Scientific discovery causes trouble for identity politics.

Greeting fellow swampers and those who prefer to remain dry.

It has been a while since I shared with you some new insights gained from the world of genetics and political diversions. Fear not, your diligent swamp observer has been busy in the past few weeks (after digesting a really large pre-thanksgiving meal).

The subject to be addressed is basically a melding of anatomy with obfuscation. At Alligator University, we pride ourselves at being up to date in the latest medical developments. In conjunction with our Institute for Governmental Affairs we have now synthesized recent discoveries in genetics with geopolitics, in other words, in ways to confuse the public with pseudoscientific bafflegab.

As you know from my previous postings on the subject, the United States government now recognizes the existence of 17 different genders. To say the least, this makes entanglements with members of possibly other genders quite difficult. One would need to enquire through scrupulous questioning of a proposed mate numerous details of purported sexuality of the other. Counter-balance this with the egalitarian need for the other proposed mate to likewise inquire about your sexuality (gender, don't ya know). It is no longer acceptable to pull down your pants and see what resides below the waist line but now both blood tests, genetic profiles and psychological testing before an individual could confidently assert gender identity. This in itself could contribute to depopulation as the question and documentation would consume so much time that the ardor of courting (aka "fucking") would dwindle like the chances of the Demonratic party becoming truly progressive or at least left of center. Perhaps that is the part of the overall plan concocted by the elites, whose opinion of you is lower than the IQ of Maxine Waters.

Here is a picture of one such encounter recently photographed:

I am appending two pictures to the Scientific-Political Official Observation Forum, developed at AU in conjunction with the SPCA

First, the cornerstone of anatomical studies, prepared at AU:

This diagram may leave viewers cold, although it is very pertinent to me. So, in order to humanize this lecture (establishment types cannot take part in this exercise, have proven incapable of performing such a mental leap), I present a more humane diagram of anatomy:

But wait, you exlclaim, the central core of the anatomy indicative of gender is not portrayed. Unneeded I tell you, because that information is totally subjective. It has been proven by extensive psychological experiments on sheep humans, that this is only diversionary--such as the right to know what is going on government.

Identity was first discovered in the late 1990s when Turd Way politicians made the amazing and heretofore unsuspected discovery that all humans were different. According to SunTzu (or Napolean, I forget which), this is the underlying strategy of divide (hence the multiple genders) and purloin / conquer. The more things which can be found to cubbyhole differences, the better for the rulers. At first this tack was thought to be purely political until a scientific basis appropriate to the hypothesis of multigenderism could be constructed and then used to divide those groups which had otherwise steadfastly refused to be shoved unwilling into cubbyholes.

Lets talk about race shall we. What defines race? Ethnicity, maybe. But we know that no country, except Western Ukraine is racially pure. So not so good. How about skin coloration? Melanin content has always been popular rendering population groups apart from each other. Let's study the case of Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett, whose skin color is several shades lighter than that of Dan Bongino, yet she self-identifies as "black". Well that nonsense must immediately stopped until scientifically verified such as those used for gender determination. But what about Oaxacans who are darker than either of the foregoing? What race are they?

How does one market electioneering to Oaxacans? Actually, this is difficult but really unnecessary since many that are living in the USA can be easily transported in small vans to vote at various locations on election day. Their vote is particularly important in sanctuary states.

But I digress. Back to science. No meaningful political data has been discovered to identify gender-based voting preferences of more than two genders. Having now been made orders of magnitude more difficult by the currently accepted existence of 15 other genders, this makes polling incrementally--or is exponentially?--harder.

Whilst debating about how many doors a socially-anatomically-politically correct bathroom a public facility should posses, matters such as M4A, free college education, living wage, cutbacks in offensive war and bloated military budgets, restraint of Wall Street Casino fraud, etc. have been placed on the wayside, such as Stormy Daniels after her 15 minutes of fame. (That is a nice run-on sentence of which I choose not to edit).

Now, this scientific update, being purportedly scientific (unless the other side provides more funding) only scratched the whole taxonomy of concurrent identities. As a reporter, I provide no fixes in how to seemlessly incorporated more genders into political discourse. It is readily apparent that more categories (cubbyholes) are needed to restrain a public becoming ever more restive. The political operatives must slice and dice the populace in order to render more effective means of divisive diversion.

Sadly for AU, the Australian Government in their infinite command of gender identities, has provided proof (they say it's proof) of 33 different genders: see video at 14:16 for proof.

Hopefully this essay will stimulate discussion of the importance of the new science of genderology amongst our member.

Allow a brief editorial note, please. First of all, I am not a paid endorser of any particular gender. Secondly, if any of you find this report of any relevance to current politics, please comment.

People. People are all the same.
Ain't got no money.
Can't afford not a single thing.


And, as always, any contributions to our bird sanctuary will be gratefully accepted--regardless of gender.

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Alligator Ed's picture

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lotlizard's picture

or quantum chromodynamics underlying what used to be considered “elementary” particles.

It’s all become impossibly complicated, far beyond what a lay person can be expected to understand.

