How many lives have Cuban doctors saved?

It's probably difficult to wrap your mind around how much good that Cuban doctors have done in the last 60 years. Here is a stat worth remembering:

Cuba provides more medical personnel to the developing world than all the G8 countries combined.
Imagine an isolated island suffering under a permanent embargo that prevents it from being able to import things like ventilators and many types of medicine, has done more for health care in the developing world than all of the 1st world nations combined.

But it gets crazier than that.
Since 1963, more than 600,000 Cuban health workers have provided medical services in more than 160 countries as of 2019.
So what sort of impact does this have on a country? Consider Haiti.

“More than 6,000 Cuban health workers have accomplished their mission, carrying out more than 36 million consultations, including nearly 9 million pediatric consultations, more than 721,000 surgical operations, and more than 194,000 deliveries, thus saving more than 429,000 lives,” Díaz-Canel told the International Conference on Financing the Reconstruction of the Southern Peninsula of Haiti via video stream.

Nearly half a million lives, and Cuba has only been sending doctors to Haiti since December 1998.
Also in 1998 Cuba began sending doctors to Guatemala, and they've saved 286,000 lives since.
Consider the impact of Cuban doctors in Honduras.

"In the areas they served, infant mortality rates were reduced from 30.8 to 10.1 per 1,000 live births and maternal mortality rates from 48.1 to 22.4 per 1,000 live births between 1998 and 2003." However, as one academic paper noted, "The idea of a nation saving lives and improving the human condition is alien to traditional statecraft and is therefore discounted as a rationale for the Cuban approach."

When Sierra Leone had an ebola outbreak in 2015, Cuban doctors were there saving hundreds of lives.
After Hurricane Katrina, Cuba had 1,500 doctors ready to go to New Orleans to help, but Washington refused.
Then there is the children of Chernobyl program.

some 22,000 children and 4,000 adults, all victims of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, received free medical care, accommodation, food, and therapy in Tarará, ten miles outside of Havana. Despite the severe economic crisis following the collapse of the Soviet bloc, the Cubans footed the bill – an astonishing expression of solidarity that has received almost no acknowledgement.

Then COVID hit.
As the rest of the world shut their borders, Cuba sent out even more doctors.

Nearly 40 countries across five continents have received Cuban medics during the pandemic, as the island nation—home to just over 11 million inhabitants—has once more punched far above its weight in medical diplomacy.
The success of the medics has been a setback for the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump, which launched an unprecedented campaign against Cuba’s medical missions in recent years, citing what it calls their exploitative labor conditions.

It's laughable to even think that the U.S. cares about exploitative labor conditions anywhere. A year later in the pandemic that number increased to more than 30,407 Cuban health professionals are in 66 nations.
It doesn't stop there. Cuba managed to develop all on it's own FIVE different COVID vaccines. And then Cuba actually shared the technology for free.

“One thing that is important to bear in mind is that the vaccines don’t require the ultra-low temperatures which Pfizer and Moderna need so there are places, in Africa in particular, where you don’t have the ability to store these global north vaccines,” Kirk said.

He also pointed out that Cuba, unlike other countries or pharmaceutical companies, had offered to engage in the transfer of technology to share its vaccine production expertise with low-income countries.

“The objective of Cuba is not to make a fast buck, unlike the multinational drug corporations, but rather to keep the planet healthy. So, yes making an honest profit but not an exorbitant profit as some of the multinationals would make,” Kirk said.
...Alongside pharmaceutical industry trade associations, a number of Western countries — such as Canada and the U.K. — are among those actively blocking a patent-waiver proposal designed to boost the global production of Covid vaccines.

No wonder you don't hear about Cuban doctors in America. They're making us look like assholes.

So what's the total number since 1963?

In the six decades of Cuban medical collaboration abroad, its health personnel have assisted 1.988 billion people in the world, almost a third of mankind, said Dr. Jorge Delgado Bustillo, director of the Central Unit for Medical Cooperation (UCCM).

Delgado Bustillo also assured that Cuban doctors have performed more than 14,500,000 surgical operations, 4,470,000 deliveries and have saved 8,700,000 lives, results that increase the prestige of Cuban medicine in the international arena.

8.7 MILLION lives saved. That blows my mind.
Just imagine living in a nation where the foreign policy is to SAVE lines, rather than snuff them out like the U.S. foreign policy.

27 users have voted.


From what I read about Cuban doctors in Brazil, they went into remote areas which never saw doctors or medical workers. When Bolsonaro became leader of Brazil, he kicked out all the Cuban doctors. Heart breaking the cries of pain from the villages they left.

19 users have voted.

They make us look bad. Not that it's hard to do, we excel at it.

13 users have voted.

re-purpose their navy academy for a medical academy?
imagine that happening here

Smart man he was

14 users have voted.

Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

These uber-rich futurist assholes are all about reducing the current population. By several billion. Cuba is clearly out of step and needs to stop all that do-gooder nonsense immediately.

8 users have voted.

“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

8 million poor, non-white people,. And then they gave away the vaccines for free to countries full of more poor, non-white people, which cuts into the profits of Big Pharma.

Talk about not getting the memo.

12 users have voted.

I have spent most of my time in the last few years on Covid-19. As many of you know, there are many early treatment protocols, and one of the early ones was in Imperial County CA that has now had over 10,000 treated and only a very few even went to the hospital. And all the ones treated early have not had long covid.

This is an interview of the effort in March 2022 and their book when they had treated 7,000 successfully -- as I recall no one who was treated in time went to the hospital.

Some questions about Cuba
1. did they use an early treatment like ivermectin and nutritional supplements?
2. has there been scientific reports on their vaccines?

I think what was done with the covid response was murder. Like probably many of you, I follow many substacks, twitter, etc. and have rubbed shoulders with right wingers. Cannot believe the dems sick embrase of Big Pharma and the harm they have done.

One of the things I subscribe to is Trial Site News but they stopped posting articles in 2021.

Now that I live in an alternative universe, e.g., MoonofAlababa, I realize that searches no longer work.

5 users have voted.

@DonMidwest my friend.
MoA is not a bad place, and neither is caucus99percent.
Hang in there!

2 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981