Kos is now Supporting Bernie to Head DNC - Seriously
I don't know whether to laugh or cry. It's more absurdist theater at TOP. Here's the link (feel free not to check it out)"
We lick our wounds, we grieve, and then we fucking fight
It's a Bullshit, slimy, weasel-like thing to do, his sudden conversion the minute his favored candidate, the one who could not be criticized at his website without being censored or banned, lost to a realty TY show host with a record of business and personal failures a mile long. Which, of course, does not surprise. But this is who Markos Moulitsas is - a political hack and opportunist always on the make. A mercenary with no core beliefs and values other than one: to do whatever will benefit him and his. He was for Hillary when it looked like that might lead to more money and career advancement for himself. Now he's back to his old carnie ways, trying to fool us with another shell game into believing he is a progressive who cares for Sanders' agenda.
Many are hammering him for it, and rightly so, in the comments. However, the predictable bashing of Bernie supporters is going on. And of the media. Yes the media destroyed her campaign, not her own flaws and potentially illegal and definitely immoral actions. And racist young people. Don't forget them. And the dumb voters.
Oh, and not to be left out, also all of us at c99 because we have so much power to influence the election and throw it to Trump. Who knew we were kingmakers over here? Makes me giddy knowing that I, who called the election for Clinton publicly here and on You Tube, and all the rest of you, secretly ensured Trump's victory.
I left a few comments there because I couldn't help myself after I saw the Great Markos turn on a dime as soon as his meal ticket crapped the bed. Couldn't help myself. Mea Culpa.

After what he said about Bernie and his supporters he can
go fuck himself, desperate for traffic.
It is all about the bottom line.
Kos made a foul comment during the primary
about how there were now a majority of black & brown within the Dem party that could dictate the candidate to the whites. He came across quite gleeful at the prospect of denying "those people" the candidate they were excited about.
That is who he is.
Fuzzy Logic
There seem to be a lot of people laboring under the misconception that being non-white means you're not racist and anyone who disagrees with you is. Who feel that because they're a woman that cannot be secondary and any male who loses them is. Then they wonder why these "racists" and "sexists" flock to the polling places to vote against them.
Many sites which I thought of as thoughtful and liberal went that way, though not as blatantly as GOS. I was amused this morning when I saw this on Hullabaloo:
After her courtier like praise of Clinton and defamation of both Stein and Trump supporters, I don't think I'll wait around for her "analysis".
I think Digby & Sam Bee stayed neutral through the primaries
And even beyond so I don't feel I can write them off for supporting Clinton at the end.
Yes they turned on 3rd parties quite hard at the end (which should have told us what the conversation was in the elite Dem circles) but they are both smart with perspectives, writing and insights that continue to be valuable.
But those would be my only exceptions. The rest can pound sand with the Daily Kochers.
I thought digby leaned Sanders. Seemed so to me but
she was resolved to support her after the stolen primary.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
If so it was barely a whiff, very professional throughout imho
Hillary's emails made me wonder if these common
identity politics narratives--e.g., only whites can be racist--all had a common source of funding. I've been thinking that for a while, seeing how much of the institutional establishment intentionally goes along with and empowers these goofball shit-stirrers. Now the DNC emails seem to confirm it.
Divide & Conquer
Notice how Markos & Denise almost single handedly drove a wedge between white progressives and people of colour?
Did anyone else think it odd she had no diary up on the 50th anniversary of the BPP?
Things to ponder.
BPP? Eom
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Black Panther Party
I think i might have left messages for both Kos & Denise...
Yup... Sure Did!
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
I would love to read a Thomas-Frank style book
on the creation and weaponization of social justice warriors.
For a while I thought SJWs were the creation of the right, just a snarky defense of bigotry. But clearly, something sub rosa has been afoot the past two years. I saw my own alma mater, which shall remain nameless, overcome by a tidal wave of Millennial identity politics and anti-white racism and needless shit-stirring. But it was the fact that the Administration was so utterly indulgent and compliant, no matter how heinous some of the individual incidents were, that made me realize someone was paying for this. Once I saw the Podesta email, then I knew.
It's going to take a long, long white for whites and other Progressives to work their way back together. Bernie had a natural inclusive knack for this, because he was Old Left and liked to learn about people and their issues. But there's only one Bernie.
Markos proud his followers in the dark about what happened
He's fucked up. He's fits into Clinton's pay-to-play structure nicely.
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho
Markos, Dems weaponized identity politics
and it blew up in their faces.
Maybe next time they might want to listen to the voters instead.
They are still at it. Some of the front
pagers still singing that tune. Tone deafness.
Don't believe everything you think.
Their lenses look outward, not inward
If they didn't lash out and blame others, they'd have to admit their own culpability. Admit they screwed up. Admit that the evidence was in front of their faces and they shoved it away. Admit that they were, gasp, wrong. Same pattern of failure to take responsibility we've seen forever from the Clintons.
Smug certainty is a tight metal ball; nothing penetrates. They didn't do their jobs because they had the script and didn't question that they knew how it would play out. They all agreed with each other, so it must be true. Right? Right????
A hint of hope: A Trump spokesman said the president-elect has elements of Andrew Jackson, Teddy Roosevelt, and PT Barnum. That strikes me as accurate. So let's see some trust-busting. Let's see some Rough Riding over industry consolidation in the media and on Wall Street. That would be a good start.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Voting up your signature!
A-freaking-men. "A thought popped into my head, and it feels right" or "I believe this, and I'm smart, so it must be right" are clear and present dangers. Stuart Sutherland's Irrationality: Why We Don't Think Straight is a good reference, though it's more on how humans get statistics wrong if they go by hunch rather than doing the math.
Does he know both him and his candidate are technically white?
Not just technically, but as white as white gets. Like I am.
Wow, fuck him. It's been fuck him for a long time, so it is just continue with the fuck him till to paraphrase Mr. Garrison we fuck him all to death.
Call me cynical.
Lily Tomlin
I don't think anyone is supporting a family, let alone getting rich, on posters or ads at a liberal website that has to employ several people. True, Kos is a relatively large site, but I still don't see it.
He F'd up
And it's gonna cost him money.
He would have to be pretty stupid to blow the fortune...
he made off of SBN, and I would doubt that would happen. He's an idiot when it comes to politics, but give credit where it's due, the guy knows how to make a buck. Bosendorfers don't come cheap.
Sanders Bernie Nation? No, can't be. He didn't make money off of Bern.
I must still be tired, I can't think of anything else.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
It's a huge network of sports blogs with a popularity that
dwarfs that of TOP. He sold it to Vox, I think. His cash-out point was reached within the last year.
He must think they have Bernie on a very short string.
why would anyone care a damn what Kos says, does, thinks? This is not snark, seriously, I just don't get why anyone would be interested?
His minions are lapping it up
Oh, yes master Markos, you would like to have a discussion of who the new DNC chair should be rather than your grossly incompetent work supporting a flawed candidate in a bloodbath election?
Please, tell us more about how you suddenly think Bernie is great for the party!
Love ya, mean it
Dear god
Love ya, mean it
Oh lord, it's so... ugh...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Wow. Here I thought it was the Trump followers who were
authoritarian. I'm feeling a tad nauseous.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
They're waist deep in the kool-aid.
And the little fool says to push on.
how many of those are sock puppet accounts?
maybe those accounts went dark last night, but his place is filled with sock puppets from every special (corporate or DNC) interest with its hooks in the party astroturfing to manufacture consent (bonus points for hitting that many progressive buzz words?).
His minions have as much impact as my vote for Jill did, both this time and last time.
I wish they were sock puppets
No, there are actual real people who look up to Markos like a hero. I'm sure his half dozen diaries yesterday had their rec's inflated by some sock puppet action, but for someone to write an ALL CAPS headline begging for Massa Markos to tell them what to do, just fucking pathetic. And unfortunately, I think all too real.
Love ya, mean it
my minions!! share share and ... minions? hello?
I swear I first read this as
"Go fuck himself in traffic". Which is a delightfully appropriate mixed metaphor!
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
he sure is not getting any of my clicks
this is the place to go now, Kos is history
“The first duty of a man is to think for himself”
Closing the burning barn door...
After the horse left a year ago...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
He is a shill . . .
A grifter he is not . . . trust me on this one.
Truly not trying to insult, but why were you guys so blind?
What the fuck did you all waste ten years over there for?
Just a refresher, and not that this interests anybody: I used to pop over around presidential election time every four years. Then, earlier this year, my neighbor started browsing it, and kept insisting I read some Bernie articles here and there. So I wasn't really a regular participant, but I did check in now and then.
But to me, it was so obvious: The place was an intentional time-suck. It was designed to make you waste your time. Endless outrage: Look at those Republicans! Wrist-slashing climate articles. Calls for financial contributions. Drama and wars about--I don't know, I could never follow. And lots of comments starting with, "We need to [insert vain leftish wish fulfillment fantasy statement here]!" with no plan or expectation for doing so.
And in the end it produced absolutely ZERO. Ever. Over a whole decade. No movement, no structure, no nothing. Maybe a meeting?
I mean, wasn't it supposed to be partly an action site? I think the only action it ever produced was getting people to pop open another tostidos bag.
Plus, OMG, the site is racist. That man is such a racist pig.
HOW DID YOU NOT NOTICE THIS FOR TEN YEARS? Sorry for shouting, but seriously.
I see it differently. I was over there about 2-3 years,
so missed the Obama drama. I started reading because I had been signing petitions, eventually got hooked up with theirs, which kept dumping me on their Front Page. I was intrigued. It opened my eyes to a lot of political crap that I wasn't aware was happening. I quickly turned from the Front Page to the even more intriguing back pages where the groups provide knowledge and support. I got educated. Some of those petitions actually brought results. I still feel like I get a lot of news there that I don't get elsewhere, maybe because I'm in a conservative state and this site isn't big enough yet? Of course I've been ignoring their slant for months, but at first they were more radical than me. Now they're more conservative. But I can read the news, such as the DAPL updates, without buying into the site slant. I've been writing and drawing and improving in both. I may be there for the nostalgia now, and for my friends who refuse to leave. But it has been an experience of learning and growth and, I suppose, mostly outgrowing it now.
I phone banked for Bernie and collected signatures for Jill. I would not have done those without the encouragement of my online political friends, who were there and now are split between there and here and elsewhere. I'm currently learning marketing and social media.
To solve a problem, you first need to know what the problems are. They did some of that for me. I am an eager seeker of solutions.
Don't forget all those donations to Bernie and other progressives that started Over There. A few people did run for office with their encouragement.
Also, did I mention I'm in a conservative state? My social life is online, there are no kindred spirits here IRL.
Dang, this is making me teary. I miss the best of it.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I was there for only a year.
I know you did not intended your comment for me only, but dependencies being what they are, I responded as such.
It wasn't until the last three or four months that it became obvious that he was a (possible unwitting) shill. That is, I am not sure he even is self aware enough to grasp the true nature of his "contribution" to this medium.
So, to respond to all you guys with one post, because slow.
I can totally see how the site would look different when observed for only a few years. I was never there a lot, but I was there off and on (elections) from 2004, lurking and reading. It was good for finding untold stories, at first. That's what I always seek out--the news behind the news. But eventually I thought: I guess the age of blogs has come and gone without actually accomplishing much, because DK was always the same.
Historical perspective is vital.
I found nothing particularly unusual about this election cycle. For me is is the same ol' same ol'. I don't think of the old days as "the good ol' days" because I have been a cynic for more that half a century. And while there has been a "handcart to hell" trend is some ways . . . that image does not capture the complexities of the changes over time. Translation: I ain't finished fighting yet.
I am constantly vexed by how little the power of this medium is tapped to do useful things. The internet is so ubiquitous most bandwidth is filled with frivolous packets. It's like using a chisel as a screwdriver, it's just not right! But, on the other hand, I suppose some would consider this-all to be frivolous . . . so here we are.
They have organizers and local events
There was a big push to start up local groups a couple years ago, so I started up the DKos group in Seattle. It was very interesting to get a bunch of Kossacks together in person, because we all looked at each other and kind of this knowing agreement that the DKos rules were bullshit. And we talked about 3rd party candidates too! Gasp!
But other than getting us together to socialize, drink and commiserate, not much came out of it and I don't think anyone is still meeting up. There are plenty of other outlets to channel your volunteer time and energy, and DKos just seemed like exactly what someone else mentioned above... just another way to waste your time instead of working on issues.
Love ya, mean it
It started out different, really.
I have a 4 digit UID# there, from when Janeane Garofalo would promote him and other blogs on the Majority Report show on Air America with Sam Seder.
Many of the people there at the start were trying to take the party back from the Kerry's and the Clintons and the corporate sell outs. It started to get bad when Obama won, and the fights over who he was picking to fill his cabinet. It only has gone down hill since then. His gaining MSM celebrity definitely hurt the place, or exposed it for what it really is.
Hey, Viva la Caucus99Percent! Are we on Facebook yet? I left that place for 2 years, and had the misfortune of returning just in time to watch my "liberal" pals post obsessively about Trump's rapes and groping and misogyny always feigning shock in a thou doth protest too much kind of way.
Really good science and I/P diaries and many cool people,
many of whom are now here.
Peace out, tmp.
Steven D
I love you and this essay for telling it like it is without trying to sugar coat it.
Markos showed himself to be exactly what most of us thought.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
To think I used to mourn being banned.
Now I wear it as a badge of honor.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Considering a return
Today, for the first time since 3/15, with the specific intent of being banned.
I just need to figure out exactly the right thing to say ...
try this: "Aww, you didn't get your pony"
I'd do it myself but I'd have to remember my password
You still would not be banned
Try as you might, it seems you are destined to be there forever. LOL
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Maybe I should try:
I published an angry fuck you kos diary. I enjoyed it too.
I hope that doesn't make me a bad person.
I was basically pleading to be banned - I had already found this site. It worked, but took a few days. I think they were dealing with a mass exodus of Bernie supporters.
Peace out, tmp.
I just posted just that
I wrote
This made me LOL.
Somebody already wrote a diary OT wtih that title!
Unicorns and rainbows taken yet?
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
No plagiarism intended.
I guess great minds think alike
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Beat you to it. Just call Hillary a criminal. That'll do it.
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho
Please let us know
What you come up with
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
I decided I couldn't be bothered.
Happily I didn't so I could return last night...
With my "Told You So" tour through the comments...
I might make a Diary later when I have some time...
I have no regard for anything they may do at this point...
I accomplished what i wanted...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Ah well, we all do what we have to do
Commenting at kos, almost but not working for Hillary ( another post). And we, the kingmakers, well, we had to do it too. You know, elect Trump. Because we are SO POWERFUL! Yes, mea culpa, we did it. Although it is not like we didn't give plenty of warning about the clinton crime family. Yes, we told them what would happen. But, did they listen? NO!
I am feeling a very light breezy mood this am, ( it may be shock) but am so very grateful that we do not have a clinton hanging around for the next four years. Well, maybe for all the investigations and arrests that the republicans are promising - yes, please. We will all ( the US, the world) have to deal with what we hath wrot, tomorrow. Today this feels like relish!
LOL - it was just a phone screen!
I didn't even accept the in person interview they offered! But it was definitely one of those forks in the road that I looked back on a lot over the last year.
But I must confess, I also had to break a nearly 6 month silence over at DKos to drop a deuce or two on Kos's fucking piece of shit diary this morning about Sanders for DNC chair.
I mean, did he seriously say that? Or was he laughing maniacally at his keyboard as he wrote that? Some sort of bizarre fuck you to Sanders? Well, who cares.
Love ya, mean it
not ready to make nice
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
The Dixie Chicks said it very well
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
"c99 because we have so much power to influence"
He wants quality writers back I guess. Reminds me the adage "be careful what you ask for, you might get it". Maybe purging doesn't feel so good at the moment.
Peace & Love
He traded quality for temporary quantity
and a failed effort to win access to the establishment.
Now he lost both.
Day late and a dollar short.
I invite Kos to eat a bag of shit. Fuck him sideways.
LMFAO @ Crimson Buddha
Eat a bag of shit reminds me of what the kids have been saying for a while now - suck a bag of dicks.
*All: Pardon my gleeful joy and potty mouth. The mouth has been there for decades, but the joy has been absent since the primary was stolen from Bernie.
Putting Bernie in charge of the DNC might be the only way
to save it and keep the Green party, or another party, from replacing it. Bernie's voice could be very, very important in the next 4 years.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Bernie is more important where he is in the senate
Fuck the DNC. They don't deserve Bernie Sanders. Besides, he has migrated back to being an independent.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Would Bernie have to give up his Senate seat?
His voice could probably be more amplified by combining both jobs.
Beware the bullshit factories.
DWS, for example, kept her job as Congressperson.
rules were changed, so no office holder can also be DNC chair
after DWS was forced out after it was exposed that she was colluding with HRC campaign. Yes, closing the barn door after the horse were long gone.
So "No thanks Kos. Stick that stupid idea back up where it came from"
Fighting for democratic principles,... well, since forever
Those rules can be easily changed back
by whoever made them in the first place.
Beware the bullshit factories.
He's a neoliberal now.
He showed his true colors when he campaigned for her. Not just gave lip service "support" like Hillary just gave to trump but CAMPAIGNED for her. Tried to seduce the young into voting for her!
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
So when did Bernie's profound, permanent change happen?
June? July?
Beware the bullshit factories.
Not neoliberal, but LOTE, which he's been for many years.
Thank you, I didn't know that.
I only knew him from the Thom Hartmann show. So he's all talk but really a Friend of Bill. No wonder Our revolution is astroturf. My wife warned me not to send money to politicians.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Not to be contentious, but who the h*ll wants to save it? ;-D NT
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Well I'd give Bernie a chance first
Maybe he can get rid of the corruption and turn it into a party that pushes the most important issues.
Beware the bullshit factories.
And maybe pigs will fly.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I'm sure there have been pigs who have ridden on airplanes n/t
Beware the bullshit factories.
Had a look over there,
and ran across the valiant Asmodeus holding a pack of jackals at bay.
Asmodeus2012 arabian
Nov 09 · 01:05:51 AM
You were never owed those votes. You and your candidate were obligated to earn our votes.
We, on the other hand, were never obligated to give them to someone who not only didn’t earn them, but who’s votes she seemingly did everything in her power to lose.
We’re only obligated to vote our conscience, which we did. We voted for what we wanted. Our consciences are clear.
Your outrage and blaming others for both your and your candidates failures will not in any way change that reality.
Your argument also fails miserably on another level, because you have to contradict yourselves again to do it. You just got finished spending months on end shrieking about what an inconsequential minority we are, and how we don’t matter. How we should never be listened to, because we’re just a bunch of disorganized, naive kids who could never make a difference in the election anyway.
Now you want to blame us for bringing down the mighty Clinton machine? Oh don’t do that. Because then you’ll have to stoop to meeting our demands, and end this disgusting corruption.
Like a lot of you Neo-Libs apparently do, you thought you could start a war without consequence. As usual, you were mistaken.
You want to formally make us the enemy now? (as if you hadn’t already)
You want to portray us as the angry gods that will f**k up all your careful machinations if there is no sacrifice proffered? As those who smote the mighty Clinton for her heresy?
Ok. If that’s all you understand, then that’s how we’ll play it.
In that case, I guess you’d better get correct real damned fast before the fist of another angry god comes plunging down on your heads from the sky come next election, huh?
irishking Asmodeus2012
Nov 09 · 05:26:11 AM
Man, I had to acknowledge a warning to come back . But
“Tiene mucho razon, senor!
En serio, mil gracias por sus esfuerzas en este sobaco.
Y a los pendejos aqui: ‘Todavia no entienden nada. Estamos hasta la madre!’
Come over to c99 if you haven’t already, the water’s fine. thanks.
PS. This racist misogynist voted for a woman and a black man together on the same ticket. Weeks ago.
Just so you all know. thanks.
I realize now how worried I was about crazy Hillary facing down Putin in Syria. oh boy.
We have been given one more chance to stop the madness.
stein - baraka
now's the time.
Yes, the chance of nuclear war has just diminshed greatly.
Domestic trouble we can handle, the rain of hellfire we can't.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Unless Trump is in a bad mood
then the chance goes up.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Not unless he replaces the Joint Cheifs
At least he's not threatening to shoot down Russian jets. Besides, didn't the DNC tell us he is a Russian stooge? Why would he attack Russia.
Ever read about Hillary's tantrums? Much bigger chance of a bad mood with her.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
We don't know
Trump could be our worst nightmare or completely misrepresented. I don't think we can expect no disasters from a person with no experience, who comes into an extremely complex job like the Presidency and pretends to know everything. Bush pretended to know everything and we had disasters.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Some Idiot At The Orange Stain...
Had a diary up "Proving" Trump was in cahoots with Putin...
I tried reading it but it seemed to much like a Hybrid Glenn Beck/Alex Jones style to read very far...
You know a couple of sentences then Woo Hoo somebody gave me acid man...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
With CTR money all dried up.
Kos sees Bernie as his new cash cow.
Newsflash kos: this isn't 2006 and Bernie isn't Howard Dean.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?