Open Thread: Monday, February 22, 2016

It's Celebrity Day. Woo Hoo! Celebrate one, or two, or 5, or something

Today's number is Twenty-Two

22 is the product of two primes, 2 and 11
Being a product of 11 generates some fun we'll look at later
22 sevenths has been used as a rough approximation of pi for millenia
22 is titanium, a seriously kick-ass metal, but brittle in a pure state
A cricket pitch is 22 yards long
Catch 22 is a novel by Joseph Heller
A "Catch 22" is a type of gotcha or puzzle such as occur in that novel
.22 and .22LR (long rifle) are common small caliber weapons designations
"Fun" with "math"
1/11 = .090909 repeated forever
1/22 = 1/2 of 1/11 = 0.5 x .0909 = .04545454545 ad infinitum
In doing mental arithmetic, multiplying by eleven is often easiest done by multiplying by 10 and then adding the original number. For example, 14 x 11 = 10 x 14 + 14 = 140 + 14 = 154
Similarly, multiplying by 22 is often easily done by multiplying by 2 and then multiplying the product by 11. Thus 14 x 22 = 28 x 11 = 280 + 28 = 308
Multiplying by 22 can also be made easier by first multiplying by 11 and then doubling the result. Thus 14 x 22 = (140+14) x 2 = 154 x 2 = 308
22 BCE was the Year of the Consulship of Marcellus and Arruntius
Gaius Petronius, Roman governor of Egypt, destroyed the Nubian capital
22 CE was the Year of the Consulship of Agrippa and Galba
Roman law replaced Celtic law and customs in Gaul. The earth wept.
Valeria Messalina, the third wife of Emperor Claudius was born
On this date in
1632 The "Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems" by Gilileo was published
1819 Spain sold Florida to the US for $5 million US
1848 The start of The French Revolution of 1848 (second republic)
1862 Jefferson Davis was inaugurated as president of the CSA
1879 The first Woolworth store opened in Utica, New York
1889 North and South Dakota, Montana and Washington were admitted to statehood
1909 The Great White Fleet returned to the US
1915 Germany initiated unrestricted submarine warfare
1943 Sophie Scholl, Hans Scholl, and Christoph Probst of the White Rose resistance were executed by the Nazis
1944 US aircraft bombed Nijmegen, Arnhem, Enschede and Deventer by mistake, killing many, but, oops, sorry, you know.
1957 Ngo Dinh Diem survived an assassination attempt
1958 Egypt and Syria formed the UAR
1974 Richard Nixon survived an assassination attempt
1997 The successful cloning of a sheep named Dolly led to many bad jokes based on a famous musical
2014 Following a coup d'etat, Viktor Yanukovych of Ukraine was belatedly impeached
Born this day in
1444 Ladislaus the Posthumous of Hungary
1732 George Washington, the father of his country, but nobody else.
1788 Arthur Schopenhauer, a serious pessimist
1810 Frederic Chopin, a pianist and composer
1857 Robert Baden-Powell, co-founder of The Scout Association
1857 Heinrich Hertz, a physicist & philosopher. Made waves. Invented the rental car
1889 Olave Baden-Powell, a scout leader & founder of the Girl Guides
1892 Edna St. Vincent Millay, a poet and playwright
1900 Louis Bunuel, producer & director, did a dog movie with Dali
1922 Joe Wilder a trumpet player, composer, and bandleader
1925 Edward Gorey, a writer and illustrator
1928 Texas Johnny Brown, a blues guitarist, singer and songwriter
1932 Ted Kennedy, The Lion of the Senate
1938 Ishmael Reed, an author, poet & playwright
1942 Christine Keeler, the model and dancer at the center of the Profumo Affair
1955 David Axelrod, political advisor
1974 James Blunt a guitarist, singer & songwriter
Died this day in
1512 Amerigo Vespucci, a well known mapmaker
1875 Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, a landscape painter and proto-impressionist
1943 Hans Scholl, Sophie Scholl & Christopher Probst, German activists
1944 Kasturba Ghandi, an Indian activist & Mahatma's wife
1988 Dominic James "Nick" LaRocca a jazz cornetist and bandleader (Original Dixieland Jass Band)
1965 Felix Frankfurter, a lawyer and jurist, one of the Supremes
1976 Florence Ballard, a singer, one of the Supremes
1987 Andy Warhol, a photographer and painter
1994 Papa John Creach, a fiddle player (Jefferson Airplane, Hot Tuna)
1998 Abe Ribicoff, a politician
Holidays, Holy Days, Feasts, Observances and such
The Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of The Chair of Saint Peter
The Eastern Orthodox Church celebrates February 22. This appears to be a thing with them - pick a date and they celebrate it. Keeps their hand in, I guess.
Scientologists celebrate Celebrity day (Hey, why not?).
Joe Wilder
Texas Johnny Brown
James Blunt
Dominic James "Nick" LaRocca (Original Dixieland Jass Band)
Florence Ballard (The Supremes)
Papa John Creach

