Public Service Announcement to C99 and All Radical Progressive Left Voices: Wikipedia Is Not What We Think It Is.
In light of the recent FarceBook purging of political websites (most notably anti-police and anti-capitalist, as well as RW ones) this story shook me too.
We've been carefully conditioned, to the point that these companies have had verbs added to their names as part of the new vernacular ("just Google it"; hey,"Just Say No"), into accepting that a new age of information has been ushered in for our edification alone. But what we're living through is really more of a deceptive dystopian epoch in which we've been trained to believe that sites like Google, Facebook and Wikipedia contain and are the arbiters of all known fact and knowledge of all human history. With the corollary being there's not much need anymore for books, scholarly research, fact-checking, sources, accountable editors, etc. All distilled down into the most prominently displayed search entry for online information: the ubiquitous Wikipedia entry, which will likely be one of the very first things one will see.
We've been trained to believe Social Media and Big Tech will do it all for us. Our phones already do most everything for us now, so in keeping with that just leave it to us, they implicitly say, to let your fingertips bring every whim of curiosity into focus and every thing to your doorstep (thanks Amazon, drone shipping soon?). They're now unavoidable and omnipresent throughout our day, all delivered with bedazzling bells and whistles. After all, we're Americans, goddamnit. It's our god-given right as citizens of the Greatest Country on Earth to be entertained and have the utmost convenience 24/7.
Pluto's Republic and some others here have been in the vanguard about this, stating correctly that the CIA and Corporate America, to name a few, have had a large hand in using Wikipedia to delete unfavorable criticism and to catapult the propaganda, to use a Jimmy Dore phrase. I wasn't aware of the breadth of it until now.
Gary Null, a renaissance man who hosts a show on WBAI in NYC, has been going on for months now about how Wiki is allowing repeated falsehoods to be published about him. So much so that I began to think he might have been overtaken by paranoia. Now I feel ashamed that I even ever so slightly doubted this guy who has dedicated his life to helping people and exposing corruption. Powerful forces (in his case, most probably Big Pharma and gov't operations) are devoting lots of energy and money to marginalize and defame his open message of teaching how to self-heal and for his probing, dissident voice on political and media corruption.
Chris Hedges had an eye-opening show about what's really going on behind the scenes with Wikipedia.
From the video description:
"On the latest episode of On Contact, investigative journalist Helen Buyniski exposes Jimmy Wales' egalitarian Wikipedia as yet another tool of the ruling elite."
The show's intro:
Buyniski: "It would be one thing if it was just considered a biased source, like just a sort of trash rag, like the bathroom wall of the internet, as I like to call it. But it's not. It's considered this sort of Holy Oracle of Truth and it's really anything but."
Hedges: "Wikipedia has become an online source for instant information about personalities, politics, conflicts, countries, and the array of contemporary and historical events that define our culture. But this online source is very different from the highly researched and scholarly entries in the old printed encyclopedias or academic journals that once graced library shelves.
Its contributors and editors who are largely anonymous are not required to demonstrate any expertise in the subjects they write about and edit. They are often unpaid. There are those who bear grudges or champion particular ideologies and conspiracy theories, along with big business that closely monitors and edits all that appears about its products and business dealings that have turned Wikipedia into a platform for propaganda. Nowhere is this more evident than the way Wikipedia treats left-wing anti-capitalist critics such as the British MP George Galloway, along with journalists such as Glenn Greenwald and Seymour Hersh."
She gives an explanation about how Wikipedia is supposed to function and how it really functions. At one point in 2007 at its peak it had 100k volunteer users, contributors and editors. Then a hierarchy took over vying for power in a byzantine process. Eight years later it dropped to 40% of that who were making all the edits. It was then reported that 1% of its users made 77% of the total edits.
Editors are now selling their services. There's a "notability" requirement too. Wiki PR began advertising their services.
In Aug of 2007 it was discovered that "computers at CIA headquarters had been used to make edits to entries on the US invasion of Iraq and the biographies of former CIA head William Colby, and former presidents Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon. An FBI computer had also been used to edit the entry on the US as Guantanamo Bay detention facility. Voting machine
manufacturer Diebold was caught deleting 15 paragraphs critical of its product; while the Vatican and the British Labour Party were also prolific editors. Since then the intelligence agencies have had to camouflage their edits or outsource them to third parties." Which is easy to do.
Hedges notes that a critic named Philip Cross made 14 edits to his Wiki page, but also goes after figures like Galloway and Corbyn. This is a single person who has made 130,000 edits to more than 30,000 pages - all of them defaming LW, anti-capitalist, progressive critics.
At the same time, there appeared to be "a very clear intent on the part of the managers of Wikipedia to prop up other figures, such as Hillary Clinton." Buyniski says "she was the beneficiary of probably the most obvious Wikipedia PR campaign that was coming straight from the top. I mean, (Wikipedia) hired the Clinton Foundation's PR firm the Minassian group." This would be the "non-profit" arm called WikiMedia, which is worth about $75 million in donations, which used to come from users, but now are mostly from large corporations and governments. Sounds like Pay-To-Play to me, just like the Clinton Foundation and its bribery money collected the world over and then used as a slush fund, according to CF honcho Doug Band's #PodestEmails.
So, add Wikipedia to the list of social media companies who colluded unsuccessfully to get HRC elected President. They join Google, Facebook, Twitter and practically the entire MSM. Can we just pause a moment to marvel at what a downright horrendous, untrustworthy and entitled candidate that pathetic human being was/is, who couldn't beat the Orange Buffoon (or as Roger Daltrey said of the election, "even a dead dog could have won")? #NeverForget
The propaganda churns on.
The NYPD was found to have made hundreds of edits from their computers, incredibly covering up the biggest, evil scandals including the police murder of Eric Garner and then Sean Bell, the latter on grounds that it wasn't "notable." Sean Bell was an unarmed young black man who on the eve of his wedding was shot dozens of times by cops. They were also caught falsifying and softening up their image for the egregious, civil rights-violating overstep of the controversial and ignominously racist Stop & Frisk tactic of a failed Broken Windows theory.
There's more. Watch the whole interview.
I don't use Google at all anymore. Or Facebook. To me they've shown their faces long ago to be data mining traps that crunch all of our seemingly frivolous personal stories and comments into highly contextualized information to be sold to third party marketers, as well as add to the massive surveillance tools of the State (in addition to compiling data one has willingly given up that may be used against against oneself in a court of law, medical case, etc).
I just use DuckDuckGo for searches, and Twitter to keep up with current stories, to voice some opinions and keep up with investigative journalists, authors and activists I like. Don't know how much DDG keeps my search info private or how much is dependent on outsourcing Google's data gathering, but I'm not directly going to use Google for anything anymore(including maps, if I can help it, which is almost all of the time). Though of course, as Assange has said, if you carry a smartphone on your person you are completely detectable at all times by it, no matter if you turn off its GPS.
The propaganda just gets worse and worse, more concealed and insidious, as the surveillance just increases and encroaches, than we could have ever imagined.
Maybe there's a project in it for us here. For those who have the time checking the entries of history we know to be true that is being re-written, candidates' backgrounds and radical alternative websites' descriptions, etc.
Let's start keeping an eye on the ones of whom we're at least aware. And let's be a lot more careful when sourcing Wikipedia, folks.

A worthwhile PSA, I think, after hearing Hedges discuss it.
It's a multi-pronged effort, this modern incarnation of Divide & Conquer, begun famously some say by the Romans with their Bread & Circuses. Good thing the Dems have hooked some of their fortune to military and CIA folks who are well versed in such areas. Could they be anymore fucking transparent and Orwellian? Oh, there's Biden giving the Bushes the "Liberty" medal, on Veterans Day. It just doesn't stop.
Man, Hedges's has been on fire lately, doing the rounds for his new book. Lots of great videos of his latest interviews from out on the publicity circuit. Seems almost like he's entering another level lately. If that's the case no one today deserves it more.
Also really loving the newest Thomas Frank book "Rendezvous with Oblivion: Reports from a Sinking Society."
As usual I'm not expecting to be around much. Whatever time I had has been used in putting this together.
Greetings, C99ers.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Hey MfQ, jb and I just got some time to watch the interview
jb went an had a look at WildEarth Guardians page, and sure enough there is a section there that is obviously trolling.
Thanks for the tip.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
is only as good as it's resources. Always has been. Always will be.
Wiki is a wonderful tool for research as long as, and only if, the user studies their resource list.
If a listing doesn't have one, look somewhere else. If it has one, look at the research done or the source of the annotation.
Nobody ever said it was all true. Only fools believe what they've read or heard without some effort to ascertain the truth to the information they are given.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I agree that to some extent it's a great starting point,
but problem is that the ubiquity of it has turned it into another capitalist-controlled tool for propaganda. Those who pay get the sanitized white-washing and misleading platitudes. The scheme now for editing sounds like its run by a fiefdom.
It's another in these rapid-fire mammoth monopolies of the Internet Age. Too much influence in one place is the kind of absolute power that is very dangerous.
Haven't looked to see if the interviewee has written a book on it all. But if she has it looks like it could be pretty revelatory. You should watch the interview.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
You nailed it
That's exactly why people need to do some legwork.
Anybody on this site has the ability to look deeper than what they're told. Deeper than what they see.
It takes an exorbitant amount of time today, even with modern technology, to decipher what is true and what is trash.
Believers beware.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I'm with you. I hear what MfQ is
Hell I gave up on tv news and programming in the 60s.
But right now I'll continue to look at diverse sources, including FB and wikipedia, but I have no illusions.
I will pick and choose, will continue to read, say, WaPo and NYT articles for what they leave out.
Avoid FB and wiki but stick with Twitter? Understand, but I'm not there. Yet.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Almost didn't want to read this from the headline
but then I saw who published it. And Chris Hedges.
This sucks. All of it. This stuff is so sad, so infuriating, so endemic. What to do? It certainly does make one feel very small in the face of it all. We appear to be piloting ourselves and the entire planet into some ever faster, hotter torrent of calamity.
Thanks for the timely piece Mark, just wish it wasn't all so depressing.
Good to see you again, konondrum.
It really does feel like some swirling vortex of alternate reality. Everything is Upside Down.
The Trump Derangement Syndrome has made an already bad situation much worse. I can't even imagine the sense of panic behind-the-scenes in DC. And when there's crisis you can bet so many factions are fighting it out among each other to see who can best take advantage of it.
Fucking Hillary's grotesque sense of entitlement probably set a lot of this thing in motion. All the Big Tech co's and social media monopolies all nakedly colluded to help her campaign, first against Bernie then ratcheted up for the Orange Buffoon. Scorned, she and her sycophants
took out the blueprint they'd been working on since 2015 about Russiagate, and insanely tried to get us into WWIII - anything to distract from how embarrassing it was that she was such a horrific candidate to lose to such a piece of shit.
It's devolved into this whole fracas involving Silicon Valley as judge and jury, and the continued MSM misdirection and refusal to give a shit about the fundamental causes of Money In Politics driving all the dysfunction.
But before that the Surveillance State and Pentagon were given the all-time boondoggle of the "attacks of 9-11."
What gives me hope is the face to face encounters with people who don't buy into all the bullshit, and the pieces and commentary we write here, both for posterity and to offer a dissenting point of view for those who may be looking for like-minded folks to coalesce with now. Also, the propensity lately for watchdog groups to form, as well as investigative journalists like the one Hedges interviewed tackling sometimes dense and arcane subjects. Keep talking to people everywhere, I say.
To some extent a lot of this has always gone on. Just think of the "Four Minute Men" who were paid by the gov't funded Creel Commission to stir up patriotic fervor, among a populace staunchly against American involvement in the first world war. Read histories of monopoly media ownership going back to the railroad tycoons in the late 1800's. It's the same. They each owned several newspapers that acted as house organs for their fascist views, just like Murdoch today. It's probably the speed and access to information that is what makes it different today.
I still hope that people will at some point look at the collision of two the most loathed, high profile candidates ever to run for office and it result in the wider citizenry questioning the fundamental validity of the whole American electoral process and its undeserved reputation as the best democracy in the world. Even my sister, who's not political-minded (though she's melting down over Trump too), blurted out to me that the whole "every vote counts" guilt trip is a bunch of bullshit. I took that as a sign that people are waking up to the charade. And that could be the best outcome of this all.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
I've been noticing this on my own, actually
Wikipedia used to have a charming, quirky bias toward dork stuff - long and detailed articles concerning role-playing games and such, by people who obviously cared and knew stuff - but it has started going the way of everything else, recently. What does it tell you that the "critical theory"/moral panic/War On Nerds/Identity-Politics Inquisition line and lingo have started popping up throughout in ways it never did before?
Here's a great article about why Wikipedia's dying from a non-overtly-political, insider point of view:
And here's a nasty observation I just found about a technological reason (this is why I'm proud that I don't use a "Smart"phone, and use real computers):
In Wikipedia's defense, it's such a sprawling empire that it's still got plenty of good articles that have evaded the baleful gaze of Sauron one way or another - the article on Dr. Jack Kevorkian, for example, is actually beautiful (and conspicuously instructive regarding how to recognize heroes and martyrs):
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
The boing boing article says it pithily
Wikipedia has its uses
but I would never use it as a sole source for anything important. Possibly trust, but definitely verify from elsewhere.
Hanging on to our Encyclopedia Britannica from 1937. Bollox Minor delves into the very detailed articles on WWI regularly.
from a reasonably stable genius.
4 Simple Rules For Dating My 17-Year Old Wiki:
1: It's not an encyclopedia, it's an aggregator site; a page is (at best) only as good as its bibliography.
2: The integrity of an article is inversely-proportional to its perceived degree of relevance to current events and interest to mainstream discussion.
3: Never trust it for politically-sensitive things, especially not in American eyes.
4: Never trust it for any topic that is YOUNGER THAN THE WEBSITE ITSELF.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Well stated
from a reasonably stable genius.
An excellent overview of the Wikipedia
...propaganda outlet. Thanks for bringing it, Mark.
In Wikipedia, there are vast areas of special-ops mind-control blight. Information that relate to modern history, politics, economics, foreign relations, certain social sciences, and the bios of anyone associated with these topics — are riddled with blight in the form of corrupting lies and strategic misinformation. When people read these topics on Wikipedia, they contaminate their minds and damage their resistance to the totalitarianism. They are also very likely infect their society with the insidious narratives churned by the Pentagon psychopaths. One should stick with original sources for this type of information and avoid popular compendiums, specifically Wikipedia. Other than that, Wikipedia is a worthwhile open source reference of everything we, as humans, know.
Rather than discussing the theory, let's examine actual evidence. If there is anything that we have learned in the past three years, it is that without physical evidence, accusations are personal, political, and poisonous. It's the stuff that false flag attacks are made of. False flags and proxy wars are the direct cause of monumental human tragedy across the history of civilization. The numbers are huge now. Last year, 50 million people were dislocated from their homes largely as a result of the destabilizing actions of US attacks against nations.
On Craig Murray's whip-smart blog, I recently read a fine evidence-based explanation of the fatally compromised repository known as Wikileaks:
It's a great read, if you are interested in the case being made. One other nice thing about Murray's blog is that he garners a very smart crowd with interesting commentary.
good to see you'd brought in craig murray's
'philip cross affair'. he'd done several exposés on it/him, and had wondered at some point...if he'd become obsessed. he'd had a bit of back an forth w/ jimmy wales on twitter, threatened a lawsuit, dunno where that was left.
good on ya, amigo.
Excellent, thanks for sharing that.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
If you see a science fiction writer on the road
Kill him.
Thanks for the detailed run down (I think). It's an eye opener. It is depressing. Mostly it feels like anything we take for granted or anything new should be looked at hard. Looked at with an eye for how it can be used against us, for profit or worse. Because that's what innovation seems to bring these days. Why does China need it's own monitored internet? Why don't they just copy us?
I Saw This Far to Clearly A few Months Ago:
Here is the "non-fake news" version of Vietnam war dead:
I just about fell down when I saw this.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Civilian deaths, North and South: 627,000
What an unbelievable fucking lie. But if you are 20 years old and just looking into the topic for the first time, this is poison.
Yea, This Fucked Me Up Rather Seriously. Memory Hole, For Sure.
I don't know how to combat this. Information is completely fungible at this time. Authority is everything. The Intellectual Law of the Jungle: He whose sponsors have the most cheddar makes the thoughts.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
The internet started as the wild west, and wound up...
as the corporate state's Ministry of Propaganda and Internal Security.
This is because the internet started out as a government project, based on democratic ideas, even if it was designed for the military. The lucky folks on the pre-commercial internet were as free as could be. Go look at the old USENET archives. The number of alt. groups is huge. But, as soon as the internet browser made the net hit escape velocity, the government privatized it without taking one penny of royalties or tolls. Can you imagine what a revenue stream a miniscule tax on internet services could bring in?
Instead, they just handed it to the corporations. For almost 20 years, Jeff Bezos got to dodge sales tax (up to an 8% advantage). The government couldn't have screwed up the handoff worse if they tried. The corps played their usual Darwinistic games, and we now have FAANG - who are more powerful than the government they are deeply entangled with.
Meanwhile, the government wasted its oversight on internet porn while the corps got the Draconian Digital Millenium Copyright Act passed - criminalizing reverse engineering. Now Apple fights the "right to repair" crowd.
Its almost like the internet was some deadly poison that first made you feel like superman, before it blinded and crippled you for life. Methyl alcohol for society.
It's not just politics
Wikipedia censors and falsifies. In cosmology there's a theory called the Electric Universe. It holds that Stars and other events are powered by vast currents throughout space; explaining why such things as the Sun's Corona is thousands of times hotter than it's surface. Whether the theory is right or wrong Wikipedia, says a chief EU theorist, had edited the entry seven times to misrepresent it. Which makes it a propaganda move, and not a service to knowledge.
BTW, I've followed the theory for over a dozen years and it's been accurately predictive of what one new probe into space after another will find. While established journals are guaranteed to use words like puzzling, unexpected, surprising, upsetting so frequently it's become a joke to EU and advocates.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
SAFIRE Project is VERY Compelling. I've Been Following the EU
theory for almost a year now. I'm with you, jim p.
I used to be a member of a videoblogging group in the mid 00s that actually created the tech for YT and streaming video. The people who created the tech and concepts could not write about their work on Wikipedia because there were no corporate media citations of their work.
They could not reference the book they wrote because it was original work.
I can't edit on our business, which actually does have a global following and rich history, as there are no solid corporate media citations on it, and my work is original. If someone did include our business in "disc dog" it could easily be removed under a hall monitor's interpretation of the rules.
Wikipedia is a complete intellectual scam at this point in time.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Remember Total Information Awareness?
DARPA's goal, with the creepy Eye/Panopticon logo. They dropped that. Then came Google and Facebook, at the least, after getting federal funds.
TIA never went away; they just figured how to get us to volunteer AND pay for it.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?