Laws Politick per Sir Isaac Newton, newly derived from an Essay Upon Motion Systems

I was sitting underneath the shade of oak tree, bad season for cypress, actually. Then, whilst musing to myself, as most users are wont to, an apple didn't not impact my cranium, a curious thing occurred, i. e., a thought occurred to me concerning political polling.

In Academia, we are supposed to give credit where credit is due, so I hereby credit the only Renaissance Man I know for the profound, scientifically-based equations ever applied to the puzzling and usually confusing laws of politics. It is not for nothing that people abhor the title "political science".

Those of you familiar with scientific writing will instantly recognize that this essay is not exemplar. But here are the

3 Laws of Motion

Theorem Number 1:

For Every Poll there is an equal and opposite Poll.

A scientific anomaly proves this very well. The DNC has in its possession 26 polls showing that Tulsi Gabbard had less than 2% preference.

Theorem Number 2:

Political ideology continues to remain at status quo.

There was in Sir Isaac's formulation of the original concept, a part about if in motion to remain in motion unless acted upon by a force. However, the Democratic Party has abandoned the second part about motion. This is confirmed by the obvious fact that DNC policy has not changed since Barry Obomber graced us with hope--he too forgot about the "change" part upon inauguration. Dems love this and continue stagnantly subscribing to a doctrine of....exactly what?

Theorem Number 3:

Political power is the product of voters times enthusiasm

2016 was the largest field test of this theorem and not unsurprisingly was confirmed. And don't give me the old retort "but Her won the popular vote". With most of those excess HRC votes emanating from the People's Sanctuary of Kalifornia emanating from L.A. County which has 25% more registered voters than there are voting age people. Somehow, even the dead ones showed to vote for Hildebeast.

Believing that a basis of scientific relevance to reality is that results must be independently confirmed. As mentioned the Alligator Ed modifications of the Laws Politick are therefore open to confirmation or refutation. For those of you who want the authorized versions of your opinions, please submit your evidence and I will, as usual, impartially judge every entry

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You crack me up.

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Your mental meanderings help to keep us sane in such an insane world.

Thanks for the laugh and the smile Gator.

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wendy davis's picture

all polls are push-polls like throwing apples to get the desired results.

Theorem #6: (if gulf gal is correct) the DNC continually recalibrates their own algorithms as to 'which polls count', meaning a Maelstrom of Apples tends to spin the narrative.

now get back to the shade of the oak tree, damn gator!

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