Let us begin at the beginning, noting with uncertainty that the curse of the virus envelops humanity like an invisible fog and all numbers are impermanent. As of this writing, covid deaths in the US have passed 300,000 and covid infections number is more than 17 million. These are the highest numbers for any country in the world. (By way of comparison, deaths per 100,000 of the population are: 91.44 US, 96.66 UK, 10.60 India. Fatality/case ratios are: 1.8% US, 3.5% UK, 1.5% India. Relative to the population of each country, the infection rates would be: 2.7% US, 2.4% UK, 0.7% India. These countries, with different populations and places in the sun, have taken different paths to tackle the virus.
(The numbers used are from Johns Hopkins University database and from population figures generally available. All power to those who have more accurate sources.)
It is not clear to me who has weathered the onslaught and how—we haven’t seen the worst of it globally yet, say many public health experts—but the trends are undeniable. Precautionary measures no doubt work as preventive measures, but misconstrued/misapplied regulations without vision or rationality don’t. In general, PUBLIC HEALTH VERSUS PRIVATE GREED remains the main contradiction everywhere, NOT A CONFLICT BETWEEN DYING AND LIVING without care and sustenance, and on both counts—that is, living and dying—without dignity.
We are repeatedly misled by our rulers (and their lackeys of different brands) about the pandemic and its effect on the social/economic life of all human beings. Just look at the inability of the US healthcare infrastructure to cope with the new covid spikes everywhere, and at the same time the unwillingness of cowardly politicians of all hues to authorize an economic relief package for despairing Americans. The only saleable optimism around here is that the vaccines are here! Look, the vaccines are here! To be clear, here doesn’t mean everywhere.
It appears that the various vaccines in the news have been proved to be effective and safe for the test samples. But these samples do not include large swatches of the unruly billions across the globe. How the vaccines will fare across the world in the months to come (specially among the wretched of the earth), no one really knows. Even the wise ones point to a murky picture, and indeed, no one can risk audacious predictions.
The real problems lie in the VACCINATING part of the process, given the premise that we cannot successfully combat a pandemic by NATIONALIZING vaccines. The other day, I heard Venki Ramakrishnan (chemistry Nobelist) from London say about the success of vaccines, “NO ONE CAN BE SAFE UNLESS EVERYONE IS SAFE.” Others have expressed a similar sentiment. We already see different vaccines being exported to different parts of the world. Last April I wrote, “…in a world where the basic principle of our survival is SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL INEQUALITY (structural and historical)—in jobs, education, food and living condition, healthcare. In that world, reciting unqualified numbers attached to people who are getting sick, who are dying, is really not much more than a magician’s misdirection. Because the haves and have-nots, the privileged and the deprived are not affected by the coronavirus in the same way.” The UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has warned that “vaccine nationalism” is moving “at full speed,” leaving poor people around the globe watching preparations for inoculations against the coronavirus in some rich nations and wondering if and when they will be vaccinated.
So, what will be the VACCINATING PATTERN in the end? Remember too, manufacturing, storing, distributing and actually injecting multiple doses constitute an enormous task to begin with. Add to that populations unwilling to be vaccinated—in the US, for opposite reasons. African-Americans, for example, have been victims of criminal adventures in the malpractice of medicine and medical experimentation, yet, as disproportionate victims of Covid-19 they can’t afford to be skeptics this time around. On the other pole, covid-deniers, Trumpites in general and religious bigots have continued to resist the vaccine, based on their mythology not their lived reality. A poll I saw described the willingness of the Americans by “race” to take the covid vaccine: 61% Whites, 63% Latinos, 82% Asians and 42% Blacks in the sample said yes. I went to the population distribution (noting that the American Indians were excluded from this poll) and found that this amounts to 60% of Americans willing to be vaccinated against covid-19. Therefore, we’ll have to do a lot better—get to 75 to 80%, for there to be real “herd immunity”.
While these problems must be solved, we must not forget—more significantly, THE COST TO ORDINARY PEOPLE WORLD WIDE. Again, the absence of a single payer national healthcare system in the US will leave many out of the vaccine picture, unless there’s some form of universal subsidy—a transparent safety net. IN THE END, VACCINES MUST BE MADE FREE FOR EVERYBODY, EVERYWHERE. We are learning about different vaccines being exported to different parts of the world. Let us see how this plays out.
So, as Joe Biden is finally sanctioned by the Electoral College to enter the Presidential Palace on January 20, 2021, what can he do about any of this while protecting the American empire and preserving a healthy billionaire class—the 1%? It is important to note that the Trump banner, waved by a significant portion of the American population is not going to get “furled” in the foreseeable future and I don’t believe either of our two parties has figured out how to contend with this phenomenon. Another forum will be required for that discussion.
After the election, the formation of a covid-19 task force was probably the best idea the Biden people will ever have. Trump’s criminal perspective and inept ground level action may never be properly redressed, but the Biden people has that once in a lifetime opportunity to set things right—BUT WITHOUT A XENOPHOBIC APPROACH TO VACCINATION. In fact, the “rich nations” are openly hoarding covid vaccines (regardless of need)—as another form of capital accumulation—making it difficult for the rest of the world to combat the beast.
Otherwise, J’Biden has decided to construct a third Obama term, keeping his old boss in the limelight in his neo-lib petri-dish, along with bringing to the forefront “consultants” (lobbyists and stewards) who have served the corporate world well during the Trump years. Thus, Biden, who was a weak, propped up candidate after all, claims a mandate as he goes about fulfilling two promises, quoting slogans and cliches, adding to our despair.
ONE, in practice to “bring back better” means to advance his VP life by promoting to levels 2 and 3, operators who were on level 1 in those days, so to speak —his colleagues and subordinates. This demonstrates that "let's erase the lingering lefties once we get in", was always the plan.
TWO, to champion appointees “who look like America” (not necessarily who speak for our people) means to bring to the forefront the worst manifestation of identity politics we have seen—probably ever. Mind you, setting up the artificial and absurd contradiction between class and race has been very much the hallmark of neo-liberal identity politics.
I mean, only in casting TV shows today, producers may demand, “Other than the usual crop of white guys, one of whom must be gay, we need a Hispanic, two Blacks and one Asian. Four women who could be of any color, and maybe one of our own Natives."
I mean, there were some 16 first-timers—Republican women elected to the House in November, shrinking the Democrat majority, but increasing the number of women in Congress.
I mean, in my “battleground” state, while Biden beat Trump by 1.17%, Republicans won two out of the three statewide offices on the ballot. Our state senate and house remain firmly in the grip of Republicans—all supporters of Trump in 2020. So, getting rid of Trump ain’t no mandate. In fact, while Trump continues to consolidate his base as he plans his next move and looks toward 2024, Biden is moving away from HIS BASE WITHOUT WHOSE SUPPORT HE COULDN'T POSSIBLY HAVE WON IN 2020. How ironic and scary!
So, there’s nothing I can detect in J’Biden’s policy initiatives beyond untenable neo-lib placations—most of them out of touch with the world he has to cope with. Are the American people excited to hear their man will become the new patriarch at the head of a global banquet table heaped with victims of war and pestilence, with extinct species and sanctioned body parts? To be sure, the rest of this world will continue to live in fear and uncertainty with such pronouncements.
What’s going to happen to the 800 U.S. military bases and outposts spread across the globe? Also to the Trump’s “Space Force” and Obama’s drone warfare? To U.S. suppliers of sophisticated weapons to criminals out there? How’ll J’Biden tackle Trump buddies (but also America’s dear friends overall)? Bolsonaro and Orban, Netenyahu and Modi-- and others who’d love to sit at that banquet table with him? Given the continuing gobbling up of land mass in Gaza and the West Bank, is a free Palestinian State even possible anymore? What will Tsar Kerry contribute to the fight against climate disasters caused by greed? Will we be even close to a just and humane immigration policy? Will we be a sanctuary for refugees fleeing wars started or sanctioned by the U.S.?
Of course, J’Biden’s domestic agenda has received much scrutiny already and there’s no need for me to provide details here. I would simply remind us of issues debated during Trump’s four years.
The Biden crew has opposed any form of a single-payer healthcare system including Medicare for all, so, what’s with Obamacare as the shining star? Any chance J’Biden will initiate an eradication of student loans and move toward tuition-free education? What’ll happen in 2021 when impoverished tenants are evicted en masse from their apartments—their homes? And the already homeless multitude? Will J'Biden try to demilitarize our police forces? It appears that insurance companies and “Big Pharmas” have rapidly come into the Biden administration’s “circle of trust”, as have agrobusiness and finance capital. (Remember the lobbyists.) What too is the nature of “my kind of a Green New Deal”? But everything aside, looking from the bottom up, it is appalling to witness how all components and agencies of our government (Red and Blue together) have criminally neglected millions of Americans in dire need during the Covid-19 catastrophe. And there’s no sense of shame anywhere—only accusations.
I want to note that all liberal and not so liberal democracies of Europe, Canada, Australia and Japan, Singapore and Thailand and many more countries have provided genuine safety nets for their people in this crisis. A few examples are in order. Money in U.S. dollars.
France provided 84% of net income to furloughed workers, up to $8400/mo. The Netherlands, 90% capped at $10,780/mo. extended to summer of 2021; Japan, up to 100% plus a one-off payment; So. Korea, 70% of net income; Singapore, up to 75% till September and 50% after that; Australia, $1040 every 2 weeks; Malaysia, $140/mo.; Costa Rica, $220/mo.; Poland up to 40%; Canada, up to 75%... and so on. There are usually subsidies for free-lancers and part-time workers as well. All this within the general rubric of declining wages and increasing inequality. Everyone knows that the 1% has accumulated billions during the pandemic. Check the facts if you are surprised.
I don't need to comment on the general commie-phobia among Americans. Bred in since WW II, this fear probably rejects even today government aid for survival, like examples I cited. Yet, witness thousands of people lining up for food in so many of our parking lots because families simply can’t make ends meet. Luckily, people of our children's and grandchildren's generations don’t automatically succumb to such delusions. Many of them have found themselves asserting political solidarity even in the middle of the pandemic, as we saw in Black Lives Matter initiated protests this summer and fall. Some of them have emerged as fighters for truth and justice-- as future leaders in struggle to end this obscene inequality with which we live in this country-- every single day.
Most people I know keep deriding the two-party stranglehold in America again and again. We call the system moribund, yet come election time, our choices remain only blue or red, notwithstanding a handful of other candidates. All political discussion and debate, visions of peace and justice, struggle for equality by and large remain contained in this binarism. This two-party “umbrella/tent” metaphor pretends it is the whole political/ideological spectrum. In reality, it is a formula for addictive discontent.
The emergence of a People’s Party in the fall—its political dialogue and organizational activity in all 50 states definitely brings hope to someone like me. At the same time, I watch with apprehension the possible formation of a neo-fascist/white-supremacist NATIONAL party if Trumpism cannot carry the Republicans as a whole. That is, their tent is torn apart like the shattered Democrat umbrella.
Inside the den of this imperialist Godzilla, perhaps it is hard to see beyond the immediate. That’s okay as long as we remember that the people alone are the true makers of history and beyond that, REVOLUTIONS ARE NOT BANQUETS…A REVOLUTION IS AN INSURRECTION… In these times, understanding America’s history without rationalized denial is crucial to developing any construct for future action.

Wait...'re saying we're going to NEED Trumpism, to protect us from REAL neo-Nazism???
I can believe that, actually - just wait for the G.W.Bidencrats to posture triumphantly as they find a way to doom us all, though....
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
@The Liberal Moonbat Not at all!
I'm saying Trumpism may end up in the cradle of a declared neo-fascist political party, just as we have witnessed their formation in several European countries. This is not a matter of anyone's desire, but a logical possibility generated by the present situation.
Sorry if I misled you.
Speaking of which....
Maybe my 'misled' interpretation of your statement will prove to have some truth to it; at least Trump has proven he is willing and able to drop the hammer on alt-racism in government - and while he may have been willing to play footsie with white-supremacists (who had already been there waiting for him thanks to 15+ years of war) they have never had truer friends than their own "photographic negatives":
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
What a comprehensive report!
Your essay gives us a pretty clear picture of where we are now. I'm going to respond to just a few of the items.
Glad to see the mention of the 800 military bases around the world. Americans have accepted this as normal. Ask yourself, how many countries have military installations on our soil? Right. These are money sucking installations as far as our tax dollars go and revenue generators for the weapons and war interests.
On healthcare, I see a slim ray of light. Until proven otherwise I'm gonna believe that Biden will lower the Medicare age to 60, complete the Medicaid Expansion to all 50 states, and raise the income cap on Medicaid and raise the subsidies provided in Obamacare. Those 4 steps if they are undertaken will spread benefits to millions of people currently without care. Is it M4A which is what we want? NO. But it will ease a lot of suffering and I'll be happy if it happens.
Don't hold your breath n/t
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Medicare Part C for All
No government except to run it for the insurance companies. wait.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
There is the promise of treatment...
video at link and more here.
I'm supporting the People's Party. I hope to see people declare their candidacy for various offices soon.
So two hopeful bits of info.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Dr. Peter Hotez
Ivermectin is a veterinary drug to kill parasites in animals. They made a formula for human use in tropical countries where humans needed a treatment for parasites, and it was made available to them for free. There is no evidence to suggest that it has any benefit against Covid-19.
Edit to fix typo
His name is "Hotez".
What have you been able to find about the debunking of ivermectin and who the members of the FLCCC are that might give us pause?
We all need every shred of information about this virus as we can get.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Thank you for catching my typo misspelling of the
I follow 50 or so pandemic experts on Twitter. I got my information from various tweets about this. At least some of those doctors hear about rumors of treatments not being being used, but should be, right way as they go around. Dr. Hotez was specifically discussing Ivermectin and researched medical studies that mention it. He said he had been contacted by doctors asking for information about it.
The Frontline group are not all doctors, and at least one that is a doctor is an eye doctor.
The information about Frontline group
I knew some of the FLCCC
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
We currently have 10.4 million equivalent vaccinated in the US
10,394,286 people have recovered from Covid-19. You can assume that most of them have acquired antibodies to the virus. Yet we are in the third wave of the pandemic, the worst of the waves in terms of numbers infected. We will probably see this wave diminish as we lock down. However, the next wave is three months away and I doubt that we will be anywhere near the 75-90% required for herd immunity, that would be about 550 million doses in the US. The whole attitude towards taking precautions will change as vaccinations begin, not a good thing. I have been concerned that the virus will mutate as we have a huge population (7,173,222) infected producing trillions of RNA viruses, which mutate like crazy. They then try their new forms against a very large unexposed population. Darwin takes over. The reports currently are that London has developed a new, more contagious strain. Johnson is thinking of isolating London from the rest of the UK. It's probably too late. What we don't know yet is whether the new strain is more fatal or if the new vaccines will work against it. The other possibility is that the pandemic does not die out, but continues as a super flu, always with us, always changing, primarily because vaccinating everyone on the planet is an impossibility.
Hindsight is 20-20 but if we had followed the path of China and instituted a hard lock down early we would not have been in this bind. It certainly makes you pause and think, if China is a society that can do what is necessary to solve large problems and we cannot, what will be the direction of the future? China's economy will grow in 2020 and 2021, the Western economies will shrink, by an average of some 10% this year. China has 304 active cases vs. our 7,173,222 as of yesterday. But this is just one example where China drastically outperforms the US. It's way past the time to rip off the blinders and figure out who we really are.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
Dictatorship os always easy
Obey or get sent to Mongolia for re-education.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Vaccination vacation
Let the jabs begin.
Anyone know what is in this magic elixir?
Many flavors available, none cheap.
I might go with the chocolate variety.
No accountability, no liability.
Just jab and go, damn the torpedoes.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Yes, if it's as safe as other medicine why a ban on lawsuits?
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
good question
makes one wonder what will turn up down the road
money apparently flows only one way with the pharm
industry, spoiled brats that they are.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Did you read this piece at Naked Capitalism? The audio interview below is from that story and stands as a stark warning in itself. The first wave of inoculants is little more than a continuation of the trials. There is such a limited understanding of the vaccine and its long term effectiveness, and no answer to the essential question if inoculated are rendered incapable of transmitting the disease to others. The experiment continues.
Red flags ahoy!
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Interesting interview.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
That expert on the FDA panel
in the radio is also the editor of the medical journal (NEJM) that published the Pfizer’s study. He also authored the editorial endorsement of the study. From the article:
Did I mention that NEJM sells Pfizer a substantial amount of advertising space in said journal?
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
I read that article you linked
The audio you just posted is odd in and of itself. The man who voted to approve the Pfizer vaccine doesn't seem to know if it works, or how it works.
We should be able to trust scientists and doctors, especially during a pandemic. They are making it very hard to do that.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
It’s been okay'd for pregnant women
even though it hasn’t been tested to see if it’s safe for the baby on board. This is too close to eugenics for me. They have no idea what the long term consequences are for either of them, but hey let’s do it anyway. And just what vaccine is congress getting? And why if they’re working from home?
