My modest UCSC proposal

Grad Students Withheld Grades for Higher Pay. Now They’ve Been Fired.

The University of California at Santa Cruz followed through with its threat to fire striking graduate instructors, university officials said on Friday.

Teaching assistants, who were withholding grades until the university met their demands for higher pay to cover rising housing costs, had been warned to stop their strike by Thursday or face dismissal.

Obviously the University of California is hoping this will blow off and that they'll be able to replace the grad students. The grad students, on the other hand (well, you can read the continued article down below)...

The university insisted it was dismissing the striking graduate students to protect undergraduate education, but those on strike say the dismissals could have a devastating impact on the campus.

“It would involve pretty much destroying major departments in this university,” said Sohum Banerjea, a computer-science Ph.D. student at UCSC who is withholding grades, “because there are definitely departments of the university that have close to 100-percent participation.”

Obviously there is an impasse here. The university does not want to pay the graduate students' rent. Maybe the UC hopes that the grad students can live in their cars (amidst chronic harassment from city police and arrogant locals) or (illegally, and thus perpetually in fear of the UC Police) in the forested land behind the university, while at the same time being TAs and carrying full courseloads. Maybe replacement TAs can be found, but the publicity surrounding this little move is likely to discourage newbies from thinking their fantasy thoughts about Santa Cruz, once upon a time something better but now this.

Once upon a time, say back before the 1989 Aptos earthquake, the city of Santa Cruz, California was a paradise of sorts, with an under-enrolled University of California campus that had been structured as a reflective place where the students didn't have to take course grades if they didn't want to. Such an institution went explicitly contrary to the money-obsessed neoliberalism of the Eighties and Nineties. Meanwhile the State of California was facing increasing pressure to increase student enrollments (starting in the Eighties) because it built only one new UC while building a whole bunch of new prisons at taxpayer expense and filling them generally with nonwhite males and other victims of the War on Drugs.

Beginning in the 21st century, UCSC started requiring everyone to take course grades. UCSC gradually tripled its enrollment while increasing the size of the campus 30%, mostly for the convenience of lab researchers. Thus in the town you see 1) UCSC as a competition-crazy tech school creating traffic jams from Empire Grade to Mission Street, 2) astronomical rents in town (probably up tenfold from the Eighties) fueled by greedy landlords and the status of Santa Cruz as a bedroom community for Silicon Valley, and 3) the general overcrowding of the whole area with tourists and students and tech commuters and homeless people.

Something clearly has to give. So here is my modest proposal (hat-tip to Jonathan Swift); UCSC should go back to being the Cowell Ranch. (Historical footnote: before the University of California acquired property near Santa Cruz through eminent domain, it was the Cowell Ranch, owned by the Cowell family. Some of the old buildings of the Cowell Ranch are still on campus, preserved as museum-pieces). It would make more sense than the garbage which currently transpires. The University can keep the McHenry Library open for people who want to read its Ernst Bloch Collected Works. Maybe the Center for Agriculture and Sustainable Food Studies can stay open for its agroecology work. They can relieve the tax burden on the University of California by using the meadow at the base of campus to grow organic blueberries and strawberries. Demolish all the other buildings. Plant redwood saplings in their place.

The graduate students can find jobs on hippie communes in northern New Mexico and learn the fine art of growing drought-tolerant crops. The University of California can move the current crop of undergraduates to an affordable new UC campus or three, preferably up around Redding in the north part of the state where there's plenty of land or maybe in Lompoc or in Mendocino on the coast if students really have to have a beach. A stock-market crash will deal with much of Silicon Valley, perhaps precipitated by the end of Moore's Law. And maybe at some point the residents of Santa Cruz will stop being jerks and lower their rents to affordable levels. At any rate, the experiment has failed, not least because the Powers That Be abolished it and installed the current abomination in its place.

Oh and bring back the nongraded university, at least somewhere in America. Students can think about a better world more easily if they're not worried about getting a grade of A- for doing so. But since that's not happening any time soon, support the strikers.

(Disclosure: I am UCSC alumnus, BA literature, Crown College, class of 1984.)

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magiamma's picture

This is a link to the go fund me for the 54 people that got fired. They all volunteered to put their jobs n the line for the cause. The fund will support them. Some have already been offered research positions. One woman spoke today. She is losing her health insurance now and has chronic health problems. There are locals who have received emails asking them to scab. Santa Barbara jst started striking and there is a handful of other UCs that have said they will strike if TAs are fired.