Bonus Tuna

Alternate Version

OK, it is an open thread, so go for it

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mimi's picture

and enjoy your OTs for it. For me the 22nd is the day before my son's birthday and the day after my former husbands birthday. Well, I always talk too much of my son and my former husband. Sorry. But it is, what it is. It took me fifty years to start talking. So, I am excused.

Nothing to report this morning. Just one thing, as reading it, I couldn't believe my eyes.

Headline in a gos diary by Angela Marx (she is running for something, and I remember some comments of her from years ago, which indicated that she is a solid capitalist with a heart, so to speak) So, just indicating that I don't want to say anything critical about her, as I really don't know enough about her to justify any of it. But her headline today knocked my off the hocker...

kos, you are our only hope ... etc

ok, if kos were our only hope, I would be close to pull the trigger and kill myself, even if he is a handsome, kind man. But YMMV.

Have all a very nice Monday and be ... hopeful... Smile

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unicorn vomit

Of the 48 venture-funded U.S. tech companies that went public since 2014, 35 now trade below their initial public offering prices, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis.

It isn’t as if venture funding has totally dried up. In the fourth quarter, financing for U.S. startups fell 6.6% to $17.13 billion, the lowest in five quarters but still approaching dotcom-boom levels.


If this catches on then Silicon Valley is fucked.

Two European wireless carriers plan to block online advertising on their networks, threatening Silicon Valley’s prevailing business model.
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emerging market

One of the loudest creaking sounds coming from the markets right now is the global economy straining under a record pile of debt. The world has continued to borrow hand over fist since the financial crisis, adding nearly $60 trillion since 2007 in the process of pushing the worldwide debt load to $200 trillion, or nearly three times the size of the entire global economy. And that figure takes us only to 2014; we don't yet have fresh debt tallies from last year.
Hard data are often hard to find and arrives late. But no matter how you measure, global debt levels are raising alarms over whether we're on the brink of another debt-fueled economic meltdown. The potential for disaster depends on how contagious a new round of defaults would prove and whether writedowns in one part of the world could cause losses in others. That's what happened in the last two major debt crises, which rippled through the global economy.
After the 2008 financial crisis, investors poured money into China, Brazil, and other emerging markets to take advantage of recovering commodity prices and faster-growing economies. Banks in these places turned on the spigots and unleashed a wave of new credit to households and local companies. Since 2009, the average level of private debt in emerging economies has gone from 75 percent of GDP to 125 percent, according to the Bank for International Settlements. Private debt levels in China and Brazil are now double the size of the national economy.
The hand-wringing right now concerns mostly China's debt, which has tripled since 2009 from $10 trillion to $30 trillion, according to McKinsey's latest estimates. The biggest increases are in China's corporate sector, where big state-owned companies gobbled up loans from big state-owned banks. Hedge fund billionaire Kyle Bass, who made a fortune betting against the U.S. subprime crisis, is telling his investors that China's state-owned banks may take losses upward of $3.5 trillion—four times more than what U.S. banks got hit with during the 2008 financial crisis.
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hecate's picture

bad math parts in there that hurt my brain.

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enhydra lutris's picture

often, even though it does imply that cost accounting is mathematics, which many mathematicians would disagree with.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

mimi's picture

I liked this article in Haaretz:
Europeans Find the Odd U.S. Primary Race Strikingly Familiar

The sentiment fueling the unexpected ascent of Trump and Sanders seems the same as the mood powering trends in Europe: a flat-out, let's-make-a-change rejection of the political elite.

Not only that...

Jacek Kucharczyk, president of the Institute of Public Affairs in Warsaw, says despite huge differences between politics in Europe and the United States the same sense of grievance and helplessness is driving people to extremes on the left and the right.

He cites the Polish election in October that brought the anti-immigrant Law and Justice party led by Jaroslaw Kaczynski to power. "There is the same mistrust of the political mainstream. There is this lethal combination of social economic uncertainties and identity wars that are imposed on them," he says.

Fear of mass immigration is a common denominator that was exploited by Kaczynski in the final stages of his campaign - when he warned that the migrants arriving on Europe's shores were carrying dangerous infectious diseases - and Trump is stoking somewhat similar fears in the United States.
"When we hear Trump, it really sounds like Kaczynski," says Kucharczyk.

