Knights Templar?

So, here’s the deal. I keep thinking about do we all, of course. But, also as we all do (I suspect), there is another aspect of the Trumpian problem that concerns me, perhaps even more. I mean, of course, the people behind him.

Oh, yes, that includes the “deplorables,” who voted for him, and the alt-Right, and Bannon and his crowd of...of...of, well, whatever the hell they are. (Strasserist? Apocalyptist? I really don’t know.)

But, more importantly, I’m thinking of a certain discrete slice of the wealthy and powerful who support him. Not all of them, to be sure. But, a slice...

And what frightens me most about such people is this: Are they a movement? Or a church? A very dark and shadowy church.

To explain, the other day I saw an article in Slate by Rebecca Onion, “What Is the Far Right’s Endgame? A Society That Suppresses the Majority.” It is an interview with Nancy MacLean, who has recently done the fascinating book, Democracy in Chains. In the book, MacLean details how certain members of the obscenely rich, and particularly the Koch brothers, have organized into what I can only call a conspiracy (though MacLean dislikes that term) with the goal of imposing on the rest of us a kind of dictatorship of the Plutoletariat, a system in which government would be prevented—by law!—from interfering with the economy. Which is to say, from imposing any real restrictions on the behavior of the rich and powerful.

They’ve even, says MacLean, selected a Marx for their revolution, the anarcho-capitalist academic James Buchanan.

It is terrifying material. But the thing that struck me the hardest was a comment that MacLean made about one of the Koch brothers, specifically Charles. She notes, “I see him as someone who’s quite messianic. He’s compared himself to Martin Luther and his effort being like the Protestant Reformation.”

I believe this is a very important insight in that it explains much of what really motivates the anti-democratic Right in our day and age. Specifically, it reveals that objectivism/libertarianism/whatever is not, in fact, a rational movement. It is more akin to a religion, and its efforts are more like a crusade than a political movement.

I think it also explains a bit about why we, on the Left, are having trouble opposing such people. We do things like, say, look at the actual record of economic policy and expect law makers to respond in a rational manner. For example, we ask, “do higher minimum wages increase the overall prosperity of the society as a whole.” We carry out our studies, and sure enough, it turns out that they do. So, we point at the data and say, “See? See? It just makes sense.”

But we miss the point. Prosperity is not what these people are after. (At least, for anyone but themselves.) What matters to them is “morality.” For them, it is a sin for anyone to tell them to pay an employee more than they wish to. If, in the process, they end up bankrupting most of society...well, so be it, so long as their high and holy “right” to do as they please, economically, is not infringed upon.

Which means we are at a disadvantage. We approach them expecting them to behave as we would...expecting them, that is, to be a political movement in the same sense that we are a movement, and, like us, heirs to the Enlightenment tradition.

But they are no such thing. They are a religion, a church militant, armed and Templars in Jerusalem.

The difference being, of course, that these Templars worship neither God nor the demon envisioned by the knights’ destroyers. Rather, for them, the supreme law, the supreme judge, the supreme being whose will it is a sin to oppose in even the smallest things, is...



Footnote: Rebecca Onion, “What Is the Far Right’s Endgame? A Society That Suppresses the Majority.” Slate:

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earthling1's picture

with David Koch on Msnbc. The money quote WAS regarding his reference to himself and Martin Luther.These people do indeed see themselves as gods.
How the religious right fail to label them heretics is completely befuddleling to me.

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

themselves as gods. Everyone on earth, including t heir fellow multi-billionaires (aka, the rest of the pantheon), treats them like gods. For example have you ever seen one of the videos in which Warren Buffett kisses up to Bill Gates? Just imagine what the plebes do!


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We need to stop giving The Parasite Class flattering titles such as terming them 'elites' as though they were 'the best of the best' merely because of having drained a ludicrous amount of money all-too-typically at the expense of everyone/everything else - including Earth's life-support system - rather than being pathologically greedy, egotistical and destructive.

If we don't stop supporting their pretensions to being 'exceptional', (just as with the Dems,) what do we expect their already-warped perceptions to be?

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Pricknick's picture

I keep thinking about do we all, of course.

There are more important things at hand than thinking about those who only care for themselves.
Were there enough people at the homeless shelters to help and serve those in need today?
Did those who need assistance get it? The list of those things we can do to make a difference far outweigh those we can do nothing about.
As this is a political site (mostly), it's understandable that we fret and fuss about the powers that be and how they are detrimental to the public at large. I prefer to think about changes that can be made at the local or grass root level. That is where change can be most effectively made. That is where you can almost achieve a balance with what you believe and what is happening.
Start small before you worry about the big stuff.
As for expecting them to behave as I would, it's a colossal waste of time.
Nice diary.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

Specifically, it reveals that objectivism/libertarianism/whatever is not, in fact, a rational movement. It is more akin to a religion, and its efforts are more like a crusade than a political movement.

I'm at the point where a "crusade" against capitalism seems the only way out. If you aren't for the common good of us all, I will politically oppose you.

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Three high school buddies were having a mini reunion at a nice restaurant. Two were sucessful authors and the third was in mergers and acquisitions. As the evening wore on it became clear to the two writers that their financial wizard friend's life revolved around his net worth and his expensive toys. He spoke of nothing else but his plans to amass an even larger fortune.

When the financier went to the men's room, the first author commented to the other on their friend's remarkable wealth as compared to their own much more modest success. The second replied.

"Well, there is one thing that we both already have that all his money can not buy him."

"What's that?" asked the first.


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“ …and when we destroy nature, we diminish our capacity to sense the divine,and understand who God is, and what our own potential is and duties are as human beings.- RFK jr. 8/26/2024

Scary stuff indeed. And the messianic thing fits perfectly with their world view. Repugnants now control 32 states out of the 34 needed to call for a Constitutional convention, the goal of the Koch's enterprise. Nancy McClean also wrote one about the origins of the second Klan, "Behind the Mask of Chivalry" and when taking those two together, you can really see where the attitude of religion comes into play. The Klan did and does have a political agenda aside from the bigotry, and it too is rabidly anti-communist, religious in the hypocritical sense we see out of the Right, sexist in that women are to be in the home and subordinate to male control. So many echo's of the same attitudes.

And I do think they'll call for a Constitutional convention, I hope to God I'm wrong about that but when even some on the "left" are calling for it the risk is there and I think it's very real.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Lily O Lady's picture

believed he was a god, but made his horse one as well.

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

EdMass's picture

There are no Illuminati. There are no group of people that "secretly control the world". Go on, say it...Rothschild, you know you want to.

I am a Mason.

As my part in this centuries long global conspiracy and my role as a synchophant, I have been promised Vermont when the take over comes. I can't wait, love Vermont.

Ya see King Phillip IV of France really was on a mission from God and didn't want to simply solve his bankruptcy problem by appropriating the Crusader riches and banking system set up by the Templars and slaughter damn near every one of them so there would be no trace . Nah, right of Kings and all that shit.

Oh, BTW, Jesus and Mary M had a child and that is the Holy Grail.

Go ahead, look it up.


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Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!

Firesign Theater

Stop the War!

can we have single payer?

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EdMass's picture

@FuturePassed Of course you may. It is the least your benevolent overlords could do.

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Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!

Firesign Theater

Stop the War!