UPDATE I want to thank all the posters for many very interesting suggestions in the responses. I will try them out. And we should let each other know when we discover the sort of reporting, journalism and opinion that is worth reading.
After a blistering and blantant mountain of evidence that many media sources facilitated a hostile takeover and coup of the nomination by the Hillary camp, it becomes imperative to sort through the dung heap of media and find those who stood with courage, integrity and insight, while the rest of the crowd bowed and parroted the talking points of their DNC/corporate masters.
Gone is MSNBC (well its been gone a long while anyway,) gone is the Guardian (how can you sell out this way?) gone are most major newspapers (WaPo: labeling Trump supporters egging someone as Bernie Bros?), NYT (fuggedabout it!)…
Who is left? What newspapers/media/online websites/organizations stood up during this campaign of lies? Who did credible journalism and thoughtful reporting and didn’t just spew the propaganda of the corporations?
Who was not afraid to tell truth to power?
My List of Patriots is short: (there are probably others that I am overlooking)
PRIMARY SOURCES (who did real investigative journalism, connected the dots with perception and backed up their reporting)
1) TYT
2) Shaun King/NYDaily News/Twitter
3) Independent Thinker
4) The Intercept
5) Lee Fang/Twitter
6) David Shuster/Twitter
7) David Sirota/ Twitter
SECONDARY SOURCES: (although there are some excellent and very perceptive writers on these sites, their function is not primary reporting and are only as strong as their resources - and sometimes the resources are shaky) so I consider them secondary sources:
1. Caucus 99%,
2. Kossacks for Sanders Reddit,
3. The Progressive Wing:.
Who do you think are reliable Primary sources that you would NOW trust for your news and news analysis? And why do you think that?
This is important to know as the Borg is fast approaching.

Hi Sea Turtle, What about these?
Johnny has some blogs in the blog roll that might also be good for your list.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Glenn Greenwald
Or maybe The Intercept encompasses him. But, Lee Fang is listed.
Everyone has probably seen Glenn's article on the media declaration of a nominee.
A few more:
Democracy Now
Think Progress
Moyer & Company (mostly balanced)
The Nation (mostly balanced)
Naked Capitalism
Lee Camp--Redacted Tonight
Secular Humanist
Fair: Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting
Additional blogs:
Tom in Paine
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW)
Admittedly, most of these are a bit more left than balanced so same caveats go for using critical thinking.
Edited to add: People I actively look for
Greg Palast
Thomas Frank
Chris Hedges (although, I find him a bit pompous)
Edited to add: We should not discount checking on some right-wing publications as many of them will post facts that the "left-wing" media won't. As always with any source, put the information through the spin cycle.
Edited to add (sorry I am easily distracted) = ) These are in keeping with the comments looking for sources more investigative in nature (although some in the above list are also):
Columbia Journalism Review
Reveal from the Center for Investigative Journalism
Investigative Reporting Workshop
The Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism
The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists
The Global Investigative Journalism Network
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Probably not The Nation
You sure can't count on anybody, can you. This surprised me, and nothing should surprise me at this point.
I think Katrina is talking about Bernie's campaign in the past tense. Saw a bit on Twitter.
Joan Walsh, National Affairs Correspondent for The Nation has already written an article for The Nation, "Hillary Clinton Makes History."
The reporting is
generally good. It is the Opinion pages that I often have problems with (as do many of the commenters there), but then, every blog and news source must be taken with a grain of salt.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Yes, WD13, re The Nation
In fact, The Nation endorsed Bernie. I like them too.
But, just looking at it in terms of the diary; who did not accept the AP and unnamed superdelegates announcing the winner? Katrina, the Publisher and Editor, and Walsh are two that did accept it.
I missed that...been busy...
and it makes me very sad.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Joan Walsh has certainly lost her way. I wouldn't
read a word she wrote or watch her on TV. She turned quite a while ago. But then again, I've stopped watching all cable and traditional media on the TV.
she never had a real "way" to begin with, always
trying to be balanced without having her own ideological point of reference. She is a nice lady, but politically not courageous and watching out "not to lose access".
Some YouTubers
Though not technically "the media" (we ARE the media), I go to:
The Sane Progressive (Debbie) for good fact-based, research driven rants/pep talks.
She was recently interviewed by Tim Black, another one to check out.
The Humanist Report.
H.A. Goodman for honest, intelligent updates on the email server fiasco. He does his homework, is highly intelligent, and of course is often called a lunatic CT for his trouble.
Others have already been mentioned, like Lee Camp, who it seems has started filling the void Jon Stewart left behind (personally, I can't get into Trevor Noah).
Hopefully I'm not being redundant here, but since we know real journalism is mostly dead... (With all dead, there's only one thing you can do.)
Change is the end result of all true learning. ~ Leo Buscaglia
I consider them media if they disseminate facts.
(Which is why most of MSM is out.)
The Sane Progressive is very good, but she kind of drives me nuts to watch. Personal issue. = ) but doesn't mean I don't.
Tim Black is very good also. He used to post occasionally at DK. I recently sent him an email to let him know that the progressives that used to be at DK have for the most part moved here.
A couple of others from YouTube:
The Benjamin Dixon Show
The Real News
The Jimmy Dore Show
Last Week Tonight (John Oliver)
Greg Palast
I totally agree about Trevor Noah. He doesn't seem to be very liberal.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Thanks for these
A couple of those I haven't checked out, but will. I'm a little familiar with Jimmy Dore due to his connection with TYT. If I recall correctly, it seems he was the guy who helped pull Cenk away from that sort of giving up on Bernie ledge. Not enough women on any of our lists, which is as it ever was. And only serves to fuel my fury at the media driven "first woman candidate" narrative. FFS, what a slap in the face of real feminism that is.
Anyway, I get what you mean about Debbie. My husband, though he agrees with her, can't listen to her for long. I think it has somrthing to do with the kind of mic she's using, which tends to make her sound more tinny and sibilant. But she's spot on every time, so I tune in when I have the spare 20 minutes or so.
I'm not sure whether Trevor is not-liberal as opposed to maybe being too "careful". One almost gets the sense that TPTB decided to move away from satire that favors progressive ideals. See exhibit: Samantha Bee, allowed to be "funny" because she's apparently pro-Hillary. Just a hunch I had, but lost interest in Trevor and Samantha both, so stopped watching and therefore can't confirm the hunch. Even Stephen Colbert seems to be tiptoeing a bit.
And so the fight goes on... Kudos to the diarist here for bringing this up.
Change is the end result of all true learning. ~ Leo Buscaglia
I consider HRC an anti-feminist.
It is only because she is a woman that she is termed a feminist, which definitely sets the cause back a few hundred years as it has only served to fictionalize what women stand for.
I think you are right about Dore and Cenk. I was very disappointed in some of the things I was hearing there for awhile. It may be possible--this is a surmise at the moment and I will have to look into it more--there may be more women in liberal print than there are on liberal video. Remember, we are still a world that judges people on their looks. I wouldn't want to put myself through that either.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I like wind dancer's list
Democracy Now is my go to source these days for video. I also like the Real News. I like bit's of Thom Hartmann's big picture (I can't stand his arguing with rt wingers though ...I fast forward through that). The sane progressive has good analysis often Here's her take from is 20 min-
Other video sources I sometimes watch include the Empire Files from telesur english. Here is 30 min on Clinton:
Then there is which is also on wind dancer's list and
That's a few of the sources I try to look at weekly.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Oops, forgot Truthdig...another good one.
I have not been watching Thom Hartmann for a bit now as I was unhappy with his "Time to quit" message to Sanders a while back. Otherwise, he is often very good, and I really like some of his guests, e.g. Tom Franks.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Yes, I've been disappointed with Thom for a bit,
but that's okay, I still listen to him. Considering I've agreed with him at least 95% of the time the past ten years or so, I understand I won't agree with everything, so I'm still with him.
I like Washington's Blog.
It's not really a news site, but I like its depth, and have learned a lot.
This is just more sad commentary IMO
While we have tons available, 99% of it is just parasitic repetition with op-ed spin. While there are a number of commentators out there with intelligent interpretations to share, there is precious little boots on the ground, investigative journalism.
Good journalism is expensive. It has to prioritize righteous journalistic diligence over return on investment. That doesn't seem to happen any more. I believe this was the mandate of public TV and radio but we de-funded that.
Salient point
That's been in the back of my mind as well. Most of these are more commentators than journalists. At least the best of them back up their op-eds with facts and research, such as it is, and that's really all we have to work with these days. Journalism is really at the heart of a functioning democracy. The head cheeses know this, which is why they've worked so hard for decades to drive a stake right through it.
Interesting times we're living in. I weep.
Change is the end result of all true learning. ~ Leo Buscaglia
I half disagree.
A number of the ones I posted do good investigative journalism, but you reminded me of a particular list which is specifically investigative that I also check that I did not include. I will do so in a few minutes.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Mea culpa
You're right of course that there still exist some good investigative journalists. I really should have gone through the list you gave before making sweeping statements.
Still, I think it's safe to say that when the common citizen has to go on a scavenger hunt to find factual reporting/analysis of current events... Well, the fact that this thread is even necessary in a so-called democracy is chilling.
Thanks gods for this place, and all the good folks out there speaking the truth. People are waking up. It ain't pretty, but I'm still holding onto hope that we'll come out alright in the end.
Change is the end result of all true learning. ~ Leo Buscaglia
Excellent point about the "common citizen"
having to go look for facts. Many people just do not have the time, so they end up with spin and do not realize it.
We need to find someone or several groups that have a really good mailing list to send a list of these outlets to those who don't know what is available. Maybe have people post list on FB and Twitter.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
You lot listed a lot of what I already follow, good stuff.
I would add:
Land Destroyer Report
Foreign policy covered from a non-US propoganda perspective.
Ian Welsh
Leftist writer with interesting pieces on all things politics, particularly the EU, US domestic politics, and philosophy.
Breaking Brown
Yvette Carnell and company break down current events from a distinctly black and left angle. Social justice, criminal justice, and commentary. She's appeared on The Benjamin Dixon Show and on Boyce Watkins' YouTube channel.
Avedon's Sideshow
Avedon Carol aggregates the latest news and offers her opinion on what's really going on. Usually posts twice a month, but it's worth it.
Marcy Wheeler covers government corruption, the surveillance state, and offers political commentary. The place to go for all things Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, and the NSA.
Virtually Speaking with Jay Ackroyd
Political commentary from the left. Jay Ackroyd hosts, with occasional guests such as Avedon Carol, Ian Welsh, Marcy Wheeler, Joan McCarter, Cliff Schecter, Heather "Digby" Parton, etc.
The Majority Report with Sam Seder
Sam Seder can be a bit of a true believer in "the system" and the Democratic Party as an institution, but he's still better than any so-called liberal commentator on cable TV. His guests are excellent and the site has a great archive of previous episodes. Michael Binder is his current co-pilot, and his impressions are hilarious.
The Ring of Fire
The Majority Report with Sam Seder
Haven't read much at McClatchy DC
But they do seem to have some integrity for a mainstream news site. They're probably good for general information about the World.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Maybe JtC and c99 can provide an "overflow"
link from their blogroll. In the left upper part of the site there are several links. Maybe the overflow of links could be listed into one.
Reliable Sources, fewer and fewer
Pro Publica, The Moyers Report, and sometimes The Atlantic, American Prospect, Salon, The Guardian. I recently skimmed the best seller Dark Money by Jane Mayer, about the corrupting influence of secret corporate money on our dying democracy. Then I looked at the index, specifically for the Clintons. Aside from a few generic page references on them, the book mainly addressed Republican corruption with the Koch Brothers as the main culprits. So, the New Yorker heroine who exposed the American atrocities taking place at Abu Ghraib prison during the Iraq War is a shill for Hill. No Democrat-sanctioned corruption is taking place. The only guilty parties are Republicans.
The Atlantic is getting iffy.
