Open Thread 5-11-21
Submitted by JtC on Tue, 05/11/2021 - 7:37am

Good morning folks. Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal because of technical difficulties has asked me to publish a placeholder open thread for her today.
Consider this a truly "open" thread or an essay about nothing if you will. I will try to add some content as time allows. Until then does anyone really know what time it is? If so please clue me in.

times are alwayss questionably bad or good and so
If I am not logged in to C99p, right now it seems to be 7:30 am, May 11. If I am logged in, it is 2:52 pm (here in Germany), in Washington DC 8:55 am May 11th and in Hawaii it is 2:57 am May 11th.
So, wherever you fell asleep, I don't know. Texas? Arizona? in any case, the best time is always your own. And don't ask me for the time in New Zealand, they are always way too fast, they have already May 12th 1 am.
So get back to sleep. We will wake you up, when the earth stops turning around. Would be so nice if she did, right? We wouldn't bother about clocks and times ...
Although the phrase "does anyone really know what time it is?" is open to interpretation, to me, in this instance, it means: Does anyone really know what's going on? It's a question pertaining to the current political zeitgeist.
Only Chicago.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
The band not the city
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Right. Didn't work hard enough on word play. Thanks.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
oh, shit, but then I would say, the current Zeitgeist
seems to have a lot of Zeit (correct translation of the German word 'Zeit' would be time), but not much Geist (correct translation of the German word 'Geist' would be 'spirit' or 'mind' or 'intellect')
So, I have to check the news to tell you what the current Zeitgeist is in Germany. Lots of fights going on within each of our parties. Lots of lies been told. Not much different than in the US. Too bad that I am on the wrong blog, at the wrong place with a wrong Zeitgeist and the wrong language. But honestly it is pretty much the same political 'Geist' (correct translation for the German word 'Geist' is ghost, yes there are too meanings for Geist.)
Ghosts haunt me badly now. Sorry to have annoyed you with my anti-Zeitgeist. You see here in Germany for the time being the real left and the real right, they start flirting with each other. That's not mindful but madness. Some think it is smart.
Beyond my paygrade.
Maybe we don't know
Ok I have something to add for Homesteading in France.
We were visited last week by a Eurasian Hoopoe. They are truly remarkable birds. Here is an email Mr. Meta sent out about our encounter:
Here is a very good site with information plus the call which we used to get our Hoopoe to up his game: he went from two oop - oops to four.
Hoopoe Information.
We are worried as the weather has really changed and the only reason our visitor came was because it has become too wet and cold, like a winter when it should be Spring. Happening more each year. Gardening good for salads. This weekend would normally be put your tomatoes in. But the high is 13°C, very wet and cold.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
He is so exotique! We do have a resident Nightengale
Did you see the way he dips his head before he sounds? He is scooping air like a Grouse would so he can force out the sounds. There is also a hard to hear kind of a hiss. He makes the sound near the beginning two times.
They eat on the ground. My cats are a worry but so far not interested much in birds, just mice. I throw out any grubs I find for the Hoopoes.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
Saw one (two?) in Kenya, but pics suck, need
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
what a gorgeous creature
Back in the late 60's...
peace freaks were everywhere, this I know as fact. What happened to all of those people?
A: the 1970s, the 1980s, the 1990s...
EDIT: for what it's worth, I've been thinking about this a bit recently and it was Gulf War I which radicalized me. I was middle school aged at the time and bought the lie that we were going in to liberate the people, etc. When we scooted as soon as the oil fields were secure, it led me to where I am today. I grew up in the shadow of Vietnam and between that and the disgusting display that was Gulf War I, I became a peacenik.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Vietnam did it for me...
it dawned on me in '68 when I was 14.
it dawned to me in 68 as well, I was 18,
but mostly I think people would have said that I was anti-American back then. Which couldn't have been correct, because I didn't know ANY American, but we were against American politics.
How it came about that I came into the US, is another story. I started to like and love Americans, but never liked their politics.
They packed up after the draft was ended...
At least I think that was a big part of it. Let the poors fight our inane wars.
However there are still some peaceniks around...
all come to mind, as I'm sure you are aware.
Thanks for covering the OT! Have a good one.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
A large part of it was Rancid Ronnie and Generation
Reagan, aka "the me generation". A goodly percentage of peaceniks and other activists were youth, especially college kids. Suddenly in the eighties vast swaths of that general age bracket fully bought into the "greed is good" ideology and everybody's "utopia" shifted from peace and equality to being successful in business and beemers and houses in the suburbs or condos in the city. Not just the anti-war movement, but pretty much all movements took a hit, civil rights, prison reform, unionization, etc., etc.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
They were never peaceniks.
What the time is? Could be 5/4, or, then again
possibly 11/8. Talk about writing about nothing, if anything is nothing, it is time, that's for sure. It's either slippinto the future or long lost in the pasture.