I can't quite believe that the following is a justification for Germany. The 'lack of sense of security caused by extremist attacks from foreigner's is a right-wing excuse for their own racism.

In both Europe and the U.S., extremist attacks also have undermined the sense of security, heightening fears of outsiders.

Attacks have been far more frequent and lethal in Europe ... But the December attacks that killed 14 people in San Bernardino, California, had a noticeable impact on the American psyche. It may have caused a bump in support for Trump, just as backing for anti-Islamic European lawmakers like the Netherlands' Geert Wilders appears to have grown since the extremist attacks in Paris and elsewhere....

Trump alarmed many overseas observers, by classifying some Mexican immigrants as rapists and suggesting a temporary ban to keep Muslims from entering the United States....

Josef Braml, a specialist with the German Council of Foreign Relations, says the venomous attack style surfacing in the U.S. primary campaign is calculated to capitalize on anger with a political class that can no longer be counted on to provide security, job growth and economic expansion.

"They are saying, 'To hell with political correctness, I'm telling you the truth,'" he says. "That tells me they see political correctness as the code of the elite.

He sees resurgent nationalism, fed by fear of outsiders, in both the United States and in Europe ...
Trump's disparagement of Mexicans is similar to the anti-Semitic views expressed by the National Front in France, he says.

The author goes on to compare Sander's policies to Social Democratic ones in Europe.

Sanders' rise has been cheered by European leftists including many in Scandinavia with deeply held anti-American views, says Mads Fuglede, a Danish historian and political commentator.
He says, "They see the U.S. as a capitalist nightmare, so when someone says they want to make a revolution against free market capitalism, they embrace that, so he has a lot of fans."

French Institute of International Relations' Dominique Moisi summarizes:

"The two (Trump and Sanders)are really significantly different but you can unite them by saying anti-elite sentiment coming from the left and from the right is gaining ground/ "We have not seen that in American elections before."

Der Spiegel (only in German) reports about the resignation of Mr. Strässer (Social Democrat and Commissioner for Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid of the German Parliament) over the recent changes in refugee policies, a so-called Asylum Package II, in which the German parliament will decide to temporarily stop the subsidies for family members of refugees, who follow the first already in Germany accepted family members. Lots of tensions over Merkel's and Social Democrats' and the Greens' refugee policy ideas. Lots of articles about problems arising trying to integrate a Million of Refugees etc.

All of it doesn't feel quite right and irrational fears arise, which are described (in German) in this op-ed asKurz vorm Durchdrehen - Close to getting nuts

I wonder what else we have not seen before, not only in American elections, but in European minds.

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hecate's picture

had a party in her pants every day and all through the night, but Claudius was rarely invited. Warhol had a phobia about hospitals, and there was good reason for that; one day he went in one, and there they killed him. Bunuel made a great true-life documentary film, The Exterminating Angel, about people who can't get out of a room, though nothing is stopping them: it is about The World. Schopenhauer isn't that pessimistic; some of it is even fun; well, sort of. The number 22 is really cool because it is half of the number 44. Scientologists pronounced Charles Manson "clear." Chopin was sort of a Schrodinger's Cat of humans: "Three doctors have visited me. The first said I was dead; the second said I was dying; and the third said I was about to die." Catch-22 was supposed to be Catch-18 but couldn't be because Leon Uris had recently released Mila 18 and thank goodness Uris did, because Catch-22 rolls much better off the tongue.


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shaharazade's picture

and David Bowie. Two of my favorite arty pop artists. I just bought a new Hunky Dory CD as my old CD was trashed.

Here's another pop song about an artsy guy

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enhydra lutris's picture

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

enhydra lutris's picture

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

mimi's picture

Bernie Sanders reaches out to Israelis on Facebook, gets an earful
Bernie Sanders says he’s lucky to be white, but what about Jewish?


I wonder ... oh, I better do not. I have never read something before from JTA = Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Are they US-based?

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lotlizard's picture

Although Sheldon Adelson is now using his millions to challenge them from the extreme Zionist right:

Wikipedia articles on JTA in English and German:

JTA is the established, “moderate,” “mainstream” Jewish news source . . .
at least in contrast to news aggregators like Israel National News / Channel 7 / Arutz Sheva:

Besides those, there are numerous sites promoting Jewish right-wing populism and chauvinism, such as:

Progressive voices based in the U.S. Jewish community exist, such as Tikkun:
or JewSchool:

. . . but are tiny, guttering candles in the wind against the “hasbara hurricane” of AIPAC and various organs of the Israeli government.

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mimi's picture

to rely on you for homework I should do myself.

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