Open Thread WE 9 FEB 22 ~ musings


Hello and welcome to today's open thread. Sponsored by the crew at C99 and the creative thought project (tm). Wink

Just a few scatter shots to get things rolling ..


It’s taken fifty years of cunning, wicked effort to drive out fearless hope and transmogrify it into hopeless fear. But it cannot last. -- Steve 'O


Barcelona-based artist and illustrator Vorja Sánchez


Shelter as a commodity, traded for profits, wrong on so many levels ..
And Big AG plowing over small farmsteads.


Thin Places by Brendon Burton

Derived from Celtic culture, Thin Places refers to locales “where heaven and earth grow thin,” Burton says. “Traditionally, the term was meant as a place one would feel closer to God, or something otherworldly. In a more modern sense, it’s a form of liminality, areas that feel transitory.”


The problem would be if those in power kept everyone focused on culture war dynamics instead of class, and kept the discourse from threatening real power. -- Caitlin Johnstone


Das Bug by Jan Huling (2015)


Briar Patch by Hugh Hayden at Madison Square Park, NYC (2022)


Everything goes except for covid comments (see the dose for that).

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QMS's picture

On February 9, 1971, pitcher Leroy “Satchel” Paige becomes the first Negro League veteran to be nominated for the Baseball Hall of Fame.

1950 U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy launches his anti-communist campaign
On this day, McCarthy accused the U.S. State Department of being infiltrated by communists.

1942 Carole King Birthday
American singer-songwriter, pianist

1587 Mary Queen of Scots was beheaded.

1980 President Jimmy Carter revealed his plan to reinstate selective service draft registration.

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Lookout's picture

Great photos.

A beautiful sunrise here and headed to 60 today. It's my SO's B'day. We're going to hang out by a campfire and enjoy part of the day. I've got a pasture raised ribeye thawed and two wild caught salmon fillets along with sweet potato, fresh salad, and beans I cooked yesterday. We'll have our usual yogurt, nut, and blueberry treat for dessert later.

I know we are lucky to eat (and live) so well. Odd in these times of unrest.

Drove my old truck to town yesterday. I just swept the last of the manure out of the bed the day before. It's been sitting under an open shed at the barn all winter, and was filthy. After Trade Day, I went to the self car wash and cleaned it up, brought it home and dealt with the inside too. Now I need to do the same with my regular ride, the little geo tracker.

I rigged up an electric hoist to pull the camper off during winter. Last year I insulated the aluminum top with left over Styrofoam. I plan to use thin cheap carpet to line the inside later this week or next. All in preparation for the FL Folk Fest in May when we'll camp for a week.

No news this AM except these personal anecdotes. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture


Sounds like a great day for it.

Mountain piano

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Lookout's picture


the autoharp

the carters.jpg

The kalimba is usually called a thumb piano.
That's a pretty one you pictured.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture


I'm all thumbs on the piano anyway Wink

From Denmark ...
Circular garden communities


The idea behind these circles is simple: to increase social interaction among those who rent the gardens.

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I have a small thumb piano we picked up on one of our trip to Africa. It is homemade from a can (looks size of tuna can) with wooden top and metal prongs. Has a nice sound but have not learned to make much real music from it.

Weather is shaping up this week to be outside more than in and so that is my plan. The birds are up and moving around so should be a great time to be outside!

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Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.

This ain't no dress rehearsal!

QMS's picture


We have risen above freezing and it is clear and calm.
The birds are ravenous lately.

Enjoy your rovings!

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zed2's picture

@jakkalbessie A Mbira or kalimba?

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@zed2 Neither one. We found it in a local market and was handmade and not for retail sales. I am not at my house at present but it did not have any type of hole in the wooden surface and it was the tines(?) that changed the sounds.

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Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.

This ain't no dress rehearsal!

