Open Thread - Friday, June 9, 2017 - What Stinks?

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The Roots of Violence: Wealth without work, Pleasure without conscience, Knowledge without character, Commerce without morality, Science without humanity, Worship without sacrifice, Politics without principles.
- Mahatma Gandhi -

I suspect things will stink allot worse before this is all over. Our political class is out of control serving their corporate masters, and shilling for sheckles. The notion that money is speech has accelerated the demise of the country and possibly the world. Constituents and regular people are no longer included in the process, and it really stinks.

Instead of rectifying the fact that we are the only G7 country and social democracy that does not have universal healthcare, the solution is to no longer be a democracy? I guess that is what happens when only the money collecting stake holders has a say.

How about the lady running against Steve King who dropped out due to intimidation. Do you suppose the department of justice will investigate or are they too busy worrying about kind?

Partisan selective prosecution, income bias, racial bias and the good old boy network have render our courts a joke. Jeff, I lied at my confirmation hearing, Sessions is all about law and order. Political corruption, meh. The lying sack of poo should already have been disqualified.

Pulling out of the Paris agreement stinks. One hundred and ninety-five countries negotiated the non-binding agreement. The self proclaimed deal master is going to get a better deal? He has never negotiated, and abided by the terms of, an agreement. What the funk? It is exactly like Elizabeth Warren said.

This crap is getting really old. The US government has reached its tipping point.

Just Dumpstaphunkin' sayin'.

The thread is OPEN. What do you think stinks?

Have a great funkin' weekend!

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Raggedy Ann's picture

What is that smell? Oh, yeah, it's our stinkin' gubbmit purtending to care about something, anything, but the people are starting to catch the scent of decay.

I'm taking the day off to spend with some friends. It's a good Friday for me.

Have a beautiful day and weekend, folks! Pleasantry

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

mhagle's picture

Maybe we grow enough veggies in Navarro County to feed 100 people for a year, but I doubt it.

No local food and no one gives a shit.

That's what I think stinks!

Wishing everyone a great weekend too!

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

QMS's picture

stinks like politics..

edit: tried to embed "That Smell" by Skynard.. not working

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question everything


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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

QMS's picture

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question everything


I can see the page, but it doesn't help me find it.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

QMS's picture

@dkmich even how to answer that. My confuser got the better of my brain on that one. Thanks for trying. All these other's have found how to get it! Share and thank you. sm

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question everything

@QMS thanks. What's old is new again.

Advocates for the poor score a significant win
Advocates for the win! The poor? not so much.

Yet advocates for the poor scored a significant win Thursday, with the budget committee expanding the state earned income tax credit to the self-employed and raising the income threshold to $22,360. The current credit is available to those making up to $6,580 if they are childless, and up to $13,870 if there are two or more qualifying children. The credits have averaged about $524.

oo that smell
hell yeah!

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dervish's picture

@QMS [video:]

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

dervish's picture

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

QMS's picture

@dervish that's what I was shootin fore

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question everything


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Not enough time or bandwidth to discuss everything that stinks, but thank you for the thread.

On the bright side: The results of the UK election!

Have a great weekend.

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Once again Europeans prove they're smarter than Americans.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon


In 1998, with First Lady Hillary Clinton, From began a dialogue with British Prime Minister Tony Blair and other world leaders, and the DLC brand – known as The Third Way – became a model for resurgent liberal governments around the globe.[18]

In April 1999, he hosted an historic Third Way forum in Washington with President Clinton, Prime Minister Blair, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, Prime Ministers Wim Kok of the Netherlands and Massimo D'Alema of Italy.[19]

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gulfgal98's picture

@dkmich they have paper ballots from what I read.

I am late today, but I hope everyone has a good one.

On a personal note, my walking partner and I did Burrell Mountain on Wed. which got me 7.3 miles, a lot of which was uphill (33 sets of stairs according to my watch). Then yesterday she took me on our steepest climb which I call the mountain, even though it is not a mountain and I ended up with 4.5 miles and 20 sets of stairs. As a result, this morning I could hardly get out of bed. Luckily she was out of town so I did not have to walk. Blush

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Cool tech LOL, welcoming the new Gigantic Cargo Ship overlords with pretty prose.

Updated June 9, 2017
Diminutive drones may be getting all the attention when it comes to the autonomous delivery of goods, but gigantic cargo ships, too, are expected to take on board similar technology before too long.

We already know that Rolls-Royce is developing a crewless cargo ship, and now shipping companies in Japan are teaming up to work on a similar design that could go into service as early as 2025.

Among those investing in the project are Mitsui O.S.K. Lines and Nippon Yusen, according to news outlet Nikkei, with local shipbuilder Japan Marine United looking to build around 250 of the self-navigating vessels in the coming years.

Rolls Royce leads the way, conserve the oil and gas products, and get rid of the people.

Which pretty much stinks inside the corrupt system we have, I think. There's not a lot of cake left down here with us left in the ditch from previous giant sucking sounds, it is wrong to throw away human beings for sake of profit. Inhumanity stinks.


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lotlizard's picture


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Arrow's picture

From the 'Land of Lenin' (TM)...
Went to the Amazon(sorta) had to return. Hanging out here in Cuenca Ecuador for a month or so.
This pic is from the terrace of the hotel I'm camped out at. Such a deal. I pay $210 a month for a room, utilities, Wi-Fi(good too), a light eggs breakfast with coffee and shared DirecTV with lots of American channels.

Cuenca has a real sense of 'place' about it.

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I want a Pony!

earthling1's picture

I can just imagine hackers hijacking a boatload of Toyotas from their living room couch. Ha ha ha ha.
Got lots of family and friends flying in from all over today for SO birthday celebration tomorrow.
I'm smokin' 35 pounds of pork butt for the occasion, my first attempt.
Have a great weekend all.

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

mimi's picture

hasn't made clear where it stands vis a vis Comey's, Trump's, Clinton's, Democrats' potential criminal or illegal behavior. I want to know why Comey is a bad guy or why Trump is a good guy, I have had it with both of them. Why can't one trust Comey's testimony? What's the reason?

I can't quite understand and follow nothing here anymore other than the EB. At least I understand the articles I read in the EB. Everything else is mostly incomprehensible, convoluted or overly sarcastacized (my word creation) to me.

Great job for the 99 percent. Thanks for keeping the ship floating with the good 'ol crew.

Sorry, I know what stinks, my mood.

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mimi's picture

I can't trust Robert Reich's comments. The only reason given here by some commentators is that he supported "Medusa". OMG.

I go through his Robert Reich twitter feed and at least understand what he is saying. His arguments and bullet points don't sound unclear or sensationalized or unjustified to me.

Yet what counts for many here is "he is bad because he had supported Clinton". Who cares for Clinton any longer? She will be investigated, hopefully put out of business. End of story.

Gosh, I am so frustrated.

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@mimi but was part of Billy-Bob's white house economic team. With the gutting of social safety nets that accompanied it. So now he's found his "liberal" side and really wants to help the 99%? Sorry, but no. I just love how these people come in AFTER they've done real damage and offer us all their mea culpa of how wrong they were but now they see? Bullshit.

I'm crabby today too, but Mr Reich is far too neo-liberal for me to stomach any of his "resistance" talk and barking on and on like impeaching the Rump changes one damned thing.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

@mimi thanks, maybe it would be different if he hadn't been complicit from the start:

So you were considered an FOB; you were considered a friend of Bill.

I guess I was considered a friend of Bill, although this is a man who has many, many friends. There must be at least 15,000 FOBs. It wasn't a particularly small and distinguished category.

15,000 FOBs is how Ds began matching Rs door-for-door with the revolving corruption in D.C.. It's how the Clintons got stinking rich, Reich was totally fine with it, in my memory. He is still doing fine.

But it counted when he became elected president. You had given him some advice during the campaign, correct?

Yes. I certainly was one among many people who provided him a lot of free advice. The poor man had read every one of my books. And then I recall, just a few days after the election, I came back from class. I had been teaching. Got a telephone call, and the operator said, "One minute for the president-elect." Well, I had never even heard of him called the president-elect before. That was kind of a startling emotional reality. And then he got on the phone and said, "Bob, I need you down here. I need you to put together the economic team. . . . Can you come down and just put everybody together, so there's at least a group that helps me plan my first budget, and helps me get started? And I'd like you right away."

Well, I couldn't say no exactly, but I had two young boys and a wife, and I had my class, and it wasn't easy to just get up and leave. I said, "I'll call you back." And I talked to my wife, and talked to my little boys, and talked to even my class, because I had promised them I was going to teach them for the rest of the term. And everybody said, "You've got to go down. This is not a matter of committing yourself to any position of the government. This is just a matter of helping the guy out for the next two months, for the economic transition." So I called him back. I said, "Sure, absolutely, I'll come down."

And we spent a lot of time. It was a very heady, very exciting time, trying to decide basically how bad the economy was, how large the deficit was. All those projections were subject to some interpretation, and then coming up with a little bit of a blueprint.

That blueprint was the problem, and still is the problem only worse.

I get the same kick-guts any time I hear Stephanoplous, is he still spewing on ABC? I don't know. They should both STFU and admit they failed millions of people, that's what I think. They are tools of the status quo, one step forward two steps back. Not progress.

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mimi's picture

I have to apologize, I only started to pay attention to US political news after GWBush was elected and then after 9/11. During the Clinton years in the nineties, I was not following and/or not understanding much of the political news (this is my host country and I learned the basics only much later). In the eighties I hadn't even "arrived yet" in the US, though I lived here. I am just a foreigner who happened to have landed here as accompanying luggage to my former husband's move to work in the US. And that's how I felt for a long time in the US, boxed up and put into the basement to be put aside there.

It's as of 1997 I crawled out of the "basement" and as of 2000 I started to wake up so to speak.
Basically I never understood what Bill and Hillary Clinton had done wrong politically and just caught a little bit about it here much later. So, obviously, I wasn't aware of who was FOB and what it would mean. But now I know.

I think it's wise to not have friends among politicians ... right? Smile

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QMS's picture

@mimi you don't stink. The cycle of livelihoods don't stink neither. It's the dregs we detect. Without a way forward, sweet smells seem rotten sometimes. And otherwise..

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question everything

enhydra lutris's picture

You not only hit the nail on the head, but sunk it in one shot when you said:

Instead of rectifying the fact that we are the only G7 country and social democracy that does not have universal healthcare, the solution is to no longer be a democracy? I guess that is what happens when only the money collecting stake holders has a say.

It isn't that money talks, it is that ONLY money talks. Everybody knows that which is why most of them don't vote. They know that if they did, they would find almost no candidates professing to represent their interests, and that those few would get bought within a few months anyway. They know that as a religious truth, so it doesn't even matter tht it isn't strictly 100% true.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

earthling1's picture

@enhydra lutris @enhydra lutris
and have even posted it here that if ever elected POTUS I would burn the White House to the ground the first day. It has become a whorehouse.
With the correct amount of money, anyone could walk in there and get ANYTHING they wanted. It is a house of ill repute. Prostitution is just business there.
So I guess I'll soon be arrested for divulging state secrets, huh?

Post edit; The Russians hacked my android and made this comment. Honest!

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.