Rusted suits of armor: more things falling apart or rusting into immobility.
Yesterday I posted an essay: Balls of yarn and suits of armor: things fall apart. Further evidence is accumulating, which although not novel, includes the formation of third political parties.
For some time now, Progressive fire-brand, Nina Turner has been publicly warming up to the idea of a new, third political party. (6:27).
And now, it seems that labor unions, even those headed by former Clintonites are realizing that a Democratic divorce is long overdue if the interests of the labor movement are to be represented adequately. Since the Bill Clinton scam, labor unions have persistently remained politically bound to the lesser of two evil parties, which allegedly is the Democrat one. Their selective blindness has been overcome by continuing austerity, right to work, "free trade", and other neoliberal scams. Jimmy Dore has a great show on this--a great rant. One of his best!
The rusting suit of armor metaphor applies to the Democrats, led by the Ghost of Hillary, Nancy Pelosi, Chuckles Schumer and other assorted malefactors who have become so unproductive of new ideas that their armor has rusted into immobility. Current Democrats, which I believe are moribund (i.e., on death watch) have no ideas. There creativity stopped with the TPP (a Frankenstein monster fortunately killed in a political late-term abortion).
Take heart, many of these malefactors, as mentioned in my previous essay, are in prison or prison-bound. However, my hopeful unicorn does not expect the Queen Criminal to see one day of jail--Bubba however must be in purgatory, having to deal with Her on a frequent basis. (Nothing a trip to Jeff Epstein's pleasure palace won't cure though).
So, dissenters: Pack It Up and Go
YES! Watch Jimmy Dore’s video!
People are FINALLY starting to talk about forming a third party.
How ironic! What if, in her insanely corrupt maneuvering to ‘win’ the election, she becomes the impetus for a brand ’ new party? What if she not only destroys her own ‘reputation’ beyond rehabilitation, she craps all over the Empty Suit’s ‘legacy’ as well? Now that’s some crazy Cosmic Karma. No wonder Obama tried so hard to help her win.
Somebody just threw a ‘spanner’ in the Giant Cosmic Irony-ometer.
a wrench.
What Dore says is true, we’ve known all along that we were being lied to and cheated. And because we (used to) go and vote for what we saw as the LOTEs, we kept getting E(vil). No more.
Whoo hoo!
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa