Midnight Special - Do We Need a President?

Has there been any one thing this century more divisive in this country than the President of the United States? From Bush to Obama to Trump, has anything divided the country more than having them as the singular head of 330 million people?

If you believe that it doesn't matter who is president and that Trump is just a byproduct of what came before him, why would you want to continue the practice of electing a president?

Should we really keep doing this?

Maybe it's time we try something different.


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Big Al's picture

And filling up some late night space. Keeping the ball rolling, you know what I mean.

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Big Al's picture

@Big Al [video:https://youtu.be/fymw5ie9Zd4]

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mimi's picture

@Big Al @Big Al
(added a tid bit, after listening to the lyrics of the song and not getting it).
leading questions is because the guy on the cover of the record, Lee Michaels, looks kinda cute. He sounds so la la and I don't know what he means.

And my answer to your question is: Go to bed and get some sleep. I had my night sleep already on this side of the globe, so you rolling the balls hit me while I am rested.

Nothing for Ungood. (literally translation for "Nichts für Ungut", google translated to "No offense")

And one thing I always reminded off (and disappointed about) is the fact that those, who want to change legislation of the constitution and the electoral college, are afraid to promote it, because they are scared they would create worse laws than they had before, with or without a president. So, who cares about the President anyway. I have nothing to say, but insist on my first amendment right. See? Do I sound smart now?

Have a good Sunday.

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snoopydawg's picture

The president is pretty much powerless.

This would be the greatest benefit of doing away with it.

Lately the Presidents have been declaring wars. We’re in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and probably three or four other places I don’t even know about.

The only problem is, according to the Constitution, the President is not allowed to declare wars.

Only the House is. The last war the House has actually declared (the only body of government actually allowed to declare war) was World War II, in 1941. And that was after 11 million people were already killed or about to be killed. Oops! Too late!

So the President, I guess, took “actions” in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Grenada (??), and a dozen (hundreds) other places I would never want to step foot in.

It’s such a simple math: if you get rid of the Presidency, millions of American children will live to be adults instead of dying on foreign soil.
And millions of civilians in other countries would be left alone. Seems like a good deal.

Bestowing Power to a President Leads to an Apathetic Citizenry

“The disappearance of a sense of responsibility is the most far-reaching consequence of submission to authority.” ~Stanley Milgram

I'm in favor of abolishing it.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Big Al's picture

@snoopydawg war time conditions, of which we've been in since 2001, are immense for one person.
I think it's time the human race got beyond this practice of having one person in charge of entire countries. It's basically an extension of how it's always been with Kings, Queens, Rulers, etc., throughout history.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Big Al

One person has too much power and I don't think that a few people from each state should be able to decide what the country is going to do. We're supposed to have a representative government, yet have we ever had a government that did do this? This video shows that no matter how many of us want something it doesn't matter to congress. They don't care. They take their orders from their donors.
We should get to decide what the government does and hopefully we'll find a way to get this.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@Big Al

(Edit: the title went though before, but coming through to add an edit regarding a date I thought I'd mentioned, now the Subject is one character over and has to have the period removed?)

Oh, yeah, do totally agree with you on that! However, since the checks and balances have been co-opted as well as the Presidency and the US Constitution regarded as 'a piece of (toilet) paper' by The Powers That Shouldn't Be running government, it keeps coming back to ditching those for a government of, for and by the people, with equal rights, treatment and opportunity (finally!) for all, serving and protecting the public interest against all who would predate upon the more vulnerable at any level, in a country of laws, not men.

A two-party democracy might work if both parties were competing to provide the best for the benefit of their fellow-citizens and country, rather than fighting over which party gets to feed the vultures waiting for the rest of the public's/country's life-blood so that they can get some of the leavings as an extra.

We just have to figure out how to pacifically achieve recovering our stolen governments when the system's been warped to prevent this...

I saw the following video just before coming on last night to immediately see, to my delight, that the subject had been posted on by a deeply respected Someone Who Actually Knows, but I'll add the link and assorted mess here; notes are hasty and hopefully give a general and reasonably accurate idea of some of the video contents, also leaving in/adapting some notes on a very odd youtube problem I encountered, which may or may not be due to my general computer weirdness, but under the circumstances, might also be a warning of things to shortly come:

(Jan 15th, 2018) Must look up Corbet Report URLs on search, URLs on youtube music videos and others are present, as normal - perhaps these are simply provided by embedded videos carried on youtube? but have never seen this happen before, where only a blank shows where the Youtube URL should be on, so far, a half-dozen Corbett Report videos in a row, as they appear down the side of preceding videos... YouTube IS now removing videos which contain nudity or sexual references (lost a Blondie video labeled as deleted from playlists for that reason, don't usually watch 'em so have been looking to see what else has been so far deleted from my playlists, apart from several sorely missed Green Day albums) but I suppose that exposing the Empire's nudity, beneath the lies used to clothe it, qualifies as much the same thing.. looked these URLs up separately on Duck Duck Go, copy-pasting title and other associated info into search without seeing any of these from Youtube - although came across some Corbett Report youtube videos later that did have URLs; could this be be my computer?


(Today, Jan 16th, the video - and youtube URL - appears on DDG search: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxSTmcwP4QI and I notice that the comments seem to be full of those thinking that global micro-management of everyone's lives is a good thing, which I somehow hadn't noticed before. And no questioning of why, if they're 'green' and 'sustainable', they're pushing fossil fuels, fracking, enforced GMOs in a toxic chemical stew and other deadly 'cost-cutting'/for-profit industrial poisoning of humanity and the planet. Might be better off going to the corbettreport site; providing both, anyway...)


Exposing the Dark Agenda Behind the "Resource-Based Economy"

Published on 28 May 2015

SHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=14902

24/7 surveillance. Smart grid controls. Carbon rationing. Today we talk to "Technocracy Rising" author Patrick Wood about the hidden history of technocracy, the dark plan for a resource-based economy that is being pushed by the Trilateral Commission, the UN, and other globalist institutions in order to bring about a completely managed, controlled and regulated society.


The Dark Agenda Behind the Resource-Based Economy

24/7 surveillance. Smart grid controls. Carbon rationing. Today we talk to “Technocracy Rising” author Patrick Wood about the hidden history of technocracy, the dark plan for a resource-based economy that is being pushed by the Trilateral Commission, the UN, and other globalist institutions in order to bring about a completely managed, controlled and regulated society.

Technocracy Rising

Technocracy Study Course Unabridged

Figueres: First time the world economy is transformed intentionally

Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth

Every adult in Britain should be forced to carry ‘carbon ration cards’, say MPs

(Embedded video at link; takes a moment to load past initially shown zeros for time - all of these videos are listed down the side at Youtube, all viewed so far lacking URLs... would that be in conjunction with the privatized Domain names? I suppose Youtube could pull URLs for their site in their own? Since they're Google and all?

In case this video vanishes, fast sloppy notes of some points made, with my commentary mixed in:

Speaks of the technocratic global conquest in progress, and of the desire to micromanage and control individuals 'for efficiency'. The quote stating that, for those involved: "The real enemy is humanity itself" and talk of 'deep transformation' of society shows, as far as I'm concerned, that the real issue is psychopathy. Only a psychopath could believe that 'trans-humanism' - working toward existence without life in a world where only machines or a 'virtual reality' can exist - is a desirable goal to be forced on all. Almost none of whom are intended to survive the process. This has been in process since the 1930's; please recall what the Nazi's were up to at that time, in the 1930s, and how many US and other Nazi sympathizers were in industry, moving into government over the intervening period.

(And - in my venturing to speak in disagreement with what appears to be the speaker's thesis in this one specific area - it seems evident to me that it's the industry and other self-interests in government, and not generic 'government' itself, that interferes with otherwise functional processes to screw over most for the benefit of a relative few. Psychopaths must be kept out of public office.

Modern government is a tool meant to be used by the people, in the public interest, and one which must be used to protect the public interest, in great part by preventing predation by self-interests on the more vulnerable at all levels, for species long-term - now, even very short-term - survival. Even enlightened self-interest would accept this essential fact, were The Psychopaths That Be capable of comprehending this.

Trilateral Commission, World Bank, etc., working toward their own goals; my view is that public office was abused to achieve this encroaching, ongoing horror, not that any sane, democratic government would have done this. A real government of, by and for the people would obviously have prevented this.

Also says that they got Jimmy Carter elected, that, I suspect, being related to his later ? expiation of sins? by working to create housing for the poor in various countries.

They captured the executive branch of the US government, to gain control over the economic machinery of the world - and [my addition] have been destroying the planet ever since.

Says also that John Podesta came from the UN to work as the senior consultant regarding climate change under Obama; NYT claimed that Podesta created Obama's climate change policy, down to the Executive Orders Obama was to sign, to implement these through the Executive branch, and 'recently', at the time of this May, 2015 discussion, left to manage [inserting my point: Fracking Queen, Mad Bomber] Hillary Clinton's campaign.

And when the idea for the formation of the Trilateral Commission to successfully enact previously failed attempts to exert a new economic order was proposed, (edit: I believe said to have been in 1932? in the video) this was discussed with the Bilderberg group, various members of the latter also joining the Trilateral Commission. Says overlap with CFR [presumably Council of Foreign Relations] the European-based Atlantic Council, the Club of Rome...

Says it was in 1976, with Jimmy Carter, that the Trilateral Commission took over the Executive Branch of government, and that it's never been the same since.

Obama and Biden, while surrounded by Trilateral Commission members, were apparently not members themselves, unlike others, such as Clinton and Al Gore, Bush and Cheney... The Trilateral Commission presents itself as being very green and sustainable; it isn't.

My personal belief is that it's about bleeding the planet dry, as well as the speaker's point that they wish to micro-manage everyone's life, as we have already seen proven - with no indication about any care for not destroying the ecology. Quite the reverse, and very rapidly.

US business interests who were members of the Trilateral Commission were in China before it was even legal, and built the infrastructure which is now , as described in this video, as 'raping America', while China is becoming a dominant global power, apparently powered by various of the Trilateral Commission's self-interests. [How delightful...]

Kinda been wondering, here and there, if perchance some factions within the larger countries being threatened but not yet directly militarily attacked by the US PTB were in on the kabuki, especially since the Clinton/DWS thing about the infiltrating - and evidently protected - Awan brothers (like Sec. of State Hilary herself) were sending out US foreign policy (intimidation/invasion plans) and other Sekrit information to foreign interests/governments - hard to know what to think and what to believe and the amount of salt I've been having to leave various things sitting in, while keeping them handy, can't be doing any good for their blood pressure...

Edit to add:

The power as Commander in Chief under

... war time conditions, of which we've been in since 2001, are immense for one person.
I think it's time the human race got beyond this practice of having one person in charge of entire countries. It's basically an extension of how it's always been with Kings, Queens, Rulers, etc., throughout history.

Edit to make the essential point I thought I'd made, lol, that democracies are supposed to have Presidents/Prime Ministers concerned with maintaining and improving domestic conditions and the lives of their people; military states - which America (under no danger of invasion and founded by those with deep suspicions of the hazards of a standing army of any kind, not being anyway required by the country,) was not founded to be - have glorified Commanders in Chief intent on, (in this case, as with the Nazis,) global military/corporate domination. The checks and balances have long been co-opted by internal enemies along with the Executive Branch, including the Supreme Court.

There never were 'US war time conditions', just global invasion plans which included the subjugation of the American people, in an excuse to 'lawfully' steal their rights, wealth, even their very concept of democracy, along with their future.

Bombing and invading other countries which were claimed to have had a group of people, all claimed to have died in the act - not connected to government in any way, claimed to have merely left from that country to come to theirs to use several hijacked airplanes to disintegrate some buildings and trash parts of others (which did not disintegrate), packed with mostly not top level workers and proof of corporate criminality - doesn't qualify as a 'war', just an invasion unprovoked by the country itself in order to occupy that - and other countries on the strength of this weak excuse - in order to steal their stuff in the process of global conquest. War crimes, yes, but no actual war could really be declared, except 'the (malleable and profitable) war on terror', (often essentially waged on civilians labeled as 'terrorists' after death to get that kill count up there and the war crime count down, with supplies cut off - by US official demand - to civilians starved and deprived of medicines, thereby killing millions more of innocent civilians, especially hitting hard among those sneaky and treacherous hazards, children, the poorest, the sick and the elderly) terror which US PTB themselves have spread throughout the world, including within their own country.

The solution to any such destructive governmental take-over including all checks and balances was allowed for in the inalienable right of The People to overthrow abusive government, to replace it with government truly of, by and for the people. The Founders just assumed that this would be possible, due to the 99 - 1 odds, and couldn't guess that unverifiable electronic voting records and obvious electoral cheating would come to be passively accepted by the people, due to such as the most extensive media propaganda campaigns ever, up until the ever-worsening now.

Was trying to write this in Outlook drafts, which too-often seems to decide that my 'session' is over while I'm working where I can see better and more widely than in this little window without having to wait for Preview here to go through, stay through and let me read through. Why the hell do they randomly limit time spent writing there anyway? Some of us are slower than others, and have restless and bored nose-poky dogs needing sometime a lot of frequent extra get-up-and-go attention in cold weather...

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.


Personally, I think what needs to go are those illicitly running the US/other countries/the world against the interests and survival of democracy, humanity and life, not so much the public offices - funded by the public and existing to serve and protect the public interest - that are being abused in defiance of the US Constitution and any sane public-protective domestic, international and natural law enabling civilization and species survival, as a result of these Powers That Shouldn't Be simply conning people into believing that some Exceptionally Rich People can simply declare themselves as being' above the law' in order to make up illegal 'law' to suit themselves.

Lol, still don't remember about titles until I get reminded by the system. Takes me ages to find the right name for new pets, too...

0 users have voted.

Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Raggedy Ann's picture

via revolution. If/when the citizenry has had enough, if it's not too late to act, a revolution is the only way to change our form of government. If it's too late to act, it will be ugly.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Do we need a “United States” in its current form? Would we be better served by more robust regional, accessible, accountable governing entities?

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WaterLily's picture

@coolepairc Which is why "they" will never let it happen, as long as they have the power to prevent it.

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wendy davis's picture

big al. the nation is also a direct democracy, and everything is voted on, almost to the point of absurdity, an erstwhile e-friend told me.

Instead of executive power being vested in an individual, it is held by a committee. Unlike other countries, there is no prime minister or head of state.
Since 1848, the Swiss cabinet, known as the Federal Council, has consisted of seven members.

The Swiss presidency is rotated annually. According to an unwritten agreement, cabinet ministers take turns serving as president of the confederation, with newer members waiting until seniors have served.

Even though the Swiss president chairs council meetings and represents the country at home and abroad, he or she is considered a "first among equals", and not a leader.
The head of state, formally speaking, is the Federal Council. Its seven members are not elected by the people but by parliament.

During state visits, foreign dignitaries are received by the Federal Council as a whole, not by the minister serving as president.”

here? nah, but then our nation is not a democracy, is it?

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mimi's picture

@wendy davis @wendy davis
(sorry for misusing your comment for an OT topic to the one you addressed)
I never understood, why Switzerland's bank privacy laws were not considered a method to silently "support money laundering crooks", who could use these laws as a cover.
Banking in Switzerland

Banking privacy[edit]
The Banking Law of 1934 made it a criminal act for a Swiss bank to reveal the name of an account holder. Swiss bank secrecy protects the privacy of bank clients; the protections afforded under Swiss law are similar to confidentiality protections between doctors and patients or lawyers and their clients. The Swiss government views the right to privacy as a fundamental principle that should be protected by all democratic countries. While privacy is protected, in practice all bank accounts are linked to an identified individual. Moreover, the bank secrecy is not absolute: a prosecutor or judge may issue a "lifting order" in order to grant law enforcement access to information relevant to a criminal investigation.[45]

On the 27th of May 2015, Switzerland signed an agreement with the EU that will align Swiss bank practices with those of EU countries, and in effect will end the special secrecy that EU-resident clients of Swiss banks had enjoyed in the past.[29] Under the agreement, both Switzerland and EU countries will automatically exchange information on the financial accounts of each other's residents from 2018.

So, what about the crooks from non EU countries, can they still be sure their stolen moneys will be hiding comfortably on Swiss bank accounts?

I never understood how that worked. I rather would like to have privacy for my comments on the tubes. People I asked that question considered me so dumb, they refused to get into that subject.
So, just call me dumb, I can take it, am used to it. Smile

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dervish's picture

Lebanon didn't have a President for two years, and discovered that no one really missed having one.

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

edg's picture

Just like kings and queens and ayatollahs and every other form of governance that puts large numbers of people under a single ruler. Tribalism worked when tribes had 25 or 30 people. It doesn't scale to millions.

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hecate's picture

because the men who were afraid to take baths who wrote the Paper hundreds of years ago said in the Paper there had to be one. And the Americans of today, though many of them are not afraid to take baths, are afraid to have any politics that are not in the Paper.

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Big Al's picture

@hecate who thought women and people of color were inferior human beings shall never be questioned. That's why they created the Supremo Court.

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hecate's picture

@Big Al
on the Supremo Court, you wear the robes. Sometimes rehnread_021299ap.jpgyou put stripes on the robes—stripes you saw in some shit just made up. The Rehnquist Supremo wore the stripes when he presided over the trial of the penis. Which was definitely shit just made up.

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Bollox Ref's picture

is the cheap zip.

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from a reasonably stable genius.