Diversity is divisive, and diversity plus proximity equals war, so unsurprisingly, the diverse diverging camps end up each going their own way . . .

“Conferences have segregated,” said Jorge Pullin, a physicist at Louisiana State University and co-author of an LQG textbook. “Loopy people go to loopy conferences. Stringy people go to stringy conferences. They don’t even go to ‘physics’ conferences anymore. I think it’s unfortunate that it developed this way.”

Loopy people will use loopy bathrooms. Stringy people will use stringy bathrooms.

And everyone will endorse Coraline Ada Ehmke’s “Post-Meritocracy Manifesto” or be mercilessly purged.

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mimi's picture

Is Caroline Ada Ehmke related to Horst Ehmke?
Thanks for the link,lotlizard.

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k9disc's picture

understand, and if you don't accept your lack of understanding you're a conspiracist or a _______ pig.

Man, I'm a train wreck in these conversations now.

"Space is a vacuum! The rover is now in the emptiness of space..."

"But space is full of plasma and amino acids and sugars and whatnot..."

"Why do you hate science." (period intentional - it's not even a rhetorical question)

"No, seriously, there is plasma and amino acids throughout space. Space is literally teeming with the building blocks of life: amino acids and electricity."

consults google... "Well, I guess there is, but it's not a sign of life and must come from ejecta from planets. It's really complex, you see."

So it's too complex to understand but must come from the discredited theoretical source. While the theoretical source of life on earth: amino acids and electricity; it can't be in space. Because... science! Teleological shit like this is how you maintain religious dogma, there is no denying it without denying reality.

Spirituality is being turned into science and science is being turned into spirituality. I think it's gaslighting and mind control, personally, and I can't believe it's so rampant. I don't think there is one area of the human condition that is not under this attack on reason and rationality.

Thanks for the share.

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

Alligator Ed's picture

Your three links progress from the most abstruse: string theory with 10 dimensions versus our two dimensional political battlefield, as presented to the general public. In reality politics is at least 4 dimensional because of the planar intersection of economic scales with social scales, which then interact with a perpendicular scale incorporating the personal motivations and preferences of populace and politicians (3rd dimension) over time (4th dimension). Cognitive/emotional definitions can be adopted, even if accepted as necessarily artificial, will not have the finality of an Einsteinian general or special field of relativity. The definitions, even in the so-called abstract field of mathematics, must be scalable across the entire spectrum of human interaction; call out an impossibility for uniformity even in small, overtly homogeneous populations.

I confess to have neither advanced computer operation or coding skills, yet for a "theory of everything" to really describe everything, it must reliably describe social behavior. So far no evidence has emerged of any body of mathematical or sociobiological work to successfully predict mass or even individual behavior, even in systems with numerous externally imposed constraints. How does coding interpret the Mona Lisa smile? Lessening such constraints produces even more "randomness" in the observed results. In this context, randomness means inability to closely predict behavior of individuals or small groups. Population pressure, such as exiting a crowded theater or navigating heavy urban road traffic is a potent constraint but not a potent determiner of universal outcome. Perhaps such a requirement is unnecessary in a cosmological or microenvironmental situation.

In the human scale, even small differences determine outcome, outcome not expected by analysis of known characteristics. Allowances can be made for outliers of the predictive group, but even then outcomes will evade calculation.

One common situation would be determining the outcome of human physical/emotional illness, given the appropriate constraints afforded by laboratory data, past history and response to treatment. If gender is a significant determinant of outcome, which years of medical experience and research actually demonstrate, then how do these alleged 33 genders improve predictability? Methods to prove or disprove multigender-related hypotheses would be enormously difficult.

The two links about meritocracy are provocative and warrant more thorough discussion. For instance Herbert Spencer's work on Social Darwinism, by virtue of its premise leads to eugenics. What decides merit and who determines individual merit? This is a TOTALLY subjective determination. I might think it meritorious to have green scaly skin but someone else may prefer alabaster-toned epidermis.

The point of the essay was to introduce, through gross exaggeration, the fallacies of extremism in identity politics. It is my contention that important political issues are subjugated to:
1. money
2. power (recursive, = money)
3. information (propaganda)
3A. misrepresentation of pertinent facts (MSM, CIA, etc.)
4. struggle for survival by the many

By the way, do we add stringy and loopy to our gender list?

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lotlizard's picture

@Alligator Ed  

Sociological breakthrough, or bogus intellectual fashion?

Is this liberating for children, or just a different way of indoctrinating / brainwashing them?

Genuine advance, or just a shift in the elites’ tactics to confuse the masses and keep ordinary folks reeling and off-balance?

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k9disc's picture


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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

@lotlizard really a girl.

Because he likes to play with dolls (STEROTYPE!). So she is dressing her boy as a girl and instructing him to use the girl's bathroom at school.

Just because he chooses to play with dolls (vice "action figures").
I call it child abuse.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

@lotlizard I suggest that humans are more alike than they are different, but there are definite differences between men and women. Some differences are biological while others are not, and as with any rule, there are always exceptions. We are supposed to celebrate diversity, but then are asked to pretend that men and women are the same. I, like you, feel like it is just a tactic of division. A tale as old as time.....

