Putin wins Presidency
The latest figure is 76.65%. He won 92.14% of the vote in Crimea which shows the tremendous support Crimean's have for him.
Watch the talking heads in the western MSM start denigrating his victory as well as the Russian people who voted for him.
Russia Desires Respect and Cooperation, Not to Bankrupt the U.S.
I marvel at the certitude many Western observers of Russia and Russia’s president Vladimir Putin maintain about what Putin really thinks or means, despite the evidence of his own words in his speeches and corresponding actions as president on the international stage. One may approve or disapprove of Pres. Putin’s decisions, but it is a fact for anyone caring to investigate it that Russia’s head of state is a careful, systematic, and consistent thinker.
Additional concerns of his that stand out in these speeches include the need to denuclearize the world, de-escalate the arms race between the West and East, and resolve differences between countries by peaceful means rather than sanctions and invasions. His speeches’ major themes range from the importance of governmental professionalism and propriety to respect for international law and negotiated agreements.
Rather than being obsessed with the U.S. and its budgetary problems born of supporting excessive militarism overseas, Russia desires to have its interests legitimized in the eyes of the West. It is a disgrace and a shame that the West has noticed Russia’s worries about being invaded only after its government developed impressive super-weapons, rather than out of consideration and respect for an international partner seeking cooperation.

Vlad does something highly anti-Clintonesque in victory speech
I know about 4 words of Russian but the emotion during his speech was vivid. Putin is not the nicest man and has undoubtedly disappeared political rivals, oligarchs, and other people of power. But one thing is evident, he is a patriot. Russia first. He is not selling Russia by the ruble. His victory speech was short and measured. Numerous times he thanked the assembled crowd for their support. He also invited those who didn't vote for him to join a pro-Russian movement--neither a Trump Train nor a Hillary Caboose.
Would Hillary have said anything conciliatory to those who didn't vote for HER? Does Hillary even say nice things about people who vote for HER? So she had to go to Mumbai to voice excuses number 29 (or 41 according to the Guardian) further denigrating not only those who didn't vote for her but the states or regions in which they live. No nuance. Just blanket condemnation. The best part of her sojourn was when she fell on her ass (fall number 3). Too bad for her she wasn't wearing her GPS boot.
I hope Trump doesn't lock her up before the midterms. Her continued blathering is going to make it difficult for Democrats to run on their already puny platform: "we're not Trump"
"Mr. Candidate, do you think the voters in your constituency are unimaginative, lazy, racist misogynistic clods?" Answer that please before trying to dish out the thin gruel of not Trump. Maybe if she got some real Russians to help her, she might have done better in 2016.
I watched people go into the polling stations yesterday
There are bright banners everywhere what have the white. blue and red Russian Federation colors and say "Vote President of Russia". Lots and lots of people voting here in Moscow.
The turn out and margin say one thing, that Russians love and respect the accomplishments of their president. I have been waiting for the spin from Western media and have not been disappointed with the total garbage. The New York Times was actually not as bad as the others and got a couple of basic facts right: that the people love Putin and that the "liberal" fringe candidates Ksenia Sobchak (their Paris Hilton) and Navalny are both not serious candidates and have fringe personalities. Between them they might get two percent of the vote.
The criticisms from the West range from serious competition not allowed (total bull, only Navalny was not allowed, and he has two embezzlement convictions, running on getting fraud out of government) to employers encouraging people to vote (oh my god!) to regurgitating every false claim against Russia over the last five years. Their reporting makes no sense. If "Putin is a thug" then why did he get so many votes in a high turnout. If Putin "annexed" Crimea then why did he get almost all the votes there.
There were 8 candidates running. If one candidate gets more than 50% then he is the winner, otherwise the two strongest candidates are in a run off.
Vladimir Putin ...... 76.69% his own party United Russia
Pavel Grudinin ...... 11.77% Communist Party
Vladimir Zhirinofsky ..5.65 Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, an outspoken Nationalist
So there it is, Vladimir Putin and a Commie got almost all of the votes. That should make the heads explode of the Western media journalists. Truth is that it made them dig deeper in their bag of rationalizations. What a bunch of disconnected fools.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
Evidently with about 67% voter turnout.
I'm trying to figure out what that 77% figure means. It doesn't appear that could ever happen here, not with this two party duopoly system designed to divide the public.
Seems like the only times we see that kind of figure is in autocratic countries with dictators or despots.
And I won't ever agree to one person having that much power for that long. It's not democracy. In fact I think humans have to evolve past having one person rule over countries.
Obviously he's quite popular but what kind of political system results in one person getting that high a percentage of the vote?
And if he can keep the dumb fucks in the west from blowing up the world, I'LL be happy to vote for him!
Stop These Fucking Wars
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Maybe, just asking questions.
But that's not me.
I can say if I lived in Russia, I would hope I'd still be anti-establishment.
Eight candidates
As far as anti-establishment goes, if the gov't is responsive to, and accountable to ALL the people, I got no problem with it. Anti-establishment for its own sake is not what I'm about, IF the gov't is responsive to the people.
Stop These Fucking Wars
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Also, in Russia one gets to actually vote
for their president.
In America, your vote gets filtered through a maze of gerrymandering and purging and then goes to a group of un-elected people who do the actual voting.
You'd certainly be free to vote against the guy
who cut military spending to ensure the ability to maintain pensions to his people with NATO massing on the border, knowing that he already had good defenses to protect his people; the guy working on cleaning out the solid corruption which the US PTB had previously installed; the guy working to improve the living standards of his people, having already made considerable progress, especially considering the wreckage he started with; the guy trying to keep the food supply safe and healthy by banning GMOs and keeping the associated deadly chemicals out of the air, water and diet available to his people; the universal health-care...
I'd say that the guy's best appears to be getting a hell of a lot more done in the public interest than could have been anticipated, including his circumventing the US PTB on very small budget and - because his word is good and, unlike the US PTB, Putin keeps both his head in all situations and his agreements - the leaders of other countries can trust him, and deal with him, as they more and more seem to be doing; while he sets up a separate internet for Russia and already has an alternative to SWIFT*, already has a formidable nuclear/invasion deterrent, to make the unthinking perhaps think, prior to attempting to nuke/converge in armies upon Russian civilians, always quietly maintaining a step ahead of the US Psychopaths That Be, and does it most admirably, considering that this is on a very limited budget, where he gets maximum bang out of each public buck.
But there were multiple other electoral choices available, for anyone wanting to try an unknown quantity who might not be able to gain the trust of other countries, withstand the continual and increasing threats at Russia's very borders and or plan for contingencies with his/her people and country always first in his/her mind and manage good results with what seems remarkably little money - without draining it out of the public. Someone who might knuckle under to threats or bribery. You could have voted for one of those uncertain alternatives to wade into the midst of this, had you been a citizen there.
Honestly, I'm becoming pretty darned impressed with the guy, in all of these areas. And had I been Russian, I'd have voted for him, too, despite other issues the other choices, in that culture, would be unlikely to be better on. YMMV, of course. (Giggles over the prospect of this causing exploding heads at DKOS.)
* https://www.rt.com/business/382017-russia-swift-central-bank/
That was last year, but even if it's still limited in that fashion, if SWIFT's cut off, even that'd beat hell out of nothing. Russia has far larger problems imposed upon it by The Psychopaths That Be than a currently time-limited banking transfer system.
And I'm really hoping that this part isn't kabuki and that there really are independent leaders successfully standing up to TPTB with their people and countries becoming/staying free and unattacked, or at least undefeated and free of corporate/military control...
Edited to remove a word.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
You have to look at
what came before Putin, I think, to understand why he may be trusted to make a difference, even if he's not "loved." The destitution, crimes against women and children, the mafia corruption and violence, the drug addiction and decay of infrastructure -- these were the gifts of unfettered capitalism brought to Russia by the crony kleptocratic pigs of resource plunder known as Bushworld. In spite of the fact that Putin is of the Communist intelligence state and of the oligarchy that replaced it, he has managed to bring back employment, healthcare, reduction in crime, and he has raised the standard of living in Russia for working people.
The same, including your objection to power, can be said of Franklin Roosevelt, who was also elected and re-elected, not because he was everyone's favorite person, and not because he was the person you'd want you daughter to marry, but because he made a difference in ways the American people could count on in their personal lives. He put the country back to work and provided some safety net benefits. That was a start, and the American people who had been through the Depression knew they were not going back.
FDR = Putin
For some time now, I've also thought that - were I a citizen of Russia - I would consider Mr. Putin in the same manner as Americans of the Great Depression era considered FDR. The more I learn of how bad things got in the 90's for the average Russian, the more I am convinced this is true.
Often we hear (even here on C99) something similar to "I'm sure he's not a good guy and has done lots of nasty stuff..." but do we really know that? Seems that whenever I track down the various "misdeeds" of Mr. Putin, I am always coming up with either no evidence, or someone with an axe to grind, or a political foe, etc. The propaganda against Mr. Putin and/or Russia is very pervasive.
Hilarious, just questioning Putin and Russia on here
Hecate? Where'd you go?
Nah, not riled
Stop These Fucking Wars
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
What is the TRUE difference between
a Democratic president and a Republican president in the US? Does the true power lay in the White House or the House of Representatives or the Senate? Or does it lay outside all three?
Why are there only two parties and two choices? Do these two parties really represent the ordinary people who go to work everyday to support their families? Why is voting in the US always a choice between two evils?
How much money have the last two presidents collected from the people for their campaign? How much from the oligarchs and/or the corporations they control? How much control does the military have in government? How much control do the financial interests have? Why is lobbying in the halls of a Democracy based government with enormous sums of money allowed? How much money have presidential elections cost since 2000?
What have the last three presidents actually done for the people since 1990 in concrete terms? What have the last three presidents actually done for the American oligarchs during that period?
How have the lives of ordinary Americans advanced since 2000 in monetary, health, education and general well being?
Compare to Russia...

Percentages much, much higher than those figures occur within the US electoral system if you consider Electoral College vote percentages. In America these are the votes that actually count towards electing a president.
Washington - 100%
Roosevelt - 98.49%
Reagan - 97.58%
Nixon - 96.65%
Clinton - 70.45%
Bush - 53.16%
Obama - 67.84%
Trump - 56.5%
Have you considered that it's a fault of the system itself? How much of the vote would a president get if he consistently gave what the people needed and wanted? How much of the vote would a president get for his second term if he actually followed through on his first term promises? Would C99% even exist if they did?
In Russia, each and every citizen gets to vote independently and individually to choose their president. There no organizations, fucked up gerrymandering or voter roll manipulation/purging schemes between the citizen and his ballot.
Have you considered that "Democracy" in countries that have unfettered capitalism at play, along with their attendant unlimited funding, are not truly democratic but well staged Kabuki theater?
Stop These Fucking Wars
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Seriously CB, you're asking me that?
I've failed in my essay writing. I guess I'd better stop.
Heh. You, of all people, should've understood.
No you haven't. All I did was poke you with your own stick.

Where the hell do you think I got some of those ideas from?
Just playing the room....
Beautiful post
thanks to Citizens Band
Autocratic countries ...
Or the United States. George Washington could have been president for life if he'd wanted. FDR pretty much was, elected 4 terms and dying in office. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if a lot of Democrats wanted Obama for life and a lot of Republicans wanted Reagan for life.
Putin took the looted, broken remnants of the Soviet Union and built them into a credible nation with renewed respect (you don't think Montenegro-gate would play as well as Russia-gate, do you?), rebuilt agriculture supplying 1/2 the world's wheat, and a recovering economy -- despite US and EU sanctions and despite constant attacks by the US.
The question I have for you is why wouldn't people vote for him?
Me too (just playing the room)
That's why I like C99.
Lively debate, no autobans and no hunter-killer TR packs. And your essays, of course.
There's not much love for Russia in my family. Grandpa had to flee Poland to escape being drafted as cannon fodder into Tsar Nick 2.0's army. But I gotta give Putin props for taking a nearly hopeless situation and largely turning it around. And I also love the fact that Putin's successes drive American pols, pundits, and puppetmasters berserk.
They're green and purple with envy
because no matter what they do, they can't get such high approval ratings and poll results. (Of course, they don't DO anything to deserve them!)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Well, assuming that the elections are free and fair,
why limit voters from having a 'same again' choice when they (finally) have one who's actually proven to have produced excellent results in a horrible situation, as existed prior to Putin, who has managed considerable improvements in the state of the country and the condition of his people's lives, and who may be the only one capable of handling an incredibly difficult situation?
The point of voting is supposed to be to empower the people, and depriving them of what they may feel is their best choice simply because s/he has already been proven to them seems kinda counter-productive.
Especially with NATO massing on their borders and the US PTB sharpening their nukes while the drool runs down their grinning jaws.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
It's a weird place to be, defending this theocrats authoritarian
Let me first say for context: I think the whole contrived, concocted and convoluted Russian Red Herring Mania Meltdown by the venal MSM, put up to it by the scorned Clinton Cabal, will go down as one of most embarrassing, hideous, dangerous and dumb epochs of American history.
But that doesn't make me a fan of their counterparts in the Russian government either.
I consider Christopher Hitchens one of the world's greatest minds, historians, authors and socialists. And when he speaks (spoke, he's gone now) I listen very carefully, just as I would Gore Vidal.
Just imagine if George HW Bush, former CIA head, was made president over and over again. Putin is his counterpart, as head of the KGB.
I'm a lot less sanguine about this guy and his regime than a lot of folks here seem to be. Too much Putin-luvin' (and Trump at times too) here makes me a little unsettled. These are oligarchal thugs, protectorates of moneyed-interests, hiding behind a religious revival, with no fealty whatsoever to the 99%. The Russian people had a glorious practically bloodless revolution the first time around.
That's the kind of Russian I look up to with a sense of awe, solidarity and inspiration.
Those are my comrades. Not Putin's capitalistic, theocratic thugs.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Oh, man.
Are you describing the United States here or Russia?
I think the answer is “Yes!”
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
So what happens
It seems(to me) that vlad's priority is 'Russia First'(in country). Oligarchs allegiance to the State first, then you can make shit-tonnes of money. But if you fuck with politics the State will crush you. Don't we have the reverse of that? I thought we Wanted business out of gov't? Not defending Putin, per se,just wondering wtf he should(could) have done? A judiciary totally bought off, a police force no better, no taxes being collected, bribes and corruption SOP, thousands(if not more) literally dying in the streets, Every Western institution rooting for him, and by extension, Russia, to fail so they could pick the carcass clean. Ffs folks, the guy ain't no angel, but Damn, look where he had to start from and where Russia is today? ALL the State institutions were fucked and OUR gov'ts were lining up for their turn.
OUR gov'ts have ringed Russia in steel and He is supposed to be the 'bad guy' because he's using every means available, sans oppression, to lift his country up? And don't cry me a river about some greedy fucking robber baron getting dick stomped into the dirt, I'd LOVE to see that happen here(fat fucking chance).
Or would you rather have WWIII? So far that ain't happened, and I give vlad Full Credit for that non-event, so far.
If that makes me a Putin dupe, or apologist, then I guess I'm guilty. At least there is One Statesman worthy of that title somewhere in this world(even if it ain't us).
Stop These Fucking Wars
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
He could spend some more time as prime minister,
which is what he did the last time he was termed out as president. (Russia has a dual-head-of-state system, an elected president and an appointed (by the president) prime minister. The system may seem clunky from the outside, but it works for them.)
Interestingly, about the only thing I remember from Medvedev's term as president (aside from he appointed Putin prime minister) was his beautiful blue lynxpoint Neva Masquerade (= colorpoint Siberian) cat.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Her name was Dorofei
*His* name was Dorofei
Leave it to the Russians to have a male equivalent of "Dorothy" (= Dorotheus). It never caught on in the West, probably because "Theodore" was satisfactory.
Gorgeous cat, anyway.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Putin openly talks about his work in the KGB, and no one in Russia is confused about the omnipresent oligarchy he works within. He has raised the standard of living for the Russian people from the destitution brought on by lawless crony capitalism. And they have re-elected him because of what he did.
Franklin Roosevelt was of the corporate elite, a Wall Street lawyer. He was part of the cabal that had brought on the devastation of the Depression. He raised the standard of living for the American people from the destitution caused by lawless crony capitalism. The American people elected him president 4 times because of what he did. They were under no illusions about who he was, who bankrolled his campaigns, or how far back they could fall if he lost. He was in a position of power because of his relationship to Wall Street gangsters, but he made incremental change in the interest of working people.
In addition, Franklin Roosevelt was bankrolled by the very firms that armed Hitler, and I believe they fully expected the United States under his leadership to enter the War on the side of Germany. He allowed Japan to attack the United States in order to make the decision to join the Allies, including the Soviet Union, the ultimate target of Wall Street's war.
In the same way, Putin faces the resurgence of Nazism in Ukraine, armed by the United States. Again. We will see whose side we are on in days or years to come, if we have any years to come.
In an article from last August, the writer q502 says,
We could just as easily replace a couple of words and say,
"The United States is controlled by a vast organization comprised of the intelligence services, organized crime and big business. This organization is led by the BUM OF THE MONTH and control is maintained through corruption, blackmail and assassination."
Putin is making progress for the Russian people, and they have re-elected him because of it. We are supporting Nazi fascism in Europe, Saudi Wahhabism in the Middle East, and offer the people of the world war and annihilation. Does it seem illogical if some of us see Putin as rational by comparison?
Christopher Hitchens' main beef with Putin
is inordinately conflicted with his dislike (to put it gently) of religion.
His brother, Peter Hitchens, has a diametrically opposed view of both religion and Russia/Putin. I find his arguments to be stronger.
The following is an excellent response to your post:
Peter Hitchens on Western Reaction in the Russia-Ukraine Crisis
Here's another interesting article
Includes Peter Hitchens' comments on NATO and EU expansion to the east, Ukraine putsch, Crimea, Skripal poisoning, plus other interventions done by West against Russia.
Peter's views are much more nuanced and accurate then his brother's.
Peter Hitchens on Russia (BBC Radio Ulster)
Take note that Christopher Hitchens supported the Afghanistan War, the Iraq War, the Libya War, the Syria War plus all the shit that went down in Georgia and Serbia. He would support an Iran War if he was still sucking air. He would even support a war with Russia if it wasn't for Russia's nukes.
Here's is John Pilger's take on Christopher Hitchens:
[bold added]
Took me
Where ya at, Big Al? Ya helped get this party started, jump in, the water's fine!
Stop These Fucking Wars
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march