Putin has been very busy
What exactly constitutes "meddling"? And when did "meddling" become something to fear?
Did you ever hear anyone use the term outside of Scooby-Doo before 2016?
And the fact that they use the term "meddling" instead of "hacking" or "rigging" speaks volumes.
What constitutes a "hack" is also problematic.
Consider this breathless description of a Russian cyberattack on our elections.
As these deliberations were underway, more troubling intelligence got reported to the White House: Russian-linked hackers were probing the computers of state election systems, particularly voter registration databases. The first reports to the FBI came from Illinois. In late June, its voter database was targeted in a persistent cyberattack that lasted for weeks. The attackers were using foreign IP addresses, many of which were traced to a Dutch company owned by a heavily tattooed 26-year-old Russian who lived in Siberia. The hackers were relentlessly pinging the Illinois database five times per second, 24 hours a day, and they succeeded in accessing data on up to 200,000 voters.
Ooohhhh, scary.
Let's break this down a bit: "relentlessly pinging the Illinois database five times per second, 24 hours a day" means absolutely nothing at all.
First of all, you don't "ping a database". You ping a database server.
Secondly, pinging something five time a second, 24 hours a day, is not a hack. It's a denial of service attack, and if its only done by one computer it means less than nothing.
I could make my laptop do this with a single command. You don't have to be a hacker.
Thirdly, how this turned into hackers accessing data on up to 200,000 voters is a mystery the article doesn't explain, or prove. So I looked here.
According to the letter sent to Illinois voters by the Board of Elections, “We have found no evidence that they added, changed, or deleted any information in the database. Their efforts to obtain voter signature images and voter history were unsuccessful.” It is unclear what specific information was obtained during the hacking. The Board of Elections reported that “[T]he attackers took advantage of a programming flaw in the website’s database.”
A heavily tattooed 26-year-old Russian who lives in Siberia does not scream Kremlin. It sounds like bored, criminal hacker. Thus "Russian hack" doesn't necessarily mean what it implies.
Plus, you don't put a sensitive database on a web server. The sensitive data goes on a database server.
This article stirs panic, while shedding no real light because the author obviously knows nothing about computers.
Remember back in late January when the Dutch had announced that they hacked the Russian hackers.
The Netherlands' spy service broke into the computers used by a powerful Russian hacking group and may be sitting on evidence relating to the breach of the U.S. Democratic National Committee, a Dutch newspaper and television show jointly reported Friday.
Reports carried in the respected daily Volkskrant and the current affairs show Nieuwsuur said hackers working for the Dutch General Intelligence and Security Service penetrated the computers used by the group, often nicknamed Cozy Bear, in mid-2014 and watched them for at least a year, even managing to catch the hackers on camera.
"In the summer of 2015 Dutch intelligence services were the first to alert their American counterparts about the cyberintrusion of the Democratic National Committee by Cozy Bear," reported Nieuwsuur, which airs on Dutch national broadcaster NOS.
It seemed like an amazing breakthrough. This story was reported literally everywhere.
It was the smoking gun. The Democratic establishment would be vindicated.
Bloomberg called for the evidence to be released to the public.
Release the Dutch Evidence of the DNC Hack
If the Dutch intelligence service watched the Russians breach the Democratic National Committee, there's no more reason to hide the evidence.
...and then the story, which was based on anonymous sources, went away.
No evidence was ever released to the public. No one ever demanded any backing up of the claim. We simply moved on to the next outlandish claim.
Even more curious was that just three weeks earlier the news was that the Dutch were the ones that got hacked by the Russians.
Around the same time, it was reported that the UK also warned us about Russians hacking our election too. The New York Times cited “two people familiar with the conclusions” of the report.
...and then that story went away too.
Two months later this report has not been released. I'm guessing that it never will.
Remember Konstantin Kozlovsky? Last December he made a dramatic claim.
A Russian hacker has confessed, in court, to being hired by Russian state intelligence to hack the Democratic National Congress’ computer systems in 2016.
Russian website The Bell, known for a generally critical stance towards President Vladimir Putin and the corruption under his rule, reported Monday that Konstantin Kozlovsky had testified to carrying out attacks at the request of state intelligence organs, notably the FSB (the KGB-successor for which Putin himself had worked in Soviet times).
The testimony is potentially explosive, as it is a first-hand account of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election that directly contradicts Putin’s denials of any involvement.
Just like the Dutch Intelligence, this was a confession that showed Putin was a liar. What's more, he could prove it.
A jailed Russian who says he hacked into the Democratic National Committee computers on the Kremlin’s orders to steal emails released during the 2016 U.S. presidential election campaign now claims he left behind a data signature to prove his assertion.
Game, set, match, amirite?
Since then Kozlovsky has claimed involvement in hacking the World Anti-Doping Agency, the Olympics Committee, and FIFA. However, one thing missing from all of this is evidence, and some are starting to question the truth of his claims.
It's curious that the FBI hasn't pursued this guy, because they certainly seem willing with other hackers.
Nikulin was detained in the Czech Republic for allegedly hacking the servers of major sites LinkedIn, Dropbox and Formspring between 2012 and 2013. While awaiting trial, he claims in an undated letter reportedly given to U.S. Russian-language news site Nastoyashchoe Vremya by Nikulin's lawyer, Martin Sadilek, that the FBI visited him at least a couple of times, offering to drop the charges and grant him U.S. citizenship as well as cash and an apartment in the U.S. if the Russian national confessed to participating in the 2016 hacks of Clinton campaign chief John Podesta's emails in July.
This made me think about all the Russiagate claims that were either proven false, or just discarded.
For instance, many may know that to this day the FBI has never even looked at the DNC email server.
But did you know that the FBI never even interviewed the guy who discovered the hack?
Despite his central role, Johnston has never talked with investigators probing Russian interference, let alone with the media. But to people dealing with the crisis, “He was indispensable,” as a source close to the DNC put it.
Johnston was also largely on his own. The party had hired CrowdStrike essentially in place of the FBI — to this day, the Bureau has not had access to the DNC’s servers.
This is supposedly a federal criminal case here, so why is the FBI not interested in any first-hand knowledge of the facts? When has that EVER been true?
Why should the FBI just trust a private company with a history of making false claims about Russian hacking, that it later retracted?
Putin meddled in the Italian election, and as a result, Italy Has Dumped America. For Russia.
How do we know? Because we don't like the outcome. That's the proof.
It's just the latest of a series of elections with outcomes that we don't like, and thus proof of Russian meddling.
According to the Atlantic Council, Russia backs every non-mainstream political party. This includes parties on both sides such as Syriza and Golden Dawn in Greece.
My favorite example is the French election last May.
The NSA Confirms It: Russia Hacked French Election ‘Infrastructure’
Holy sh*t! The NSA confirmed it.
Proof! Evidence! The National Security Agency director Michael Rogers said under oath that Russia hacked France's election, according to Snopes.
Just one problem: France disagreed.
The head of the French government’s cyber security agency, which investigated leaks from President Emmanuel Macron’s election campaign, says they found no trace of a notorious Russian hacking group behind the attack.
In an interview in his office Thursday with The Associated Press, Guillaume Poupard said the Macron campaign hack “was so generic and simple that it could have been practically anyone.”
He said they found no trace that the Russian hacking group known as APT28, blamed for other attacks including on the U.S. presidential campaign, was responsible.
I'll let you guess which claim got more press.
Now let's look at the German elections.
The Cyber Threat To Germany's Elections Is Very Real
German Elections 2017: How Russia Helped AfD's Rise
That's just two of countless headlines over those dastardly Russian hackers.
Except that there was no evidence at all.
German Election Mystery: Why No Russian Meddling?
Does anyone else find that NY Times headline full of implied assumptions?
There is obviously something going on here.
Populists are on the rise in Europe and the U.S.
Normally one would assume that there was something going on globally. That the center-left has failed and abandoned the working class.
This would lead to necessary political reforms and people in the Democratic establishment losing their jobs. In the end, we would be forced to imagine a future that looked different than the world of today.
Oooorrr, we could scream "Russia!"
But we can't do both.

CNN now has definitive proof how Vladimir swung the vote
for Trump. Some of his cyber tools have been uncovered.
I'm sold
Video games! Is nothing sacred?
When it comes to Vlad the Bad, nothing is sacred.
Vlad's cyber-warriors had discovered a huge untapped voter base, hidden deep in their parent's basements, that could be persuaded to get dressed and go outside to vote. It's still unknown how Vlad's software engineers instructed them to push the correct sequence of buttons on the voting machines to get the Trump icon to jump up and down on the Hillary icon until it was pounded into the ground.
Dmitry Pavlovsky and Vadim Gerasimov, Putin's cyber-warfare master programmers, are the ones believed to have developed Hilltendo. These men have also developed the global targeting software that is found on Vlad's hyper-sonic boost-glide weaponry. The reason Russia was able to develop these weapons quickly and efficiently was because it is based on the existing Nintendo platform - which wasn't covered by the sanctions. If you have ever played a game of Tetris you will understand the similarities - the infinite spin and variable gravity control.
In fact, this software was used to put the first man into space, Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin.

The next project is going to be cute, furry bears that talk. These are programmed to whisper commands in your children's ear as they sleep.
Two words: Pokemon Go. Never to forgive, never to forget.
The Russians are genetically programmed to have the Neos outclassed and they're helpless before them...
Edit: and never to miss an opportunity for a letter-typo in a short sentence... clearly, the Russians made me comment before going downstairs to make coffee - the fiends!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Pokemon meddling
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Yes! The Russians even weaponized Pokeman.
Here's two fuckwits on CNN discussing how dangerous this has been to the American mind. Dylan Byers seems to be taking this personally. He is almost in tears describing how insidious this Russian psyop is. Maybe Pokemon is his favorite video game?
[PS: The two need a little rouge on their cheeks to be more realistic.]
Shadowy Trolls Farms Linked to the KREMLIN
Really? Linked to the Kremlin in what way? From their demented minds to their blathering assurances that it is because we should trust them?
I'm glad I don't have a television. It might kill someone when I threw it out the window.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Hey, it took Homeland Security a year
to inform State election officials that RUSSIAN!!! HACKERS!!! had purportedly hacked generally the public pages of their election websites by scanning them, thereby 'fixing the election'.
That's just the time-period allowed for those silly public sheep to forget that State Officials had already traced the typically failed hacking attempts of Homeland Security back to source, before Homeland Security realized they weren't getting universal permission to take control of electoral rolls they'd tried to get into along with all other electoral infrastructure and unconstitutionally stole the bunch away from any chance of public oversight, independent investigation of electoral cheating or free and fair elections for the American people.
Then, just rinse and repeat the claims until brainwashing finally works.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
What ever happened to the word
New definition should be combined with speculation.
It pisses off people to no end when I ask them to show me proof. It's a conversation stopper which is what I want anyways.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Politics doesn't require proof
That's how you know that this isn't about laws being broken
they dropped the r
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I blame Canada!
They even named their national dish after af him! Putine!
I want a Pony!
I have proof!
BTW, we are all out of ponies. Would you accept a donkey or maybe an ass? We have a whole shitload of those available.
Poutine is French for Vlad bites
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Sure has taken a lot of energy to keep this going on
for so long. You'd think that they would have gotten tired of having to come up with new lies every week. But the old lies have worked because people keep repeating them. People are not asking themselves "where is the evidence for what you are saying" because they want to believe that the only way Hillary could have lost to Trump is because of outside interference. To be that invested in someone with a possible war on the horizon because of it is just so damn mind boggling.
Geebus Hillary, own up to the fact that you lost because of who you are and how people felt about you instead of keeping this false story going. History is not going to be kind to you when the books are written.
Funny how no one remembers Obama's speech to the country about how safe our elections are and that no one interfered with them just before he left office. Funny, indeed. Is it ever going to end?
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
If you slog through this whole thing, Glen makes the same point.
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
@GreatLakeSailor Great video. Thank you
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Here's Obama saying that the elections are safe
If we can't believe the president of the USA, who can we believe? Let's remember that the Russian Russia Russia started with "Russia hacked the DNC computers and gave them to Wikileaks" That's how this whole damn propaganda campaign started and it's snowballed from there. Maybe a little "Trump is Russia's puppet" during the debates because he was hinting at detente with them and Her knew that Russia regime change was on the menu. But now they are just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. Even stuff that doesn't stick is still being repeated.
Remember this? "All 17 intelligence agencies agree that Russia interfered with the election", while it was only 3 people in 2 agencies. Clapper, Brennan and...? But people are still saying that it's all 17 still.
(we need a "shaking my damn head" emoji.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
Greenwald's diagnosis
Was completely on the nose. The elite powers have no interest in any kind of a national reckoning of how the Trump presidency was a product of their systematic policies where they enriched themselves and left the rest of us for dead. Instead they are maniacally perpetuating the narrative that Trump's presidency is a freakish anomaly (The Russians did it!!!) and that as soon as we get rid of Trump, America will return to being the bright city on a hill it has always been.
And let's face it, folks. Its much easier for people to believe the latter scenario, than the former one.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
The deep staters are reactive to effects of their propaganda
U.S. Officials Defend Integrity of Vote, Despite Hacking Fears
In fact polls were taken that showed that Dems were falsing believing Russians changed the vote using the Obama admin as the standard of proof. That is when the deep staters went into action and starting just throwing anything and everything against the wall to see what would stick and to resurrect the entire conspiracy. So we got the false story about the Vermont power hack.
But themes emerged. One critical one repeated was that the Russians got into the voting systems. To solidify this narrative, Homeland Security came out publicly and stated that states were attacked or compromised. Of course states pushed back and said "bullshit". But the press has duly followed up with this about how hackers showed they could break into comupters, etc.
The deep staters do watch the reaction to their accusations to determine what works and what is not working. And alter the narrative as appropriate. The thing is that they may have overplayed the conspiracy by just the sheer volume of "stories" they have released.
Actually, Mr., a lot of people are not buying this
Not only Trump supporters, but many others who are seeing it for what it is. One website (dk) are blaming Russia for the ex spy who was poisoned in the U.K.. They are saying that we need to draw a Red Line against poisoning our allies, just like Obama did with Syria. "We gotta have our allies' backs."
Seriously? One person who used to be a double agent and has been out of a Russian prison for 8 years was killed by Putin's goons?
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
Hopefully some rationality comes back
I think the poisoning was done by lunatics who hate Russia and want to draw the UK into an actual shooting war with Russia. I strongly suspect either some Ukrainian or Polish actors did this. There was alot of weapoary left behind in the Warsaw Pact countries with the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The Warsaw Pact countries would conduct nerve gas games using "live" weapons. These sorts of attacks under a false flag have been used in particular by the Ukrainian Nazis. I think by now the Brits have an inkling and I suspect the insane rhetoric will die down.
Edit add: About the logic of the poisoning as you point out. It seems some serious spooks in the UK are looking at the situation and saying Putin would be insane to order the poisoning. And it is crazy. Why kill a spy who the Russians traded 8 years ago and who when convicted of spying in Russia was not given the death sentence. The KGB and Russian intelligence services are not known for long jail terms for ex-agents. It ususally is fairly quick execution.
Yes, hopefully some sanity will come back soon
As to whether the U.K. would want a war with Russia, that's a good question, isn't it? I've read that they are pushing back against the sanctions we have on Russia because the prices for their gas and oil are too high because we want them to buy it from us. Now whether they are crazy enough to risk war with Russia, let's hope not. European countries are much more knowledgeable about what a war in their country is like and I would think that some type of sanity would prevail. None of us have any idea what war is like because we haven't seen one on our soil since the civil war. And look at how it is glorified by so many people. 9/11 was the closest thing we've seen on what a war would look like, but that pales in comparison to our buildings and infrastructure being bombed out.
You may be on to something about that being a false flag event perpetrated by Poland. We have been putting troops and military equipment into it for about two years or so. Gawd I hope that this is just paranoid thinking by you and I
(shudder) There was a reason for why we overthrew the Ukrainian government, installed the Nazis and have been shipping weapons to them and I hope it's not for some reason to do with being another country or Russia's border.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
DKos was/is a good place to watch how false propaganda
and mind manipulation works. Anyone who didn't closely follow the herd was culled.
Why didn't they kill him in prison?
If they didn't want to own up they could just say he got sick or was attacked by another prisoner. That last would work well if he had visible bruises. They could finish with a sharpened spoon in his heart. They knew he was a spy and had him in prison. So they let him out and killed him eight years later in England?
Stupid people.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
It's more complicated than that.
1. It's going to take a LOT more than 16 months to restore Her's ego.
2. There is no Democratic strategy beyond TRUMP! You don't have to support single payer health care or the $15/hr. minimum wage. You can be for or against various imperialist ventures as you choose. You no longer even have to support women's reproductive health. The only requirements to be a Democrat are to assert faithfully that Her was robbed and to support the move of Pelosi or Shumer to a bigger office, and Pelosi just endorsed someone who fails the latter test. Maybe he promised never to do it again.
There are some fine Democrats in congress. But take them as a whole and you see a chaotic, incoherent mess. They don't dare go beyond TRUMP lest the differences become glaringly apparent.
Yep. This is true
This is the platform that the democrats are running on. Just like Her did. "We aren't Trump or the republicans." Their MFA bill is not going anywhere as long as Trump is president and the republicans are in the majority and they can tell us whatever we want to hear because it's not going to happen. Hillary saying that she was okay with late term abortion restrictions should have ended her campaign, which should have been ended when she laughed about Gaddafi's death.
Who did Pelosi just endorse? I read that she endorsed Lipinski who everyone is trying to get voted out.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
You are correct. n/t
"Biggest Sore Loser Ever" goes
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
Meddling in US elections
could be as little as a foreigner commenting on a US domestic forum.
Which should worry The Guardian, as people from all over regularly comment on stories regarding Brexit and other domestic UK issues.
My God!
(Edited: The Guardian being one of the chief international proponents of 'Boo hoo, Hillary lost/Trump is scum/Russiagate')
from a reasonably stable genius.
I blame Hollywood and TeeVee & the death of skepticism
Both in movies and in television, hackers are shown to do miracles with just a few keystrokes. Fourteen year olds can defeat the most secure servers. See the Russians did it.
8 Most Outrageous Hacking Scenes from Movies
The overwhelming majority of people do not know about networks and their administration and their security. So any mumbo jumbo can convince people that "spear phishing" is a super duper technique soley used by Russians far away. Trump was actually right when he said some fat guy could have stolen Podesta's email.
I am amazed how so many highly educated people have lost all sense of skepticism and creduality. Especially after what happened with the invasion of Iraq. In many ways, I have given up on expressing fact-based skepticism because the majority of people never were convinced of Russian interference in a rational way. Every new assertion by un-named sources alluding to un-examined "facts" is enough to keep the faith going. It truly is a cult.
I know I have a tendency to oversimplify stuff.
But why would the DNC refuse to turn over evidence (DNC server) that would either prove or disprove their assertion(s)?
There are not too many logical answers to that question.
#1 The evidence of Russian hacking doesn't exist on the DNC server.
#2 Other evidence on the server points to DNC wrongdoing they don't want revealed.
#3 Wimpy excuses about personal information etc., which would all be redacted, that would allow the truth to be found.
Imagine if a regular person in a regular situation made accusations but refused to provide the evidence. They would be either forced to stop making the accusation(s) or turn over the evidence.
No one can make accusations then refuse to turn over the evidence that would either prove or disprove their assertion(s).
That's a disqualifier.
The fact the DNC refuses to turn over the server speak volumes.
The answer should be "Put up or shut up".
Mike Taylor
If the intelligence agencies were going to make their case on the DNC computers hack, then why wouldn't people ask why the FBI didn't look at the computers? This seems to be the logical question that people are not asking. As has been stated many times, CrowdStrike was in charge of the DNC computers and they were a Ukrainian company whose CEOs were anti Russia. Of course there is much more to this story, but we can start with this.
Other evidence on the server points to DNC wrongdoing they don't want revealed.
Wikileaks has an email from Hillary and Podesta saying that they knew that the information in the DNC files that showed how the primary was rigged against Bernie and they came up with the idea to deflect from that information and make it all about Russia interfering with the election.
Imagine if a regular person in a regular situation made accusations but refused to provide the evidence. They would be either forced to stop making the accusation(s) or turn over the evidence.
Imagine if it was Trump who said that another country interfered with the election and that was why he lost it. Nobody would believe him. Right?
Good points, Mike
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
That's nothing
Why didn't the FBI even bother to interview the guy who claimed to have found the hack?
An email from Tim Canova on NeoMcCarthyism et al
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
Oh My Gawd-Zilla!
This is what has been created. From the first accusation of Russia hacked the DNC computers, a monster has been released.
Any time something happens here people are blaming it on Russia! This goes well beyond McCarthyism, it goes in to outer space and beyond. We look back at the times of the Red Scare and wonder how people could have been caught up in believing ole Joe. If we don't blow ourselves up in a nuclear war over this, historians are going to wonder how so many people could have been so Stuupid!
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
The fucking monster really has no bounds.
!!!!Global warming is a fraud perpetrated by the Russians to bankrupt the US!!!!!
I kid you not. Is there anything in the world that Russia and Putin are NOT responsible for? The US has officially gone berserk.
"One must give the Soviets their due. No other country is capable as are the Soviets of manipulating public opinion in the West." – Natalie Grant Wraga
Of course the Chinese are also in on this hoax: "The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive." - Trump
How about the 2X4 the corporatocracy has rammed up our asses?
Maybe when the Captains of Industry have rendered this planet uninhabitable, they'll offer to ship us to Mars to work as their servants there?
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
"The Gish Gallop" Johnstone calls it.
The technique is to throw out a constant flurry of unprovable assertions, trusting that the fact of sooooo many points alone confirms its truth in the minds of the uncritical thinker. And even the critical thinker has three more claims to deal with before the first one is disproven.
The agit/prop campaign has gone far beyond even what we saw with Saddam's WMDs. I think we should talk more about "Putin's Aluminum Tubes."
While World War Last is being promoted we can also note that, "first they came for the right-wing dissenters" as the Illite's stranglehold on the Organs of Communication grows tighter practically every day.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
It's the opposite
Instead of "where there's smoke there's fire", it's "where there's lies there's a liar".
Besides Russiagate, the Gish Gallop now underlies the entire
industry of political argumentation in favor of subordinating policies against inequality in favor of prioritizing rhetoric (and promised policies) supporting groups which are (and even more egregiously have been historically) discriminated against.
A Gish Gallop is necessary to avoid acknowledging facts like the following:
1. Low income and work opportunities massively reduce huge numbers of poor women's access to reproductive health services, especially abortion, and their ability to flee or confront a sexual harasser.
2. Every elite predation against poor people disproportionately affects Black and Brown (and some other minority) people, partly because they are disproportionately poor, and partly because racism facilitates such predation.
Les Américains arrivent! Les Américains arrivent!
Russia may not have meddled in French elections, but the CIA sure as hell did. On a related note, no wonder they want to silence Wikileaks and hang Assange.
Stupidity of Americans
I just read this comment made by a partisan Democrat:
My God how easy it is to manipulate these pathetic people. Yes, because Russia Fedexed over a bunch of thumb drives to Republicans and now those dastardly Republicans are rubbing their hands with glee.
Jesus the people of this country are so fucking easy to control and manipulate. People love to boast how this is the land of the free. Ha, more like the land of the eternal slave.
Edit: Grammar.
Trying to calculate how many extra recs I owe you
but not sure what comes after gazillions?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.