Jill Stein. The pendulum swings back a forth and nominating a member of the most repulsive political family in American history is the most sure way to swing the pendulum to the Republicans... for now. It's also an enormous opening for a third party.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
Glad you like these
There is good video news out there - just as with print media. We just need enough news hounds to hunt it all up.
Thanks for the comment Wizard!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
LookOut, my fellow Alabamian,
This is awesome! A million thank-yousssss
Thank you for these.
There is so very much news out and about that we can actually make up our own minds as they present the facts. Of course, that is the facts as the "experts" see them, so we still need to do a bit more research. but at least we can see it and do not have it spun out shape by pundits with an agenda that is rarely in our best interests.
The video with Michael Hudson just makes me even more determined to not see HRC in the White House. With Obama restarting the Cold War, we know that HRC will finish us off. No wonder they don't really care about climate change.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass