Oh My. Speaking what should not be spoken.
Face it: Biden and Bernie are too old to be president
Whatever their differences, the two front-runners in the Democratic presidential race, Joe Biden, born November 20, 1942, and Bernie Sanders, born September 8, 1941, share one common trait: They are too old to be president.
The party has a host of candidates who are in prime age for the presidency. In third place in the Real Clear Politics average is Kamala Harris, born October 20, 1964, who will be 56 on inauguration day. Next is Beto O'Rourke, born September 26, 1972, who will be 48 (just a bit older than Barack Obama was when he took office).
Next is the candidate who would be the oldest in the Democratic race were it not for Sanders and Biden. Elizabeth Warren, born June 22, 1949, will be 71 on inauguration day — older than Trump was when he took the oath of office. But given the experience of Reagan and Trump, and the candidacy of Clinton, Warren appears within the accepted range of presidential age.
Continuing down the Democratic field, there is Cory Booker, born April 27, 1969, who will be 51 on inauguration day. Then Pete Buttigieg, born January 19, 1982, who will turn 39 the day before the inauguration and is the subject of endless profiles noting that he would be the first millennial president. Then Amy Klobuchar, born May 25, 1960, who will be 60 on inauguration day. After that, all the lower-ranking candidates are in the same prime age.
All are in the zone. And all stand apart from Sanders and Biden.
More in the article..

Except no one likes them or wants them...
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
An article from the Washington Examiner . . .
. . . which supports Trump who was born in early 1946 who probably has high cholesterol from all those greasy hamburgers.
The Washington Examiner will love for Trump to have a neoliberal / Kagan neocon Democratic Party opponent. And, yep, they'd all sure "stand apart from Sanders."
Just put it out there
I know York and the Examiner.
Yet, first MSM type that's come out and said it...
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
The age of a demographic, and the age of a person
...are two very different things.
A 75 year old person, who is wise and aware and empathetic can be a national treasure, who is especially well qualified to lead the People.
A 75 year-old demographic should have recused itself from voting 15 year ago. This demographc has no business imposing their enfeebled fears and prejudices and their outdated dogma on a younger nation tasked with responsibilities they can never anticipate or understand. They are the reason that human nature has been criminialized in the US, and so many Americans waste their lives in jails. Their dark and propaganda-twisted fears are the silent foundation that supports the Deep State infrastructure.
Can you see the difference?
Yes I can
The issue is, will the voters?
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
democracy must be tightly regulated
...if it is to be protected from corruption. Voting and election laws must be nationalized if the outcome is to be meaningful.
Looking at Biden's poll numbers going up . . .
. . . after a week and then some of "personal space" violation revelations, it seems the voters might decide to go completely ga-ga for him if he goes full Trump.
Photo from Michael Tracey's Twitter: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D3gpyX4XoAIoPhS.jpg
That's why I like to see Tulsi as Bernie's VP.
chuck utzman
TULSI 2020
who would you like to see as
Sec. of State and Sec. of Defense under a Sanders Presidency?
Sec of Defense
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
next thing that would happen is calling
the US government weasel-wording with the names of their departments and using Kucinich as their puppet to play the main role in their kabuki theater performance of the Pentagon.
@mimi Mike Gravel
I heard here about him for the first time
and today I learned he was the one who read Daniel Ellsberg's Pentagon Papers into the Congressional Record so the public would learn the lies the Government was telling about Vietnam.
I am going to smash my piggy bank and donate to him too.
Jeez, today's EB is a work that can burn your taste buds. I just taste the nuts I crushed in between my grinding teeth.
And the Profiles In Ruling Class Chutzpah Award goes to ... the pampers wearing empty suits.
No fun. Sigh. Have a good night and be kind.
PS: I thought I was in todays EB and wanted to post this there. Made a mistake. Sorry. But it fits on both places.
They both have the only qualification needed.
Ability to make lots of money.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
luckily you put in the snark tag there ...
otherwise I would have been inclined to slap you on the wrist with my authoritarian impulses.
redacted, triple post /nt
redacte triple post /nt
redacted, triple post /nt
Annnnnd we don't mention Tulsi Gabbard
Because she is young, intelligent and against the MIC.
Na, na. Der macht blos Witz.
Na, na. Der macht blos Witz.
Ein Witzbold? Das ist verboten. /s/nt
all he needs from you is $1,
all he needs from you is $1, mimi - its not the amount of $ its the number of people donating - 65000. he just wants to get on the debate stage, said he'll drop after the first 2 debates