The Name of this Site is caucus99percent

First of all, I want to emphasize this comment made yesterday:

What I do continue to see though is what I term "broad brush insults". On both sides. Make a general statement about how bad this or that is and how stupid people are for doing this or that, while the generalized group targeted in the broad brush insult attack also include members of this site. On both sides. Without a clear distinction of intent those type of insults are easily transposed to any individual reading them. It's subtle and it hurts. It leads to division and is the antithesis of this site's premise.

I would hope folks keep this in mind as they pen their rants.


"Oh my, JtC how can you allow your site to be overrun by anti-vaxxers?!!!??"

For one thing I hate the term "anti-vaxxers". I am willing to bet that the vast majority of so called "anti-vaxxers" have ALL of their childhood and adult vaccinations, they are simply anti-this vaxx. Broad brushing the anti-vaxxer moniker is another form of "othering", lots of that going around, don't you agree?

The name of this site is caucus99percent.

This country has been "othered" into two camps, the vaxxed and unvaxxed, as if I need to tell you all that. The propaganda is thick, on both sides of the issue. It seems that dichotomy isn't lost upon c99 as well. Let me wax philosophically on that for a moment if you will.

One camp has the whole world and the vast Mighty Wurlitzer at its disposal. Everywhere you go and every form of media voices this camp's position. It is incessant and ubiquitous. You can't escape it. It censors all outside of its purview.

The other camp is threatened, ostracized, banned, cajoled, humiliated, censored, on and on, insert your own descriptors here _____. Guess where these folks have to go to voice their opinions. Is it any wonder that this camp gravitates to the very few sites that will allow them to be heard?

This site has always championed the voiceless and will remain that way until the day I die or it is taken down and "othered" by said Wurlitzer.

To that end, c99 will continue to stand upon its principles, to the bitter end. Like it or not, that is what this site is and always will be about. A voice for the 99 percent, especially when there are strong forces to the contrary.

I'll leave you with a quote from another essay here at the 99:

Covid has proven to be the most valuable tool in the arsenal of those that wish to divide us.

The name of this site is caucus99percent. There is room here for all 99percenters.

36 users have voted.


@randtntx Me, too. The better informed, the better armed. You cannot solve a problem unless you get all the information out there to help understand it.

8 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture


I see the many discussions about Covid and possible treatments for it to be a vehicle for learning what we can do to keep ourselves safe from being exposed to it and getting sick whether we’ve been vaccinated or not. I don’t see the many discussions on the possible treatments as a selling of ivermectin and vitamins and what nots, but as education. Even the doctors that originally talked about ivermectin keep adding more things to take to keep our immune systems up to speed. Quercirtin (sp is way off j is being discussed and when I ordered vitamins it was a suggestion to add to them.

We’ve gone from getting a vaccine to return to normal to that’s not enough to do it and now we will need a booster to keep the vaccinated from being infected to possibly having more than one booster to yearly ones…

The link I posted up thread a bit is an excellent read on leaky vaccines which Malone and his group has been talking about since they were rolled out. It’s written in a way that is easy to understand.

Found it again.

11 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg all those who have been posting information and links and ideas about this issue. In my opinion, the heart and soul and purpose of this site is to examine the information that is presented by not only corporate media and institutional authorities, but also examine information by alternative media.

We know that corruption runs deep in our society even in the hallowed halls of science. Therefore it only makes sense to question what we are being told. We will not always be correct in our conclusions but it's a process and it's a crucial process. When people try and muddy this process it's always disappointing and it reveals that they are not interested in an honest argument.

10 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture


much of what you describe and wish to seek has been going on here, or elsewhere. How many times do we need to hear that the vaccines are "experimental", and for how many years? Is that still data, if it ever was? Is it still information, if it ever was? Malone has been running around to every platform that will have him reiterating his claims, theories, ideas and talking points. After the sixth or seventh one they begin to get a little old and certainly cease contributing anything to the knowledge base, information base or even the allegations base. "It will reprogram your DNA" - it won't but, all the same the "sheeple" cannot be absolutely sure what is in the injection they get, it could be CRISPR, which can reprogram your DNA, or a slow acting poison you cannot know (apodictally) that what you are about to receive is absolutely 100% safe for all people under all conditions and in conjunction with all substances that could possibly be in your stomach, gut or bloodstream. Yep, and it hasn't been tested for long term effects either, how do you know it won't give you acne 6 years down the road, you can't. so hah!. That has been true of most of history's vaccines, few have been subjected to 5 year cohort studies before release, but never mind, that assertion will be made daily, but again, is more than one utterance informational? How about 6 a day?. VAERS, yeah, some anaphylactic shock, clearly caused, all the rest "must be deemed to have been caused, no matter how improbable" OK, so we know that. Like additional covid deaths among singly vaccinated heart attack survivors occur every now and then too. So really these things are asserted again and again, providing no additional information or understanding.

So, every few weeks I see an article in one of my sources that another highly public, high visibility disease denier, vaccine opponent, or anti-masker has died of covid. Each death is arguably information and/or data. Since delta, various venues keep popping up asserting that an obscenely high percentage of new admissions, new additions to the ER and/or intensive care, and new deaths are from the unvaccinated. Also, arguably, information and data. Just the other day I ran across this:

Encouraged by their unions to resist vaccination requirements, more cops are being killed by Covid than by any other cause, according to the Officer Down Memorial Page. Another organization tallied 133 deaths in the first six months of 2021.

So what? On a global basis, that is all statistically immaterial and, accordingly, of little or no informational value. Arguably it isn't even data. The vast majority of those opposed to vaccines, masks, "lockdowns" and the like will not be swayed to any degree whatsoever by such "information" and the proponents of those measures might become momentarily more strident, but it will all start all over again tomorrow from pretty much the same baseline as last month.

With any luck, in a while there will be a new study released by U of MN (IIRC) on Ivermectin used post infection. Any of its results less than a glowing endorsement of IVM will be discounted because it has already been determined to be obviously designed to fail. This is in large part because of deviations from FLCCC guidelines. One is the timing, people have to discover that they are probably ill, get tested and get started, which is not optimal timing. Also the proposed does is lower than the latest revised FLCCC guideline dose. Accordingly it will just be fodder for argument despite the fact that other than the dosage, it is a very realistic model of what will happen for very many people. Ideally, per the FLCCC, one should already be on IVM as a prophylactic. Nonetheless, great numbers aren't, but have some or a script for some that they plan to start taking if and when they know they have it. Arguably, such a self-treatment regimen could be also declared to be designed to fail. Thus no negative result can be valid, which means that there is no possible information or data that can come from the study. (If it is not theoretically possible for a negative result to occur, then NO information can be derived; that which cannot, by nature, be disproved, cannot be meaningfully asserted).

So, as I said, it seems mostly have rapidly devolved into a lot of repetitions of the same old assertions. If you really want to be safe get vaccinated, wear a mask 24-7, stay isolated in a well ventilated shelter, take D3, C, Zinc, Ivermectin, Quercetin, and eat tons of anti-oxidants, and subject every thing you eat, drink or touch to an appropriate frequency UV bath. Simpler - avoid human contact, the virus can't survive very long too far from a host.

be well and have a good one

5 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Lookout's picture

@enhydra lutris

I like John Campbell's explorations, and I liked this take which I caught today.


I'm fascinated by how various countries are reacting, the social aspects of what this is doing to kids and our culture, and much more. So each to their own interests.

I've got no problems with people being bored by it all, but many folks are not. Just sayin'

btw have you seen this?
I found it very interesting. YMMV.

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

enhydra lutris's picture


there for some time. The article also, fwiw, includes some highly questionable assertions such as that we once had a functioning healthcare system in this country and that Trump and Biden broke it. We never had any such thing.

The idea that it is or is guaranteed to be endemic has also been out there almost since the beginning. What is interesting is that those presenting this idea, since day one, have had an unspoken premise that there will never be a cure or a viable sure fire treatment and that no infection or vaccine can lead to immunity. That is, in fact, an assertion that the FLCCC protocol won't really act as a prophylactic or cure, so save your money. The idea that there will be endless reinfections from animal reservoirs may or may not have merit, btw, because nobody has yet figured out the mechanism and many hold that no such thing ever happened anyway.

YMMV, but, to me, it is an endless rehash of what has gone before plus a running talley of body counts and long covid cases, stratified and cross categorized in numerous ways. Will I get it? For sure, the key is to be able to recognize it immediately and immediately get tested in order to go get some monoclonal antbodies before too much time passes.

There are also a myriad of political questions but they're variants on the same old themes. Was Trump corrupt? Yeah. Is Biden? Yeah. What about the next one? Count on it. Is anybody with political power on your side? Maybe one. Will this change? Bloody unlikely. etc.

be well and have a good one

1 user has voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@enhydra lutris of course, it would seem that Covid and its many peripheral issues still command a fair audience here, judging by what I've seen these last few days. 2-3 Covid threads, getting dozens of posts. Non-Covid substantive threads, not nearly so many.

Here are some Covid and related issues that continue to keep me interested:

1) Censorship of the anti-these vac's point of view. Much of this led by liberals/Ds, sadly. As with the latest attempt by Sen Warren (noted elsewhere here) to intimidate Amazon into not carrying certain books of an anti-these vax or anti-Fauci or anti-Big Pharma nature. As with the alarming degree of censorship on the big social platforms. Again urged on by libs.

2) Vaccine Mandates. This too in some areas Is getting out of hand. Biden talking them up. Gov Newsom also talking as if he might have more mandate ideas in mind. More freedoms in peril. Why would we not be interested in closely following this situation that will affect many of us?

3) V-Mandates and Politics. I think coming down too hard on the side of firm mandates, especially those w/o easy testing options, will come back to haunt JBiden and Ds come the 2022 election. A political blunder.

4) 3d Booster Shots. Really? 3 in a year's time, and this doesn't raise concerns by the pro-vaxxers? Safety and efficacy -- both areas are rightly called into question. The efficacy questions are a no-brainer. The safety concerns appear every week in the fed gov't VAERS numbers. If only most of the public knew about them.

Those are just a few reasons that occur to me to want to continue to see people talking about Covid related issues. They certainly can't be openly and freely talked about in most other places.

I am NOT terribly interested in deep deep dives into the science, as few here have the background to follow, and both Sars-2 virus and the mRNA vaccines are very complex items more proper for truly deep technical discussions on sites dedicated exclusively to science and medicine. I'm not interested in the battle of the peer-reviewed articles. I don't care if one group had used one article which was later withdrawn for some reason. That doesn't impress me. And that leaves 62 other articles and studies and trials still valid.

Covid and related are issues just too important to casually toss aside bc a few are bored, but not bored enough apparently to then contribute numerous posts in the Covid threads.

6 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture


I merely pointed out many comments up thread that they are getting boring to me. The reason is primarily repetitiveness. If each and every day I posted something decrying vaccine mandates on the dual grounds that they destroy our freedoms and are politically stupid, how soon would you stop reading those posts? More importantly, the political stupidity depends on the polity nationally, currently very anti, but subject to change, some places are already very, very pro. So one can keep analyzing and tracking the estimated shifts, but that isn't happening, just an endless loop that they are politically dangerous or politically suicide.

The freedom issue hasn't really been addressed at all, just endlessly asserted. Everybody knows that they have a constitutional right to eschew vaccines, but you might be very surprised at exactly how tenuous such a claim is. It comes down to just how activist and conservative the current court is. One starting point for research is Typhoid Mary. Again, these things aren't happening, just repetition of the assertions and i think I once saw a contradiction, once.

The thing is, you really think we need to keep abreast of current affairs, but until the scenery changes, it's just the same picture.

be well and have a good one

4 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@enhydra lutris @enhydra lutris at this point that bc I haven't been here in well over a year, I've missed getting a clear sense of the extent of previous Covid discussions at this site, so my comments need to be taken in that context.

No doubt too people are just tired of having to deal with Covid after 18 months. But Vietnam dragged on for 8 years. Thank goodness people didn't throw in the towel and move on to other subjects in Sept 1966.

edit: On issues of freedom I see two big ones: Freedom of speech being squelched by private entities in important large social forums, and freedom of bodily integrity, i.e. the right not to be coerced into taking a vaccine injection. On the latter, I've dipped lightly into the material and seen arguments on both sides. Biden has apparently been told it's not that clear constitutionally beyond what he can order wrt fed employees. Otherwise most people are being impacted at the state/local levels by D gov's and officials.

On speech, there are a few legal paths into breaking up the current paradigm of private actors being immune from 1A lawsuits as they are not gov't entities. Any honest Court would see how recent events have undermined and obliterated the old private entity vs gov't actor distinction.

Both these areas involve ongoing erosion of our rights and freedoms as more mandates might be in the offing and as the social platforms continue to crack down on unwelcome views. It's not a static situation, and silence out of boredom is acquiescence to a new normal many of us do not want.

7 users have voted.

@enhydra lutris

There is no need for you to repeatedly criticize interest others have in issues you find boring, self evident, or passé.

The solution to your complaint is simple. Focus less on how slow and misguided others are and more on what you find interesting and engaging. Lead by example.

8 users have voted.

“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

@enhydra lutris talk about an argument. You wrote a book. I will try and answer the points you make, but not tonight. Just so you know, I'm not ignoring you.

5 users have voted.

