

Mirrors are so reflective, truthful and unbiased. Everything is as it is, a perfect echo of reality. I remember as a child when I got my hair cut, our barber had his mirrors perfectly aligned to create a never-ending reflection into infinity, of myself getting a haircut. Cool.

Today, Harry Reid came out and decided to drop some pearls of wisdom on the prospects of Democrats in 2020. Turns out, he's not impressed:


Poor Harry. It seems everyone around him is "old". Besides the blatant ageism, I find it remarkable to listen to Democrats pointing to faults of their own creation. Is this a new talking-point or a new directive from a think-tank? Harry Reid has been in the Senate for almost 30 years, in many leadership positions, and he is now unhappy at a bench of his creation?

Instead of backing young blood in past elections, he almost to a fault always supported the incumbent, and now all his little Frankensteins are eligible to be in the AARP. The people who have been serving with him for the last 30+ years, have aged... the horror. In other words, Harry is complaining about no one but himself.

Back to the mirrors...


One of the best pop-culture references to mirrors, Senator Al Franken played the role of Stuart Smiley, an insecure, nice man who used a mirror for Daily Affirmations. In other words, Stuart Smiley is all about making himself feel better, an exercise mirrored if I may, by Harry Reid.


Who is the fairest one of all? According to Harry Reid, not Harry Reid.


Harry Reid has got Harry Reid's back.

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It shows you what the camera sees, not what you see when you look into a mirror. As an old in years person myself who worked at pretty much the same job for 40 years let me say, the party and the job are old. As a person who loves change, let me say that things need to change. If they don't, they get boring, old, and obsolete.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Alligator Ed's picture

Like the proud but vain Queen pictured above, the DemocRAT establishment looks in the mirror and sees Benjamin Button. But alas, they are really looking at Dorian Grey.

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