#NotMyCandidate - Fork Your Canoe - #VoteBlueNoMatterWho
So, this is the guy the #VoteBlueNoMatterWho crowd want to shove down our throats to be the 2020 Democrat nominee, and go up against Trump in the GE? The guy is going to get roasted, and splattered all over the place. Metaphorically speaking, a fucking blood bath!
This is #NotMyCandidate ! Fuck the #VoteBlueNoMatterWho crowd!
Concerns about Joe Biden’s cognitive decline were first raised not by Trump operatives nor by Sanders supporters, but principally by Democratic Party officials and their most loyal allies in the media, writes @ggreenwald. https://t.co/fXtU9vn7Ah
— The Intercept (@theintercept) March 10, 2020
Corporate media, feeling secure enough in Bernie's demise, have begun spinning a narrative to ditch Biden in favor of candidate x (TBD by DNC*).
Time to prove them wrong with a #BernieSurge.
* a Bloomberg L.P. companypic.twitter.com/MMRtf1QiiP
— Climate Clock ????#IStandWithIlhan???? (@Tav_assoli) March 10, 2020
Biden says he would veto Medicare for All if the bill ever reached his desk pic.twitter.com/erdq11KN1v
— Eddy (@LebaneseJokerYT) March 10, 2020
Is Elizabeth Warren seriously going to stay neutral when one candidate has promised to literally veto Medicare for all? https://t.co/2mQvU810fJ
— John Iadarola (@johniadarola) March 10, 2020
This ad shows you who Joe Biden is. Partaking in the corruption and selling out was a ‘duh’ thing for him. This is how you lose to Trump and change nothing! pic.twitter.com/biOd9lom9u
— Secular Talk (@KyleKulinski) March 10, 2020
Who should I believe, you, or you?pic.twitter.com/lvxxFD6pXH
— Samuel D. Finkelstein II (@CANCEL_SAM) March 10, 2020
WATCH: "You’re full of sh*t," @JoeBiden tells a man who accused him of "actively trying to end our Second Amendment right."
"I support the Second Amendment," Biden adds while vising under-construction auto plant in Detroit. @CBSNews pic.twitter.com/sueOSBaY9P
— Bo Erickson CBS (@BoKnowsNews) March 10, 2020
I'm going to retweet all the videos of @JoeBiden aggressively stepping-up and putting his finger in the faces of concerned citizens. #JoeBiden2020 https://t.co/F0QOipw787
— Roza Calderón?? (@rozacalderon) March 10, 2020
Joe Biden gets GRILLED by angry veteran Irak Afghanistan - "My friends are dead.. Sir!"?? #Biden #Biden2020 #Irak #War #investigateBiden ?? pic.twitter.com/x6E210eOEe
— Newo - Judicial zone (@oakentersagain) March 5, 2020
There is no way this man would beat Trump. None. Trump isn't very bright, but he'd shred Biden. Joe is like this every single day but the media doesn't cover it.Bernie's our only shot.#BernieSurge pic.twitter.com/nH7g7Y3nRF
— Pat the Berner?? (@PatTheBerner) March 10, 2020
Too bad status quo Joe is losing his marbles. He will never be president because he's senile and Trump will eat him up. When he was lucid a few years ago, Biden told America: #VoteForBernie pic.twitter.com/il59pf8YpB
— HearUsRoar ?? ?? (@BeingTheBern) March 10, 2020
"Forget the gaffes, what about Biden's lies?" - my latest @theintercept video essay on how the former veep gets a pass from Democrats and much of the media for making stuff up, and telling brazen falsehoods, but it'll hurt him in the general against Trump:pic.twitter.com/Mk335VLUmH
— Mehdi Hasan (@mehdirhasan) March 10, 2020
Ok Suzanne, keep your head firmly placed in the sand and block your ears to the fact that you're defending the candidate that would GUARANTEE a Trump reelection. But when that happens, you'll be blaming Bernie Bro's and Russians, of course.https://t.co/azeG0T5oCA
— Elizabeth Lea Vos (@ElizabethleaVos) March 10, 2020
President "My Boss?" Repeatedly forgetting Barack Obama's name is not a stutter. It's just not a name you forget, especially when you've made your relationship to him your entire pitch for the presidency.#BidensCognitiveDecline pic.twitter.com/VV3BRt8LfG
— gato fumador ? (@QueenInYeIIow) March 10, 2020
Who acts like this? https://t.co/FWYXFa3IDu
— Heather Champion (@winningatmylife) December 1, 2019
The Republic is lost...
From Emma
Number 1 goal: defeat Sanders. We've discussed that in detail, that defeating Sanders matters more to the Establishment than defeating Trump. Then and only then do they worry about Trump.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
except they do not worry on trump
the uniparty has options on that too
(see general in November)
question everything
They won't supplant Biden
at the convention. Not as long as Sanders doesn't release his delegates (and he will have more by then than now) which he didn't do in 2016 and fully expect he'll do the same this year. (Bernie does need our full support for this move.)
The DNC has no set procedure for replacing a nominee during the general election cycle. (Under RNC rules, the VP nominee become the nominee.) Thus, they can do a switcheroo any way the party honchos want.
The Donorcrats
want Rump in office, so they can fund-raise off him. Why else would Pelosi do such a belated, reluctant, rushed and half-assed job of impeachment?
It's a shame, because a lot of energetic and well-meaning people think that party is their only real option to power.