We are down at the strike site at the base of campus with our Bernie table every day. They provide lunch for the strikers and child care and have dj and music. Classes are being held on the lawn. It’s pretty amazing really.

Please pass the link on. These are very brave comrades. Bern it down.

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Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation

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Cassiodorus's picture

@magiamma Presumably there is a conversation board somewhere about the strike...

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

Cassiodorus's picture

@magiamma Asking permission first of course.

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

magiamma's picture

Of the police and the strikers in my hot air blog of two weeks ago. You are welcome to repost them. I will text one of the strikers that is a part if sc4bernie and check on links for you.

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Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation

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magiamma's picture

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snoopydawg's picture

Great idea to give people Bernie's material. Has he spoken on this strike? I thought I read something from him on it.

What's the word on how this will go? If it spreads to other cities there I bet they will get some relief. Keep us posted.

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If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

magiamma's picture

I don’t have the link anymore

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Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation

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PriceRip's picture

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magiamma's picture

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Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation

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PriceRip's picture

          … and systemic solutions are required to correct the situation.

          But for god's sake let's not, in any way, inconvenience the awesome wealth re-distribution system we have created for the benefit of all the really important people "whom shall not be named" to protect the innocent.

          We must focus on all sorts of ancillary issues that are the result of precipitating actions, because we really don't want to actually create lasting real change because … reasons


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magiamma's picture

First and foremost

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Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation

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Cassiodorus's picture

@magiamma @magiamma Thus my request to publicize this piece more widely.

Look, UCSC was created in 1965 during an Age of Utopian Dreaming, in which it was imagined that the expanding capitalist system could accommodate priorities beyond the mere lust for profit. Today, on the other hand, its faculty and students aim to collect credentials and whatever else can be plastered onto a CV in hopes of being able to pay the rent in a hothouse of capitalist greed. The key is to note how the lust for profit has pushed aside all of the other motives in order to flex its muscles in the most pristine of settings. Today, at the very top of the pyramid, you have Presidential candidates (e.g. Michael Bloomberg, Donald Trump) whose main motive for engaging politics is to keep and expand their tax breaks (as billionaires). And this is done openly. UCSC is a primary example of what a University of California campus does in an age WITHOUT utopian dreaming -- it creates a DYSTOPIA where a utopia might otherwise thrive. Human beings in such a setting ought to discard the whole thing and go surfing. But that's not what's happening, is it?

The strike appears as the last desperate cry of humanity before it is trampled underfoot (or under carwheel, if we are to judge from the traffic jams) in the Great March to Write Extra Lines on the Curriculum Vitae. For this they will sacrifice redwood forests, fossil fuels, financial well-being, the planet. Has ever a center of knowledge been so devoted to idiot-savant foolishness?

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

PriceRip's picture


          with transforming KSC into UNK and the local culture of Kearney, was the opposite of what you are describing regarding UCSC. ~~ My Bad ~~

          It seems so very strange that anyplace in Nebraska could be so much more progressive than anyplace in California. **shakes head** sad, so very sad.


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PriceRip's picture


          The changes we made did not create a perfect solution. Such a thing is impossible.


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Not Henry Kissinger's picture

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

Not Henry Kissinger's picture

Imagine the classroom reception for any new TA taking over halfway through second semester.

Now imagine the reception when many in the class believe the new TA is stealing the job of the old one.

If that job didn't pay well enough before the strike, it certainly won't now.

6 users have voted.

The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

PriceRip's picture

@Not Henry Kissinger

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PriceRip's picture

          Recently I referred to myself as a "Dean Killer" when talking to an academic out here on the "Left Coast". This fellow was disturbed, his tells were not very micro.

          I wonder how firm "institutional hierarchy"-ism is (well) institutionalized here. Right up to the end of my tenure I was "taking names and kicking …" and the institution still bestowed on me emeritus faculty with full rights and privileges. The dean was very unhappy to be leaving with that additional "insult" in the air, and I was a bit bemused as I didn't expect to be able to complete my research project before my final exit stage right.

          It is very disturbing that The University of Nebraska at Kearney might actually be a better fit for me than The University of California at Santa Cruz.

          One never knows what the various universes contain.


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