I Never Realized How Crazy Pence is
So, just read the article linked below and am shocked, yes at the content but even more that there has been no mention of this on the MSM, amazing.
Here are a few gems but I recommend you read the entire article (it is not to long)
In the meantime, here are a few tasty morsels to pave the way to crazy land;
Mike Pence, GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump’s running mate, told the news media at a press conference Thursday that he no longer wants to be called a vice presidential candidate. The Indiana governor, an evangelical Christian, explained that he opposes the word “vice” on religious grounds.
Pence was asked during his press conference if he condemned the word “vice” on Christian principles, why then didn’t he condemn the Ku Klux Klan, a white supremacist organization, that openly participates in immoral and wicked behavior? “I would,” he answered. “But if we start criticizing deplorables, we run the risk of losing half our voters.”
A reporter reminded the Indiana governor that he cut tens of thousands of Hoosiers off food stamps in 2014, saying it would be “ennobling” for poor people.
“The Bible says that the Lord helps those who help themselves,” Pence responded.
“But governor,” the reporter responded, “that phrase is not in the Bible.”
“Never mind,” Pence responded, “it’s in the Republican Bible.”
Pence was then asked if he considered it hypocritical to claim he was a Christian but refuse to allow desperate refugees to seek sanctuary in his state.
“Absolutely not,” Pence said. “If the Syrian refugees were Christian, we would help them.”
I pronounce Pence Crazy!

Did he refuse to use 'deplorable' before Clinton did?
Is that where she got that gem? From Pence? Or was he doing a lameass joke and channeling her with that statement? Is it even real? HuffPo has gone over, I do not trust it, never did.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
It was after Hillary made the statement and in response to it. I agree with you on HP.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
Seems to me that the larger point is his adherence to
some form of Prosperity Gospel, where wealth is seen as Gods' blessing for those He favors, while poverty is seen as Gods' reward for those he favors less.
And his critique of government is that it interferes with Gods' will, preventing the laws of the Bible - including just rewards according to Gods' will - from being dispersed by granting things like food stamps to undeserving blacks and granting women an undeserved prop through affirmative action, etc....
Government should step aside and let Gods' will be expressed by allowing all wealth to go to white males as these are Gods' chosen people who he wishes to reward with great wealth.
I really don't see the point of minimizing just how crazy and damaging the coalition between those who believe in some form of The Prosperity Gospel and Marginalism (where the invisible hand replaces Gods' will in meeting out just deserts) just to bash Clinton (who panders to both) makes.
Can't Pence be horrible along with Clinton? Because he is horrible and frightening and the garbage Prosperity Gospel has a frightening grip on at least a large minority of American Christians.
Pence is Impeachment Insurance for Trump n/t
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Agnew Effect. nt
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
Worked until Agnew was pressured into resigning
What would pressure Pence to resign, if it comes to that?
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Maybe this is why the Vice reporter was arrested?
Vice is a RW rag, I believe. Their reporter showed up at a Trump event to find out if he was going to get credentials (which he believed were in the works) and he was asked to leave. According to the reporting, he walked outside, then walked back in to ask again, and was arrested for trespassing. The only 'reason' given in this story is that only the immediate press pool which travels with Trump were given credentials. I suppose Pence's objection to the word vice doesn't make any more (or less) sense than any of that:
Seems pretty random: https://news.vice.com/article/vice-news-reporter-arrested-outside-a-dona...
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
I pronounce him
A standard republican politician.
You may want to rethink this essay.
According to the author of the article, Christopher Lamb, "The piece is intended as satire. The fact that so many people have taken it seriously reflects the utter nonsense of the 2016 Presidential Election, and in particular, the GOP candidates."
Aha, I thought I smelled Onion! :-D n/t
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
What isn't satire, and on the Sunday morning news shows - I forget which one but they're mostly the same - was Pence saying he revered Dick Cheney as his top vice presidential role model. That's whackier than the onion.
I had this thought about Pence's adoration of Cheney...
When I read that comment... that he would be a VP in the mold of Cheney, I read that as a huge dog whistle to those R's fearful of voting for Trump.
In essence, I see Pence saying he'll be the power in that administration; Trump will be but a figurehead puppet. Just like Cheney ran the presidency from the VP chair, and W. was free to tend his "ranch," during all those vast number of vacation days he took. It's easy to see Trump bowing out of the hard work of "presidenting" and handing it over to Pence on the QT, and then getting back to his "real" work at hand -- making more money.
This is exactly the kind of "plan" Preibus would think up to soothe the panic attacks from all those rich R's who've said they're planning on voting for Hill this time.
And it HAS to be said via dog whistle, else Trump would throw a hissy fit!