Openly Eccentric - Open Thread 5/29/2016
Spring Cleaning happened today. Damn it felt good to knuckled down and just get things done. Only took a couple hours, but it's amazing how the inertia of the mess stays with you. Course I also had the less than enthusiastic aid of my children, but as I tell them, if you had a hand in the mess, you've got a responsibility to clean it up. A lesson that the vast majority of corporate slime in this world have yet to learn...
I will say that it's been a while since I tried to go without medication. Not because I was trying to be macho, but for a much stupider reason. My lighter ran out and I was dreading going out in public. Course when I did finally get out in public found out that Portland Public School District has been screwing me around. First they tell me that the psychiatrist has to approve my son's placement before I register him, then when a month goes by they tell me that it should have been done in the OPPOSITE order. Sigh... Bureaucracy, eh? At least my kids are happy still, and we had some fun and creative meals this week.
I was going to do a long discussion on condescension but then I realized that's putting out a lot of really negative energy. So as a Result I think I'll concentrate on the positive and note that I think it's getting close to time for another C99 Meetup here in Portland. Was very enjoyable at the start of this month, and I'd love for a nice late summertime BBQ at a park or some other fun social activity. Just spitballing ideas right now, so if anybody has a better Idea, that's what the OT is for, right?
How do you ban birth control information? Won't Somebody please Think of the Children! The irony of course is that there'd be fewer poor kids that you'd have to "Protect" if decent information on birth control was out there. The circular logic here is so familiar with our local homegrown morons, that I am shocked to find the same idiotic justifications overseas. Guess we aren't as uniquely stupid as I thought we were.
The Drug warriors in Canada are trying to get their last licks in. Canada is getting set to legalize recreational pot, which is really just making fewer hoops for medical patients to jump through, IMHO. Course the drug warriors are constantly talking about "Concerned Community Members", which says to me that Ms. Grundy has the police department on speed dial.
And when do you know when they're asking for too much rent? When over a third of adults are living with their parents. The claim is that young people are spending more time in school, but we all know that the real reason is that unless you're in a THREE or four income home you can't afford to do anything.
This is interesting... Apparently US troops are now going into battle wearing the insignia of a group considered to be a "Terrorist Organization". The US response is of course: "No Comment". Excuse me if I'm wrong, but IIRC wearing the uniform/insignia of another country means that US servicemen are acting as De Facto Mercenaries. Would love to see a Hawk justify THIS one...
And your Sunday Morning Musical Voyage is a bit mellow today. Stuff that I feel relaxes me when taking my meds.

Morning DMW and all. TY for this, mate. I really like what you
did there at the beginning. You've been dealing with this condescension thing and then, because you're a writer here, you used a bit of ju-jitsu on the negative ball of energy in your body. I'm sure that your body/mind got fed by the positive energy you created - from nothing but will power. There is probably a good post to do about condescension, but you probably felt the need to create positive energy was more important.
Maybe those of us with anxiety disorders could support each other when we have those times when we're not able to go out in public? I dunno how exactly, but just a comment maybe or a pm?
Anyway, have a great day, everyone,
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Can't always pull it off... but meds help so much...
What I find funny is I'm only slightly the stereotype of a stoner. As opposed to getting less motivated with Cannabis, I get MORE motivated and not just to make a great meal.
Not sure how to deal with not being able to go out in public. To be honest I associate going out with "Spending Money" and as a result when I'm trying to conserve I tend to stay home... It's all complicated balls of neurosis.
Will have to think positive and brainstorm on this more.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I hear you, mate. It's all a yarn ball of anxiety. My dog helps
me get out. And if I take her, I don't have to go inside a store! I just wait outside with Lady while Lovie goes in and does the purchase. But you can't keep a dog in the apartment.
I leave our yard only a few times a week. I walk the dog when my back lets me. I go to chiro once a week and to therapy once a week. On therapy day, Lovie does some city errands. I sit in the truck mostly, except if there's a hardware store errand :=) I really am glad I found c99; it's how I socialize. I literally had no social life until I found c99.
I'm good with it all: I had my innings and like you I focus on my family. I tried to do a few local volunteer projects since I got retired, but the anxiety got me every time. I had done lots of that before, so I try to be graceful about losing that. We do what we can.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
And if they are wearing the insignia of a
'terrorist'* organization, what does that make them?
*subject, of course to the "one man's terrorist..." rule.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
US refusal to defend it...
Is more the tell to me. We of course can't say that our Ally is wrong about who a terrorist is... so of course we say nothing and hope the whole problem goes away.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
We've been
a mercenary force for quite a long time now. I'm not really happy about, either. Big Al has a post on war you might want to check. Nice rhythm to it.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Al's a great guy, despite our disagreements.
