An obvious oxymoron

A hypothetical Clinton/Sanders coalition is politically self-contradictory, you might as well have 'bipartisan cooperation', 'reality TV, 'hot snow' or 'dry water'.

If what is she trying to do, get elected by marketing herself as a “corporate progressive”, it will go nowhere, When your primary allegiance is to corporations, these artificial economic constructs, it will not be the same thing as putting real people before profits.

BTW, to change to focus, South African Michael Tellinger goes much further than anything Sanders or Jill Stein has proposed so far. With the concept of Ubuntu Contributionism, he envisions 100% employment by closing down the South African Reserve Bank, replaced with a People's Bank, interest-free home loans and funding public works campaign. Even reduced or free electricity thru utilities owned by the people of South Africa.

But in the US, we're stuck with the usual capitalist decadence. Herr Trump is approaching the corporate progressive idea, but with a twist. He's marketing himself as a populist entrepreneur, a free market capitalist who will unleash private enterprise which will automatically self-regulate itself, provide for the common good, end massive unemployment, provide affordable health care for everyone, everything you really want to hear in your wildest dreams. None of which is practical. What is practical however, it is Trump's visions of public works, use federal spending only for national and 'international' security, to increase military invasions and warring overseas. For him, government exists to provide bombs, guns, missiles and drones, to keep enemies from invading our borders. And perhaps to make a buck in the process. Attack first. Ask questions later.

I'll end with a well-known biblical proverb, with their Buddhist and Islamic equivalents:

"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." (Luke 16:13)

“One way leads to worldly gain and the other to Nirvana. Let the mendicant monk, the Buddha's pupil, seek wisdom, not worldly honours” (Dhammapada 5:16)

“God has not made for any man two hearts within his body” (one to be assigned for belief in and worship of Him, and the other to belief in and worship of others). Qu'ran 33.4

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A hypothetical Clinton/Sanders coalition is politically self-contradictory, you might as well have 'bipartisan cooperation', 'reality TV, 'hot snow' or 'dry water'.

"Atheist Bishops" is always good for a laugh or two.....


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides