Russiagate: It's all about Pokemon and Puppies
The more the Russian election interference story focuses on Facebook and Twitter, they more ridiculous it gets.
— Sean Guillory (@seansrussiablog) October 3, 2017
Those dastardly Russians are undermining our democracy with pictures of puppies....somehow.
As Mike Isaac and Scott Shane of The New York Times reported in Tuesday’s editions, “The Russians who posed as Americans on Facebook last year tried on quite an array of disguises. … There was even a Facebook group for animal lovers with memes of adorable puppies that spread across the site with the help of paid ads.”
Now, there are a lot of controversial issues in America, but I don’t think any of us would put puppies near the top of the list.
Squeaky toys would strongly disagree!
Yet, instead of starting to question the overall premise of this “scandal,” journalists at The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, etc. keep making excuses for the nuttiness. The explanation for the puppy ads was that the nefarious Russians might be probing to discover Americans who might later be susceptible to propaganda.
Never underestimate anyone that can overturn a multi-billion dollar election with $100k in Facebook ads of puppies, most of which came out after the election.
Then our heroic and patriotic news media broke the story wide open.
To be clear, when we say "Pokémon Go was used" we mean "there is no evidence Pokemon Go was used"
— Tom Gara (@tomgara) October 12, 2017
Dear God, please tell me this is as stupid as it gets.
How could it possibly get any more idiotic? How?
You disappoint me Caitlin. You should know that stupidity is bottomless.
So fucking what if Russians used Pokémon Go to direct attention to Black Lives Matter protests with subversive intentions? So fucking what if another government is circulating ideas which don’t benefit US power structures?
The response shouldn’t be to freak out and scare Americans into consenting to having such information restricted, the response should be for the US to advance better ideas. If spreading information about an increasingly militarized police force killing unarmed black men is all it takes for Russia to sway a US election, then the problem isn’t Russia.
Spoken like a Putin Puppet.

The level of stupid in this country is getting scary
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
Equivalent of wingers claiming some cartoon characters gay
Reminds me of lunatic right wingers "outting" cartoon characters as gay. The same level of willful stupidity.
How's this playing outside the pundits, believers and PTB?
It seems like every time I see something about "top concerns facing the country" RUSSIARUSSIARUSSIA comes in dead last. Aside from those who have something to gain by this narrative (true believers/with Hers, the media, the rich and powerful, etc.) is anyone buying this? Even the least politically aware have to see the absurdity and desperation of this stuff. (Not to mention, the harder and more desperate they push this, the more they play into Trump and his followers as persecuted outsiders.)
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
I struggle with this question too.
I struggle with the phenomenon of the True Believers/With Hers you refer to. But I realize once you've put all your beliefs into one container it would be hard to see that container as evil. Still, I struggle with how Hillary Clinton became connected with women's rights in the first place.
My husband and I are watching the Baseball playoffs, and our favorite team is not in the running, so we're relaxed. But in the years when our team was in the running, we were just like all the fans shown in the stadium in tense moments, standing, clutching their hands together, trembling, and in some cases, not ours, praying. Yes, praying, for their beloved team-members not to strike out. I've seen it several times, even this week. Adults, not kids, grownups, praying not to be eliminated from the playoffs. I don't know what to say about this. There's something about taking sides and having a team that represents your tribe, or your beliefs, no matter how fake or inconsequential, that makes us tremble with belief, and with the fear of loss of control.
I think you nailed it
I think this why those who believe the Russia nonsense are going to cling to it harder as it gets harder to believe. The alternative is too heavy for them to contemplate.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
@Linda Wood
It takes time for the Big Lie technique to wear thin. However, the pitcher dipped too often into the well eventually comes up empty...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
the Awan spy scandal in Congress is being ignored and the proof that there was more than one shooter in Las Vegas is being called a conspiracy theory.
The American people are not buying the Russian rigging of the election via Facebook nor are they buying that there was only one shooter in Las Vegas. The Health Ranger has completely debunked that one with science.
And sadly, most Americans still do not even know about the Awan spy scandal in Congress.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Silly buggers! Everyone knows
Silly buggers! Everyone knows that subversion aimed at raising mushy feelings of empathy and caring requires kitty pics!
If this doesn't have you Russian off to adopt/help needy kitties and humans, you must be underpaid, tired and/or otherwise unable to.
All this is to soften us up for the Russian Blues!
Yes, Putin's real evil plot has always been to Make Internet America Kitten-Addicted! And it's already too late, mwaaa, mwaaa-haaa!
While the patriotic CIA would have hooked America on healthy, natural heroin raised by grateful Afghanistan farmers (so fortunately US PTB militarily invaded and kept thus employed) and The Parasites That Be would have made even greater fortunes increasing use of slave labour in ever-growing-even-larger private prisons, thereby increasing US GDP, their efforts were not as successful as hoped. Instead, the larger threat may be lurking in your household litter-box:
And nobody even suspected for a moment who Ceiling Cat really is!
Ceiling Cat Vs. Basement Cat
(And we can all sneak out the back way while they're both busy.)
Editing to add (in case anyone wants a spoiler):
Dammit, I knew Ceiling Cat was counting in the kittehs to rise up and save themselves from Basement Cat... I hope there's no moral here with reference to us, as we don't know how to save ourselves... yet...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Epic takedown of the facebook ads thing
What it all ads up to is... click-bait advertising. You make a page full of cute stories about puppies or hot-button topics like Hillary Clinton and then pop a $3 ad on Facebook for it. People flock to the page. Some of them click the ads. You can automate the generation of the click-bait pages. This is not new.
Of course, it is also click-bait revenue for WaPo, CNN, And don't you love how "being targeted by demographics, geography, gender & interests," is suddenly something evil? I need to go see the long list of bills she has sponsored to curtail google and facebook's activities in that vein. I'm sure she's been a proud warrior in the fight for citizen privacy.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Thanks! The article was fabulous - and the comments and some of the links given were also very interesting, with some great points and links to connected material provided.
This, (best read in full at source - especially since being Taibbi) linked to in one of the comments, has probably also been read by most here but (emphasis mine throughout) as a refresher for those on limited devices:
Rock and roll will never die, and with Taibi's investigative work and epic writing talent, neither will Rolling Stone, still relevant among how many of the 'more established sources' - nearly all now complicit or co-opted - in this time of propagandistic censorship?
I personally hadn't seen - or possibly simply hadn't absorbed? - the fact that suspicions were accurate in at least one group of Antifa having been already identified and confirmed as not outraged and 'violent lefties' physically attacking Nazis, as re-quoted below from the must-read article.
And I missed this confirmation because of no longer paying attention to 'more established sources' who don't, in any event, tend to produce or repeat essential material we need to know - forgetting about the few like Taibi who nearly always comes through. (Seem to remember one a while back, where I lost faith in his reporting and assumed that he'd also been co-opted, which was rather painful and a waste. But he certainly does seem to be back in his glory.)
I'm also copying, for those unable to scroll through them, some of the points made by various of the Alabama Moon commenters, as they overall raised my awareness considerably of the scope involved, even if I do speak as one less-informed than many others on this site.
It probably seems seems weird, copying comments from another site like this, but reading these outstanding comments en masse really organized a lot of the jig-saw pieces for me, and this is easily skipped by anyone who's already read them.
Any emphasis below is mine, with my comments in brackets between the Alabama Moon comments which struck me as particularly important or with potentially interesting links.
comments from below moonofalabama article posted above:
(My comment: good point made here - this bizarre attack on 'Russian' clickbait advertising' is the expansion of the current program of propaganda and censorship of free speech in the attempt to ban the advertising, accurate news reporting and Internet commentary of any people, group or countries they wish to repress, misrepresent or take down unopposed by any attempt at defense or of public awareness and protest.)
(Followed by this, a little down-thread, a scary form of automatic information-sharing control imposed by 'Artificial Intelligence GIGO' decree - like drones based on algorithms which thereby include war journalists unable to have themselves removed from kill lists, or upon people having simply passed by a certain area: '... I can't add the link because wordbook automatically sends any comment containing a link to SouthFront to the spam bin since that site was deemed to be a Fake News promoter by actual Fake News promoters. ...' Hint: if the basic info of title, author and date of each article/paper are included in each post which quotes from them, the article/paper in question can still be searched for, even if the URL is broken or otherwise unusable, that being why I always include them myself, as there have been situations where information in 'sensitive' areas (official lunatic and contradictory narratives) have had site links made inaccessible to outsiders making mock of their very obvious contradictions in commentary elsewhere, where the general public can potentially see them and make the connections themselves.)
(Haven't looked into this at all myself, but...)
(My comment: the emphasis by The Psychopaths/Parasites That Be on Black Lives Matter and all objections to routine police murders of unarmed American citizens with darker skins being 'a Russian plot' cannot be missed. In their world-view, it is unAmerican to object to casual State murders of citizens, because Non-Billionaire-Americans are Disposables to Those Who Matter. This is, in my view, fascist conditioning, in the next step onward in the plan.)
So, not only is FB complicit in Russian click-bait and merchandising, but so is the capitalism creating this situation where such is possible? Making capitalism a Russian plot?
And that last is kinda the point of this global take-over and micro-managed control, isn't it? That American corporations (and those of some other countries) cannot, in any sense, stand competition.
The moonofalabama commenter brainstorming and information-sharing copied above is important and should, I feel, be shared as widely as possible, as should that here and many other sites, because the more input and the more we know, the better - while we still have an internet, as we may not much longer, at this rate.
Much of the censorship will never even be evident, in things we simply never see...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.