On a fundamental level I believe we need a military. Current practices of course are idiot. Reform is needed on a fundamental level, and I've posted before about my opinion on that.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
spring cleaning in process, yes
and kudo's to you for getting it "done" in one day! thats unheard of around Chez Lib! And thats all I will say about that otherwise Ill be here typing, ranting, and fixing typo's and, before you know it, the day is almost gone! lol
I am pressed for time for blogland due to my many 'projects' ... cleaning, decluttering and other stuff. Meanwhile, back in my 'hood, theres lots going on and its all weighing very much on my mind. sigh I just dont quite know who to believe any more these days. That's one. Then 2, hoo boy, Im just so frustrated and mildly confused too, I dont even know where to start.
So... my house is located in this lovely little 'pocket', we are bound on the south by the bayou and east and north by a large old cemetary, so the street (Main) on our west boundary is the only access to two little streets that are the entrance/exit to our sort of enlarged cul de sac. Nice and peaceful even though we're a stone's throw from downtown. I used to joke that we are a gated community but without the gates, heh.
We are also, technically, a sub set of the larger neighborhood called Near Northside, which is predominantly hispanic and mostly poor or near-poor folk. That across the bayou from us to the south/southeast. To our west is major freeway, then west of that is the upscale-but-hip-liberal yuppie 'hood.
My own little pocket is a mix of those 'groups'. Some families have lived here, in the same house, going on their third, even 4th generation here. Then theres the hippie-artist refugees, just a handful of us, we've been here maybe 20 or 25 years. And that's all about to change, Im told, with the new Music Hall going up on Main St just a few blocks from us, its right on the bayou, this side of the freeway. It already is almost done being built and doing outdoor concerts ... we ("we") have been in talks with the developers for nearly two years and are trying to work out some sort of detente wrt sound, parking and traffic problems.
And then, last week,this happened. Over in the barrio area just south of us, an 11 year old boy, walking home after school, was assaulted and stabbed to death in this random act of violence. Theyre saying perp was an AA man and they think he was a homeless guy. Theyre still looking for him.
see this
back in a few
My apartment is small...
And mess is usually confined to small areas. (We don't have much, and as a result when we clean EVERYTHING it goes pretty fast.)
Sorry to hear about the nightmare in your area. Homelessness is a soul killing condition. Combined with mental health issues that are often untreated (Thanks Reagan) it's horrifying to hear about another tragedy involving one.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
its really giving me a birds eye view
of very small scale local "politics". And I havent been that closely involved but close enough.
That OP-Ed I linked above, its written by a couple of the better known NN community leaders (not pols). Nice people no doubt but I had some dealings with them last year, and the non-profit agency thats "assisting" with all this too and I just cant help it, now i see everything through a, well Ill call it a Bernie lens. I just think theyre all Clinton Dems and basically full of shit.
The Community Meeting I went to the other night, they were there leading the meeting and we also had appearances from our rep Sheila Jackson Lee and a couple others. Our newly elected City Council person who is Im pretty sure completely clueless. And I listened to the anger and grief of the NN community in attendance as they spoke.
One woman even dared to reference Jose Campos Torres, the name rang a bell so after I got home I got online and read up on that too. Back in 1977, Torres, age 23 and a VietNam veteran, was murdered by HPD. A year later was the Moody Park Riots. (I was not living here at that time):
This woman who said his name, she said to our local Powers that "sure we need your help, we need better community policing etc but then when you do send more patrols into our community, they don't go after the 'bad guys' they just arrest us!"
I didn't catch her name but most of the people in the 'audience' clapped and cheered when she said that.
Id write all this up in an essay if I had time.
very disturbing
Good Morning DKW
Re: Cleaning
I am kind of OCD about clutter, add on the caregiver gig, and I go around picking things up and putting things away continously. I have mastered crushing pills, doing dishes, moving around laundry, feeding Sweetie, preparing my meal and running recycling to the garage ;-), concurrently. I usually take advantage of the hospice volunteer to run to the gym. This week, I stayed around the house, mowed grass, trimmed hedges, swept the garage, swept the wheelchair ramp and trimmed the low tree branches.
TS Bonnie bringing a rainy afternoon, I sure hope I can sneak in a nap.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Depression makes me ignore tasks.
I just don't get things done... period.
So when I get my treatment, I tend to go on a bender as far as taking care of things that NEED to be done.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Happy Memorial Day! 'Freeway Frida' was finally rescued
in Galt, California.
[A German Shepard, named Freeway Frida sits in the back of a Galt police car after being collared by officers on May 13, 1/1 SLIDES, © Courtesy of the City of Galt ]
Guess that's what they mean by, 'all's well, that ends well.'
Hey, thanks for today's OT, DMW. I'm still following the VA Reauthorization Bill (which is not it's exact formal name) to see what 'changes' will be made in the VA health care system. Hope it's not as bad as Senator Isakson said on C-Span's Newsmakers program--of course, he thinks the 'reform' will be good.
Have a wonderful and safe holiday, Everyone!
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