NY Phonebanking multiple calls to same voters
Reaching out to the community to see who can come up with a solution with NY phonebanking. The past three days I've been phonebanking to NY.
Today, Friday April 15, a number of people are saying they've been called multiple times. Also, out of 32 calls so far, 25 are for Bernie, one undecided, one GOP, the rest no answer (didn't pick up the phone).
This can be very good news, however, I want to make sure that we have a good dialer systems and that we're reaching all registered democrats, and not just Bernie supporters, to identify their support? And why are we repeating 4 calls to the same registered voter in the same day? I don't know if I trust the info the DNCC is giving the Sanders campaign.
Does anyone here know how to contact the phonebanking managers?

I don't know how the system works
but it could depend on how phone bankers are categorizing various people. Someone who doesn't confirm their identity and hangs up after hearing you are calling for Bernie stays on the list (at least, per the instructions I was given).
all the repeat calls were identified
and most were friendly and said they were for Bernie, don't worry they'll be at the polls. Each identified themselves and have been called multiple times in the past few days. I identified them as Sanders supporters, I hope they won't be called again because some were getting upset.
there is a chat window
that should be at the lower rt side of your screen when you are using the dialer. Try this. Maybe they can help.
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I've had this exprience too.
When the voter information comes up, it includes "Recent History." You can see on that if the person has been called before, and sometimes I'll see more than one "Do Not Call," or "Moved away" notation. For some reason they don't seem to be weeded out -- maybe there isn't time.
Recent history
Are you sure the recent history isn't the most recently canvassed info that you click for your own prior calls as a selection shortcut - different from the voter information...
Chat session not available, maybe it will be available in the morning.
I believe this is correct
Recent history is what you have assigned to your last callers, not what others have assigned to the person you are calling now.
I got multiple calls since Bernie announced.
I got like 5 calls in 2 days to volunteer, when I was already volunteering.
I think they got the list NOT from the voter list from NPG (the voter action network) but from the signup and RSVP list for Bernie Events.
I hosted one of the first Bernie Events in San Antonio, and RSVPed positively to 4 others.
I am pretty sure that each event seemed to have been listed into a separate database.
That is the only thing that I can figure out.
I have made thousands of Bernie Buttons because the campaign first did not have any, and then when they did send swag, they did not send a whole lot.

Anyway, we also hosted the Bernie national campaign in the most of the space on the 2ed floor of the Bexar County Democratic Party Office where I have my office.
To balance that out we offered 600 sq feet or downstairs to the Hillary campaign.
Anyway, produced buttons and took donations to buy supplies to make more Buttons mostly for visibility. Other people here in SA paid to have Bernie Bumper stickers and push cards printed, and a couple paid to have 500 Texans for Bernie Yard signs made before the national campaign showed up.
I tried HARD to have him come to our annual Bexar County Democratic Family Reunion in Augest, or to Laredo on Feb 17 when the pope was there. (We could have tied Texas if he had spent any time on the ground here. Texas is a state of Democrats who don't vote. But they would if they got 1/4 of the attention lavished on Iowa, or even Ohio. And we have 247 delegates, Bernie should get 84 from here. We were shooting for 100 and we could have gotten them too if he had just come here. but I digress)
Anyway: if there was a database of Berniestias we should have been on it, but so I am back with the one list for every event someone RSVPed to the BernieSanders.com website theory.
We may be in adjacent Senate Districts!
Are you in SD25? I'm in SD24.
Going to the convention?
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
SD 26
Yep, going to the convention.
Got many of the Bernie youngsters going too.
You guys are up North of us.
Bet you are also in Lamar Smith's House District. Lamar Smith wrote the CFAA, does not believe in Climate Change yada, yada.
You know better than I do.
We have a Bernie supporter running against him. Tom Wakely,
Unitarian Minister.
Did the grape boycott with Cesar Chavez
Tom can use all the help he can get if you have some campaigning left in you. Lamar is an asshole deserving of some attention.
Yeah, I got Gerrymandered from Doggett to Smith. That was a demotion! Glad to hear he'll get competition.
Speaking of Doggett, do you by any chance remember the viral video of him from 2008 where he got accosted by Teapartiers who were brought in by bus to interrupt his office hours? I do not know how I wasn't in the frame of that vid - I must have been immediately outside of it b/c I was as up-close as the person who caught it. I must have been standing directly next to the person who filmed. One of the scarier political moments in my life - I was more than a little afraid for his safety.
Back to present day...
Early in the year - long before the Ides of March Edict - I started spreading the idea of Kossacks meeting up at the Convention in June, and we're looking at Thursday given availability. I suspect a good half dozen or more can meet then. I need to take care of some local stuff and take care of my own logistics before I turn attention to setting that up.
Attending a brunch tomorrow for a challenger to the Assembly guy we've got - no idea how things look for her prospects.
I'm working on language for a resolution for the convention I'll share off-line. Also, there's one in Travis Co being put forward to get Climate change as part of the platform. Would love to exchange ideas and coordinate.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
I'm in SD 25
I'm also going to the convention in June....would love to meet you all there. Nice to see you all here BTW.
I was also at a town hall type meeting back in the day when the tea-baggers were all about disruption and chaos. It was a meeting with Ciro Rodriquez and it was not pretty.
I've done both phonebanking and canvassing. Here's my experience
Phonebanking has been cool. I like the hubdialer feature and guess it's really efficient in whittling down and funneling calls to volunteers, though the drawback is you don't get to see who you're calling until the moment they actually pick up.
A couple of weeks ago I had a strange experience though. Was trying to call I think Wisconsin but I kept getting calls to Ohio, which had already voted! That happened twice. Bad thing was I had the time and energy, but was deflated after it and gave up for the day.
As for canvassing, did a half a block in Astoria, Queens, maybe 20 doors because my infant son was getting too fidgety in the harness, and the score was 3-0 for Bernie. Will do some more this weekend, whenever I can manage it.
Lawn signs are a rare thing in NYC. So I've been having fun putting them up on any small patch of grass or dirt I can find in high visibility trafficked areas. Rode up and down the Grand Central Parkway last night putting them in various places for the morning rush.
Wish I had more time. I'd be out 15 hours a day doing nothing but that and canvassing.
Great results phonebanking. That's an incredibly high percentage. If that holds he'll win big.
As for the multiple call thing, happened to me too. I've gotten a few calls from volunteers asking to volunteer. I'm ok with that. Pissing off potential voters is not cool. Which is why when I encountered Bernie voters canvassing I told them they should probably expect to be contacted again by the campaign with a follow-up call on election day to make sure their vote is accounted for.
Smiled today when for the second day in a row my apartment building had GOTV door reminders.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
This is normal.
Keep calling. This always seems to happen when it gets close to crunch time, I'm not sure why, but don't let it slow you down. Also, it isn't just Dems on the lists, it's GOP and indies too, (if I'm not mistaken, they were added to the lists at some point) and if they aren't Dems they'll probably be even more mad that they are getting multiple calls.
Don't worry about it though. Hopefully they'll get mad enough they'll start conversations about Bernie with their friends and family.
bern baby bern disco inberno