Some good writers, but the editorial board is being called out on FB fpr pro-Clinton and most-def anti-Bernie. Subscribing to the print version, is always a thematic journey (assume editorially) about the major articles. Connect.the.dots.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
This to me is the linchpin to everything: informative journalism
What this primary absolutely crystallized for me, and I hope a growing number of middle American folks who already possessed a healthy amount of skepticism crucial to being civically involved in democracy, is that the MSM has been exposed as a fraudulent enterprise with respect to informing the population about "the news."
It was captured in that one moment when, as Amy Goodman of DN pointed out, when all the networks cut from a Bernie Sanders victory speech to a vacant podium awaiting the Drumpf...and left that in the background for 30 minutes, as the overpaid, carefully curried by the show producers for pre-determined talking points, empty-headed, blowhard, lapdog pundits bloviated about nothing but the latest media-driven manufactured controversy, devoid of any substantive issues.
There's definitely a shift occurring, with young folks who are more media savvy leading the way away from traditional (read: easily manipulated channels) toward more crowd-sourced, and citizen/investigative independent journalism on social media. This could be one of the most important developments, and deserves more discussion and activism.
Problem is people have not, if ever, had the plights of their everyday lives reflected back to them by the media. They're told over and over their biggest concerns will be ISIS, anchor babies, the debt ceiling, Mexicans (fill in the blank of the latest media-generated meme) and they get sucked in hook line and sinker every time, after seeing it multiple times on the teevee. Meanwhile, they've been slogging through a relentless slog of an economic crisis. Everyone either is or knows someone intimately who is either working longer for less, living hand to mouth, existing in the shadows of being foreclosed upon by a medical emergency/student or consumer debt, etc. But the news doesn't cover this, at least not substantively. So there's a serious disconnect there. Bernie drove this home.
Because of what just transpired in this election I've actually found myself shifting from being a cynical progressive contemptuous of our countrymen to one who pities his less-informed brothers, who have been conditioned through a relentless American Dream propaganda that we're all just one Get Rich Quick scheme from joining the Big Club, if we just pull up our bootstraps. The media sells us, relentlessly, through diversionary coverage and commercial advertising, this idea that the pinnacle of life is to be "successful," which implies "rich," envied and individualistic.
Most have been bamboozled by this collusion of our nationalistic education system promoting American Exceptionalism, the American worship of the deity of capitalism, the media deception and relentless consumerism promoted by massive, non-stop advertising.
If people are not informed how can we expect them to respond properly, especially in voting?
My advice for years to all and sundry: turn off your tv, get rid of cable, throw the daily newspapers in the trash and turn off your commercial radio. Throw away advertisement circulars, and literally, avert your eyes from billboards and signs. It takes some work. Find reliable, honest sources who have proven themselves to you after some time. Talk to others. Support any and all progressive voices brave enough to speak truth to power. Boycott media. Literally, turn the shit off. ALL of it.
I'd like to have the discussion in a much bigger way.
Thanks for starting this.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Peter B. Collins
Has a daily podcast I've been listening to recently and hearing a few things I haven't heard any other source mention.
I'm also interested in Newsbud which is about to be up and running. I like the journalists who will be contributing. It is crowd funded--think that is correct way to express.
I don't much care about the horse race:
Probably the two most useful sites (2,572,458 books 52,429,917 articles for free)
Library Genesis
I enjoy the following sites, especially Black Agenda Report and Telesur (my mainstream news source, in English and Spanish).
Black Agenda Report
The Greanville Post
Latino Rebels
War Against All Puerto Ricans
World Socialist
Electric Intifada
Rudaw (Kurdistan)
Socialist Alternative
Think Progress
Truth Out
Nina Allingworth
Science Daily
Caption: Massive Strike in Columbia for Agrarian Reform From Telesur:
From the Light House.
Excellent diary, Sea Turtle
Excellent diary, Sea Turtle and a special thanks to cybrestrike and Alex Ocana for the wider views in your fascinating links.
"So it goes."
Kurt Vonnegut
tx :-)
Sea Turtle