Signal Wave

Well, mes amis, I'm still dealing with this frozen shoulder, which makes it difficult for me to spend much time at the keyboard. It is, however, getting better with help from some fairly severe Chinese therapeutic massage and acupuncture. But it's getting better slowly--annoyingly slowly.
So here's what I've been listening to lately (I don't know why it's all breakup songs for me lately; there's no hint of anything like that on my personal horizon):
I'm all out of faith
This is how I feel
I'm cold and I am shamed
Lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed
Into something real
I'm wide awake and I can see
The perfect sky is torn
You're a little late
I'm already torn
I think maybe these are more my political feelings than my personal ones.
I found and read a new Agatha Christie novel! Well, not exactly. Black Coffee is a play Christie wrote in 1930. She didn't much like the way it turned out and it wasn't a great success unlike The Mousetrap. Some folks apparently decided to novelize it.
It's been a long, long time since I read a new Hercule Poirot story, and I'm only sorry it's a bit lacking in the style Christie displays in her novels. There's frankly a lot wrong with Agatha Christie's writing, no matter how much I love her, and the things that make her worth re-reading are often the little touches of character. Somehow these seem diminished in Black Coffee, perhaps because the author of the novelization doesn't do them as well as Christie.
I found a pretty cool movie called The Physician.
(Am I the only one that finds this movie poster reminiscent of Lord of the Rings? Tom Payne looks pretty much exactly like Frodo.)
It's a historical drama about a young (Christian) Englishman in the 11th century who poses as a Jew to travel to Persia and get a real medical education (he's already trained as a barber, which is the closest thing England has to a medical class). He has to pass as a Jew because Christians are interdicted from traveling in the Middle East. I'm not entirely sure that this is bullshit, but I'm pretty sure it is, and this person (who claims to be a historian) agrees: there was no mass or general exclusion of all Christians from the Middle East, the Arab world, the Islamic world, or Persia specifically at that time:
But he’s been warned that Christians aren’t allowed in Muslim lands. Sigh. Taken as a general statement, this is total bullshit. There was a thriving network of Christian communities across the Islamic world down into the early 21st century, when the Iraq War released forces that devastated Christian communities in Iraq, forcing them to flee.
Maybe they just didn't want European Christians around?
Nah, I bet it's bullshit, because
Unlike Christianity, Islam has fairly precise rules intended to guarantee Jews and Christians a measure of legal toleration as long as they do not challenge Islamic dominance. The basic rules were established by a document known as the Pact of Umar, traditionally ascribed to the second caliph, Umar ibn Khattab (who died in 644), but probably belonging to a slightly later period. According to the Pact, conquered Jewish and Christian communities could receive the status of dhimmis, or ‘protected persons’, provided that they paid a special tax, the jizya, accepted their inferior status, and obeyed a variety of rules that restricted their religious practices in different ways; for example, they could not build new churches, conduct religious rituals in public, and could not try to prevent conversion to Islam or pursue converts from Islam. If they accepted these rules, the dhimmis were permitted to worship according to their religious practices, were generally judged according to their own law, and could do things that were forbidden to Muslims, such as eating pork or drinking alcohol.
Now, I *know* that's true.
dhimmi status was a part of sharia law, and therefore was not subject to the whims of individual rulers most of the time, because medieval Muslim society did not accord individual rulers much control over the legal system.
Huh. They never mention that part of sharia law when they're threatening us with it as a boogeyman. Not that I want to live under sharia law, you understand.
Are we, though, exactly living under any system of law? Really?
Anyway, it's a fun piece of historical fiction if you understand it's based on a lot of nonsense.
How are you guys doing today?

I'm surviving...
Been doing some interesting reading on mineral deposits and native use of materials in the local Oregon area. Didn't know Oregon had quite as much Obsidian as we do. At least for the last couple thousand years it was the major resource used in the area as far as toolmaking goes. Just thinking about that makes me smile.
It's a great feeling to let go of the obsession with "Original Thinking" and instead look around and try to collate what we already know but nobody bother's trying to put together. The old saying about "Great Artists Steal Shamelessly" comes to mind. If you abandon a good idea because of the source, you're an idiot. The funny thing is that as empires rot and die, they start seeing ideas themselves as evil.
Now, I have issues with Islam, as everyone is well aware. I have never hidden it. I pay the proper respect that they Demand, but that's all they're ever going to get from me. That passage about how they treat other religions makes my skin crawl. I know some folks see it as tolerance and loving, but I see it as a chokehold. Course, I have a problem with ANY religion imposing law, even one that promotes official "Tolerance", which we have thousands of years of Religious History to put that particular lie to. Essentially I see them as any other Abrahamic Cult. Nice and polite till you trust them. Then they impose their laws, and cheerfully tell you how they'll save your immortal soul as they build the bonfire or gather up the stones.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
No, no--I wasn't saying it was *right*.
But if it were a choice between, say, Suleiman the Magnificent and a certain brand of Jesuit getting hold of me, I know which one I'd choose. Hell, I'd choose the Muslims of the time over Oliver Cromwell too. I'd have a better shot at maybe not having terrible things happen to me.
That doesn't mean they were *right* or that it's a situation I'd like to live in.
I really only brought it up to point out that the movie in question was historically wrong, not that medieval Islam was historically right.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Rgr. I find almost all historical series...
No matter how they portray the past they'll have an agenda one way or the other, it seems.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Stan stan
Good morning CStMS, was thinking of you yesterday in the druid mediation, remembering when my arm stopped at nine o'clock no matter what I tried, the friggin't thing was stuck. And it seemed to happen overnight, like just one morning I woke up and couldn't reach overhead. Glad you found some relief from acupuncture, you will be back soon enough, "afkb". away from keyboard is healthy, heal faster. smile
I must have picked up some signal, the other tab open in my browser this a.m. is Iranian PressTV:
US says progress made in Taliban talks amid reports of troop pull-out deal
peace deal
huh I never knew there was a Balochistan, Pakistan. Thanks.
mercenary alert
one withdrawal at a time
I gotta figure our arms will regain a decent range of motion
For me, the severe pummeling by the Chinese man actually is returning some flexibility to the arm. The pain is still vexing. And I'm vexed that I'm vexed, if you know what I mean: after two years of not being able to tie my own shoes, once upon a time, I'm used to having a greater pain tolerance than this. I can usually ignore a fair amount of chronic pain. Never had anything in my arm before, though, and it's just nagging the hell out of me.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Sunday is there an echo in here
Saw this link in a hackernews thread yesterday, saved for today. I never saw the square with many people, it was always nearly empty when I walked to and fro in the late 80s. But there was still a vibe, right on. FU NYPD
rock on original authors
The Art Reynolds Singers - Jesus Is Just Allright (1966)
My faith in everything has collapsed completely, what else is there to say? Putin did it.
Wow, how awesome is this?
Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention, eyo.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Just curious,
but has anyone noticed Jack Pine Radicals is running on empty?
I never joined the site, but sort of clicked on it from time to time because of their breaking news column. I counted on that column to keep me ahead of the msm.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Yep, they (JPR) changed owners and then changed their software
a few weeks ago, and for reasons that aren’t clear to me, have been appearing reduced to a mere shadow of their former selves ever since.
I knew the owners retired.
But a couple of weeks or so ago, I started noticing their home page would stay the same for days on end, like nobody is posting. It hasn't changed for maybe 3 or 4 days now. While I never liked their general lack of comments and discussion, the site was a great way to keep up with headline news.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
It started to happen even before the change of ownership
The site was formed mainly, supposedly, in support of Bernie, and after he lost or the primary was stolen from him, they opened the floodgates to DU and basically told us what we all were going to become, a lot less Trumpy.
For independent thinkers, that didn’t go over so well and like a lot of you here because of KOS, a lot of us left JPR and split up into smaller groups and sites.
The push there it turned out was to corral dissidents into the Dem chute or perhaps that always was the purpose.
When that didn’t succeed so well, it was time for new ownership/overlords, who while still playing the same game aren’t so subtle.
And can’t get their act together.
I never delved into the meta.
I am too damn old to be told what to think.
Sorry it went south, glad you came here.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Thanks several of us did join here
sometime ago because it was non-partisan and some of the better writers that I know of did too.
It wasn’t so much that we were necessarily all ‘Trumpy’ it was more that we weren’t about to be pushed into the Clinton Creature and Washerman Shorts camp.
Even a Green’s forum after Bernie’s defeat got shot down there.
Plus some of us felt betrayed by Bernie and that also didn’t sit well for a possible second run at it and conversion to the Dem Party.
Out of habit, I too check back there, although most of the better writers have gone or were banned and like you I see posts that are 3-4 days old but then occasionally can see much newer stuff but then it back to the old stuff again. It’s some sort of glitch.
I had no idea the site had
You are not the only one who feels betrayed, or at the very least, abandoned, by Bernie.
I only checked out the site because it is listed here on a blog roll. Perhaps JtC might want to look into this.
I travel frequently, often can't find a tv channel in English. I kept up with news by checking JPR.
I can skip the clicks easily.
Glad you enjoy the whole non-partisan atmosphere here.
It is perfectly fine to despise Hillary more than Trump.
The only politician capable of making Trump the lesser of two evils is Hillary Clinton.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I don’t worry much about the clicks thing personally
though I suppose that could/can generate revenue for a commercial site.
Yes there was a long list of things that couid not be spoken of there publicly and I don’t just mean Pizzagate and The Lolita Express. It extended to any criticism of the White Helmets, Israel, and yes 9/11. They were all taboo subjects and allowed only in the dungeon known as ‘Extreme Controversy’ and then softened to ‘Creative Spectulation’ and guarded from public view as to not diminish the site’s creds, credibility.
As one member famously put it, to post in that forum, “was to be slut shamed before one even walked in the door”.
And it was true. Anyone who dared post in that forum, eventually was banned.
Most recently a member who joined later than the original JPR’s, has now been appointed to Mod Status on the new site, states anyone who doubts any of the ABC agencies and thinks they might be in the least bit corrupt, are all tin foil hatters.
I kid you not!
Aw, man!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
One of the new owners is/was “Land of Enchantment” at TOP
I’d thought of him/her as one of the good guys (like c99, the antithesis of sheepdog / veal pen / DNC mouthpieces / Russiagaters).
Oh well.
Live and learn.
Of course as one of the original members there
I could go on and on from my perspective, of course, but I'm not sure how appropriate it is to speak of individual members there here?
I never was a member of TOP (is that the same as KOS?) so can not speak as to that, only to my own experience at JPR.
One of the two original owners, the former admin who ran the place on a daily basis, did tell me when my email to the new site admins inadvertently went to her about no longer being able to log in, (while never once having been suspended or banned), that she sure hoped that was not what was happening there but that they had reneged on her as to remaining the admin under the new ownership.
I joined here in 2016 after the primaries although I didn't know many of you then, other than my old friend Phoebe Lossinhouse but I enjoyed reading your essays as I still do and feel as if I've got to know you all so much better. Thanks for including me!
I removed them...
from the Blog Roll weeks ago.
Well, there ya go!
You are always on your game, my man.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I see no point in banning conspiracy theories.
If something is a far-fetched load of nonsense, subject it to critical discourse. All the rational people involved in the conversation will abandon the "conspiracy theory" as soon as it is revealed to be far-fetched nonsense. As for the irrational folks, or those allowing their less rational aspects to drive their perceptions, well, they will believe what they want to regardless.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I know you weren't reply to me CSTMS
But that's how it originally was there. It was all open to discussion.
There was no censoring of topics, sources or language, or told how we were supposed to think,
but how things did change!
Most of us considered ourselves adults capable of discerning what to or not to believe.
I don't like sites where they decide what you can/should read or not, or who one can support or how one should vote or not.
Thankfully none of that nonsense seems to go on here and members are free to express their own varying opinions and point of views. For me open discourse is often times quite illuminating and hopefully part of my ongoing education.
a Mexodus blows
10k per day? omg millenials pedal faster! whiplash
10,000 baby boomers retire every day, and many are coming to Mexico
Securing the border for what now? Suck reversal.
where have all the dollars gone
gone to jalisco every one
la la la la la la la
buenos dias
P.S. I already "live on" four hundred less than a U.S. Mexican retiree, can't wait. heh Now to take my own advice and go afk to the river. adios amigos
On the Pigs' Coup Attempt in Venezuela
Jimmy Dore w/ Abby Martin and Mike Prysner of Eyes Left
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.