@enhydra lutris , the dogs are fed and walked, I noticed the full moon or almost-full moon in our clear morning sky. I've had my coffee. Possibly I've pumped enough blood around my body to send some oxygen and caffeine up to my poor atherosclerotic brain and try and answer some of your points.

First I would like you to know I wasn't being critical about your "boring" comment. I was reacting in alarm that people would pile on in agreement that we should limit the number of covid posts. I really don't want that. Judging from how many comments there are in those posts, it seems many are interested. For those who are not interested, they can read something else.

Secondly, I fundamentally disagree with you, absolutely and completely. I think repetition can be good and helpful. I think talking and reading about the same thing over and over can be good. I have noticed that one way to effect change in behavior (among other methods) is though repetition, reading, talking, and talking some more. One way of learning about issues and problems is by reading and reading some more and conversing with other people again and again and again to continually get different points of view. I've seen behavior change this way in my family, at my work place, and in the larger society.

One cliche that is probably fairly descriptive of me (although somewhat distasteful) is that I'm always "beating a dead horse". Or, another way to put it is that I'm always talking about something 'ad nauseam'. It is a problem and I know it can be irritating. The unfortunate necessity to act in that particular way arises because it takes so much energy and determination to go against the status quo.

For instance, if you want to feed your kid "healthy food" and you are completely surrounded by family and friends who don't share that concept of "healthy" it is a constant battle of repeating and explaining why the kid should not eat certain foods. But guess what, after many years there is actually some agreement about what is healthy food as opposed to the no agreement stance from before. Behavior can be changed, people can access information to solve problems that can effect their lives in a positive way.

I understand the difficulty of citing studies to back up a particular position in an age where biased studies are bought and paid for and the group with the deepest pockets often get to proclaim their study the valid one. It is a given in this day and age that many studies are very likely not accurate. We know this, we simply have to navigate our way regardless.

To your more specific points:
I haven't spoken about vaccines being "experimental" ever, I haven't spoken about Malone, I haven't even spoken about VAERS. I've never mentioned anything ever about this vaccine changing my DNA.

I have other fish to fry.

This whole issue is a huge crisis and has impacted many people's lives in devastating ways, These people are not just data points. If your life has not been negatively impacted by this, that is fabulous. That is not the case for many many people. I am convinced this issue has been mishandled and is continuing to be terribly botched. That's why I keep reading and talking about it. The solutions we are using are not working and there are many more solutions we could use that are easily within our grasp, yet we are not implementing them.

That's the best I can do for now el. Again, I was not trying to be obnoxious and apologize if it came across that way. Best to you, r

5 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture


I mentioned to LO that I find it boring, and everything I've said since has been explaining or justifying that and answering assertions vaguely of the form "the more you know the better." When covid first appeared on the horizon many things happened, one of which was that the talking heads, pundits and others who promulgate and profit from "controversy" immediately went to work. Within a few months a ton of controversies, arguments, talking points and memes were flying around the net. Most of them were more or less distortive of one or more things or in error as to one or more things. Many did have a kernal of truth somewhere. OK. So somebody makes a half hour video citing and highlighting 4 studies and says see- take vitamin D3. That video gets circulated here and elsewhere for two weeks, misquoted in text based posts, illustrated with cartoons in 4 twitter accounts which get echoed and re-echoed and somebody like Kanye makes a rap and 4 pseudoscientist bloggers in Britain, claim there isn't even any virus at all so ignore it and those blogs get reflected and mirrored all over. Two weeks later, the same or some other guy does the same thing, but with maybe an additional or different study or two. The whole thing fires up again, and some other rapper makes a video mocking it, which gets tweeted multiple times and on and on it goes.

So, OK, vitamin D3, I get it. Though to me there are some things I don't bother bringing up, like "I don't think the shirtless in San Diego crowd really need more D" and "Perhaps we shouldn't declare this to be a global situation until we hear from some experts in the Yucatan". It is still being broadcast on a daily basis, but not so much here anymore.

OK multiply by 3,257 or some other number of talking points, factual assertions and allegations, theories and snide memes, containing, among them a very small number of pieces of meaningful information. (The daily death count is horrible, as are all unnecessary deaths, but its totals and fluctuations are not, per se, meaningful information - last month in LA 57 people died in wrecks because they didn't have their seatbelts on, this month it is 42, or 65, or whatever - "information" = not using a seatbelt can be fatal. Not "information" = 57, 42, 65, or the fact that the numbers change) It's like reading 32 scholarly papers stating that water expands when it freezes, at least half of which don't get the "why" part correct, and then somebody puts out another one and 3 different people cite it.

So my point in answer to "How can you possibly find it boring and/or aren't you interested in as much information as you can get?" is that the vast outpouring of verbiage, pictures, graphs, memes and the stuff they link to is, on the whole, not providing any further information because, on the whole it isn't based on new information but the rehashing of the same old talking points. (That is, FWIW, in large part because all the pundits, influencers, and suchlike keep pushing it out over and over because they're selling) In addition, a lot of people wish to help others to see the light and understand the correct position on one or more of these "controversies" and, because there is really almost no new information out there, they grab the same old supporting narrative as they were using in March, etc.

The politics of it boils down to the fact that we don't have a health care system in this country, we need one, but we won't get one. We have no leverage unless we go on a general strike, but the middle of a pandemic isn't the best time for that.

be well and have a good one

3 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@enhydra lutris .

multiply by 3,257 or some other number of talking points, factual assertions and allegations, theories and snide memes, containing, among them a very small number of pieces of meaningful information.

Finding meaningful information. You set a high standard for this particular era. Smile

I agree, if we doubled down and made it a goal to post the most excellent information available regarding covid, we may be able to eliminate time-consuming and pointless content. It's an important objective. I think most readers here are critical of what is being posted but perhaps we're slipping and need to remind ourselves again. There are many smart people here and all these eyes and brains can do that. We will inevitably make mistakes and post something that is less than stellar or just plain not true. No one should feel bad about that if done inadvertently, that's what all our eyes are help keep things as accurate as possible.

Thanks for your insights el.

2 users have voted.
janis b's picture

which I think is a good thing and makes sense after 1 1/2 years of deep uncertainty.

New Zealand just learned that Auckland will drop one level for two more weeks, after 5 weeks of total lockdown. The change in levels is very minimal. I had hoped for a different level of consideration by the government from the last lockdown of 1 1/2 years ago, but it's just the same. I question why with the knowledge that is available now we still approach it in the same way.

Like others I continue to question ...



Cheers everyone

11 users have voted.
earthling1's picture

Without reviewing my entire comment record, I want to apologize to anyone here I may have inadvertently dissed or insulted.
Further, I want to thank everyone here for not dissing or insulting me at any time in my past commenting history here.
Long ago C99 stopped being a piece of floating flotsam to hang on to from the shipwreck Dkos. It became my safe place for asking questions and getting answers.
The breath of subject matter, the music, photos, and links is impressive.
No complaints here.
Thanks for what you do.

15 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

CB's picture

book burning to prevent the proles from gaining knowledge about the possible ramifications of the COVID-19 plandemic. (Will it usher in The Great Reset that is now looming before us?)

“The Truth About COVID-19: Exposing The Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports, and the New Normal”

Read full overview at Barnes & Noble.

Democratic Officials Continue to Threaten Tech Companies to Censor More - VIDEO
Glen Greenwald

Rumble — Over the last year, Democratic Party members of Congress have become increasingly explicit that Silicon Valley giants must either censor the material Democrats dislike or suffer legal and regulatory reprisals. The most recent example is one of the most egregious yet: Senator Elizabeth Warren and Congressman Adam Schiff demanded that Amazon stop promoting books on COVID they find offensive. The consequences -- both political and legal -- are grave.

14 users have voted.


Can we censor them?

3 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

CB's picture

@Fishtroller 02
But we can expose them!

8 users have voted.

There is a fine line between "These idiots actually believe this crap" to "you actually believe this crap? You must be an idiot!". So we stand there and take turns verbally kicking each other in the shins.

We base our arguments on information, and all our information is suspect. Before, news gathering was always competitive, paper to paper, network to network. It was a major embarrassment to be factually incorrect resulting in corrections and apologies.

Today, none of that is true. The aim is to produce profits via clicks. Team red and blue throw spaghetti at the wall. Whatever sticks for clicks, influencers produce content designed to get clicks, and traditional news outlets go for clicks to survive. There is not beginning, middle or end, no who what why where and when. Instead there are fragments pulled to grab your attention, and clicks. Or not even fragments, just pure fiction. Worse, this all flies by so quick it fades leaving fractured "facts" to be recalled as history.

All this leaves us frustrated. With so much wrong with the US, and the world, and what seems to be a permanent inability to make the smallest move to correct the problems makes most of us angry. The PTB won't listen to us, the bigger sites have their own click agenda. We need to be able to talk to each other without that poisoning our interactions, because in the end we're all we have.

I have to go. Since my Vax, the 5g network has been sending me commands to drink rum and cokes, eat too much chocolate and binge watch porn. Please hit the like button, and don't forget to subscribe !!!

8 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture


1 user has voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
