The Squad becomes the Democrat's A-Team
21 minutes long
To spare those the agony of listening to political bafflegab, in have bravely volunteered myself to listen for you. The uncompressed version of the conversations are in the video.
Political bias: I don't hide it.
1. Go Tulsi!
2. AOC is a scheming fraud put forward via generous donor(s). Her gain is fame and fortune. The donors' gain is, coincidentally fortune--although in the current political environment fame might become a drag, e.g., J. Epstein.
3. The rest of the squad are self-aggrandizing opportunists. Omar's finances are starting to smell, like AOC's manager (which was really hers in part too). I haven't researched Tlaib but her "mofo" taunt of Trump months ago showed me what a refined human she is.
Alligator Notes
Pressley--blah, blah, blah,....We're the Squad--and don't mess with us
Omar--blah, blah, blah,....Racism...Xenophobia...crimes....
AOC--blah, blah, blah,...touching reminiscence of moment with her dad...core values
Tlaib--blah, blah, blah,....Trump racist...we're good.....
Trump was intemperate. I usually forgo the disdain for his verbalisms as just a "rough edge", as such. But this attack is and always will be terrible. It is what is often called an unforced error. What was he thinking? His barrage against the Squad has no tactical nor strategic value. Tactically, should belittlement of four individuals cannot help avoid conflation with race and ethnicity could serve as a change of focus, generated by Trump personally? Irrational. Strategically, he has given the Dems potentially endless ammunition against Trump as racist and xenophobic. What a stupid move.
Just when I thought El Trumpo might be a political genius, even though his policies are crass and often heartless, he proves to make such an idiotic move. The Dems won't care--they already hate Trump. Repugs might care, at least those of a moderate persuasion. But the Independents will care. Even discounting the persisting patina of Social Justice Warriorism, this will turn off many Indies who might be otherwise considering Trump as a choice.
The long term result of this will barely persist 6 weeks, if at all that long. Lots of heat, smoke, fuming, and perhaps rioting. If this does die down then Donny made only shot off his 5th toe and no long-term ill effects.
The Squad, of which I am not a fan, sounded really restrained, even if their rhetoric was often boilerplate-indignant. So, I do these self-promoters kudos for plausible political performances.

I loved it when Omar
called Tucker Carlson a racist fool! He has always come across as a dope to me. I guess being a racist fool is working for him since he's got his own show. She also has said something to the effect that the US should mind it's own business worldwide. I agree. Bring our troops home. Let them build a southern wall. The military is for homeland protection. George Washington told us to stay out of foreign wars.
I think most agree on this. However, there were just a few hiccups by the dems and repubs when Trump had the plans ready, you may recall.
I'm a big fan of the Squad.
I know I just got done saying AOC's an Obama plant, but right now they are really the only Congresscritters effectively challenging Trump's horrendous border actions.
AOC herself needs more message discipline, and I don't expect to rely on such fullthroated Squad support when it comes to other Progressive causes, but right now they're the best spokespeople we have on immigration and they are getting under the scales of both the Dem Leadership as well as Trump.
That's gotta count for something.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
When you're taking crap from both sides
But...where are the nice progressive bills that the Squad has offered--you know $15/hr or M4A? Seen AOC put something in the house bill hopper lately--or ever?
Like I say.
On other issues, I have no expectations.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Not a fan anymore, and
I'm thinking that Trumps should just shut down the facilities....there is just too much anger and fighting over it. What's a few billion here or there really matter?
How many ways
can I say it really doesn't matter?
I love how the democratic party are eating their own. No coordinated discipline, plan, or fight. Just not trump.
Get ready for trump II. I even have a slogan for the degenerate ass.
"I'm not the democrats".
I will not miss participation on the national level.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
But do watch the debacles--er, debates
But, wait for it--after D
Debacledebate in August, Killary will arrive, in colors triumphant, bearing sword and shield to lead our country out of despair and back into her globalistic version of neoliberalism and unlimited crony capitalism (as well as more time on Little St. James)Nope!
The circus long ago lost its luster.
There are still some big tents but you wont find any elephants. They're using jackasses to erect the long forgotten hard on.
See what I did there?
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
To what shall I compare the Dem party, dear Pricknick?
Please help me out of this conundrum. I don't believe I ever saw a conundrum before becoming entrapped in this one.
You have yet
to explain your conundrum.
Do scaly relics of ancient history really think about what they're about to eat?
It's a hairy, big, small, furry, crunchy pink thing. I'm eating it.
No conundrums for you.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Well, since you put it that way...
But, but, but
The dems have always accused him of racism and every other ism: "Strategically, he has given the Dems potentially endless ammunition against Trump as racist and xenophobic. What a stupid move."
More ammo isn't possible. There has been a constant cry of ism, ism, ism.
I find it all so hilarious. (but then, I think the 4 horsewomen of the race-ocalypse are racist and bigoted themselves).
Wondering who is going to be singing, "Who's Crying Now?" when the dust settles.
I place 1$ bet that the four horsewomen will not be the singers. Everyone else here can place nothing for the other side. Fun for all.
Accidental Piss Poor Picture Placement.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I am posting Trump's original self-defeating tweet
"Countries whose governments...." etc.
Would that include Puerto Rico? Cause if the govt. of a US territory is a "complete and total catastrophe" that would be the fault of our own govt. in DC, right?
This is how a generation of heroes looks and acts, folks. They don't sit still and wait their turn. Of course, they are going to be wrong sometimes, everyone is, sometimes. T-Rump loves to be a disruptor but can't stand anyone else doing the same thing. And then, he has problems with women who have actual brains, surrounding himself with decorative dimwits.
Mary Bennett
I believe that Omar
This is just another sideshow to continue to divert our attention away from the real business of the President and Congress...serving the oligarchy. Meanwhile the people suffer and non whites are being scapegoated for it. It is dangerous to the people of this country that our President resorts to stoking racism and xenophobia. We are sitting on a powder keg that is ready to blow and Congress and its leaders do not seem to care. I am looking at you, Nancy Pelosi.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy