Petition to the C99p community.
Dear friends of the C99p community. I would like you to support my petition to this blog site and the request I made therein.
I do not want anymore to communicate on the interent, be it here or somewhere else. I also want my past conversations be deleted.
I have talked to JtC and Joe Shikspack about it and they allowed me to redact parts of my comments for reasons I explained and they accepted and understood. I am thankful for it.
The only difficulty in that is that I would have to click on all my comments I made on this site - one by one - and see if the content of the comment relates to issues I am allowed to redact.
I have made over 6000 comments here. I can not do that. I can't click on each and every comment I made. I consider my comments irrelevant and personal. They did not add useful information, just personal spontaneous reactions. They might have been entertaining or provocative, but they are not worth keeping for this site, as they don't contain information, just mostly personal reactions which are nothing worth other than for the couple of seconds they were made.
On dailykos I made over 28000 comments through the years since 2004. I wrote a Good Bye Cruel World essay on dailykos in 2015 with the purpose to get away from the site and get banned.
I was banned within minutes after that diary was published and so fast that I didn't have even a chance to erase any of my diaries or comments and am banned there in an 'logged on' status. I was not able to read the last 6 messages I got there, because TPTB on that site were eager to shoot me fast.
I am dead to that TOP site, but my comments live there. I asked several times in comments before banning myself there that I want my comments back. The PTB over there repeatedly told me that is not allowed. As you did tell me here. I know that.
But I reject and will reject this rule for ever. It ia a power any blog has over my comments that the blog shouldn't have.
Nevertheless I try for a last time to petition you for deleting my online presence here. They are my words, but I don't own them on the internet. In my opinion that is slavery. So my petition would extend to the TOP site, but I guess that is a futile attempt.
I fight against this slavery and want my life and my words back. They should die online. Period. And I will judge any online site by the way they make sure that their users have the power over their own comments.
So, please, at least here on C99p, allow my comments to die. I want my words to be mortal. You have been the kindest and most understanding of online communities. And I miss conversation with any of you. But I like my conversations to be done offline and in person now. The chances that this will happen are zero.
So, please know, that I appreciated and even loved many of your comments you made and have admiration and respect for all the essays and news collections that you made and continue to make. I am sure I continue to read. You are a diamond in the rough among political blogs and I am glad I found a diamond.
If you support my request, please let it be known to JtC and Joe Shikspack. So that they can delete my comments if the majority here supports my petition.
Thank You.

how many times do I need to explain it to you?
When your account is deleted all subsequent replies to your comments are deleted with it. Your asking us to be fair to you but what about being fair to all the other users that would lose their comments? What would our essays look like if we were to delete the accounts of all who asked? I'll answer that for you: it would be an incoherent mess.
The last time I deleted an account, about two years ago, I was accused of censorship by some users who noticed that some of their comments had gone missing. And the account I deleted was a small one with just a few comments. I had to explain to them why I had also deleted their comments. Was it fair to them that they lost their content?
The answer is no, I will not decimate the comment sections of our essays.
If you want your account blocked just ask and I'll do that for you.
You didn't have to explain it to me - as I said in the petition
I know all that. I just said that I don't want accept that rule anymore and therefore did a petition.
I am sorry to have angered you.
I just thought I express for a last time how I feel about those blog rules. It's not against this
blog specifically. It's in general.
So, no problem. I didn't expect anything else. I am just done with the internet in general.
I'm not angry...
I bent the rules for you a couple of days ago so you could redact some personal information contained in your past comments and I see you redacting some of your comments today that have nothing to do your personal reasons that you asked about. Now readers are left guessing as to the context of replies to your redacted comments. Why can't you see the mess it makes of the comments.
I'm not angry, I'm frustrated.
sorry for that,
I am done with it. I have a fight with the internet out of principal reasons as to how it works. I have that inner fight since I understood how it works and what it does. I am always losing the fight. Tired of it.
No need to block or erase anything.
As Big Al said or his old Indian friend: "Life is like that".
I let it die out naturally. Hopefully no stinking asshole is coming after me for what I said years ago.
Forget me and I forget about it.
I understand, i have lived a messy life all my life, so
I have to come to accept the mess.
But I won't mess around anymore. Promise.
No problem mimi...
I understand and consider it forgotten about.
We all love you, don't ever forget that.
"Blogging" can be frustrating Mimi.
I certainly know that. I remember when I GBCW'd at Daily Kos, I honestly did that to make them ban me so I would no longer be able to comment. I was addicted and needed help to get off of it. It worked.
I thought of deleting all my diaries but ended up not worrying about it. I never thought of deleting all my comments, I think that's too much to ask. And as JtC explained, it's not practical with this automated system.
You've done this before, wanting to leave but ending up coming back. Nothing wrong with that, take it from me, I've done it many times. I'll get pissed or frustrated about something, say I'm going to take a break or quit going back and then I'll turn right around and keep on trucking. Others do it, when we come back it's forgotten immediately with a "nice to see you again".
As I said, nothing wrong with that. We're humans. We all do it. As an old Indian friend of mine used to say, "life is like that Al".
So do what you have to do, but you do know people appreciate you being here and will gladly take the ups and downs right along with you.
@Big Al
I think she's looking at the past and what's happening now and justifiably afraid that what she's said may be used against her, although we're all such small potatoes in a huge and widely spread global pile that it would be hard, and rather pointless, to 'get' us all.
I can certainly see that point, although my personal reaction to the growing fear of speaking out is to speak out while we can, on the theory that we're all fried anyway if we let it get that far, and that this is the last chance to speak freely and try to mock and counter the propaganda and censorship before it takes over - even if it does and even if dissidents are eliminated as a result, together with the great bulk of humanity considered as being useless to those still engaged in looting the wreckage they create.
But if Mimi goes, I'll miss her and worry without hearing from her, although recognizing that she has to do whatever makes her most comfortable and happy. And I won't address her directly here, in respecting her wishes of non-communication. Assuming I remember, of course - I'm chronically tired and absent-minded.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I wondered why all the redactions. Now I know.
At least I sort of do.
I will miss you. I really liked your no comment posts. I like your feisty personality. I like your input. I like that you can add a perspective that only you can. I like you, for being you.
I have to admit that I'm worried about you being off where you are (I won't say where), and having your diet so drastically changed (I won't say how - but I wonder if it might have something to do with this). I hope you're not isolated or being pressured by anyone, but I don't want you to say, unless you do it, and then redact it.
Please take care of yourself, and come back any time you feel like it. We love you, and will miss you!
As for the deletion of all your comments, I've taken a database course, and understand, that while it is possible, it can't be done without deleting everyone who replied to you as well.
Have you ever played Jenga, the wooden block tower game? Databases are like that. If someone removed all the blocks along one side of the tower, the tower falls. The flow of comments would not exist anymore if chunks are removed. I hope that makes at least a little sense.
I don't care if my comments are deleted along with yours, but it can affect the flow of the other comments, and I don't want to do that to others. For the sake of others, I can't sign your petition. I'm sorry.
It will all disappear into the memory hole fast enough
Heck, I have a hard enough time just keeping links to my articles working after a year. comments are bound to vanish completely in a while. So I shouldn't worry too much about it Mimi.
That's not a reasonable request
You knew how the internet works when you signed on and started making comments. I for one wouldn't appreciate the gaping holes left behind as entire, complicated threads get deleted because you chimed in once therein.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
I Believe That Allowing a Person to Delete Their Content Is a
legal requirement, largely thanks to the EU.
Back in the 00s, IIRC - Google, FB, and even my community site was required to allow a clean break.
I could be wrong about this, but I do remember a big hubub about 10 years ago.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Haven't they deleted/hidden (from trusted users, not just drive-bys) diaries they didn't like at TOP? I seem to recall the odd one having been deleted, now and then...
Edit: not sure how I managed this, but I was actually aiming at a reply to Dopeman...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Yeah, I can see how asking to
have comments removed is unreasonable. At TOP you can't even delete diaries. I tried several times and they just come back.
I think it's wrong that I can't delete diaries (especially because of the underhanded way it's done even though
it's not an official
policy) but I wouldn't expect to be able to have my comments removed. That's just not reasonable.
A Week Is Not Complete Until
Mimi posts yet another GBCW essay. Hahaha.
See ya in a few days Mimi.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Mimi, I consider everything I write on the net
to be a form of publishing. Is this not correct? I can put words out there for anyone to read -- but they are then in effect, "made public". They are no longer my own exclusive property. Nobody can un-publish a piece of writing after it has already been published, or un-say what they've already said. People no longer "own" anything that they've written, once it has been published on the net.
I think by its very nature, the internet is suited to be a public, rather than a private means of communication. Privacy doesn't really exist in cyberspace, nor does ownership.
Much of your writing (that I've enjoyed and much appreciated) has often tended to be spontaneous and intensely personal. It's an approach that necessarily involves a certain amount of risk and exposure, that you may not always have appreciated having. But in aggregate I consider all of your contributions to be interesting and valuable. I think the community would be a poorer place without them, whether you approve of your previous opinions or not.