Open Thread - 06-24-22 - The Day America Died

Update: Roe v. Wade has been overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court.
I was born in the mid 50s. I don't remember much of that decade except maybe at the tail end, let's say '59 or '60. I'm sure I have memories from then but I really can't associate my earliest memories with a time frame. The 60s was when my memories really kicked in.
I was nine years old and going to school in a very rural part of central Illinois, a little farming town named Heyworth. It was a Friday, not long after lunch. There was a lot of commotion going on out in the hallways. Teachers were shuffling around, some were crying, there were loud voices but not quite loud enough to understand what was being said. We classmates looked at each other with quizzical looks on our faces. This was very odd behavior for the adult teaching staff, we had no idea what had just happened.

Our teacher kept nervously looking out the classroom door and then finally went out into the hall and closed the door behind her. She came back in and looked sheepish as she again closed the door behind her. She walked to the chalkboard and wrote these letters: PKHBA. She told our class that this was the first letters of words that formed a sentence and that this was a puzzle. She asked us to try to solve it as she left again and closed the classroom door behind her. Chatter went up among the class, some wondering what was going on, some trying to decipher the puzzle, and some, of course, goofed off. Myself, I sat there silently wondering what all the commotion was about.
After a while the teacher re-entered the room with a solemn look on her face. We could see the tracks of tears down her cheeks as her attention focused on the letters she had written on the chalkboard. She walked up to the chalkboard and proceeded to solve her puzzle for us. We were spellbound.
It was Friday, November 22, 1963. The letters she had written spelled out this sentence: President Kennedy Has Been Assassinated.
We were let out of school early that day. The ride home on the bus was quiet. The gravity of the event had not fully sunk in to my nine year old mind yet. What I didn't realize until many years later was that America had died that fateful day. That day that was forever scorched into my psyche. It was not only the aberration of a US President being shot and killed, but also the modus operandi of the teacher and her puzzle. To this day that just seemed an odd way to break that news to a classroom of students.
America would never be the same after that awful day in November.
Much has subsequently been written and discussed about that day. Personally, I believe Lyndon Johnson ordered the assassination, IMHO. We'll probably all be dead before the truth comes out though, if ever.
The path of history has been quite bizarre since then, I know because I have lived it. I believe that the circumstances we are now living through have roots that lead directly to that dreadful day.

Good morning folks...
Is it time yet?
I was in 7th grade in Naperville IL
when all students in the brand new Junior High School (which sat in the middle of a cornfield) were told to go back to their homerooms where tearful teachers gave us the news. People were generally devastated. The school sent us home, I think, because the staff was too shaken to continue the day.
The best book I read on this still remains Family of Secrets by Russ Baker.
The oil industry and the CIA... Bobby Kennedy had proposed withdrawing government subsidies for oil. President Kennedy had threatened to abandon or weaken greatly the CIA. There is also mention of this in Devil's Chessboard about the Dulles brothers and their hold on our government.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
is near Bloomington and was also in the middle of a corn field. Right after the assassination we moved north about 65 miles from Naperville.
E. Howard Hunt fingered Lyndon Johnson:
Who Killed JFK? Famous Spook Outs the Conspiracy
The Last Confession of E. Howard Hunt
Don't wake me
I plan on sleeping.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Great song...
that seems to point the finger at Oswald as the assassin. Maybe. Maybe not.
Thanks for the tune.
My money is on the CIA
as the instigators of the assassination rather than LBJ (who was a willing participant).
The mafia branch of our government is evil.
We lost much when JFK was killed.
Oliver Stone discusses it with Joe Rogan (9 min and 15 min clips)
This is as long as you want...
Thanks for the OT and have a good day!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Most probable...
but, IMHO, it was ordered by Johnson.
I don't think it was a branch of a mafia, the government is a tree.
I haven't seen those interviews yet, thanks for posting them.
I have no problem accepting LBJ’s possible involvement,
but feel the chain of command likely starts with the clandestine services and has since the days of the Dulles brothers, perhaps even earlier. Presidents are simply tools who are discarded or disposed of when no longer compliant or useful. LBJ’s personal ambitions and scruples may have simply meshed well enough with the aims of his superiors for collaboration on the ‘wet work’.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
was in Dallas on that day. He had a huge incentive to get Kennedy out of the CIA's way, so they could continue their never ending spread of democracy.
Blackmailing and controlling LBJ would have been very easy.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
GHWB, that is. Bush Sr., W’s dad, who later was Reagan’s VP. n/t
That is predicated...
upon a very grainy photo that was taken outside the book depository on that day. But yeah, I agree, he was probably there.
LBJ didn't need
When he did become P, notice that his FP moves were all consistent with CIA objectives, including massively escalating our military presence in VN, as he generally removed the short leash that Kennedy had tried to put on the Agency. He was perfectly fine with all this as he had always been a firm Cold Warrior who believed in the domino theory. It was sufficient for him just to leave the CIA to do what they wanted, as he largely agreed with their plans, and thereby signaling that their little secret about how he came into that office would never be disclosed.
Tend to think you’re right. Israel may also have been involved.
LBJ’s whole reaction to Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty suggests that, whatever the specifics behind his uncharacteristically servile relationship may have been, he was extremely beholden to Israel.
The Liberty incident
The plan was to have Israeli military sink the Liberty, killing all on board to leave no troublesome witnesses. But the ship stubbornly refused to sink and so most of the crew survived to tell of the sustained, hour-long or so attack by air and sea. No accident. It was this incident, imo, that initiated and cemented the tight US-Israel relationship that continues to this day, a bond begun with a deep dark secret.
Israel had a lot to lose if Kennedy lived
Apparently he was going to make them return the nukes that they stole from….? Sorry I’ve forgotten how they got them, but I think an American helped them get them. But Kennedy was very upset about it.
I think the CIA/FBI were involved in the assassination of both Kennedy brothers. Sirhan Sirhan was a mind controlled patsy whose bullets were never found in RFK's body. His gun held 5 bullets, but there were 13 used.
Here’s an interesting article on JFK's murder and I’m looking for the one about Bobby's murder from the same site.
All the reports on john's murder were supposed to be released 5 years ago during Trump, but both he and Biden have been ordered to keep them covered up.
I agree that it was a coup de'ta by the deep state and they were also involved in MLK,s murder too. One of the FBI's jobs is to make sure that no true lefty gets elected to congress. It’s also Israel’s job to make sure that never happens. Unless you swear fealty to Israel you cannot be elected.
Y’all know that a court has ruled that no your 1st amendment right does not include boycotting Israel? If a company wants you to swear that you won’t be involved in BDS of Israel you either have to do it or work somewhere else. I’d love to live long enough to see our government,s power return to Washington instead of being located in Tel Aviv.
Here’s the Robert's murder one.
It talks about the number of bullets. Kennedy Jr. doesn’t believe that Sirhan killed his dad. Newsom refuses to uphold his parole.
They also have one on how Bobby might have murdered Marilyn Monroe with drugs. I’ll find it if there’s any interest.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
Well, Gov Newsom --
Re Bobby and Marilyn: wowsa, but I've heard that colorful story a thousand times in the past 30 yrs, a reminder that once a public figure dies, anything at all, however ridiculous, can be written about them with legal impunity. Your right to protect your reputation dies with you. Authors and book publishers looking to make some easy money are well aware of this, though most in the general public are not.
Strongly recommend the best book on Marilyn I'm aware of: Donald Spoto's biography from about 20 yrs ago. He carefully demolishes the myths that have grown up around the MM case, and debunks the Bobby theory and related. His research showed that MM had at least 2 psychiatrists or doctors who were both treating her with various drugs -- and importantly were not always careful about communicating w each other and coordinating their dosages. So most likely it was an accidental overdose, with a minor scandal of the housemaid/nurse who administered the drugs on Marilyn's last night not being legally authorized to do so, which was mostly responsible for the coverup or semi-coverup that ensued.
NEWS FLASH — per SCOTUS, Roe v. Wade has been overturned.
This pushes the abortion question back to the states.
Justice Clarence Thomas, in a solo concurring opinion, adds his view that the court should also reconsider the rulings protecting contraception, same-sex relationships, and same-sex marriage:
Held: The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe and Casey
are overruled; and the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the
people and their elected representatives.
That's the HUMONGOUS catch in this horrific decision. Our "elected" representatives aren't. They are bought, paid for, and installed by Big Money and Dark Money from various sources. This means that whatever Big Money wants is what we get - including many different kinds of royal screwings.
This is now, officially, the Corporate States of America.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
So states
2nd Am. is in that Constitution
I believe gay marriage will be made illegal. I am curious about gays in the military.
Not fun times, but you must admit, it is interesting the rope tightens on Americans' throats as we vainly try to vote our way to freedom we have never known.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Right but the 2A
But those first key words of the amendment have been interpreted out of existence by the Court. Prior to the 2008 5-4 Heller decision, the Court had for nearly a century held it was a collective right (ie bearing arms in the militia context) not an individual one.
Meanwhile the right to privacy seems to be strongly implied in the 4th amendment "right of the people to be secure in their persons ...." As I understand, the phrase "right to privacy" was not known in the 18th C, so it therefore wouldn't appear in the Constitution, but instead notions of what we call today privacy were conveyed with words such as "secure" and "security".
The well-regulated militia
The guns were owned by individuals, were not issued or distributed by government or government agency.
Comparing it to today, gun owners everywhere believe they might have to band together to fend off a common enemy.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Well sorta,
As for today, the 2 main arguments of the pro-gun side seem to usually be: 1) right to self defense, even outside the home, and 2) the right to bear arms against a hostile national govt. Definitely the 2d is the weaker argument in terms of constitutional interpretation. And if #1 were true, there would be no need to include the important language in the 2A about a "well-regulated militia". The Amendment would just say The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. One simple sentence, rather than the confusing one we have.
All are arguments for repealing the 2A, in an ideal world.
Militia was
Ironic that righties like original intent judicial rulings, but never allude to the original intent of the 2nd Am.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
States though
And then there are the Ninth and Tenth Amendments
When I was young, not being one o’ them fancy lyin’ lawyers, I naïvely thought the intention was clear: to limit government to the roles enumerated in the Constitution, and recognize that outside of those clear limits, the People / the citizenry themselves retained a vast open-ended birthright of unenumerated rights reaching up to the sky…
I was, of course, disappointed to learn later that the consensus among the fancy lawyers was that, in practice, the federal government did pretty much whatever it liked and that neither amendment was ever interpreted in a way that would protect any concrete citizen right or deter any government overreach or abuse.
The Founding Fathers
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
It’s an assault on body autonomy period
and that’s going to have horrible repercussions for people being able to decide what they do with their body. People were writing about this side effect since Biden started mandating the jabs for Covid. And if they can mandate us having to take something into our body then they can mandate us having to take things out. It’s the start of a slippery slope and it’s a bad decision. It’s also a way to nullify what you and your doctor thinks is in your best interest. Unelected people have already interfered with that right.
Utah has a trigger law against abortion waiting to go in effect. Thankfully it allows abortion for rape and incest and it also allows for the health of the woman if 2 qualified doctors agree that her health is in danger or the fetus has severe abnormalities. But good luck to women who have no health insurance and can no longer use planned parenthood. Democrats had plenty of chances to make abortion legal, but of course they didn’t. They could have possibly kept Kavanaugh and Barrett off the court, but they didn’t even try to. Then we can thank Joe Biden for Clarence Thomas being appointed. Democrats own this decision as much as republicans do. Republicans have caught the car, democrats can still fundraise off it. Pelosi actually said that she wasn’t worried that it would pass because then what would republicans run on? Nice job, Nancy.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
I sorta agree with Nancy Pee
Heh. Good morning maven. Did not see this as I wrote
my comment but corporatism and what it means to us and for us was exactly what was on my mind.
be well
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
just rolled over in its grave.
Judge Thomas forgot interracial marriage....
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
"Forgot" on purpose
He has an interracial marriage.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
The Loving case / precedent — that’s Justice Thomas’s carve-out.
Just like insider trading of stocks is Speaker Pelosi’s carve-out.
“Prohibitions for thee but not for me.”
I hope to look into whether Loving v. Virginia was also based upon the right to privacy.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Good morning Johnny et. y'all. I was a high school senior in
San Diego, CA. The town was pretty much to the right of Mussolini and was full of Birchers who were quasi-moderate compared to some of the others like the American Nazi Party and the (heavily armed) "Minutemen". Now and then the feds would uncover/discover a huge weapons cache, including some seriously heavy weapons belonging to them and we few lefties would joke that it was always the feds because the locals were all members and participants.