Would skin tests work for people who are allergic? I might insist on it if it’s mandatory.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
I had not known about the pregnant women
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Tell me more about allergies and skin tests.
I have been leaning toward refusing to take it for that reason. I will keep an open mind, see what happens with the first few rounds of the shot.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Skin test
A small amount is placed just under the skin and if you’re allergic it shows up. It’s not foolproof, but couldn’t hurt to ask about it.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
Hadn't heard that, but thanks for sharing
Perhaps we can solve this murder mystery.
Salient points:
1) the multi-billion $ health care industry is controlled by
2) the insurance industry which also controls congress
3) congress 'decides' to shield the drug makers from liability
4) operation warp speed allows experiments to proceed
5) on humans during a pandemic not fully tested
6) who stands to gain financially by this approach
The inner Sherlock surmises it is in the best interest of the insurance
lobby to protect business interests rather than the needs of humans.
Perhaps the vaccine silver bullet will enrich the few but
only giving the rest of us false hopes.
Kaching goes the machine.
Believe what you will, I don't trust our elected officials to make valid
recommendations as to our health and future. 2c/worth
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
The liability shield
Does government think that Big Pharma would not proceed with their vaccine without such protection?
Or did Big Pharma flat out TELL them without protection, we ain't playing ball.
It is very difficult for me to have faith in the vaccines, in light of such blatant corporate capture of government.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Too easy.
Yes, hard to make a call on this that one can have confidence in. It's quite possible that the reason the corporations are getting indemnity is simply because they own Congress ...and they can get it with practically no effort. After all, they've already paid for it. The whole issue gets slipped into a bill labeled "Must Pass" and, Presto!, it's done.
Or maybe it's much more complex.......
Liability was basically worthless anyhow
If you look at the vaccine compensation website, not sure that's the name, but congress has let them cover up bad responses to vaccines for well over a decade. They don't care about the results or how many die. They are willing to let 68,000 people die every year from lack of health care, more from veteran suicides and cops wasting over 1,000 people a year for over 6 years now.
If a vaccine causes a certain number of side effects or bad responses they get conglomerated into one case even though there are 1,000's of people that reported it. This is something I am pulling out of my head from years ago. I got interested in it when the guardisal vaccine for HPV was rolled out. Many teenage girls died or had severe reactions to it, but it was pushed under the rug. And they still want teenage boys to get it. If I can find anything I'll email ya.
I find it totally IN YOUR FACE that congress is being videoed getting vaccinated while they are doing this to us. it's another F U to the working class. And how do we know that they are getting the SAME vaccine that we're supposed to get? Yeah I am very cynical about this. Have been from the beginning and the wealth transfer didn't set my mind at ease.
Here it is:
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
By golly you nailed it
It’s exactly what’s going on. See the article in my Jimmy essay. They break it down pretty well.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
You might want to add
to your list that vaccines are not required even in normal circumstances to have the double-blind placebo etc. standard trials to other medications require for approval.
And yet they use the lack of those sorts of trials as a rationale to limit access to cheap, effective (when administered *early*) drugs with long and good track records for safety such as HCQ and Invermectin - that could be saving thousands of lives and cheaply, too. Supposedly, because they have not had the double-blind trials that vaccines - known to have adverse outcomes - never have to have...
Apparently, getting on Big Pharma's wrong side can have terminally adverse outcomes, too.
R.I.P. Brandy Vaughan source and another source
What *is* that, exactly?
Can't say I know a lot of Trump supporters personally, but it appears to me that most simply regard themselves as Americans who would like to see the country return to being something like a constitutional democratic republic in reality, as opposed to just on parchment.
A lot, on the Republican side, may hinge on whether primary challenges to corrupt never-Trumper neocons are successful, as well how aggressively Biden proceeds to antagonize populist Trump sympathizers.
If Biden jumps in to gun grabbing with both feet, for example, then the gloves are really going to come off - you can expect violent resistance from individuals and confrontation with entire red states.
BTW - maybe that Republican tent is torn due to the influx of people in to it. After all, Trump did improve on 2016 in pretty much every ethnic demographic except for white men - and got about ten million more votes...
Still trying to wrap my brain around the non-white white-supremacist thing...