For what it's worth, I dunno if one can write about nothing. The empty set should be the epitome of nothing, but it has a name, so it must be something, just like nothing has a name and hence must be something. You did reference placeholders, and thr greatest placeholder of them all, zero, also has a name.
I have a lot scheduled today, such as making the dough for tonight's pizza early in the morning, which would be right about now, and I can't imagine doing it in 11/8, so here's some 5/4, which should make it 1959.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
How to fudge the membership numbers on a blog...
We currently have 2,740 registered members here at c99. But the UID (User Identification) is up to 57,269. Why the discrepancy?
Spammers. Spam accounts even though deleted still retain a UID, therefor over the years I have deleted 54,529 spam accounts. So if we were a bit disingenuous we could claim that we have 57,269 members making it seem that we're much larger than we really are.
Sound familiar?
I would expect that to be very common, especially
among sites that take advertising. It was a game in the old days with newspaper circulation, they would give the newsies excess and not count the returns. Mags would also give promo and extreme discount subs because the revenues were in the ads and not in the subs. Fun city.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Grampy Joe now twice as big as Jimmy Carter
Uh-huh yeah, but then again most things do make that sound lately. It is
agetime related I think, the familiarity.Peace and Love
Funny, isn't it.
They never actually remove any of those dead accounts, even the spammers. It makes looking up a member frustrating because there's so many garbage accounts. But when they run their fund drives, I guess it gives them some sort of justification for the large numbers they throw out for operating expenses, which always seem inflated to me. I can't think of any other reason why they keep the accounts. They have more than enough moderation to take care of it (the place is over moderated really.) I guess if you want to win an internet dick contest, that's the way. lol
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
What time it is?
Time for me to get up and get ready to go on a walk with a friend. That sounds like good time for me. Of course we have rain forecast but should not stop us.
Time on the world front is much more grim and hard to fathom. Do the people in the United States ever wonder why the U.S. Coast Guard is in the Persian Gulf? Even try to understand the complexity of the situation Israel and Palestine? Random free flowing thoughts running through my head and so will now move myself away from the breakfast table and get moving toward the nicer things for me today.
On a lighter note, there is a large tiger loose in a Houston neighborhood. Hope the animal can be rescued safely and would love to see it returned to the wild.
OK enough for the thoughts, and now action!
Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.
This ain't no dress rehearsal!
"Good morning bruh"
Thanks JtC. Here's hoping Can't Stop is not ransomwared by some real life Macedonians and back online soon. Speaking of Windows(TM), I finally changed my PC clock to UTC after running Linux for twenty+ years I stopped thinking like a Windows imperialist. Hah! -7 MATH
"Good morning bruh" is what Always Talking Man the crazy unsheltered guy yelled speeding by the dirt patch this a.m.. I was out there watering @ 13:00 UTC, first light. F-bomb! I thought it was too early to be seen but no, there he was announcing his presence before arrival at the top of his lungs "GOOD MORNING EVERY THING!" exactly like Adrian Cronauer.
It helps keep my walls covered in red yarn because I was just reviewing Robin Williams' life before going out there... we lived in the sames places, went to the same high school, six years apart. (looks at watch) Oh well. Another funny coincidence. Mental illness and depression both suck, until they don't. same same
Erin go Bragh
Éirinn go Brách
make peace with dirt
do not forget the rock
music goes here
Bruce Springsteen with the Sessions Band - This Little Light of Mine (Live In Dublin)
[video: width:500]
Peace and Love
Go ahead, ask me about Texas...
after my move here about a year ago.
Welp, it sure is a bit different than Illinois.
Oh yeah, well, Texas always had better advertising --
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
He wouldn't by any chance be from El Paso,
would he? [looking for Kinky Friedman album]
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Believe it or not also an ex rodeo cowboy.
Local boy done good.
More specifically, he's from Klein, Texas. Which is where I live (even though my mailing address is Spring). Not that I know jack about Mr. Lovett, because I don't.
Don' mess with Tejas
Is that a shredded truck tire along the road?
Nope, just an unfortunate armadilla [spelling is correct here in Texas].
About CStMS's role in the genesis of c99...
Around about 2013 or so (please correct me if I'm wrong) I joined up with a like minded Google Group created by our own Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal. She had noticed that many lefties were leaving or were being pushed away from Daily Kos, most never to be heard from again. DKos had yet to become the total flying monkey domain that it is today, but it was well on its way. In an effort to catch these folks before they drifted away she started a Google Group with the intention of eventually forming our own blog. This Google Group was appropriately thought of as The Lifeboat.
The group went through many iterations before it became what it is today. The basic premise and trajectory of c99 was formed at this time. I consider CStMS the ideological progenitor of c99. She brought the core group together and put us on a common path.
I'd be happy to answer any questions along these lines if anyone has any. Or maybe we can get CStMS to chime in if she drops by later.
