Midnight Special - Shutdown City
At this writing, it's still up in the air. I won't even guess. Well, I will. I think they'll miraculously come up with an agreement to avoid a shutdown and the serfs will heave a big sigh of relief and express gratitude that their political representatives running this country for them (right?) have done a solid for the U.S. of A.
USA! USA! USA! We're number One!
It's all a charade, a mockery, an act, a masquerade, a farce.
This is what our country has become because of it's government. A farce, I like farce, that describes it.
So, I thought it would be a good time to break out this Midnight Special question.
Do you think the United States of America should continue FOREVER with this representative government political system consisting of two political parties, a congress, a senate and a President?
And of course the follow up question to those saying no, if not now, when?

I know it's an unfair trick question
because our FOUNDING FATHERS created this system well over two hundred years ago and they were very, very wise men, even though some of them said we Americans would eventually have to shitcan the whole deal.
I'm sure they would be as proud now as they were then to see the culmination of their visions taking place in the sacred halls of Congress on this glorious evening.
The Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929
"On this date, the House passed the Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929, fixing the number of Representatives at 435."
It was evidently the perfect number. Perfection was reached in 1929.
"No more soup for you!"
I guess I was wrong, there is a shutdown.
I saw a headline earlier, "this country is run by idiots". The only answer is to elect more idiots.
It's all a charade, a mockery, an act, a masquerade, a farce.
This is just a game to them. They do this every year and people wait on pins and needles to see if they can make deals with each other. If not there's a lot of wailing and nashing. Who cares if seniors who rely on meals and wheels go hungry? Or children who are CHIP and are in the middle of treatment lose their health insurance? This doesn't bother the members of congress, their children and grandchildren don't rely on those programs.
People don't get paid for as long as the government is shutdown but they don't need to worry because banks are so understanding if people can't pay their mortgages or car loans. They get their back pay so what's the big deal, amirite?
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
I'm getting to cynical to follow politics.
I don't think they really give a shit about the DACA recipients (or anyone else for that matter) Politicians (on both sides) are just serving the cheap-labor open-borders lobby and have to at least make a stand to keep their bid donors happy (and to keep the money coming in).
Mike Taylor
Pelosi's vineyard makes her 4th richest Californian in Congress
Nancy Pelosi's vineyard makes her fourth-richest Californian in Congress
I see robot pickers in her immediate future, because you know, the "native-borns" won't do it. It's too hard.
It's "too hard" because it doesn't even pay the rent anymore, why kill ones self working for nothing? I half-killed myself in local factories before NAFTA, 'cause the wages paid rent. Now, nothing does. Now, there are millions of poor people and homeless too. Pelosi is also well invested in real estate. Is she blathering again about another "year of the woman"? Meh, kill me now.
There is too much pain everywhere. Tom Petty died of overdose, had fentanyl, oxycodone in system
Thanks and right on Big Al, plutocracy sucks. Look at California though, absolute power corrupts absolutely. I am not down with the "We're capitalists" system anymore. It is dead to me. Long live capitalism.
It is stunning to see
When have dems ever fought this hard for ordinary Americans? Did they care about people losing their livelihoods and houses during the depression? Did they do it for health care? Did they do it to keep jobs in the US?
Yet some officials in California are declaring that they are willing to lose their job over daca. Just like the repubs say, the dems care more about illegals than our own citizens.
Nobody is illegal
wage slavery is human slavery
people are "ordinary Americans."
Calling them "illegals" buys into the delusional group agreement that "nations" are Real. They are not. They are transitory figments.
You can go to Four Corners, and there be in the "states" of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah, all at the same time. None of those "states" are Real. You, however, are.
What is a "citizen"? Just a human with a Paper. Tadeusz Konwicki writes of how the town of his birth, during his lifetime, was variously considered part of Poland, Lithuania, Russia, and Germany. His "citizenship" changed, from time to time. While Konwicki, remained Real.
Humans are free to live where they want. Undelimited by delusional lines drawn in dirt demarcating "nations."
got a funny note from my senator
Regrettably...blah, blah, blah
...principled, bipartisan compromise blah, blah
but our military will not be shut down...
just a bunch of greedy crooks
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
ok, answer is 'no', I just said reading the EB from yesterday
Friday night ..
Just because something is a farce or absurd, it doesn't mean that you have not the responsibility to ... understand the absurd farce.

You do know that the experiments of Physicists never really work and the experiments of Chemists always stink ... at least that was what I was taught. In German language that even rhymes:"„Chemie ist das was knallt und stinkt, Physik ist das was nie gelingt.“
What can you deal with better, the things that never work, or the things that always stink?
That's my 64 million dollar question./s

The Spending Bill Include Mo' Money For Wars
And neither party complained about that. Dems only bloviated about DACA. Repubs accused the Dems of 'Puttin The Troops in Danger' because they wouldn't rubber stamp this madness.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Just another day in Fundie'Murica.
Here's another video showing there was no difference between Billary and pied-piper Drumpf. It's all one party masquerading as two....with the help of Libertatian lobbyists.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Oh, and a cop shot a kid dead in a courtroom.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
I awake this morning in awe
of the deal-making prowess of our President. Truly, the hundreds of hours he invested in hard-nosed negotiations have paid off.
Wait, they didn't reach a deal? Even a shitty one?
Might as well head back to the golf course, Fat Donny, ya worthless sack of shit.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
If we had an effective opposition party or movement
what happened in Congress last night would be the signal for a general strike.
Mary Bennett