At any rate, I was summoned to the principal's office and upon arrival found myself to be part of a small group of fellow students who were all buds. He informed us that the president had been shot and that we should figure out who had the closest house with a TV where we could go and watch it for the rest of the day and inform our parents where we were and what we were doing and that he instructed us to do so. We did so. Ever since, each election cycle reminds me that THEY shot MY president back when I was a teen, and, you know, fuck them.
So, today the theocrats have won a major victory and it appears that our trip to hell in a bucket is no longer capable of providing enjoyment. I expect enormous acceleration in the rate at which what remains of our rights disappear. The government of this country has never been our friend, but it is now far less so than ever. An activist court, not bound in the least by precedent and serving the corporations and elites has made this unquestionably a fascist nation.
be well and try not to think about it.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
LBJ was apparently
greatly worried about two things in the weeks leading up to Dallas: 1) the investigations going on in Congress about shady business dealings by one or two of Johnson's closest associates which he feared, not unreasonably, would track back ultimately to him. He thought he was headed to prison, as he privately told House Speaker McCormack.
2) He thought his political career was finished as he believed JFK was going to dump him from the '64 ticket. In the weeks prior to Dallas, he had learned while on a Nato mission in Brussels, that back home in TX there was a sudden influx of national reporters swarming the state apparently hunting down dirt on him. And he knew there was plenty. According to top aide Horace Busby (per his posthumously published memoirs) traveling with him overseas, Johnson was greatly disturbed about news of these investigations and believed it was probably Bobby's hand behind it in order to force him off the '64 ticket.
I have also long wondered about an incident the night before in the Fort Worth hotel. Jackie later spoke about how her husband and Lyndon got into a heated argument about something (what exactly was never specified). Previously, the main disagreement inside the admin about the Dallas trip was which official would sit in which car in the motorcade. Kennedy had planned the trip to showcase how the liberal Dem wing of the party in TX (Sen Ralph Yarborough, strong JFK backer) and the conservative wing represented by Gov Connally and LBJ, were both united, and so Connally would be in Kennedy's car and the VP would ride with Yarborough. Johnson expressed strong disagreement with this arrangement in prior discussions, so I assume this argument might have continued into the hallway of the Ft Worth hotel. The theory here being that LBJ knew what was going to happen that day, and didn't want his close associate Connally in harm's way.
I strongly doubt, given Johnson's keen awareness of what was happening back in his home state, that he was unaware of what was about to go down. At the very least he allowed it to happen. More likely, he had a hand in some of the planning, as perhaps with the placement of dignitaries, media and the SS in the motorcade that day. The VP, using aide Bill Moyers for instance to carry out orders, would have been well positioned to make certain important motorcade arrangements. After the event, Johnson of course would have been perferctly placed to initiate the coverup, use his considerable power to insist that the media just accept the official story and do no further investigation as he then arranged for a carefully constructed coverup commission to placate the public.
I think this theory started - as a joke - with MacBird! (1966)
This was, basically, a spoof of Macbeth, with highly topical political commentary.!
The author said she never took it seriously - the plot was just "a given" because Macbeth.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Yes, back in the
In the research community, I've noticed there's been more of a shift in the last 30 yrs to at least openly discuss and debate what was previously considered beyond the pale to even suggest, the Johnson angle. A handful of them, by my count and recollection, have at various times and circumstances, though not always in print, suggested publicly that Johnson probably had at least foreknowledge, which is rather remarkable. Twenty years from now this might well be the majority view among them.
Evil has won.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
End of Roe, It's all our fault
us Bernie Bros and third party lefty dead enders did it! At least according to that pious orange sanctuary of the last pure democrats. By refusing to eat that shit sandwich the corporate democrats served up in 2016 we destroyed America.
On another note, the fund raising window of the corporate democratic party is now open round the clock, awaiting your donation.
I was in Dallas at school in the 5th Grade
My parents and grandparents were at the Convention Hall where JFK was scheduled to make a luncheon address. We were a prominent Democratic family in Dallas, part of a feisty group of "liberals" that included Mrs. Ann Richards and her husband, David. (Incidentally, David Richards was my lawyer when I got arrested for public intoxication in Austin in 1976. I pled guilty and paid a fine of $15.)
At mid day, the Principal used the school intercom system to let us all know that President Kennedy had been assassinated. It was disorienting to say the least.
In those days, kids wore political campaign buttons to school and most of us were known to be either Democrats or Republicans. One of my classmates was a big time GOP booster at age 10. Strangely, he developed a crush on Jackie K, and he was one of the loudest weepers among us on that strange day.
On the other hand, another kid stationed himself at the exit of the lunch room and kept repeating, "Bang bang, I got him!" I thought about fighting him, but chickened out.
My parents came to my school to take me home after leaving the Market Center. Once we got home, we watched TV for the rest of the bizarre weekend. The next weird connection to history took place on Sunday morning when the best witness to the events of November 22 got capped on national TV.
About five minutes or so after the deed was done on Oswald, the newscasters related the name of his assailant, "Jack Rubenstein." Quizzical looks all through the living room. How much more disorientation can one stand?
A few minutes later, we got the AKA for Oswald's killer, "Jack Ruby."
"What?!?!" This from both parents.
Dallas was still dominated by the Baptist Church in those days, and night life was somewhat suppressed. Alcohol was banned from three of the four precincts in Dallas County. The most common workaround for the non-Baptist contingent was the Private Club. In those days of James Bond, The Rat Pack -- and John F Kennedy -- there was a subculture of people who liked to drink and party.
Jack Ruby and his Carousel Club were in middle of that world.
My father did not know Jack well, but one of his co-workers in the Meat Cutters Union was personal friends with him. My dad did know Jack's roommate -- a guy named George Senator -- and played gin rummy and poker with him from time to time. I looked up his statement to the Warren Commission after I grew up and became an assassination buff. He said noting of significance.
But my father did tell me that George was a really weird guy. I disagree with him about what his little bit of information signified -- but George Senator was an Invisible Man, like Henry Hill in Goodfellas. He had no drivers license, no Social Security number, no bank account, no nothing. He lived entirely in the cash economy.
My dad claimed -- or at least pretended to claim -- that he thought that was just quirky and did not mean anything else.
In 1972, I was a student at Eastfield Community College in Dallas County. I campaigned for George McGovern and I was a rather typical Campus Radical. Like everybody else I knew at the time -- and like most of my friends and relatives now -- I thought that anybody who entertains a Conspiracy Theory is by definition a kookoo bird.
I had no idea how much it would change my life, but I went to a comedy show by Mort Sahl staged at my junior college. He did his regular act for the first half of his hour, and I was having a great time. Then he changed his rap to what killed his big time show biz career.
He told the story of Jim Garrison in New Orleans. He did not convince me completely, but he made perfect sense with his rap. A couple months later, I moved to Austin to attend the University of Texas, giving me Library access to the actual Warren Report and all its exhibits. Something like 40 books full of depositions and exhibits. I spot checked 100 random footnotes from Garrison's book, Heritage of Stone, and every one of them was spot on accurate.
Regarding the still perplexing questions of Who, What, Where, Why and How? I gave up on that 30 years ago. I think the actual shooters were probably dead by dark on Nov. 22. The guys who capped them were probably dead by the next day or so.
Just as with the Pandemic and with the Suicide Sanctions, I don't try to find out the truth about The Assassination. I just focus on the obvious lies and reason backwards. Regarding the 60 year old argument about Oswald, my point is nothing more than this:
The Warren Commission and all its repeaters and defenders lie about who Lee Harvey Oswald was. He was taught Russian in the Marine Corps. He waltzed into the Soviet Union and then waltzed back home during the middle of the Cold War without a hiccup in either direction.
Case closed on the Warren Report.
I can easily imagine the spooks snowing Jerry Ford and Earl Warren with some version of horse shit that LBJ told Walter Cronkite from retirement at his ranch. CBS hid this from the public for years -- but the video has been public now for decades. Lynchin' Lyndon said that Castro made it happen and that if people knew that, we'd have World War III.
So that's why they lied. Noble fellows.
Gangster movies are the key to understanding the USA. Has anybody ever seen ANY scoffing at the Godfather Trilogy? The central premise was that Marlon Brando owned all the judges in the New York area. The mafia war started because the Don wouldn't let The Turk borrow them.
The Crime of the Millenium -- a total mystery now and probably forever.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
Dems are all over this decision
Democrats are going to have a hearing on Roe not being the law anymore, but they don’t seem to be saying that they will pass legislation making it be. Shitlibs are blaming people who didn’t vote for HerHeinous again even though she had 3 million more votes than Trump. Bernie supporters voted for Her more than her supporters voted for Obama, but they are still to blame as is Bernie for daring to run for president when it was her turn.
Another is blaming we the people for not voting hard enough cuz it’s always the people without power who are to blame when the people who have the power fail to use it. Never any mention that both Pelosi and Obama said that it wasn’t a priority for them or that democrats right now hold all branches of government again, but a rotating villain is blocking their agenda. Nope it’s the voters fault for dem failures. Just can’t seem to wrap my brain around this type of thinking.
I just wonder why the donors insisted this be overturned unless it’s so we can be distracted from the shit show they are giving us?
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
Maybe democrats shouldn’t have run such a loathsome candidate like HerHeinous. Or maybe they should look at how Obama betrayed his supporters by abandoning everything he ran on. But sure it’s ours and Susan’s fault that HerHeinous lost the easiest election in history because she was such a lousy person who was a blood thirsty warmonger responsible for millions of deaths. And a suck up to the banks. And maybe she should hold her husband responsible for his abandoning the working class?
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
It's hilarious how certain folks simply assume that HRC
would've been the "lesser evil" even though there's never been a shred of evidence to that effect, and a lot of evidence to the contrary.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Great point. I definitely thought that Hillary was the more evil candidate than Trump. He at least promised to pass some good bills whilst Hillary harped at us and called Americans deplorable and scolded those who wanted universal health care and yelled it would never, ever happen! But sure blame it on her emails which she was actually wrong in using her private email server. Just ask Comey who originally said that she had been grossly negligent..not that Obama would have charged her under the espionage act cuz that’s just for people who squel on the government, not those who put critical information on an unsecured server which might have been hacked by countries that are considered our enemies. I wonder what China found out? Heh…
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
The blame for the current court rests wholly on luck.
Unfortunately, Obama never got to appoint any judges and, worse yet, the Dems had to vote in all of Trump's appointees because otherwise Russian agents were going to murder them in their beds.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
In Catholic school third grade.
Can't remember if first or second time I was in third grade. Mother Superior bursts into classroom and tells us that President was shot. She was very upset. We all went home and stayed out of school until Kennedy was buried. I vaguely remembered some talk against him because he was Catholic. But all very vague.
Do not know who ordered/organized the assassination but did read that a number of certified marksmen tried to replicate the shots with same type of gun/ammo and none were able to do it.
Later next year, Johnson showed up during the election in the parking lot of the local high school. Huge crowd. About four years later I went to that local high school gym to see Bobby Kennedy come through for a short whistle stop during primary. A month later he was shot and killed.
In the 1970s the billboard depicted on this souvenir postcard
was a popular local curiosity and bit of history. For many years it displayed its question to drivers on Route 28 south of Woodstock, New York.
An area resident named Rush Harp put it up and kept it up for years, paying the cost out of his own pocket.
Who is “M. J. K.” though, you may ask? The answer: Mary Jo Kopechne, drowning victim, the mysterious circumstances of whose death would ever after be seen as disqualifying Teddy Kennedy (“E.M.K.”) from consideration as a possible candidate for president.
I was 11.
6th grade.
We were in recess, heard about it while on the playground. Our teacher didn't appear to be sad, but rattled.
When it was time for his funeral, the entire school was ushered into the assembly hall, and a TV was set up on the stage so we could all see it.
I saw John John's salute as it happened.
In these Bible Belt parts, JFK was voted against by Democrats, for fear a Catholic would be controlled by the Pope.
My family voted for him.
Texans somehow felt that the stigma and guilt of being the assassination site was tamped down by a Texas president, if that makes sense. Like, Texas was poised to make up for it.
My family was devastated, and never forgot, never believed in any President being worthy of the position of The Most Powerful Person In The World.
His courage, intellect, empathy, and eloquence has not been equaled in the office in my lifetime. We have, instead, devolved to Brandon.
So, yes. America died the day JFK was assassinated.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981