How Trump can save America
The short answer: by screwing up - in the right way and at the right time.
The fuller answer I prefer to explain in steps:
1 More Carrier deals (just make sure the media doesn't report how bad the deals are)
2 Lots of high profile deportations (and enforcement of "work visa abuses")
These two measures would be very beneficial to the American economy (or at least appear to be) Employment and wages will rise, especially for the undereducated (and therefore minorities)
3 DO NOT touch Medicare and Social Security.
The Democrats will accuse the "improvement" in the economy that will result, calling it "vaporware" and "racist". but provide no believable evidence or realistic alternative. The Democrats will lose 10 senate seats and 50 house seats and, like the Whigs, disintegrate.
4 Only then, filled with Hillary level hubris, replace Social Security with a mandatory 401(k) program and Medicare with health care vouchers, performing a W-like feat of going from a 90% approval rating to 5% in a month or two. It is essential that the Rs do this in 2019, not 2018 or 2021.
At this point the rump Democrats must play their part - split in two (officially or into "factions") For illustration purposes I will call the factions "corruptocrats" and "berniecrats". The berniecrats will run someone like Tulsi Gabbard, on a platform of justice and honesty, while the corruptocrat primary will have Cory Boooker (Obama 2) or Kristen Gillibrand (Hillary 2), with maybe someone like Gavin Newome (a lightweight prettyboy with good political instincts - he was the 1st to jump on the marriage equality bandwagon and the 2nd to jump on the Obama bandwagon in 2008) Someone like Newsome would try to run as a justice candidate, but inoffensively, and be sabotaged by the Dem establishment like Bernie. If the berniecrats admit that the name "Democrat" is a certain loser they will split, if not the berniecrat candidate will be cheated out of the nomination and the corruptocrat will lose by a Mondale level margin. When the berniecrats split they will win, in either 2020 or 2024, and if there is still an America left we will be saved.
Unless of course Tulsi is mysteriously mugged at 4am.
Gavin will be hoping to be Governor of California
Hence proposition 64, for marijuana legalization, this election. The White House, maybe, in 2024 or 2028. Hopefully, he'll have to do it through the Seventh Generation Party.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Really I agree.
I used Newsome as an illustration rather than a prediction. When he was an SF supervisor he thought he could make a deal with the taxi companies. They reneged on the deal and laughed in his face. I hope he learned something but I doubt it. He does not seem like one to take on the big donors, And his governor run against Jerry Brown ( he polled something like 5% and dropped out rather than be humiliated) implies how he would fare against a Booker or a Gabbert. That and his gun initiative shows how well he would play in middle America.
On to Biden since 1973
Medical doctors and dentists in the USA make about double
what their counterparts make in western Europe. This is because, in large part, foreign MDs have to go through a complete residency here, even though they've already done that in Germany or Belgium(say). Why? Because the AMA has the clout to make it unattractive for foreign doctors to come here to work and lower the pay of Americans.
Dean Baker at CEPR has written on this protectionism which is not available to most professions - it is for lawyers though - and points out how the powerful can lobby for special advantage.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
This "inequality" does not consider other considerations
While the basic task of physicians is help people with illness, the way this is approached in Europe is far different--simpler, easier, more productive.
Here's what U.S. physicians have to contend with
1. A multiplicity of billing forms
2. Constant second-guessing by insurance "adjustors" who deny benefits in multiple different ways
3. Forced reliance on computerized data entry, which rather than universalizing health data, actually promotes an error in history-physical-medication information being transmitted because most physicians do not take the time to read cumbersome computerized medical forms.
4. Malpractice insurance and fear of lawsuits.
These differences alone cause stress, worry, time delays in delivering health care that our Eurozone colleagues do not face.
I like your analysis and your nomenclature
Dividing up the Democratic linguistically is both appropriate and perhaps useful. It is appropriate because most of those departing the Democratic party while still remaining politically involved are generally Berniecrats. The remnants who still cling to the slowly sinking hulk the Democratic Party, more fittingly called the CorruptocRATic party do so out of greed (if at higher echelons in the party structure), job preservation (if at middle echelons of party structure), or plain stupidity / laziness to figure out how this political machine has used up its warrantee with no spare parts to fix it.
By distinguishing these two entities verbally, this will drive a wedge further into the already growing divide into the DemocRAT party. So, let us all cheer in 2017 for Whig party 2.0, taking Clinton, Booker, Podesta, Pelosi, etc. out of politics forever.
Don't leave out
Chucky Shumer, get That wall street tool out, also!
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
In my scenario
Schumer would jump to the Republicans after 2018. Sinking ship after all.
On to Biden since 1973