That was a hopeful time in many ways
just some fodder
Hey JtC,
I think it is 25 or 6 to 4. Peak Terry Kath
IMHO folks would do well to watch this whole Tanglewood show, they were awesome...
The powers that be have fairly well excised those who do actually have a clue from the conversation. I was a peacenik at 15 in 1970, now am one at 65. I never changed in that
regard, the world did. Now the Dems are a war-mongering primary cheatin' party of Wall St. Where are the Tom Lehrers, Shel Silversteins, Mark Russells, George Carlins, etc. ad. infinitum? We see what they do to whistleblowers now... has chilling effects.
Hope all are well!
edit, removed errant apostrophe, but not the Frank Zappa album.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Poor Terry Kath-
his last words are some of the most poignant I think I've ever read. Always loved their stuff...
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Thanks for picking up the thread JtC
these open symposiums seem to generate a life all on their own, thank dawgs
I canna barely cough up a decent one anymores owing to my fates and such
speaking of dawgs, where did snoops go? lost in the great salt lake with the new
puppy perhaps .. oh whell peeps comes and goeth, dawgs just run
question everything
I had a private message exchange with her on May 1rst
as I knew she still follows things on dailykos sometimes. I tried to ask her about Sarah R., because Sarah R did a lot of good to me. She told me the sad story that Sarah R was very sick with cancer.
I hope snoopydawg is ok and healthy. Then I thought may be some empire morons may have threatened her and she decided to not speak anymore.
Hope dies last ... so let's wait and see, may be snoopydawg jumps in here.
She's still around...
taking a break from things for a while as far as I know.
French military officers have warned their government
That civil war may break out. Macron was furious about that. If anyone here learns more of that subject, please post here.
(Read it in the Guardian yesterday, I believe.)
Hi there. Doing some Brave searches. Posting links below.
UK Telegraph
Looks like the cause of the 'civil war' will be Islamic fundamentalists.
News in France
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
Thank you.
speaking of anti-war...
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Here's one I bet a lot of folks haven't heard...
Never heard it.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Can or would someone explain what McConnel says here?
Federal Elections Commission
Hi, Mimi -
The Senate is considering a bill that would radically affect election law/rules in the US.
What they are discussing in the video is the Federal Elections Commission which, as it is set up now, is supposed to have six members - no more than three can be from one political party. The new bill would keep that rule, but reduce the number of members to five.
The duties of the commission are:
but they cannot agree on much of anything and are pretty dysfunctional.
What McConnell was proposing was to keep the number of commissioners at six.
While there are a few worthwhile things in the bill, there is a lot of criticism (it's a disaster as far as I'm concerned) also.
Such as from the Heritage Foundation:
But also criticism from progressives as it would limit minor parties in various ways (and the system already works against them). I think Snoopydawg has written about this.
The American Civil Liberties Union (which used to be fairly non-ideological but has become blatantly leftist in recent years) is also opposed to many provisions of the bill that:
H.R. 1 has already passed the House and unless a Democrat Senator switches to oppose it, the Senate vote will likely be 50-50 which would allow Kamala Harris - as V.P. - to cast the deciding vote for it.
Hope that clarifies things.
"Vaccination Macht Frei"
wow, thanks, I will read this at least three times ...
before I say or think anything about it. So far I don't understand why reducing the FEC's number of commissioners to five, would be good? Wouldn't it create a majority of one side versus the other by default then?
Kamala Harris being able to cast the deciding vote on it? Oh lord, have mercy. I am now with Mitch McConnell. Who would have thought that could happen to me?
Your comment is superbly clarifying the fog in my brain, just one little criticism. I feel very enslaved not being vaccinated.
I am glad I can claim slow moving dementia in my brain for my lack of understanding the world in these times.
Thank You. I will have to have more time to read, that's for sure. You have a big heart to explain this to me. Sigh. We need more big hearts, right?
You're welcome, Mimi
The FEC and US voting laws are pretty complex.
The argument against having the commission have six members it that
nothing ever gets done. With five, at least some decisions would be made
but probably on a partisan basis.
Of course part of the problem is that only major party members have been commissioners until now. If the number of commissioners was made odd - five, for example - and each no party could have more than two members - then there would have to be one position for a minor party.
But neither Democrats or Republicans are eager to make things fairer for third parties...
About the vaccines, I suggest you do your own research and give the matter thought.
I'm going to post an essay a little later, but you might find this video interesting. It is an interview with three woman healthcare workers who have all suffered severe reactions after getting Covid vaccinations (Pfizer and Moderna) in January. None can now work and they have been getting no help from vaccine makers, the government, insurance companies, etc.
I can't embed it, but it you can access it here (on
It's Nation Time
according to Joe McPhee
from a reasonably stable genius.
It is time for my electricity at home to come back on.
I like to work at my office, but coming here to eat and have an internet connection sort of sucks.
At least we didn't have a tornado touch down, or hail. So far!
Texas is having some bad ass weather events!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981