Thanks for the ot and the art. I really like the Vorja Sanchez piece. It looks like a place I would like to be. In this era of a supposedly 'great reset', ( which doesn't sound like it will be so great for most of us) I want to play a role in what that reset looks like. I want it to be a place I would like to be. How can that even happen? Can any of us even hope to play a role? Your quote above;

It’s taken fifty years of cunning, wicked effort to drive out fearless hope and transmogrify it into hopeless fear. But it cannot last. -- Steve 'O

indicates how damaging and corrosive our society seems to many.

I don't think we can 'hope' for a better future but I would very much like to help and try to 'make' a better future.

This article from
speculates on how to we imagine and understand the concept of future and how we might effect a future that is good for us, one we might like.

...since spring 2020, there has been a global desire to understand precisely what is next, how to navigate uncertain futures as well as adapt to long-term changes. The pandemic, according to the writer Arundhati Roy, is “a portal, a gateway between one world and the next.”

I like the idea of a 'portal' because it implies stepping into something better. The problem with that though is that 'something better' is not guaranteed.

But merely stating that the future will be better or different does not make it so. Ultimately, transformative social change requires a deeper understanding of power and the politics around the futures field and, even, vastly different understandings of temporality and how the future is defined. Thus, “Who gets to Future?” is an essential question—especially, as we step through the portal, and reinvent our lives anew in the years ahead.

So, how might we move beyond status quo futures and toward more pluriversal futures? Black futures? Feminist futures? Queer futures? Trans futures? Crip futures? Working-class futures? Asian futures? Indigenous futures? And multispecies futures?

To echo what some have often said here, what we individually do now, reverberates and helps create the future. That's as close to hope as I can get.

In sum, the future is not out there. It is not a solution to today’s problems. Rather, it is within each and every one of us, in all of our varied human (and nonhuman) existences, as well as together in relation, imagination, and continued struggle to understand ourselves.

Thanks again QMS, hope all is well with you and yours.

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QMS's picture


between the energy we create now and the resulting effects ahead.
Having an open mind to allow for positive change can help.

Good luck!

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QMS's picture

PRESIDENT BIDEN: The first question first. If Germany — if Russia invades — that means tanks or troops crossing the — the border of Ukraine again — then there will be — we — there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.

Q: But how will you — how will you do that exactly, since the project and control of the project is within Germany’s control?

PRESIDENT BIDEN: We will — I promise you, we’ll be able to do it.


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usefewersyllables's picture


He'll just surgically drone the pipeline, or have the Seals go do some underwater demo practice on it- because we are the 900lb gorilla and can do whatever we want, and after all we already kicked the Kaiser's butt once and hey where's my ice cream.

In short, if we need to blow up some shit on the sovereign land of a NATO ally, we will, because Gawdhisowndamnedself is on our side and they won't mind and besides that's what the MIC wants. If they happen to accidentally erase Greifswald as collateral damage, then that's just a cost of doing business, fat. Oopsie, byegones...

I'm reminded of Grima Wormtongue whispering in the king's ear, for some inexplicable reason.

[video: width:400 height:300]

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Twice bitten, permanently shy.

@usefewersyllables Hope you are able to escape Biden-brain and get back to safety. Wink

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mimi's picture

does he become a monster or just a dull person to ignore? What do you think?

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QMS's picture


There are all sorts of clowns and jesters. Some are monsters dressed up like clowns.
Others are very boring, dressing-up like something funny to overcome a lack of wit.
Funny you should ask.

Many of the circus clowns I've met in carnivals over the years
are actually very sad people. Some ex-cons, some molester types. It is an attempt
to portray a vibrancy that does not exist inside. A penetrating glance into
their eyes will tell you their story.

The best clowns are in another disguise. No face paint, honking nose or weird hair.
Almost normal looking. And boy are they funny!

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labor unions

Starbucks has fired a number of workers leading efforts to organise a union in Tennessee, one of more than 50 such drives it is facing across the US.

The coffee chain said the staff had knowingly violated company rules, including by using a store after-hours.

Labour organisers said the firm was retaliating in a bid to slow the momentum of their efforts.

Buffalo, New York recently became home to the first unionised Starbucks-owned stores in the US since the 1980s.

Since then, dozens more locations of the chain have also filed to hold votes about joining a union, which would give workers the ability to negotiate as a group with the firm over pay and conditions.

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zed2's picture

@gjohnsit @gjohnsit @gjohnsit

Then foreign chains can come in and employ the entire Third World's workforce as guest workers in our coffee shops and restaurants. They will then gain an entitlement to do so.

Don't laugh, I have heard suggestions to that effect dozens of times. I think they do intend to do that. Their argument would be that Americans were so rich and successful under our system that we don't want practically any job so they ALL should be globalized. Creating permanent entitlements of all countries foreign firms to do them. At what wage? Foreign firms could demand and might win exceptions from labor standards and minimum wage laws here.

This would allow US restauranteurs to hire foreign temps at very low wages (They would claim, as the right often does, that Coronavirus cut profits so much that current wage expectations were unsustainable. (This is what the term really means to the powers that be. That despite profits being at all time highs at the top wages have to be slashed!) They claim that they cant stay in business paying anything like a living wage.) rather than paying US workers allegedly high US wages + tips, etc. They are in fact engaged in a huge power grab. They want to criminalze poverty because privatizing prisons makes incarcerating people more expensive so they want to enslave them to pay for it. Really. They are pretending to be progressives! (Example here: ) and a vast increase in prison labor, even as we outsource and offshore tens of millions of jobs, to lower wages and eliminate benefits.

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zed2's picture


Then foreign chains can come in and employ the entire Third World's workforce as guest workers in our coffee shops and restaurants.

Don't laugh, I have heard suggestions to that effect dozens of times. I think they do intend to do that. Their argument would be that Americans were so rich and successful under our system that we don't want practically any job so they ALL should be globalized. Creating permanent entitlements of all countries foreign firms to do them. At what wage? Foreign firms could demand and might win exceptions from labor standards and minimum wage laws here.

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zed2's picture

The media has created a reality distortion field where Americans are kept totally unaware of whats really happening in the areas thet control our economic lives.

"Sure, you may be getting rich off of Big Pharma dividends, but the reason you have is because of GATS, which promised developing countries "market access" to the US business world, for them and their services and workers. In short, jobs. Jobs currently being hoarded by US firms. Thats where your riches, came from, decades of broken promises".

Our country is being stolen by a slight of hand that's takes advantage of our ignorance on trade matters. Not all of us can be rich, the Horatio Alger myth is no longer true.

The odds are against our young people whose ability to get essential training has been stolen by GATS and its privatization of the sectors our government in its wisdom globalized. Likely killing our labor force's future. Yes, highly unionized service sectors were targeted.

Before we know it the jobs that keep bread on families table will be gone and a good chunk of the country will literally be starving. No incomes, no places to live, no futures. They wont be wanted because when employed US Citizens wages would have to be higher.

Americans, Thank you for your service!

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@zed2 that what employers really want is to go back to 2010. Lots of desperate people looking for any job, college interns working for free, punishing work schedules, no bennies. Looks like they might get their wish, Biden seems to be reneging wholesale on his promises to the left, just like Obama. Moral of the story might be "never trust a democrat".

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enhydra lutris's picture


their donors & owners want. Ain't it funny how those words rhyme?

be well and have a good one

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

enhydra lutris's picture

as well as Carmen Miranda's. So, I ask you, which had a greater impact on US culture, "The Age of Reason" or "Tico Tico no Fuba"?


well, it IS an open thread, ain't it?

be well and have a good one

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

QMS's picture

@enhydra lutris

Why is the Avagadro number called a mole?

thanks for visiting

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enhydra lutris's picture


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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

QMS's picture

@enhydra lutris

that makes sense. They probably don't count either.

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