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If it was easy, everyone would do it.

k9disc's picture

human experience.

You can add spirituality, anthropology, archeology, war, genetics, chemistry, physics, astronomy, etc.

Every single one being perverted to gaslight people into accepting a completely fungible reality as dictated by "authority". It could not possibly be more clear to me at this time.

This is how you impose and maintain a malignant religious orthodoxy. It is quite stunning to see it on all fronts like this. I, literally, cannot trust anything; the things I "knew" that I now know were not just wrong, but willfully and purposefully wrong - I can't un-think that.

Amino acids were found in space 24 years ago. Electricity and plasma, far before that - the textbook version of evolutionary primordial soup genesis of life, except not in space. Because... Science.


@Alligator Ed

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

mimi's picture

being very relieved when this guy on TV, who tested celebrities and CNN anchors dna roots, showed him that Coopers anchestor were on the 'good guys' side.

DNA test CNN anchors and other celebrities

Have fun. What to do if your dna contains 'African Black radical and German Nazi genes'?
Laugh through your tears.

I spend too much time enjoying to read your eye-opening "pseudoscientific bafflegab."

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k9disc's picture

on the "Out of Africa" human genetic diffusion. Mitochondrial Eve stuff. Completely fascinating, completely science-y, and completely verboten in polite conversation and public discourse.

You can add this to my above comments. Control the scope of reality and define existence. They think they are Gods, capital G.


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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

wendy davis's picture


for being rather tongue-tied these days, but may i add geneticist spencer wells who'd followed the Y chromosome genetic markers and discovered that first Adam, so to speak, was a san bushman? from the wiki:

"It is believed, on the basis of genetic evidence, that all human beings in existence now descend from one single man who lived in Africa about 60,000 years ago.[2] The earliest groups of humans are believed to find their present-day descendants among the San people, a group that is now found in western southern Africa. The San are smaller than the Bantu. They have lighter skins, more tightly curled hair, and they share the epicanthal fold with the people of Central and South East Asia.

Southern and eastern Africa are believed to originally have been populated by people akin to the San. Since that early time much of their range has been taken over by the Bantu. Skeletal remains of these ancestral people are found in Paleolithic sites in Somalia and Ethiopia. There are also peoples in east Africa today who speak substantially different languages that nevertheless share the archaic characteristics of the San language, its distinctive repertoire of click and pop sounds. These are the only languages in the entire world that use these sounds in speech.

As humans migrated out of Africa, they all carried a genetic feature on the Y chromosome known as M168 (Haplogroup CT (Y-DNA)). The book was made into a TV documentary in 2003.", and a lot more.

the National Geographic Genographic Project site has a lot more, including the map of human travels around the globe, but the documentary explains a lot about changes in skin pigmentation due to sun, climate, etc.

i wrote about it for the local papers back in the day hoping it might cause racists to rethink their bigotries.

nice diary, gator; thanks for the food for thought. looks like you had a hella lot of fun with it. : )

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Consistent with a full blooded black man nine generations back. That's on average, could be more, could be less. I say black "man" because one of the marker genes is a rare Y chromosome gene. My wife,roughly 44% Norwegian, 10% Irish, 46% "general Scandinavian" and 0.1% East Asian! People having been mixing for a long time. I was not surprised to find sub-Saharan genes, partly because I knew about the Y chromosome marker in college fifty years ago, and also because Sicily was a major holding pen for the Roman slave trade. My wife's genetic markup surprised me, partly because despite extensive research we never found anyone with an irish name in her family tree. Turns out modern Norwegians have heavy concentrations of Celtic genes because the Vikings in the 9th and 10th centuries brought huge numbers of Irish and British captives back to Norway. But east Asian? Those Vikings really got around!

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

lotlizard's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness

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TheOtherMaven's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness

The Finns were not native to what is now Finland, but moved in from points farther east. Linguistically they have been connected to the Turks and the Uighurs. Morphologically they have a fairly high frequency of some Asioid traits like epicanthic (eyelid) folds and whatnot.

Another possibility is the repeated Asiatic incursions into Europe - Huns, Mongols, who knows who or what else.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

My mother's family is from Austria-Hungary and I might have expected some there for me, but none. OTOH, I have (not looking up exact numbers) large quantities of Balkan, Arab, North African, and such in addition to 57% Italian (I expected 50%, so Mother must have been part Italian too without anyone knowing). S0o, my wife is generally North/West European and I'm generally South/East European.

Once we were at the house of one of my wife's friend's. She is Italian, he is Russian. Their daughter asked about our ethnicity and I started to catalog. My wife's friend, Denise, interrupted with, "They're mutts. Like us!". That's America, the mongrel nation. I always preferred mongrels to purebreds anyway. Sturdy, friendly, tough and resilient.
Hey, I just wish we had more African and Asian plus Latino and Native-American. There is a pretty light-skinned AA girl giving my youngest grandson the eye, so maybe in the future, my descendents can say, "What race do I belong to? The human race!"

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

divineorder's picture

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.