How the Good Guys and the Bad Guys Handle Reality

After a dearth of opinion articles in the New York Times worth reading, they come up with two in one day.

You have to dig down a little to see how they are related, but you have Pico Iyer saying the Dalai Lama likes science, which I guess is a little more real than politics, because it gets us away, again, at least in theory, from all the partisanship, religion, advocacy. The good guy using reality.

Then, you have Ivan Krastev pointing out how the authoritarians - namely, Mr. Lukashenko in Belarus, Vladimir Putin in Russia, Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil and Donald Trump in the United States -- don't want a problem like Covid to solve, they want an enemy they can gin up and then crush with an order. Covid is real. They can't order it around. The bad guys can't use reality.

Get real.

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enhydra lutris's picture

The word "cherry picking" comes to mind.

be well and have a good one.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@enhydra lutris That was Kastev's list of authoritarians. Bad guys? From here to the moon. And back. Then fill the ocean. Somebody, reviewing a new documentary on Nazi Germany in the last week quoted Primo Levi (sorry I don't have the link). He said there will always be sick aberrations like Hitler. They real evil comes when the masses fall in line behind them.

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travelerxxx's picture


This is the quote from him I see most often:

Monsters exist, but they are too few in number to be truly dangerous. More dangerous are the common men, the functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions.

I read Primo Levi years and years ago. Can't really remember exactly what now...

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These are opinion pieces, but it says a lot about the Times that it decided to print them. Both are complete garbage, pure biased opinion. Most lines contain at least two lies. They reflect complete Western bias.

The NYTimes has for decades been owned by the deep state. I always wondered how exactly they did it until I had a customer who was a senior editor for the paper for 16 years. I asked him how the paper could have become a cheerleader for the Iraq war. How exactly did the Bush administration accomplish this? Well, here's the answer. Senior management would call the senior editors into a conference room and tell them exactly how critical stories were to be written. They also use editorial privilege to guarantee that the stories follow the line. Now we can add to that by what we know of the CIA. After the press turned against the government during the Vietnam war the CIA wanted to guarantee that that would never happen again. As such they have CIA minders that meet regularly with senior management. Almost always they get their way unless a story is do big that its omission would be obvious. The joke is that today the Times is equivalent to the Soviet Pravda and the Washington Post is the equivalent to Izvestia. This is not a joke, though, it's right on.

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Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

@The Wizard @The Wizard I thought both pieces had at least one good idea in each of them and it was interesting how they tied together. I keep waiting for someone to tell me where to get my news. Don't like NYT. Don't like The Guardian. Can't totally ignore their opinion pieces. I am not going to throw out everything I read in them. Certainly not going to believe everything, either.

Your story reminds me of, I think, Mark Dowie going with some wide-eyed excited inventors to the NYT to talk to some science reporters. A science editor came in the room and threw them out. You can figure out the story on that one.

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snoopydawg's picture


I keep waiting for someone to tell me where to get my news.

It's hard to know how much BS is being shoveled at us when reading main stream websites like the Times, WaPo and Huff Poo, ect. I read with an open mind until they start spouting stuff that I know has been debunked and then I move on. But lots of alternative websites will let grade a BS to get printed. Zero Hedges is one that goes back and forth.

Common Dreams is usually pretty good, but no and then a doozy gets printed. One place to look for sources is the evening blues. Look at the ones Joe posts and then go to their home page and read more stuff.

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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

snoopydawg's picture


that has gone off the rails. How else can you explain how this crap gets wrecked?

- The Nazis and other extremist groups look to Trump — and to a lesser degree, Putin — because they share the values of the US and Russian presidents: contempt for democratic institutions, hatred of people of color and immigrants, hatred of the Free Press

- If only Germany could send these losers to a Russian gangster fief for a couple of years of “higher education” in what their values actually live like. Unfortunately under Putin it would be just a “finishing school” for Russian nazis, to then fan out as fifth columns in countries around the world.

How do they not know Russia's history when it comes to Nazis? Or write a homophobic headline like this?

Trump & Putin — BFF — Soon To Be Wedded For Worse Or Much Worse

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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

@snoopydawg the USSR collapsed after the public no longer believed anything reported in newspapers and TV. When they labeled all of it as propaganda and bs.

We're not there yet -- hence the continuing market share for eyeballs of Fox, CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, NYTimes. Faith based audiences that are blind to how little of substance separates them.

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@The Wizard Operation Mockingbird dates back to the inception of the CIA. (Long lost or forgotten, there was a significant amount of propaganda during WWII and included the MSM.) However, news organizations weren't so consolidated during that period of time; there were union and FDR Democratic newspapers, and there were a lot of reporters in the field. So, while influential, the CIA reach fell short of 100%. And with decent critical reading skills one could differentiate between the bs and more factual reports.

The shutdown of this crap came after the Vietnam War and with the Church committee investigations. Within a few years, when obviously the public and politicians didn't care so much, it returned. The heavy lifting was taken care of by Congress -- axing the fairness doctrine and concentrated ownership -- followed up by Google, 'social media,' etc that took away the advert dollars that newspaper needed to survive and that led to axing the employment of reporters with the stenos surviving. (The report on how reporters ganged up to discredit Gary Webb and succeeded in doing so is totally disgusting. They destroyed Webb and paid no price for their immorality.)

Bits and pieces of verifiable facts still leak through MSM reports but they aren't so easy to identify within the context of so much hyperbolic crap. And unfortunately, a reporter's past record getting the facts and story right is no guarantee that the she/he will continue to do so. ie Amy Goodman (one of many I've tuned out). So far Aaron Mate and Max Blumenthal (post 2014) are doing good work.

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@Marie at Common Dreams, Democracy Now!, and Counter Punch.
Consortium news is still reliable. Also Mate, Blumenthal, Scheer Report.
Slim pickings for truth nowadays.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

mimi's picture

@The Wizard @The Wizard @The Wizard
who? Must certainly have been a smart thinking head.
@ all C99p-ers
All the admissions to not read xyz or not read blog so and so, reminds me of some discussions in my youth years. The question was, if one should read 'Mein Kampf' or listen to Goebbels speeches or not.

I have my own opinion about this, especially in my old age, I would adhere to, even if I were a teacher. How can you know something is bad, if you have not read the piece or blog that is supposedly bad?

The only problem I have reading or listening to 'bad stuff' is that it gives me diarrhea and I can assure you cleaning up the underwear is no fun.

PS I didn't follow my own advice and did't read "Mein Kampf" just to know what the dear leader of yesteryears in times back said. But I really would not advise anybody to read or not to read it. I would also not to be proud of one of the other.

I asked my family members, who grew up with the Weimar Republic and Nazi Third Reich, and nobody had read "Mein Kampf". I had two youngster fans of Hitler in my mother's family during the late 1920ies, and lots of people, whojust were not fans and no resistance heroes either. They survived. I think one should not be ashamed of trying to live and survive.

In any case, propaganda books and speeches are simply boring.
Read whatever you want, is my mantra, and do not prevent anyone from reading what they want, unharmeed.

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