No, the Trump economy wasn't better

Just to be clear, I didn't vote for Biden in 2020 and I won't be voting for him in 2024.
But I hate partisan bullsh*t a lot more.







The only number worse is inflation, and the 2021 budget was passed under Trump.

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Wow, I wonder why the economy cratered in 2020? No idea?

Also, after all of the government lies that have been revealed, it is somewhat amazing to me that anyone would give ANY credence to statistics it publishes. How are those vaxes and boosters working for you after you ridiculed everyone who was skeptical?

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@Bring Back Civics Also, the idea that a president or an administration has any amount of control over its "global" economy strikes me as ridiculously naive. Ever hear of Central Banks? They are private, you know.

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@Bring Back Civics @Bring Back Civics

Also, after all of the government lies that have been revealed, it is somewhat amazing to me that anyone would give ANY credence to statistics it publishes.

Excuse me but how were any of the statistics changed in the last three years? Yes the government lies, but were there any new lies? Are you seriously trying to tell me that things were more honest under Trump?

How are those vaxes and boosters working for you after you ridiculed everyone who was skeptical?

what a coincidence that the people who claim they weren't right wingers and dedicated Republicans are also anti-vax.

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Of course the governmental statistics during Trump's term were no more honest than
they are now. That means nothing in making any assessment of economic reality.

I agree with Bring Back Civics that it is ridiculous to attribute economic "performance" to the dude or dudette living in the White House.

The economic reality that I personally experience is sure to be dismissed as mere anecdote -- but I nevertheless contend that seeing people sleeping on the sidewalk is an excellent measure of economic performance. Although this reflects no credit upon Trump, the score is roughly 300-0 in favor of Sleepy Joe.

More anecdotal crapola: On yesterday's walk along Melrose Avenue, in one short block, I counted seven empty storefronts For Lease. During Trump's term, this was a bustling retail area.

Fuck Donald Trump -- he is a total fraud and his supporters are engaging in the age old art of bullshit to argue that voting for Trump will bring back the economy of 2018.

What a thought!

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I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

QMS's picture

@fire with fire

There are many better indicators of the economy that these mystical graphs.
Homelessness is one. Lowering of the middle class standards of living is two.
Debt sky rocketing is three. Number of people falling into poverty is four.
Increasing numbers of heath care failure is five.
No particular order is implied.

You have to be deranged to think we are better off now than 6 years ago.

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare